Stop, ultraviolet radiation: choosing the best cream for age spots

What are pigment spots

Age spots are areas where there is too much melanin, a pigment that protects our skin from sun damage. These include freckles and moles, uneven areas of darkened skin of a dark brown hue. As a rule, they are clearly visible on the face, under the eyes and around the mouth. They can also be on the arms, neck and décolleté.

Pigment spots appear in women over 35-40 years old. Sometimes they disappear on their own over time. But most often they have to be removed, and this is quite difficult.

There are several types of pigmentation:

  • Freckles: a scattering of small light brown dots. With the onset of spring, they appear in the area of ​​the nose and on the cheeks, but they can also appear on the entire face. Freckles appear in people with fair skin (blond and red hair) when the sun becomes active. The presence of freckles indicates a lack of melanin.
  • Lentigines: small pigmented spots, most often found in older people, indicate aging skin.
  • Chloasma: large pigment spots that often occur during pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body (then, as a rule, they go away on their own) or with serious diseases that impair the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and pituitary gland (require a doctor’s diagnosis).
  • Birthmarks (moles): benign congenital spots or spots that appear over time that are dark brown or black in color. They come in different shapes and sizes, but they remain in a benign state and practically do not change. If a mole grows, changes color, or its edges become uneven, this is a reason to consult a dermatologist as soon as possible.

Advantages of use

The main advantage of Welltex is its safe composition, which contains only natural ingredients and does not contain any chemicals, artificial colors or animal products. The anti-pigment cream is non-toxic and completely hypoallergenic. This allows it to be used against pigmentation by people even with hypersensitive skin, as well as pregnant women. After using Welltex, the skin takes on a healthy and well-groomed appearance, pigment spots fade and the possibility of new ones appearing is blocked. A significant advantage of the whitening cream is the quick result, because you can lighten the epidermis by 3-4 shades with Welltex in just 2 weeks.

Causes of age spots

Depending on what kind of pigmentation we are talking about, the reasons for its occurrence can be very different:

  • constant exposure to UV radiation;
  • hormonal disorders: endocrine diseases, pregnancy, taking contraceptives;
  • disruption of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys;
  • taking certain medications;
  • age-related changes.

Let's talk in more detail about those age spots that arise due to prolonged exposure to the sun. How to avoid them and what to do if they already exist, we will consider further.

Indications and contraindications for use of the product

The effectiveness of the cream has been proven by numerous studies, as well as the results that women pay attention to. However, you should not use medicinal cosmetics uncontrollably; it is important to make sure that it is necessary, which is best done under the supervision of a doctor.

Indications for use of Welltox:

  • age-related skin pigmentation;
  • changes in the skin during pregnancy;
  • redness of the epidermis due to inflammation;
  • unwanted freckles and an increase in the number of moles.

Exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin is inevitable; doctors do not recommend specifically exposing the epidermis to increased stress. It is best to refrain from being in direct sunlight, avoid visiting a solarium and use protective face creams. Such measures will allow you to maintain the elasticity and freshness of your face longer.

There are contraindications for using the medicinal cream:

  • skin damage, open wounds;
  • presence of herpes;
  • development of fungal pathologies;
  • Do not apply cream during the daytime or during the hot season;
  • cancerous formations or suspicions of them.

Particular attention should be paid to a woman’s health during pregnancy. In this case, the use of the drug is contraindicated without a doctor's permission.

With regular use of the cream, the result will become obvious, the skin will be saturated with microelements, its elasticity will increase, the brightness of age spots and freckles will decrease.

The effect of the sun on the skin

A lot has already been written and said about the positive effects of the sun on our body. The sun is a very powerful source of energy and health. Sunlight invigorates, helps you get up in the morning, and energizes you. Who among those living in the middle zone or further north has not at least once felt sad over the statistics of sunny days in November-December? It has been proven that residents of these regions experience a lack of sunlight, a source of vitamin D, almost all year round. Children, especially young ones, who are prescribed this vitamin almost from birth, are also in dire need of it.

Many of us love to sunbathe. Previously, pale skin was in fashion (remember how many poets sang about white shoulders and white hands), and women carefully hid from the sun. Now everyone who can tan beautifully and evenly is in a hurry to do so as soon as the opportunity arises.

Unfortunately, the sun, like everything useful, is harmful in large doses. It is the skin that suffers the most, because it receives aggressive ultraviolet radiation. Severe sunburn is not only painful and incapacitating for several days, but also dangerous afterwards. It has been proven that burns suffered in childhood can have a delayed effect and cause skin cancer in the future.

But even seemingly insignificant pigmentation on the face causes discomfort. The skin looks unhealthy, such spots are poorly hidden by foundation. In addition, they are very difficult to remove.

How do they work?

Whatever cream is chosen as a bleaching agent, it will destroy the substance that caused the pigmentation. This effect is caused by the active chemicals contained in a particular cream. Therefore, when choosing this or that product, you need to carefully read the composition indicated on its packaging.

For a product to truly whiten skin, it must contain the following components:

  • Arbutin. This substance is a plant glycoside extracted from bearberry leaves. Arbutin acts gently, gradually destroying the pigment that caused the defect.
  • Hydroquinone is an organic antioxidant. Its action is aimed at reducing the functioning of melanocytes. Creams containing hydroquinone should be used with caution, as the substance has a toxic effect. It is not recommended to use such products for more than a year.
  • Gluconic acid. This substance is synthesized by jellyfish. It is added to creams as an enhancer of the whitening effect.
  • Kojic acid. This substance is extracted from plants, it is present in mushrooms and cereals. It is a powerful bleach, but can provoke severe allergic reactions.
  • Beta-carotene in the whitening cream prevents the accumulation of pigment in skin cells.
  • Ascorbic acid promotes skin regeneration and reduces the effect of melanin.
  • Grape seed oil, jojoba oil, lemon, cucumber, parsley extract have a mild whitening effect.

