Acne wash gels - a detailed review of the best and most popular products

The formation of skin defects can negatively affect a person’s life and cause discomfort, especially for women. There are a large number of products, including acne gels.

Products in gel form have the properties of quickly penetrating the problem area and reducing inflammation. Also, the gel structure does not clog pores and reduces the likelihood of side symptoms.

To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause of the rash and choose a product that will not only mask the inflammatory formation, but also reduce the re-formation of skin defects.

Types of acne wash gels

There are several types of gels for the care of problem skin. When choosing a product, you must first study its components and determine which type is needed to solve the problem.

The following types of gel-based products are distinguished:

  1. Amphoteric – products that gently cleanse and restore damaged areas of the skin. Such drugs do not irritate the skin and reduce the likelihood of side symptoms.
  2. Anionic drugs are intended for minor problems. The constituent components do not penetrate deep into the layers of the epidermis. When using such products, it is necessary to take into account that they dry out the skin excessively and are more suitable for oily types.
  3. Cationic - able to penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis and allows you to quickly reduce the process of inflammation. However, in some situations, symptoms of allergy and irritation may appear.
  4. Nonionic products are considered the most common type of facial gels. Such funds are not very expensive and are the most common. The drugs can cause allergic reactions and have virtually no therapeutic effect.

Drugs can have a mixed composition and be aimed at eliminating and masking defects.

Gels also differ into the following subtypes:

  • tonic;
  • cleansing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • to tighten pores and eliminate oily shine.

When choosing combination drugs, you should take into account your skin type and predisposition to allergic reactions.

What tasks should cleansing gels perform?

Depending on the purpose of the acne remedy, it should perform the following tasks:

  • do not irritate the skin;
  • eliminate the inflammatory process in the deep layers of the skin;
  • prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction;
  • have a high level of penetration into the layers of the epidermis and cleanse the skin;
  • eliminate dead cells;
  • contain medicinal components that not only mask the rash, but also have a healing effect.

The quality of an acne gel does not always depend on cost; the main condition is compliance with the specified qualities that are indicated in the instructions.

How to choose a gel for rashes

Despite the fact that all gels for problem types have the same principle of action, they still have different effects on oily facial skin. Some products dry out problem areas exclusively, while other products dry out the most vulnerable areas of the skin.

To achieve the best effect from use, it is recommended to take into account some nuances when choosing a suitable gel:

  1. ‌ Pay Products based on alcohol and other aggressive substances only harm the skin. Give preference to facial gels that contain plant extracts, Allantoin, chitosan, NUF and active acids. These components have both anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effects.
  2. The principle “the more expensive the more effective” does not always work. Sometimes a budget product works much better than an expensive gel from a well-advertised brand. Before purchasing, read the reviews, composition, and also consult with your doctor.
  3. Choose a product that suits your skin type. Acne is not always the result of overproduction of sebaceous glands. There are cases when they appear on dry skin due to insufficient moisture.

Gel selection

When choosing a product, it is necessary to proceed from the type of skin and the reason why the rash formed on the skin.

When choosing a gel you need to consider:

  1. Oily skin . With this type of epidermis, it is necessary to give preference to products without alcohol, since alcohol tends to disrupt the normal functioning of the sweat glands and increases oiliness. Experts recommend choosing gels containing zinc and retinol; these components eliminate excess fat and cleanse pores.
  2. Dry skin with rashes . For this type of skin, it is recommended to avoid the presence of abrasive components in the gel, which damage inflamed areas and provoke the re-formation of acne. The composition must contain moisturizing components to regenerate damaged areas.
  3. Combination skin . It is recommended to purchase gels that have antibacterial properties and reduce the recurrence of acne, while being suitable for all skin types.

When choosing a product, the consistency of the drug is of great importance.

The acne gel should look like this:

  • have a medium thick consistency;
  • do not have a strong odor or bright color;
  • foams well after application;
  • do not contribute to the appearance of a film on the skin;
  • do not have a large amount of abrasives and fragrances;
  • do not contain large quantities of alcohol and chemical ingredients.

