Homemade scalp scrub: 15 best DIY recipes

Photo: avon-061.ru The scrub cleanses the skin, perfectly removes natural oil and residues of styling products. It helps fight dandruff, exfoliates dying cells, and your hair looks fresher longer. Tempting? Then we have collected for you the 15 best scalp scrub recipes at home!

Olive oil scrub for dry hair

This recipe is suitable for those with dry hair and dry scalp. Mix 2 tbsp. olive oil with the same amount of crushed sea salt. Before regular washing, massage your head with this mixture for a few minutes.

Photo: babyblog.ru


In order not to harm yourself, you must follow this rule: if you have oily hair and scalp, it is recommended to use a scrub once a week; if your hair is dry and brittle, it is better to carry out the procedure no more than once every two weeks.

Use is contraindicated if:

  • There are abrasions, wounds, cracks or irritations on the skin.
  • The skin is hypersensitive and there is a tendency to allergic manifestations.
  • There is a history of skin diseases such as psoriasis, dermatitis or eczema.
  • Presence of tumors. This procedure increases blood flow, which has a beneficial effect on the development of various tumors, so if you have such a problem, it’s not worth the risk.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period. This is a special time in the life of every woman, so before deciding on such a procedure, you need to consult with your doctor, since there is no exact data that would allow or prohibit such a procedure.

Lavender scrub for dry dandruff

If you suffer from dry dandruff, mix 2 tbsp. crushed salt, lemon juice, lavender oil and chamomile infusion. You can also use a decoction of calendula or nettle. Gently rub the mixture into your scalp and leave for 10 minutes, rinse with shampoo and rinse your hair with the remaining herbal infusion.

Photo: shoppingator.ru

Useful videos

If your hair quickly becomes oily, we recommend that you also watch this video to learn not only how to prepare a suitable abrasive scrub, but also how to apply it, rinse it off, and how to protect your hair.

How to speed up hair growth with scalp peeling. Secrets and nuances of performing the procedure.

You can cleanse more than just your hair this way. Therefore, you can learn more about a body scrub, which helps not only remove dead cells, but also fight such an unpleasant condition as cellulite. Today, lip scrubs are also widely used to help cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin of the lips, as well as facial scrubs.

Have you tried scalp peeling? What scrub was used for the procedure and what was the result? Share your experience and useful tips. And also send your favorite recipes, if you prefer to make your own scrub or store-bought options. If this article was useful to you, please leave your feedback and suggestions in the comments.

Scrub with burdock oil for hair growth

The recipe strengthens hair roots and stimulates new growth. Mix 2 tbsp. burdock oil with 1 tsp. finely ground sea salt. For freshness, add a couple drops of lemon or cedarwood essential oil. After the massage, leave the mixture on your hair for 15 minutes, like a mask.

Photo: avon-061.ru

The key to healthy hair is a healthy, clean scalp.

It just so happens that we know much more about facial skin care than about scalp care, but this does not mean that the scalp does not need care. Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp; here is the hair growth area, the center of nutrition and blood supply, that is, everything that is needed for the growth, health and beauty of our hair.

Residues from styling products, silicones and all sorts of other industrial chemicals, as well as dead cells, accumulate on the scalp. If they are not properly removed, they linger on the surface of the head. The impurities accumulated on the skin under the influence of sebum stick together and clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands and the mouths of the hair follicles. As a result, the scalp does not breathe, the hair gradually weakens and begins to fall out.

Healthy hair grows only on a clean, healthy scalp. It is the epidermis and hair follicles that are responsible for the growth and health of the strands themselves. If this area is not properly cared for, the whole point of using special shampoos, masks and balms is lost.

Therefore, you should regularly care not only for your hair, but also for the skin on which it grows. Clean skin will allow your head to breathe freely, speed up cell renewal, increase blood circulation, restore the level of lipid secretion from the sebaceous glands, cleanse pores, prevent clogging, and relieve dandruff and other scalp problems. Hair will begin to grow faster, become stronger and fall out less. As a result of regular cleansing of the scalp, its healthy state is restored, we become the owners of thicker, denser and stronger hair. At the same time, you can get rid of the unpleasant greasy shine that appears on your hair already on the second day after washing your hair;

Scalp care is in many ways similar to facial skin care. It must necessarily include deep cleansing or, as they say now, peeling.

Scalp peeling is a technique for cleansing the scalp from various impurities and flaking. The easiest way to solve the problem is to purchase a ready-made product and use it according to the attached instructions. But if you prefer natural cosmetics, the scrub can be easily and quickly prepared at home.

Discover this remedy and enjoy the results. A correctly selected recipe and a procedure carried out according to the rules will quite adequately replace salon hair care.

Rules for home scalp peeling

In order for the chosen scrub to be beneficial for the scalp, you need to be extremely careful. Especially if this is your first time doing this procedure.

