Choosing a moisturizing eye gel: a review of popular products

What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is the most important building material of the skin and is part of connective tissue. The texture is a jelly-like substance, one molecule of which can hold an amount of water 1000 times its own weight. It forms an invisible film on the surface of the skin, which prevents fluid loss. Thus, hyaluronic acid performs the important function of preserving moisture in tissues. Over time, the amount of hyaluronic acid in the body begins to decrease, under the influence of sunlight, poor ecology and other factors.

Why does skin need hydration?

Maintaining the required level of hydration is very important for the epidermis; Dehydrated skin loses its firmness and elasticity and loses its radiance. By providing hydration, you help restore skin cells, as well as maintain the balance of the hydrolipid layer. When the protective barrier is weakened, moisture loss increases, the skin becomes dry, dull and rough to the touch, and a feeling of tightness and itching appears.

If you notice wrinkles around your eyes, it is possible that they appeared precisely due to dehydration of the skin. Moreover, this can happen even at a young age: due to lack of moisture, the delicate skin around the eyes weakens and wrinkles appear. In order to delay the appearance of wrinkles, it is necessary to pay increased attention to skin hydration from the age of 20.

How is hyaluronic acid obtained?

Hyaluronic acid is produced biotechnologically. It is obtained by biofermentation using lactic acid bacteria. It is then collected, cleaned and dried to a powder. When mixed with water, it forms a substance with a gel-like consistency.

To achieve maximum effectiveness, fragmented hyaluronic acid is used in cosmetic products. The smallest fragments can penetrate the upper layers of the skin and help fill wrinkles. In addition, they activate the process of synthesis of their own hyaluronic acid in skin cells.


The gel helps restore cells in the eye mucosa. If a person has damage to the cornea or inflammation of the mucous membrane, this drug is simply irreplaceable. The composition includes carmellose sodium, which is able to protect the cornea for quite a long time. This gel is suitable for cataracts, conjunctivitis and glaucoma. If other eye medications are used, at least twenty-five minutes should elapse between their use. Contraindications for use are:

  • pregnancy;
  • children under one year of age;
  • individual intolerance.

The gel should be used several times a day as directed by your doctor. The duration of use is determined individually.

Types of cosmetics with hyaluronic acid

There is an opinion: the higher the percentage of hyaluronic acid in the cream, the higher the level of skin hydration it provides. But this is not so: the content of hyaluronic acid in cosmetics rarely exceeds 2-5%. Therefore, for effective moisturizing, it is not the percentage of the substance that is important, but the correct use of the product. Creams, serums and toners with hyaluronic acid should be applied to clean and slightly damp skin. Let's consider the main types of products in which this component is found.

Tonics with hyaluronic acid

The ideal product format for oily, dehydrated skin (yes, oily skin can be dehydrated too!): the tonic is quickly absorbed and does not provoke the secretion of sebum. It is often produced in the form of a spray - this makes the tonic more convenient to apply to the skin.

Serums with hyaluronic acid

Serum is an express product for giving the skin a healthy glow and additional hydration. It is applied with light tapping movements onto clean, damp skin, after which the cream is used, literally “sealing” the serum (so that the moisture does not evaporate).

Moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid

The most common product that solves several problems at once: fills the skin with moisture and does not allow it to evaporate. Suitable for the summer heat, when you don’t want to overload your skin with different textures.


The drug in the form of a gel relieves eye fatigue, treats inflammation of the mucous membrane and skin of the eyelids. Thanks to the antiseptic contained in the composition, it is able to eliminate swelling of the eyelids and redness of the eyes. It also contains hyaluronic acid, which rejuvenates the eyelids and gives them elasticity.

The drug should be used in this way: rub a drop of gel into the ciliary layer of the eyelids until completely absorbed. Contact lenses can only be used after twenty minutes after applying the gel.

If you just need prevention, rub it in once a day, preferably before bed.

How to choose the right cosmetics with hyaluronic acid?

There are two conditions due to which the use of hyaluronic acid can have the opposite effect and “pull” moisture from the deep layers of the skin: in a dry climate, with severe dehydration of the skin. To prevent moisture evaporation, in addition to hyaluronic acid itself, the product must contain water.

More information about skin care products:

  • Cleansing facial toner
  • Retinol cream
  • Clay face masks
  • Facial oil

There is no universal answer to which product can quickly and permanently moisturize the skin. Everything is individual - something suits everyone. Serums are considered the most effective: firstly, they are suitable for any skin type; secondly, they contain an increased amount of active ingredients. Serums are supplemented with cream to make their use more effective.

On the skin around the eyes you can only use products created specifically for this delicate area. Most often they are produced in a roller format, which provides an additional cooling effect. Patches with hyaluronic acid are also popular; they are especially loved for their speed of action. In just 10-15 minutes they smooth out fine wrinkles and relieve puffiness.

"Systane gel"

This ophthalmic product with moisturizing properties is produced by the famous Alcon brand.