The acne remover should wash off well and not clog pores. The substance should spread well over the skin and not cause discomfort after application.

Unwanted Ingredients in Cleanser

Sulfates have an aggressive effect on the skin. And even when choosing a gel for acne, which is expected to cleanse “squeaky clean,” you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to these components. They destroy the lipid barrier that exists on the surface of the epidermis. Without this barrier, the skin rapidly loses moisture, and to compensate for transdermal fluid loss, it tends to produce more sebum.

Fact. “Hard” gels for washing with sulfates increase skin oiliness due to the natural compensatory mechanism of restoring moisture levels. The initial mattifying effect after some time is replaced by active oiliness in the T-zone.

Mineral oil is equally undesirable, as it forms a film on the surface of the epidermis. Such a component may contain a moisturizing wash gel intended for dry skin. Synthetic oil does not allow tissues to breathe, disrupting natural metabolic processes and regeneration, and accelerates aging.

Other unwanted ingredients in the cleanser:

  • alcohols - Alcohol Denat, Isopropyl Alcohol and others aggressively dry the epidermis, destroying its lipid layer;
  • preservatives - present in large quantities in inorganic cosmetics;
  • fragrances - synthetic compounds can cause allergic reactions.

Choose a cleansing gel marked “SLS-free”, with mild cleansing ingredients, without alcohol or chemical fragrances.

Age-related skin features

To achieve visible results, the correct selection of products depending on age-related skin changes is of particular importance.

The following factors should be considered:

  • Age up to 20 years - it is recommended to use preparations that contain zinc components, without adding alcohol. This type of product allows not only to eliminate inflammatory formations, but also to normalize the secretion of fat and cleanse pores. In adolescence, it is necessary to cleanse the skin and follow regular antibacterial care, so when choosing a product, you should take into account recommendations for use and age restrictions.
  • Age up to 25 years - at this stage, the skin requires a large amount of vitamins and additional substances that strengthen the natural protective properties of the epidermis. The gels should contain plant components that not only have anti-inflammatory properties, but also have nutritional and moisturizing properties. It is recommended to use drugs that contain medicinal herbs, such as calendula, string, and chamomile.
  • Age after 25 years - at this stage, the skin requires regular cleansing and moisturizing. It is recommended to use products containing lactic and fruit acids. Such drugs can provide a rejuvenating effect and eliminate skin defects such as skin rashes and acne.

When choosing a product, it is necessary to pay great attention to the individual characteristics of the skin and the reasons that caused such a deficiency.

To eliminate the problem, proper use of the drug and preparation of the epidermis before procedures play a special role.

Rules for washing your skin

The use of gel for problem skin requires compliance with the following rules:

  1. For washing, it is recommended to use only water at room temperature; hot or cold water will provoke the formation of additional acne.
  2. It is recommended to use the helium preparation no more than twice a day.
  3. Before applying the substance, it is necessary to moisten the skin. Foam a small amount of gel and apply to the face area.
  4. If you have a large number of pimples, it is prohibited to use gel with abrasive particles. Such drugs contribute to damage to the inflammatory formation, which leads to aggravation of the problem.
  5. After washing with the gel, it is recommended to rinse the skin with cool water to close the pores and thoroughly remove the substance.

It is forbidden to apply the gel for a long time without thoroughly rinsing off. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to remove decorative cosmetics. Do not allow the substance to eliminate acne to come into contact with the mucous membranes; in case of such contact, rinse the damaged area with plenty of running water.


  1. Oily and dry skin needs additional hydration. Problematic and combined - in antiseptic properties.
  2. When choosing an acne gel, give preference to those products that dry out acne without disturbing the water balance of the rest of the face.
  3. Cosmetologists do not recommend using aggressive acid-based cleansing products on a daily basis. Alternate them with other, less active skincare products.
  4. Remember that uncontrolled use of cleansers only leads to even greater production of sebaceous glands.
  5. It is enough to cleanse the skin twice a day, removing makeup in advance with micellar water or hydrophilic oil.

