Anti-freckle creams: a review of the most popular and effective products

Reasons for appearance

To successfully fight freckles, you need to know why they appear. We owe the appearance of pigmentation to the skin pigment melanin . Every person has melanin in their body; your natural skin and hair shade depends on this pigment.

But in some people, the cells that synthesize this pigment do not work correctly. As a result, the pigment is not distributed evenly throughout the cells, but is concentrated in local areas, forming small brown spots - freckles.

The main task of the pigment is to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. The longer exposure to sunlight, the more pigment is synthesized and the darker the skin tone becomes.

In people with ephelides, cells that synthesize melanin are also activated by exposure to the sun. Therefore, the spots become more noticeable in the spring, when our star becomes brighter.

Do you have freckles?

Of course there is! No and there is no need!

Table of contents

  1. Etiology and pathogenesis
  2. Clinical manifestations
  3. Principles of treatment

Ephelides (freckles on the face, freckles, caulk) are small foci of hyperpigmentation on the face and/or body of a person, ranging in color from pale yellow to dark brown. They are painless, do not protrude above the surface of the skin and usually appear in the second year of life. Up to the age of 35, the number of freckles increases, and then begins to gradually decrease.

In our company you can purchase the following equipment for the treatment of ephelides:

  • M22 (Lumenis)
  • Fraxel (Solta Medical)
  • FotoFinder ATBM bodystudio (FotoFinder)

Interesting fact: after the release of singer Selena Gomez’s video “Fetish” in 2022, in which she sings with freckles painted on her face, they quickly became fashionable among beauty bloggers. There have been many videos and tips on how to imitate ephelides using cosmetics or tattoos.

How does the cream work?

What effect does anti-freckle whitening cream do? Each cosmetic product has its own composition, so the mechanism of action of the product may differ. Two large groups of funds can be distinguished:

  • An anti-freckle day cream In essence, this remedy is preventive;
  • night cream contains substances that discolor melanin, lightening age spots.

Before purchasing, you should definitely study the composition of the cream, or even better, consult with a cosmetologist or dermatologist to choose cosmetics that are suitable specifically for your skin.

Main active ingredients

The effect of the cream is determined by its composition. Let's figure out what substances pharmacy creams for freckles may contain. May contain:

  • Hydroquinone . Creams containing this substance are the most effective. Hydroquinone is good because it not only bleaches excess pigment, but also has a suppressive effect on cells that synthesize melanin. Thanks to this, freckles and other types of pigmentation disappear quite quickly. But hydroquinone is toxic, moreover, there is an opinion that its use increases the risk of developing skin cancer. Therefore, even if you decide to use such a product, you need to be as careful as possible and use the product in short courses, according to the instructions. It is strictly forbidden to apply products containing more than 2% hydroquinone to the skin, otherwise you may get burns .
  • Arbutin . This substance is practically an analogue of hydroquinone, but unlike the latter, it is non-toxic. This substance is obtained from plant materials – bearberry herb. The substance reduces melanin synthesis and protects the skin from the negative effects of the sun.
  • Kojic acid . This substance also effectively blocks the production of melanin. Used exclusively in anti-freckle night creams. When using cosmetics containing kojic acid, be sure to use sunscreen with a high degree of protection. In some European countries, the use of kojic acid in cosmetics is prohibited, although there is no confirmed data on health hazards when using such products.
  • Azelaic acid . This substance effectively bleaches excess pigment and slows down the process of its synthesis. This substance effectively whitens not only freckles, but also spots remaining in the place of healed acne.

In addition to the main components, whitening products include vitamins, plant extracts and other substances beneficial to the skin.

Before purchasing a whitening cream, be sure to pay attention to its release date. Most products have a shelf life of no more than 3 years; using expired cream can cause significant harm to the skin.

