How to do a facial massage correctly? Japanese massage technique Asahi

Japanese self-massage is a kind of facial fitness. With its help you can tighten your skin, remove a double chin and make your cheekbones more expressive. Now many spa centers offer this service, but you can do an Asahi massage yourself.

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First, let's figure out who should get an Asahi massage, and who should refrain from it.


for those who want to slow down skin aging, remove a double chin, tighten drooping eyelids, and reduce facial swelling.
Not worth it:
for those who have skin diseases, diseases of the lymphatic or circulatory system, oncology, severe diabetes mellitus.


The main rules when performing massage on any area:

  • pre-cleanse the skin;
  • keep your back straight;
  • massage should not cause unpleasant or painful sensations.

You can also use products, but natural ones and selected for your skin type: – apricot oil is suitable for oily and rash-prone skin; – dry and normal – cosmetic cream, olive or coconut oil.

For greater efficiency, it is better to perform all movements in front of a mirror and repeat every day.

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What is Asahi massage

Asahi massage, or, as it is also called, Zogan (translated as “facial creation”), was developed by Japanese cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka, who described it in detail in her book “Facial Massage - Back 10 Years,” which became a world bestseller. The beauty expert took ancient Japanese techniques as a basis, systematized them and reduced them to a simple and short (from 3 to 10 minutes) complex. The name of the massage - Asahi - is translated from Japanese as “morning sun”; this name was given to it by enthusiastic admirers.

Photo source: Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash

How can a man prepare for a session?

It will not be possible to conduct a Thai massage session spontaneously; you need to choose the right moment or prepare the man specially:

  • Because of the use of oil, a man must undress completely, preferably take a shower, and dry his skin thoroughly;
  • Eating is allowed 2 hours before the start of the manipulations; it is best to choose light, low-fat snacks in small quantities;
  • many lines of influence touch the urinary canal, so you need to go to the toilet in advance so as not to feel discomfort;
  • You shouldn’t use perfume or aftershave lotion after a shower; to relax, it’s better to light incense in the room; their smell doesn’t fit with others;
  • both partners must remove all jewelry.

If you follow these instructions, your partners' impressions of the time spent together will remain only pleasant. Typically, women give Thai erotic massage to their chosen ones. It will help strengthen relationships and take them to a new level.

Features of Asahi massage

Japanese facial massage differs from the techniques we are accustomed to primarily in that it follows unconventional massage lines. The enhanced effect is exerted not only on the skin and muscles, but also on the bones; special attention is paid to the lymphatic vessels, due to which the Asahi technique is also called lymphatic drainage massage. The usual stroking and kneading are absent in the Japanese technique.

Asahi consists of two types of massage:

– removes excess fluid from the skin, relieves swelling, tightens the skin.

Deep massage
- relaxes the skin, starts metabolic processes in cells, and allows you to achieve a lifting effect.

Why erotic massage

Relationships between a man and a woman are built on passion first and foremost. This is not only the desire to copulate, but also to touch the partner, kiss, and show tenderness. On the other hand, relationships include a never-ending process of transferring energy, emotions, and non-verbal symbols. Observing how a partner perceives them, how they react positively, allows you to establish a trusting connection. Massage is based on touch, communication between the master and the client through hands.

Intimate massage is aimed at obtaining absolute relaxation, opening the flow of energy, finding harmony within oneself, helping to accept one’s body and give up the fear of showing it openly. It is difficult to call an erotic massage for couples a panacea for all problems, but experiencing pleasure at the same time as your partner is the highest bliss.

If group sex or a swing party is perceived as difficult by people with a jealous attitude towards the partner’s body, then simply touching and stroking, which the partner observes, will help to relax, but not violate the promises of physical integrity from other people. His techniques were developed for hundreds of years in India, China, Japan and came to us only centuries later, after their successful introduction into Eastern culture.

It is important that during an erotic massage a person can discover new erogenous zones and especially sensitive areas of the body on the body that no one has found before. Excitement and a pleasant atmosphere of mystery and partly new, forbidden experience will add spice to the process. The main goal of such a massage is to provide clients with relaxation and orgasm.

Pros of Japanese facial massage

Experts note the undoubted advantages of Japanese technology:

  • noticeable facial rejuvenation – the number of facial wrinkles is reduced, the face is smoothed, the skin becomes firm and elastic;
  • facelift - the face becomes more clearly defined, tightened, nasolabial folds are reduced or completely disappeared, cheekbones and double chin are tightened;
  • reduction of swelling and bags under the eyes - due to the lymphatic drainage effect, excess fluid is removed (provided that the swelling is not a consequence of any internal diseases);
  • microcirculation of blood and lymph improves - this helps solve problems such as age spots, pimples and acne;
  • removal of toxins and waste from the layers of the epidermis - again, this occurs due to the effect on the lymphatic vessels during massage.