Types of gels

Among the wide variety of means, the following should be highlighted:

  • Anti-acne gels , the effect of such drugs is aimed at relieving inflammation and increasing skin tone.
  • Anti-oily cleansing gels. It is used to normalize the secretion of subcutaneous fat and reduce the degree of contamination of pores.

  • To tighten pores . The action of such products is aimed at cleaning and eliminating inflammatory formations, and narrowing enlarged pores. Also, such gels often have a nourishing and moisturizing effect.
  • Antiseptics . Gels have been developed directly to eliminate acne. They have a drying and antibacterial effect. Prevents further formation of acne and inflammatory formations.
  • Soothing and tonic agents . The action of the gel is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and caring for problem skin.
  • Combination drugs are designed for a comprehensive effect on the problem area. Very often used to eliminate several problems and activate the natural protective processes of the epidermis.

An incorrectly selected gel very often causes deterioration of the skin and can contribute to the formation of dryness.

The main causes of pimples, acne, blackheads

If you cannot determine the exact cause of skin rashes, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of hated acne forever.

Rashes are caused by:

  • nervous fatigue, stress;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse and other bad habits;
  • the presence of unhealthy fatty, sweet and starchy foods in the diet;
  • lack of proper care and proper hygiene;
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • digestive system disorders;
  • tendency to have an allergic reaction.

A qualified specialist will help you identify the exact cause of acne. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate tests, on the basis of which an individual treatment regimen will be drawn up. There is no universal technique that would help every patient.

Gels containing salicylic acid

The presence of the salicylic acid component in cleansing gels allows you to effectively combat skin defects. This component is the most commonly used and allows you to cope with a large number of problems, including pimples and acne.

Preparations with salicylic acid have the following features:

  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat;
  • have a high level of antibacterial effect on the problem area;
  • help eliminate dead skin particles;
  • penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis and cleanse pores;
  • eliminate inflammatory formations;
  • reduce the risk of recurrent acne;
  • help eliminate comedones.

Most often, such washing gels contain additional components of medicinal plants to care for problem skin.

BeautyHack Test Club: 35 Best Cleansers of All Time

BeautyHack editors and columnists found out which brands make effective cleansing gels, hydrophilic oils, micellar water and milk. The rating of the best cleansers is in our material!

Pure Melt Cleansing Gel, Clarins

BeautyHack SMM manager Elizaveta Plenkina:
“This is a 3 in 1 product with a special usage scheme. First, I apply it to dry skin and massage it all over my face, after a few seconds the gel begins to melt and turns into a light oil. At the last stage, I wash off the oil with water, which turns it into delicate milk.

I use the product after micellar water. Removing eye makeup with gel is problematic - mascara stains remain. Contains marula extract, which is responsible for a pleasant, subtle aroma. I noticed that after the first use my skin became more even, radiant and velvety. There was no feeling of tightness or dryness at all, only softness and nourishment.”

Price: 1950 rub.

Micellar foam mousse Mousse micellaire nettoyante, Payot

BeautyHack SMM manager Elizaveta Plenkina:
“The product contains no soap at all. I use the mousse to remove makeup; a couple of pumps on the dispenser is enough to remove all the makeup. This surprised me at first, because every day I apply not only foundation, but bronzer, highlighter and blush. To check, I ran a cotton pad with micellar water over the skin, which turned out to be clean. The foam has a delicate and weightless texture. And thanks to the raspberry extract, there is also a subtle berry aroma. The product is very economical: I’ve been using it for a whole month, and more than half of the foam remains.”

Price: 1500 rub.

Milk “Absolute tenderness”, L'оreal

BeautyHack editorial assistant Anya Khobotova:
“I don’t have particularly problematic combination skin, and it can be difficult to choose the best face wash. It's either too greasy or doesn't remove makeup at all. But the milk from L'oreal really surprised me. It’s not for nothing that the product was called “Absolute Tenderness”. The mix of rose and jasmine not only gives a cool aroma, but also makes the skin velvety, moisturized and fresh. It happens that after milk I forget to apply moisturizer, but in the morning the skin remained moisturized and there was no oily sheen.”

Price: 209 rub.