The effect of the sun on the skin

A lot has already been written and said about the positive effects of the sun on our body. The sun is a very powerful source of energy and health. Sunlight invigorates, helps you get up in the morning, and energizes you. Who among those living in the middle zone or further north has not at least once felt sad over the statistics of sunny days in November-December? It has been proven that residents of these regions experience a lack of sunlight, a source of vitamin D, almost all year round. Children, especially young ones, who are prescribed this vitamin almost from birth, are also in dire need of it.

Many of us love to sunbathe. Previously, pale skin was in fashion (remember how many poets sang about white shoulders and white hands), and women carefully hid from the sun. Now everyone who can tan beautifully and evenly is in a hurry to do so as soon as the opportunity arises.

Unfortunately, the sun, like everything useful, is harmful in large doses. It is the skin that suffers the most, because it receives aggressive ultraviolet radiation. Severe sunburn is not only painful and incapacitating for several days, but also dangerous afterwards. It has been proven that burns suffered in childhood can have a delayed effect and cause skin cancer in the future.

But even seemingly insignificant pigmentation on the face causes discomfort. The skin looks unhealthy, such spots are poorly hidden by foundation. In addition, they are very difficult to remove.

Review of popular creams

The range of whitening creams available in pharmacies and cosmetics stores is very wide. Therefore, choosing an effective option can be difficult. Let's figure out what remedies for eliminating freckles are popular today.

Do you like your freckles?

Oh yeah! Of course! No, nightmare!


This Bulgarian-made cream is one of the most famous. Previously, Achromin was produced on the basis of hydroquinone. But now the manufacturer has changed the recipe and replaced the toxic component with its safe analogue - licorice extract. This substance promotes the destruction of pigment, in addition, it has a beneficial effect on the skin - it softens and protects it from harmful factors. The second active ingredient included in Achromin is lactic acid. This substance effectively brightens and helps remove dead skin particles.

Achromin is sold in pharmacies and is recommended for use in the following cases:

  • the presence of ephelides or chloasma (large pigmented formations) on the face;
  • post-traumatic pigmentation - dark areas remaining in the place of a healed deep pimple or herpetic rash.

You need to use the cream 2 or even 3 times a day. Apply the composition to well cleansed skin. It is forbidden to use Achromin before going outside. At least 2 hours should pass between the moment of applying the cream and leaving the house. In this case, the use of sunscreen is mandatory.

It is recommended to use Achromin in courses lasting 2-3 months. Results that can be immediately noticed in the mirror usually appear approximately two weeks after the start of use.

Achromin should not be used:

  • expectant and nursing mothers;
  • teenagers under 18 years of age;
  • if you are allergic to any component of the cream.


In the line of whitening products produced under the Kora brand, there are two versions of the cream - day and night action. The first option contains substances that protect from the sun. Night cream has a whitening effect . It contains more than seven dozen different components, including:

  • extracts from licorice root and verbena herb;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • extracts from citrus fruits and banana;
  • several valuable vegetable oils;
  • complex of moisturizers;
  • thermal water.

The complex use of Bark creams (day and night) provides:

  • protection from solar radiation;
  • discolors pigmentation;
  • affects cells that synthesize pigment, slowing down their action;
  • softens and moisturizes.

The good thing about this product is that it can be used with virtually no restrictions (the only exception is if you are allergic to any component). The duration of use is determined by need; there are no time limits.

"Before and after"

Under the brand with the self-explanatory name “Before and After,” a wide range of products is produced to solve various cosmetic problems. There are creams in the line, the main purpose of which is to whiten pigmentation and lighten skin tone. The composition of these two products differs slightly. The creams contain extracts obtained from brown algae, valuable oils from tropical fruits, and a set of vitamins. It is recommended to apply the product in a thin layer in the morning after waking up and at night.

Cosmetic products described:

  • can be used as a base for foundation;
  • the texture of the cream is non-greasy, it is easily absorbed, and after applying it the face does not become shiny, like a greased pancake;
  • Suitable for skin prone to irritation.