Subtleties of session 2

Erotic massage for couples should be performed by a man and a woman, or rather, a man is in contact with a woman, and a woman, respectively, is in contact with a man. The ideal combination of classical techniques for relaxing muscles and removing tension from parts of the body and the erotic technique of touching the whole body results in a cocktail of emotions that will not be forgotten for a long time.

Ancient treatises on massage emphasized compliance with the conditions of different genders of massage therapists, so as not to disrupt the free flow of Yin and Yang energy. According to medical practices, and in those days medicine was based on the treatment of disorders of subtle energies, pair interaction on the body allows you to increase the tone of the body, cleanse yourself of negative energy, and establish a connection with your partner on the astral, mental level. This is a way to find balance between the physical body and spirit.

An important condition for the successful practice of simultaneous intimate massage for a woman and a man is a trusting relationship between partners. It is not recommended to come to a session in a quarrel, during an illness, and hope that the sight of a representative of the opposite sex caressing your spouse will excite you and help you get into an intimate mood.

First of all, you need to find harmony with yourself and balance your feelings, think about whether this is right for you, whether there will be reproaches or resentments afterwards. It is easy to succumb to persuasion, but it is difficult not to explode during intimate caresses and stroking of a partner without trust and mutual agreement, and acceptance of the principles of massage.

Cons of Japanese facial massage

Like any cosmetic procedure, this massage has contraindications:

  • any skin diseases, especially those accompanied by inflammatory processes;
  • malignant neoplasms on the face;
  • problems with the lymphatic system;
  • diseases of the ear, nose, throat, neck and head;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • any disease during the period of exacerbation;
  • Massage techniques should be used with caution in case of rosacea (it is better to consult a specialist);
  • bad feeling.


Lymphatic drainage massages and any other effects aimed at skin rejuvenation are contraindicated for people who have:

  • any infectious disease;
  • high pressure;
  • decreased intracranial pressure;
  • skin diseases: rosacea, dermatitis, allergic manifestations;
  • pain syndrome;
  • viral disease, such as herpes;
  • diseases associated with tumors or neoplasms;
  • liver, heart, lung or kidney diseases of any severity.

Rules for performing massage

In order for Asahi to give a positive result, it must be performed strictly according to the rules:

  • massage is performed daily for 2-3 weeks, after – after 1 or 2 days, the whole procedure takes about 10 minutes;
  • Before starting the massage, the skin must be cleansed;
  • be sure to use oil or milk for massage;
  • after the massage, it is necessary to remove any remaining oil or milk;
  • all movements are performed standing or sitting, with a straight back;
  • during the procedure, rubbing with fairly strong pressure is used;
  • movements are performed with maximum effort, but so as not to cause pain;
  • before the massage you need to find the lymph nodes, since all movements are performed from them;
  • in places where the lymph nodes are located, you cannot press, only stroke;
  • You need to perform a massage in a good and calm mood.

It would be a good idea to visit a specialist several times and learn from him how to properly perform Asahi massage.

What not to do

It is important to know not only how to massage the phallus, but also to take into account aspects from the “taboo” category. Mastery of technology must be combined with sensuality. After all, neither partner will receive satisfaction from mechanical actions.

Therefore, it is important to observe four points:

  1. Don't play the silent game. It is advisable to accompany tantric massage with verbal communication between partners. Just conversations should not touch on abstract topics. You shouldn't look away either. All this will increase the partner’s arousal.
  2. Do not run dry. Massage cannot be done without oil - during the friction process, the delicate skin of intimate places will be injured, which will lead to inflammation. It is important to lubricate your palms before each next step.
  3. Do not overdo it. Carried away by manipulation, the partner may not calculate the effort and cause the man discomfort, or even pain. It is important not only to control yourself, but also to be interested in your partner’s opinion on the course of action.
  4. Don't stop halfway. If a man becomes aroused too quickly, do not stop the massage. It is enough to move the manipulations to another area (for example, to the outer side of the thighs).

During lingam, some women try to involve their partner's perineum in the process and even massage the prostate. This excites a man very much, but you should not do such manipulations without his consent.

Stages of Japanese facial massage

The entire massage consists of 12 exercises and a special final exercise at the end. All manipulations are repeated 3 times. At the end of each exercise, a special final exercise is performed, which promotes the removal of lymph: all exercises end in one place - at the temples, you need to fix your fingers in this place and gently, without pressing, lower them down onto the jaw joint, without pressing on it, descend lower, to the lymph nodes, and from them move lower to the neck, to the next lymph nodes located between the jugular cavity and the clavicles. At each location of the lymph nodes, you need to gently fix your fingers for 1-2 seconds.

To carry out the massage, use 3 fingers, to work under the eyes - 1 finger, rub the cheeks with the palm of your hand.


Forcefully press the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands to the center of the forehead, after 2-3 seconds, pressing, move them to the temples, turn 90 degrees and move them to the ears, still pressing. Perform the finishing movement. Repeat 3 times.