Double face scrub “Endless freshness”, L'оreal

BeautyHack editorial assistant Anna Khobotova:
“The manufacturer advises using the product two to three times a week, but I would reduce this figure to once. When I used the scrub twice a week, my skin went from combination to dry in the T-zone. I reduced the use to once and everything returned to normal. What are the advantages of the product? All the rashes in the cheekbone area have gone away (I assume this is how the “union” of the scrub and Librederm gel worked, read about it further), the pores have become cleaner, the skin has acquired smoothness and a fresh look. Bonus: a product with a pleasant herbal scent is used sparingly.”

Price: 290 rub.

Cleansing gel for washing Seratsin, Librederm

BeautyHack editorial assistant Anya Khobotova:
“In the fall, rashes always appear on my combination skin. Seracin gel stopped this vicious circle. If you don't know which cleanser will help you, feel free to use Librederm gel. It consists of 90% plant components. Sulfur and zinc regulate the production of sebaceous glands and work as an antiseptic. The gel is very economical, easily washed off, cleanses and tones it. The main thing is to use it regularly in the morning and evening and you will be happy!”

Price: 450 rub.

Micellar milk “Sage”, Clean Line

BeautyHack editorial assistant Daria Mironova:
“Elena Krygina advises applying the product with your fingers and then rinsing it off with a cotton pad (rather than applying it to the skin with a cotton pad). I gave this advice to my mother, who tested the product - it was created for sensitive and dry skin.

Micellar milk is slightly runny, has a herbal aroma and a light texture. Removes powder and light foundation well. After washing, the skin does not feel tight, which is very important in the winter.”

Price: 80 rub.

Green Gel Cleanser, MAC

BeautyHack editor Daria Sizova:
“The gel has an impressive volume of 100 ml, and it is very economical. A pea is enough to cleanse the skin. The product foams well and has a slight fragrance - for me this is a big plus.

I have sensitive skin, but this product is suitable even for it. Removes several layers of makeup very delicately. But waterproof mascara will have to be washed off separately.

The product also tightens pores - after the first use, a slight effect of smoothing the skin texture is noticeable. After cleansing there is no feeling of skin tightness.

There is also a downside: avoid contact with eyes. It will sting very hard!”

Price: 1100 rub.

Simply Clean Cleansing Gel, Skinceuticals

Tested by BeautyHack senior editor Karina Andreeva
The Skinceuticals brand was invented by the American scientist Dr. Sheldon Pinnell in 1994. He holds a patent from Duke University on an antioxidant. In 1999, SkinCeuticals launched Serum 10 and Serum 15, the first stabilized products with the topical antioxidant l-ascorbic acid. The brand’s motto is “prevent, protect, correct,” so everyone can find their own remedy.

I tested the Simply Clean cleansing gel for combination and oily skin types. A product based on hydroxy acids and plant extracts delicately removes impurities and regulates sebum production. The texture is a clear gel - you only need a couple of peas to cover your entire face. Upon contact with water it turns into a soft foam. After using it, the skin “creaks” from cleanliness.

Price: 2,833 rub.

Calendula Deep Cleansing Foaming Face Wash, Kiehl's

Tested by BeautyHack senior editor Karina Andreeva:
“The history of the American cosmetic brand Kiehl’s began 165 years ago with the opening of a pharmacy in New York. I started my acquaintance with the brand with this cleanser.

I use gel foam with calendula when my skin is peeling. A product based on calendula flower extract softens it, and the glycerin in the composition moisturizes. The gel turns into a light foam upon contact with water. As a bonus, it copes with evening makeup with a “5+.”

Price: 2,300 rub.

Immortelle Oil Make-Up Remover, L'Occitane

BeautyHack editorial assistant Nastya Speranskaya:
“Hydrophilic oil has long become an indispensable product for me: when at the end of the day there is practically no energy left to cleanse the skin, it is what helps me out. L'Occitane oil (if you want to know more facts about the brand, follow the link) after the first use, pushed aside its predecessors and took pride of place on the shelf. Immortelle mercilessly copes with several layers of mascara, waterproof eyeliner and any cosmetics in general - tested with a cotton pad and toner. I apply it to dry skin with massage movements, then wash it off - upon contact with water, the oil turns into a milky emulsion. After washing, the skin remains hydrated thanks to immortelle essential oil, and the light herbal scent helps to relax.”