However, for girls whose epidermis is prone to flaking and dryness, the described cream should be used with caution. The cream dries out, so those with dry skin are recommended to use it in combination with an intense moisturizer .

"White Linen"

White flax is a series of whitening products from a Russian manufacturer. With its help you can get rid of freckles, large pigment spots, including those left after acne. The series includes hand and body creams, because freckles can appear not only on the nose and cheeks.


  • a set of fruit acids , these substances lighten, remove dead skin particles, slow down the production of pigment;
  • ascorbic acid has a beneficial effect on melanocyte cells, evens out skin tone;
  • cucumber juice extract – whitens and moisturizes;
  • extract from young tea leaves - tones;
  • flaxseed oil – nourishes and protects against adverse factors.

White Flax Cream should not be used if you have the following conditions:

  • rosacea;
  • allergic reactions to the components of the composition;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • rosecia.

The line includes the following types of creams:

  • Night . The composition contains a high concentration of ascorbic acid and contains green tea and flax extract. Apply after cleansing the skin before bed.
  • Daytime . This cream cocktail is additionally enriched with moisturizing additives. Contains cucumber extract and fruit acids.
  • For hands . This cream fights freckles and age spots on the skin of the hands. Contains citrus and green tea extracts. In addition, the line of products includes lotion, mousse for washing, and deep-acting masks.


This is a 100% natural product created according to the recommendations of Ayurveda. Contains plant extracts:

  • Lodhra is an evergreen shrub. This substance maintains skin elasticity, accelerates the healing of damage, promotes the resorption of scars and scars;
  • margosa - an evergreen tree whose bark has pronounced antiseptic properties;
  • leaves and rhizomes of calamus , this extract is also a powerful antiseptic;
  • basil – a source of vitamins beneficial for the skin;
  • aloe – known for its ability to stimulate regeneration.

The cream has a wide spectrum of action; it can also be used to lighten age spots and freckles. The product should be applied to pigmented areas in the evenings.

The product is universal, it is suitable for any skin type. But Clearvin Cream is especially recommended for dry and flaky epidermis, as this product effectively combats these shortcomings .

Sinvita protective cream

This cream does not lighten pigmentation, but it does prevent its appearance. You need to start using this product in winter, then there will be no “chance” for freckles. The cream has a non-greasy texture and is easily and quickly absorbed. After application, the skin does not shine, as if lubricated with oil.

Sinvita cream can be used as a makeup base. You can safely apply foundation or powder on top of it. Cosmetics do not roll or flow. The composition, among other products, includes shea and coconut oils. Therefore, the cream is suitable for both oily and dry epidermis . In addition, the composition contains D-panthenol, which effectively soothes irritated skin.

The cream spreads easily over the skin and has a pleasant citrus aroma. The product must be used before going outside. The cream perfectly protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. If you start using it in a timely manner, the appearance of freckles can be avoided.


This is a very effective whitening cream produced in Brazil. The cosmetic contains kojic acid dipalmate, glycolic acid and alpha-arbutin. Each of these substances helps eliminate pigmentation - it lightens the pigment, acts on the cells that produce it, inhibiting synthesis.

The cream is available in small tubes weighing 15 grams. But the product is used economically, so a tube lasts for 1.5-2 months.

Apply the cream in a thin layer to the areas of pigmentation only in the evenings. Using the cream before going out in the sun is prohibited. The cream darkens in the air, there is nothing wrong with that. The cream has a greasy texture, so it is not easy to rub it in without leaving any residue. An hour after application, the remaining cream can be removed with a napkin.

Homemade cosmetics

Despite the wide selection of ready-made cosmetics, some girls prefer to make creams with their own hands. The advantage of this option is that it is completely natural; no preservatives or other artificial additives are used to prepare homemade cosmetics. The disadvantages of homemade creams include a short shelf life - creams can be stored for no more than three days only in the refrigerator in a tightly closed jar.