Press the pads of your middle fingers to the outer corners of your eyes, without pressing, move your fingers to the inner corners, from there, with light pressure, move them under the eyebrows and stop at the temples. Loosen the pressure and draw an imaginary circle under the lower eyelid. Stay at the starting point of the movement for 3 seconds and move to the temples, and again hold your fingers there for up to 3 seconds and bring your fingers to the tragus in the ear and proceed to the final movement. Repeat 3 times.

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Mouth and chin

Attention! This is the only exercise in the complex that does not end with a finishing movement.

Place the middle and ring fingers in the middle of the chin, hold with pressure for up to 3 seconds, with pressure move them in a circle around the lips and stop above the lip for 3 seconds, lifting the nasal septum with the ring fingers. Tear off your fingers and move them again to the center of the chin. Repeat 3 times.

Cheeks and lips

Move the middle and ring fingers to the upper depressions near the wings of the nose, make 5 arched movements up and down. Without lifting your fingers, without pressing, move them to the bridge of your nose with a rubbing motion, from the nose to the naso-cheek fold. Repeat 3 times. Finish the exercise with a finishing movement.

Cheeks, cheekbones, corners of the mouth

Press your index, middle and ring fingers to the center of your chin and forcefully circle the corners of your lips and run your fingers along your nose to your eyes. Hold for 3 seconds and raise your hands to your temples. Perform the final exercise. Repeat 3 times.

Cheeks and lower face

Perform separately for each side of the face.

Place the center of your palm on the jaw, on the other side of the face, forcefully draw a line with 3 fingers from the corner of the jaw to the inner corner of the eye, hold for 3 seconds and move them to the tragus of the ears and do the final exercise. Repeat 3 times.

Cheeks and middle of face

Place your fingers on your cheeks, while you need to spread your elbows and keep your arms parallel to the floor, squeezing your nostrils with your fingers, you need to move them to your ears and perform the final exercise. Repeat 3 times.


Press the part of the palm that connects to the hand under the chin, press for 3 seconds, applying pressure, move along the cheekbones to the ears, lingering on the cheekbones for 3 seconds. At the same time, the thumbs move along the ears. Continue to the tragus and move on to the finishing movement.

Lip line, middle part of cheeks

Place your hands in the same way as in the previous exercise, but to the corners of your lips, slightly lowering your face down, you need to move your hands from the corners of your mouth to your temples, and then to your tragus and proceed to the final movement.

Double chin

Performed with one hand separately for each side of the face.

Place the base of your palm under the chin, pressing, raise your palm to the tragus and proceed to the final movement. Repeat 3 times.

Nasolabial folds

Press the index fingers along the nose, it turns out that the palms are folded into a mouthpiece, the thumbs are under the chin and at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the entire palm. It turns out to be a rhombus. Use your thumbs to knead the area under the chin. Next, forcefully move your palms to your temples, while pressing with your index fingers under the eyes. Hold your hands at your temples for 3 seconds and move on to the final movement. Repeat 3 times.


Using the middle finger of one hand, without pressing, smooth your forehead in a zigzag motion. Make the movement in both directions with both hands in turn. After this, smooth your forehead with both hands, pressing on it. Go to the finishing movement. Repeat 3 times.

General principles of massage3

Erotic massage for couples is the same type of manual manipulation of sensitive areas of the body as the classic, therapeutic one. Usually, before starting stroking movements on the body, the masseuse prepares oil, lights an aromatic lamp with incense and dims the lighting of the room to create intimacy and add mystery.

By the way, if you have an intolerance to odors or an allergy to essential oils, then it is better to say this in advance, so as not to go to the hospital later. The room should be warm, and talking with your partner should not interfere with relaxation.

Do not forget to turn off all gadgets so that at the climax the usual melody does not ring and there is no temptation to answer the call. Some salons additionally recommend taking a warm bath or warm shower to prepare the body and relax a little.

Movements and touches of the body begin with gentle stroking movements. The intensity should increase gradually; you should not immediately actively knead your back or arms.

Erotic massage differs from classical massage by influencing the client’s body with fingertips, nails, tongue, lips, breathing, chest and the whole body. At this time, massage therapists should be half-naked in order to remove stiffness of movements and not disturb intimate harmony. The action involves the use of feathers, fur, pieces of ice, honey if desired, and thick creamy textures for easy gliding.

The session time should not be less than an hour, so as not to rush anywhere and not put work with clients’ bodies on the conveyor belt.

If it is not immediately possible to find a successful combination of caresses, and the couple knows that time is limited, there can be no question of any kind of release. The speed of movements is constantly smooth, one technique flows into another, and the contact with the client’s skin does not stop.

The interaction should be so close and intimate that the massage envelops the whole body, and there is no feeling of a session in a municipal clinic. Rubbing movements help to warm up the muscles faster, feel how fatigue goes away and excitement increases.

Here are some more useful rules for the perfect massage to improve your relationship.

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