Price: 2,190 rub.

Micellar water Azahar Cleansing Micellar Water, Darphin

BeautyHack editorial assistant Nastya Speranskaya:
I love Darphin products for their natural composition and the absence of alcohol and fragrances. Micellar water is no exception - neroli essential oil and the anti-inflammatory ingredient bisabopol will not cause irritation even on the most sensitive skin. My eyes rarely like contact with cleansing products, but Darphin micellar water did not cause any discomfort. The product has passed ophthalmological control and is suitable even for those who wear lenses. It removes cosmetics very delicately - while water is unlikely to cope with waterproof mascara, not a trace remains of foundation.”

Price: 2,010 rub.

Micellar water Cellularose Micellar Water Cleanser, by Terry

BeautyHack editorial assistant Nastya Speranskaya:
“This micellar water is a real hit of the French brand by Terry, adored by Hollywood stars. In addition to gentle cleansing, it makes the skin glow - this is the merit of the white rose. Its extract exfoliates dead cells - after which the face begins to literally breathe. The combination of tea and white roses soothes the skin, relieves redness and leaves you smelling like you've just walked through a blooming garden."

Price: 3,750 rub.

Micellar water Ultra, La Roche-Posay

BeautyHack editor Yulia Kozoliy:
“La Roche-Posay micellar water has no alcohol or oily components, so it is very comfortable to apply: there is no feeling of a film on the skin. The manufacturer says that you don’t have to wash it off with water, but I still apply milk on top (I’ll tell you about it in the next review). Firstly, you can’t completely remove makeup with micellar water alone, and secondly, I love the feeling of completely clean skin. This water was developed specifically for sensitive skin, mine is normal, but I’m pleased that the product doesn’t sting my eyes, so I can safely wash off my mascara and eye shadow with it.”

Price: 1,478 rub.

Exfoliating Wipes, Sephora

BeautyHack editorial assistant Daria Mironova:
“The product has a convenient and compact packaging with a lid that prevents drying out. One side of the napkin is smooth, and the other with exfoliating dots, just as shown on the package. One napkin easily cleanses the skin of tone and powder. Those with oily skin can use the exfoliating side of the fabric a couple of times a week instead of a scrub (convenient when traveling - you don’t need to take all your cosmetics with you), but girls with dry and sensitive skin should not use this side.”

Price: 390 rubles

Cleansing milk Essential Milk, Comfort Zone

BeautyHack editor Yulia Kozoliy:
“I love everything about the Comfort Zone brand: from the delicate, subtle scents of the products to the minimalist packaging and bottles. I use this milk to remove micellar water and wipe my skin in the morning. The scheme is as follows: I apply a couple of peas with massage movements and rinse with water. It has a creamy texture and a spring, light, “transparent” aroma of happiness - it contains magnolia extract. The skin does not squeak after cleansing, but feels soft and silky. A 200 ml bottle with a dispenser is not particularly convenient to take on trips, but it is comfortable to use at home in the bathroom.”

Price: 2600 rub.

Hydrophilic makeup removing oil Make-Up Removing Cleansing Oil, Caudalie

BeautyHack editor Yulia Kozoliy:
“I recommend this oil if you don’t like multi-step washing schemes and remove makeup in the shower. You take a couple of drops, heat it in your palms and rub it into the skin with massage movements (you can safely apply it to the eyes - the product does not sting), leave it for a couple of minutes, and then remove it with water: the oil begins to foam and is easily washed off along with makeup. Contains sunflower seed, sweet almond and grape seed oils. But of the three, the first one has the most noticeable aroma, so you won’t feel any perfume notes in the product. But you need to love it not for this, but for the real opportunity to remove makeup quickly and without drying out the skin.”

Price: 1600 rub.