The main indication for the use of the gel is “dry eye” syndrome and its accompanying symptoms - lack of moisture, discomfort, itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations in the eyes. The drug is often prescribed to contact lens users to make wearing them more comfortable.

Despite its gel-like structure, Systane Gel is as easy to use as regular ophthalmic drops. At the same time, it is better retained on the surface of the eye, provides longer-lasting hydration, so it will have to be instilled less frequently than drugs in liquid form.

To moisturize the surface of the cornea, you need to drop one or two drops of Alcon product into each eye and blink several times so that the gel is evenly distributed over the surface. Can be used during the day and at night as needed. If you use contact lenses, it is important to use Systane Gel before putting them on and only after removing them.

How moisturizing eye drops work

Moisturizing ophthalmic solutions perform several functions at once, including:

  • moisturizing the cornea;
  • thickening of the protective mucin (tear) layer;
  • increasing the viscosity characteristics of tear fluid;
  • formation and restoration of the tear film.

Many drugs are identical in composition or close to natural tear fluid, so they not only do not cause discomfort, but also do not affect the refraction of light.
Indirectly, such drugs can even serve as a prophylactic against cataracts, glaucoma and less serious diseases, as they have keratoprotective (protective) properties, neutralizing the impact of negative external factors on the visual organs.

List of inexpensive products

Among the inexpensive eye moisturizers, the following are preferred:

  1. Hyphenation . The drug forms a strong tear film and does not distort vision, and also has a moisturizing effect. It has the longest contact with the cornea, as it contains the viscous component hypromellose. It is not recommended to use this product without breaks for more than three weeks. Every day you can do no more than eight drops (two drops in each eye).
  2. Slesin. One of the most “neutral” drugs that can be used for moisturizing at any age. In addition to dry eye syndrome, the drug is prescribed as a prophylactic solution for lacrimation disorders resulting from ophthalmological diseases or injuries. Depending on the need, it is instilled every 3-5 hours.

Contraindications for use

Among all other categories of ophthalmic drugs, moisturizing drops have the fewest contraindications.

Stay up to date! However, they are not prescribed in cases of individual intolerance to the components of the drugs or in case of hypersensitivity to them.

And also, if you are prone to allergic reactions , some moisturizing solutions can cause a negative reaction in the body, so if you notice the first symptoms of an allergy (itching, irritation and redness of the conjunctiva), you should discard the drops and choose an alternative.

Patient reviews

“When I first
encountered the problem of dry eyes , I experimented for a long time, trying expensive and cheap products. In the end, I decided to settle on a teardrop . This is a natural product that
does not cause for me and allows me to work comfortably at the computer all day . In addition, if necessary, such a product can easily be purchased at any nearby pharmacy, which cannot be said about some expensive and supposedly “more effective” products.”

Anton Leontyev, Volgograd.

My daughter is in the eighth grade and due to heavy strain on her eyes during lessons, several months ago she began to get very tired , citing the fact that reading and using the computer cause discomfort.

When visiting an ophthalmologist , it turned out that the girl had dry eye syndrome .

Recovery after manipulation

The patient can return home immediately after being injected with hyaluronic acid. But in order to maximize the effect of the procedure, it is recommended to reduce physical activity at least in the first few days after leaving the clinic. Otherwise, there is a risk that the injected hyaluronic acid will not be absorbed as needed.

There are practically no side effects, provided there is no individual intolerance. Preparations containing hyaluronic acid are usually safe and well absorbed. Short-term side effects are usually related to the piercing itself. Patients complain of slight pain at the injection site and a slight accumulation of joint fluid.

Hyaluronic acid can be called a universal substance. Preparations containing polysaccharides are used for both beauty and health.

Indications for the procedure

Biorevitalization is affordable and absolutely safe. It allows you to quickly eliminate age and expression wrinkles, as well as tighten the skin in the periorbital area. Cosmetologists recommend performing the procedure if you have the following problems:

  • a feeling of dry skin in the area around the eyes, which cannot be eliminated for a long time even with the help of moisturizing creams;
  • a cobweb of small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”);
  • dark circles under the eyes, swelling, which is especially pronounced in the morning;
  • pigment spots or rosacea in the area around the eyes.

Biorevitalization of the skin, if there are such indications, can be carried out at the age of 30 years. But it will be quite effective for more mature patients. The visible result of rejuvenation lasts for 5-9 months. The duration of the period depends on the skin type and other characteristics of the body.


The gel will help against inflammation of the eye mucosa; it is effective for keratitis, blepharitis, and conjunctivitis. Has an antibacterial effect. Used as prophylaxis after eye surgery. Contraindication is personal intolerance. The drug is used for a week. If suddenly, when using the gel, a burning sensation, swelling, or urticaria appears, you should urgently stop the drug and seek medical help. When using this gel, you should not wear contact lenses.

An analogue of the drug is Floxal ointment. After opening the bottle, you can use the gel for no more than a month.

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