The basis of this homemade cream is lanolin . This is the name of natural wax obtained from sheep's wool. This substance can be purchased in pharmacies or online stores. To prepare a single serving we need 15 grams. In addition, you will need 50 ml of cosmetic stone fruit oil. It could be apricot or peach oil.

Place lanolin and oil in a fireproof bowl and add a full tablespoon of grated cucumber. Cover the dish with foil and place in a cold oven, turn on the temperature regulator to 100 degrees. Heat for 10 minutes (counting from the moment the oven heats up to the desired temperature). Then we switch the heating regulator to 50 degrees and leave our composition in the oven for another hour.

While hot (you can cool it a little so as not to get burned), strain the mixture through a strainer, putting gauze folded in half into it. Now you need to start whipping. Ideally, you should use a small mixer, but you can use a regular one by removing one attachment from it. Beat until cool, the cream should thicken. Apply the finished cream every evening, 2 hours after application, remove the residue with napkins.


There are several options for homemade lemon-based whitening creams.

Here are a few recipes:

  • Olive . The basis of the composition is unrefined, cold-pressed olive oil. For 50 ml of this product you need to add 5 ml of lemon juice and five drops of rose mala. Whisk everything. Shake vigorously before applying the cream. Apply every evening, remove the remainder after an hour.
  • Honey-glycerin . To prepare, heat 10 grams of honey and mix it with a teaspoon of glycerin and 10 ml of almond oil. Add the mashed yolk and five drops of camphor alcohol and 15 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice into the mixture.
  • On lemon peels . Wash the lemon thoroughly and cut off the zest. Finely chop the zest and pour 100 ml of boiling water over it. Cool and strain. Dilute 10 grams of honey in a warm infusion of lemon peels, add 50 ml of heavy cream and flax seed oil, as well as 20 ml of lemon juice. Add 10 drops of camphor oil. Whisk everything.


It is easy to prepare homemade honey cream with iodine tincture. To do this, add 10 ml of liquid honey, castor oil (warm slightly beforehand), and cosmetic Vaseline. Mix thoroughly, achieving complete homogeneity. Add five drops of alcohol tincture of iodine and lemon essential oil. Stir again.

With grapefruit

This homemade lightening cream is prepared using freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. We will need 15 ml of this product.

To prepare the cream, you need to melt 10 grams of cosmetic beeswax, add dropwise 30 ml of olive oil and the same amount of shea butter to the bowl with the wax. Stir until the mixture becomes completely homogeneous.

Remove the mixture from the heat, cool slightly and pour in grapefruit juice and rose hydrosol (30 ml), beat the mixture until it cools. Add three drops of lavender and chamomile esters to the lukewarm cream.

Cosmetologists' opinion

The use of whitening creams in the fight against freckles will be effective if you use cosmetics correctly. Creams that provide pigment bleaching are recommended to be used in the evening. And before going outside, be sure to use sunscreen.

If you do not use sun protection, then it will be useless to fight freckles; they will appear again and again.

It is recommended to purchase whitening cosmetics at a pharmacy ; counterfeits can easily be purchased in supermarkets. And it’s good if it turns out to be just a “dummy” and not a product that can harm the skin.

When choosing a product, be sure to consider your skin type . You should not rely on the experience of your friends. What is perfect for one girl may be completely useless for another. It’s best to consult a cosmetologist before purchasing a whitening cream.

Leave a request

Freckles are a consequence of sun kisses and a new summer trend. Are they safe and how to get rid of them if there are too many of them?

Dermatologists poetically called freckles “ephelides.” Their specificity is seasonality. Small light brown dots appear in abundance in those with white skin with the arrival of spring and increasing solar activity. That’s why they were popularly called “freckles.” Some beauties dream of removing freckles forever. Others, on the contrary, draw them with colored pencils and show off selfies on social networks.

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