To purchase whitening creams, you should go to a pharmacy, since the chances of purchasing a high-quality product there that corresponds to the declared composition are higher than in a cosmetic store.

Getting rid of age spots

The best thing you can do is try to prevent the appearance of pigmentation. To do this, you must not neglect simple rules.

In summer, when the risk of burning is very high, spend less time in the sun. When leaving home, don't forget your sunglasses. The skin around the eyes is especially delicate; it is the first to take the brunt of ultraviolet radiation.

Be sure to use creams with SPF (Sun Protection Factor). Now there are decorative cosmetics with SPF: various BB creams, mineral powders and cushions. They simultaneously protect the skin and act as a foundation or makeup base.

Don't forget to monitor the UV index - a measure of the intensity of UV radiation and the risk to a person. This can be done by installing a weather app on your phone or by looking at special websites that monitor UV activity. Please note that bright sunlight does not equal high UV risk. For example, in the middle zone on a sunny frosty day you only need sunglasses. The UV index will be minimal, which means no danger to the skin. The indicator varies not only depending on the time of year, but also on the time of day.

What to do if pigmentation already exists? Getting rid of age spots is difficult, but possible. In particular, you can contact an aesthetic medicine clinic. To work with pigmentation, there is a whole range of procedures, which a cosmetologist will tell you about in detail. After consulting with your doctor, you will choose what is right for you:

  • phototherapy
  • cryotherapy
  • chemical peeling
  • ultrasonic peeling
  • mesotherapy
  • laser therapy

You can reduce or even completely remove pigmentation at home using special creams, scrubs, serums and peels.

So, a cream for age spots on the face acts in two directions:

  • exfoliates and renews the skin with the help of active ingredients such as salicylic acid, various fruit acids, enzymes, etc.;
  • slows down the production of melanin; Vitamins, acids (tranexamic and ferulic), and plant extracts, such as mulberry or licorice, help with this.

How effective are whitening creams?

You should not expect that after the first application of a whitening cream to your skin you will be able to immediately get rid of pigmentation.

As a rule, high-quality products have the following effects:

  • You will be able to notice the first result no earlier than the 3rd day from the start of using the cream. As for home-made products, the effect will be more delayed in time; it can be seen no earlier than 4-5 days from the start of using the product. This is explained by the fact that the active substances, penetrating the skin, destroy coloring pigments gradually, and not at lightning speed.
  • You should not stop treatment after the pigmentation area has become a little lighter. The course must be completed, this may take about a month, but not less than 3 weeks. It is important to follow all the manufacturer's recommendations and apply the cream to the skin regularly.
  • Gradually, pigment spots will become less noticeable and then disappear altogether. The skin will become bright, elastic, healthy and radiant.
  • Whitening cream not only eliminates pigmentation, but also helps reduce inflammation. This means that with its help you can get rid of acne, as well as smooth out shallow wrinkles.

The effectiveness of whitening creams should be assessed objectively, without expecting any magic. This will avoid disappointment from unfulfilled hopes. In addition to positive effects, most bleaching agents also have side effects. Therefore, in this regard, it is safer to use homemade whitening products. But their disadvantage is that the effect will be delayed over time and not as noticeable as when using store-bought creams.

Recommendations for use and storage

Any cosmetic product is perceived by the skin individually. Before you start using Welltex cream, you need to pass an allergy test. To do this, apply a small amount of cream on your hand in the wrist area and leave for 20-30 minutes. If the woman does not feel any discomfort, burning sensation or redness, then she can proceed to the systematic use of the product.

Rules for using Welltex cream:

  1. The skin of the face must be cleaned of cosmetics and dust.
  2. Apply a small amount of cream to a dry face (no need to select only pigmented areas) with light massage movements.
  3. Leave the product on your face for 15 minutes, remove excess with a dry cloth.
  4. The procedure is usually carried out before bedtime (once a day), since the cream contains components that oxidize in the sun.

The course of use of a medicinal cosmetic product is determined by a doctor or cosmetologist, most often its duration does not exceed two months.

The result of using Welltox will not be noticeable immediately; much depends on the condition of the woman’s skin. Careful care and following the recommendations of a specialist will allow the fair sex to regain and maintain their beauty.

Reviews of Welltex

In addition to recommendations from doctors, reviews of women who have already tried the cream from their own experience play an important role in choosing the right product. In the modern world, information is available around the clock; the network provides answers to most questions. Thus, it is easy to find photos from the “before” and “after” series that clearly demonstrate the effect of the drug.

Having studied a number of opinions, we can easily draw some conclusions:

  1. The reviews are positive, provided that the woman is patient and waits for a visible result.
  2. Cream manufacturers do not lure the fair sex with promises of instant results. Honest deadlines increase trust.
  3. Women pay special attention to the natural composition of the remedy.
  4. The effect of using the cream has a long-lasting effect. Pigment spots will not return even after completing the course of using the product.

It is important to consider that Welltex cream does not have a sunscreen effect, which is why it is used in the evening and not before going outside.

Experts believe that you can use the cream yourself, without additional consultation, but only if you have confidence in your own health, as well as strictly follow the instructions.

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