  • Do not use a scrub to clean the scalp if there are open, not yet healed, bleeding or purulent wounds, injuries, or recently stitches.
  • Each prepared product must be tested for allergen content. To do this, apply a thin layer to the elbow bend (inner), wash off after 5 minutes, evaluate the result, which should appear within 1–2 hours. The absence of an allergic reaction is permission to use the scrub safely.
  • There is no need to wash your hair before this procedure: it should be dirty.
  • Moisten hair roots with water.
  • Apply the prepared scrub to the scalp. If the recipe indicates that the product also cleanses the shaft itself, you can apply it to the entire length of the strands.
  • Begin to gently massage the skin in circular, smooth, rubbing movements. Massage time is from 1 to 5 minutes.
  • There are scrub masks that can be left on the head for another 10–15 minutes after such a massage.
  • Rinse your hair thoroughly under running warm (not hot!) water with shampoo and conditioner.
  • For the final rinse, you can use vinegar, ether, lemon or herbal solution.
  • Apply conditioner or hair mask.
  • Dry without a hairdryer.
  • Those with oily hair can use such products every week, but those with dry and normal hair can use them once every 10–14 days.

To prevent the scalp from getting used to the same scrubs, their compositions can be constantly changed. There are a lot of recipes for cleansers for the scalp. All of them are characterized by ease of preparation and availability of ingredients, so there should not be any difficulties in choosing the appropriate composition.

Homemade scrub recipes for scalp exfoliation

Select scrub recipes based on your hair type and depending on which ingredients you can easily use regularly.

If we were talking about creating a scrub for the face or body, then the base could be ground coffee, crushed grains of rice or oatmeal, powdered medicinal herbs, and colorless henna. These are very beneficial products for the skin! And they can also be used in a hair scrub, but then it’s quite difficult to rinse your hair from fragments of coffee, rice, oatmeal and other scrubbing particles. If you have short hair, then why not, but those with long hair are unlikely to like this procedure.

The most popular abrasive base options for such scrubs are salt and sugar, which can dissolve in water. Moreover, you can take either plain white or brown sugar, which is considered healthier, and salt – regular table, iodized or even sea salt. The main purpose of using such products is to cleanse the skin, and the most common salt and sugar, which are found in any kitchen, can cope with this task.

Which of these components will be most preferable, everyone decides for himself. There is only one caveat: sea salt is healthier than sugar, but, like any other salt, it slightly dries out the skin, so you shouldn’t do salt scrubs often. Once a week or two, and after five to six procedures, take a break for a couple of months. Sugar scrub has no such contraindications, so it can be done more often.

Additional components. Here the scope for imagination is truly limitless. Adding basic and essential oils, kefir, yogurt or cream, herbal decoction, honey, egg yolks, fruit pulp can turn a scrub not just into a cleanser, but also a nourishing, moisturizing and toning agent like a mask. Additional components can be chosen to your own taste, depending on the needs of the skin and the availability of these components.

The simplest universal scrub

Take the required amount of abrasive base (salt or sugar), add a little water to make a thick porridge, and apply the resulting product in small portions to dry hair roots, massaging the skin, from the back of the head to the forehead. This product will remove dead particles from the skin, cleanse the hair roots, activate blood circulation, which will accelerate hair growth.

Another version of the same recipe involves using base oil as a liquid component. You can take olive, jojoba, almond, grape seed, avocado or other. Salt and sugar will dissolve in oil much more slowly than in water, and sharp particles will slide through the oil and scratch the skin less. If you apply this scrub to a damp head, it will be very soft and delicate.

Foaming scrub

It is prepared on the basis of shampoo. You need to take your regular shampoo in the amount needed to wash your hair. Add base oil to this shampoo, about half as much as shampoo, pour sugar or salt into the resulting liquid so that a rather thick paste forms. Apply the finished scrub in small portions to damp hair, as in the first recipe, massage, foaming the shampoo, and rinse. If it seems that the hair has not been washed enough of the oil, then rinse it again with shampoo.

Pepper-cinnamon scrub that stimulates hair growth

Many people know that hot pepper has the ability to improve hair growth. Hair masks using ground pepper or pepper tincture are very popular. You can use the properties of pepper to prepare a scrub to cleanse the scalp. Cinnamon can also affect hair growth and improve its appearance, and in addition, it has a pleasant aroma.

To prepare the scrub, you need to mix two tablespoons of ground pepper and ground cinnamon in a clean bowl, add about a third of a glass of sugar or salt. If this amount of abrasive base is too much for one application, then pour out a smaller amount and add base oil to the base so that the result is a thick mixture. It should be applied to damp hair, massaged into the skin and left for a few minutes, like a mask. If the skin is sensitive and the pepper begins to burn literally in the first minutes after application, then rinse off the scrub immediately. You can rinse your hair with chamomile decoction - this will prevent irritation.

Scrub for sensitive scalp

This recipe is suitable for any skin, but is especially good for sensitive skin, which is not very tolerant of harsh abrasive particles. To prepare it, you need to mix salt or sugar with kefir, natural yogurt or sour cream. Fermented milk products moisturize the skin and make hair thick and strong.

Scrub for oily scalp with blue clay

Clay itself is an excellent absorbent, and when used in a scrub, it effectively cleanses the hair roots of excess sebum, toxins and other impurities. To prepare, you will need dry clay powder and three times more sugar or salt, that is, for a tablespoon of clay you need to take three tablespoons of abrasive. The dry mixture should be diluted with water and applied to damp hair roots, massage a little and leave on the hair for another five to ten minutes for the clay to work better.

Scrub for oily skin with apple cider vinegar

A lot has been said about the benefits of apple cider vinegar; rinsing your hair with water and adding a couple of tablespoons of this component makes it shiny and silky. To prepare the scrub, you need to mix salt or sugar with undiluted apple cider vinegar and first carry out the usual skin sensitivity test. If everything is normal, then the product can be used for its intended purpose. The beneficial components of vinegar nourish the scalp, improve blood circulation, activate hair growth and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Scrub for dry skin honey-creamy

As the name suggests, the scrub will contain honey and cream. A tablespoon of honey should be mixed with three tablespoons of salt or sugar. You can take fresh and liquid honey, or you can already have it candied. Dilute the resulting mixture with cream to the required consistency and apply in small portions to the scalp, massage and leave for 10-15 minutes, like a mask, and then rinse.

Scrub for dry skin with aloe

For it, you need to dilute the abrasive base with aloe juice or simply mix it with crushed leaves of this plant to get a fairly thick mixture that would be convenient to apply to your hair. Aloe juice actively moisturizes the skin and hair, making it vibrant and manageable.

Nourishing scrub for all skin types

Mix the yolk of one egg, a tablespoon of honey and three tablespoons each of any base oil and cognac in a clean bowl, and then add salt or sugar to the resulting liquid mixture so that a thick mixture is obtained. Apply it to the scalp, massage and leave on the hair for another ten minutes. This scrub is good for the cold season, when hair suffers from frequent wearing of hats and dry air from heated rooms.

Knowing the benefits of common products that are most often easily found in any kitchen, you can come up with many other scrubs for the scalp. Even if the idea of ​​such hair care seems strange at first, you only need to try it once, and the effect will not leave anyone indifferent. Beautiful and healthy hair is not always just a gift from nature, sometimes it is also the result of one’s own labor and care.

Using homemade scrubs regularly, you will be surprised by their magical effect on your hair - it will simply bloom! Now you won't have to wash them too often. They will rarely get dirty, and their appearance will be amazing.

Have beautiful and healthy hair!

Cleansing scrub with soda

If you need deep cleansing, regular baking soda will do the job best. Mix it with your daily shampoo 1:1, massage your head for just a minute and wash immediately. Don't overexpose the scrub!

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Lemon shine scrub

To make your hair look shiny and vibrant, use freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix 2 tbsp. juice with the same amount of salt, and for a convenient consistency add olive oil. Massage your scalp for 2 minutes, leave the scrub on for another 10 and rinse.

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Svetlana, Krasnoyarsk

“For several months now I have been using the scrub once every 2 weeks. After cleansing, the hair becomes very soft and subsequently less dirty. Previously, I washed my hair 3 times a week, but with the scrub, 2 washes were enough for me. I haven’t noticed any intense hair growth yet, but the procedure noticeably increases the volume at the roots.”

Victoria, Irkutsk

“I recently started using a scrub I made myself from clay and salt, I do this once every 10 days. The effect of the procedure is clearly visible: there is a feeling of freshness, the curls acquire softness and volume. The product itself is easily washed off with shampoo. In the future, I plan to expand the list of recipes used, and also try a scrub from the store for comparison.”

Tatiana, Tula

“I have been using this cleansing scrub for several years. At first, its effect was practically unnoticeable, but after about a year I realized that my hair had stopped falling out and its growth had noticeably improved. I also managed to get rid of dandruff. I will continue to use this remedy in the future."

Fragrant coffee scrub

Mix 2 tbsp. finely ground coffee with your everyday balm. If you need more intensive cleansing, add the same amount of crushed salt. Rub the scrub in for just 2 minutes and rinse. The recipe will delight you with a pleasant coffee aroma, but is not suitable for overly sensitive skin.

Photo: thingsshelovesss.blogspot.com

Delicate clay scrub

The clay is softer and finer than salt or coffee, so it cleanses sensitive skin more gently. Any cosmetic clay from a pharmacy or store will do. Dilute it with water or chamomile decoction to a comfortable consistency, massage your head, leave for 5-7 minutes and rinse.

Photo: instagram.com

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What salt to use

Both table and sea salt can be used as a scalp scrub, but sea salt is best due to the fact that it has a rich mineral composition.

If regular salt contains only sodium chloride, then sea salt contains:

  • iodine;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium and others.
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