Special Cleansing Gel, Dermalogica

BeautyHack Special Correspondent Veronica Schur:
“Dermologica is a high-quality American cosmeceutical that has been around for over 30 years. All products of this brand are distinguished by the fact that their compositions exclude ingredients that cause irritation. And Special Cleaning Gel is no exception. Without soap, chemical fragrances and aggressive components, this is the most effective cleanser for those who have capricious, sensitive and problematic skin, prone to irritation and rashes.

The gel foams well, just a drop is enough to wash your face to get a thick foam. An additional advantage is that the bottle has a volume of 250 ml, which is used very economically.

Special Cleaning Gel works softly and delicately, there is no feeling of tightness after washing. Cleans pores 10 points out of 10. If you wipe your face with a cotton pad and toner after using the gel, it remains absolutely clean! But this result is achieved only if you have light makeup on your face. This gel alone will not cope with the dense textures of decorative cosmetics (otherwise it would not be so delicate!). In these cases, I advise you to use additional makeup removers, and use Special Cleaning Gel for final cleansing.”

Price: 2530 rub.

Démaquillant Express quick eye makeup remover, Clarins

BeautyHack columnist, author of the BeButterfly blog Yulia Petkevich-Sochnova:
“A classic two-phase liquid consists of a fatty and watery part, which, with active shaking, mix to form a homogeneous mass. It will easily remove any makeup, even very persistent ones, and the skin will not suffer from increased friction.”

Price: 1800 rub.

Vanishing potion No33 Waterproof Makeup Remover, LA Splash Cosmetics

BeautyHack columnist, author of the BeButterfly blog Yulia Petkevich-Sochnova:
“The product was created specifically for removing super-resistant lipsticks and lip glosses - it copes with this at “5+.” Available in two variants: Coconut Concoction with coconut extract and Dose of Rose with rose extract.”

Price: 1230 rub.

Hydrophilic oil Immortelle Oil Make-Up Remover, L'occitane

BeautyHack columnist, author of the BeButterfly blog Yulia Petkevich-Sochnova:
“Viscous and thick hydrophilic oils, reminiscent of oil, are applied to a dry face, perfectly dissolve makeup, and upon further contact with water they emulsify, turning into milk. This is followed by mandatory washing with the usual gel or other similar product. Over the years, I’ve tried dozens of them, but my very first oil is still my favorite – Immortelle cleansing oil from L’Occitane. It smells divinely like immortelle, works well with makeup, is economical to use and is always available.

Price: 2190 rub.

Makeup Remover Serum, Biore

BeautyHack columnist, author of the BeButterfly blog Yulia Petkevich-Sochnova:
“The Makeup Remover Serum for washing and instantly removing makeup has the same operating principle as hydrophilic products: applied to a dry face and washed off with warm water. It removes makeup in one, two, three times, does not sting the eyes, does not irritate the skin and is quite affordable - about 800 rubles for a 230 ml bottle.”

Price: 1049 rub.

Makeup remover cream Ultrabland, Lush

BeautyHack columnist, author of the BeButterfly blog Yulia Petkevich-Sochnova:
“If you love everything natural and are ready to devote a little more time to the makeup removal process than 30 seconds, then the handmade cosmetics brand Lush has an interesting option. The brand has released Lush Ultrabland Ultrabland makeup remover cream for a long time; in some ways, it is a relative of makeup remover oils: the base contains almond oil, as well as rose water, beeswax, honey and iris extract. First, you need to warm the cream in your hands, then massage your face with it until the makeup is completely dissolved, and then moisten the cotton pads with warm water and wash off the cream with any remaining makeup. The skin becomes clean, soft and soft.”

Price: 590 rub.

Garnier Micellar Cleansing Gel

BeautyHack columnist, author of the BeButterfly blog Yulia Petkevich-Sochnova:
“A new round in the evolution of micellar is makeup remover gel with micelles - several brands released it, but I want to focus on Garnier - it costs only 250 rubles. It copes with light daily makeup without any problems and does not dry out the skin.”

Price: 251 rub.

All Kill Cleansing Oil Balm, Holika Holika

BeautyHack special correspondent Moore Soboleva:
“The absolute champion of our little test is the wonderful Koreans Holika Holika, from whom I tried many products and almost all of them became my favorites. This super-economical, clear balm with the texture of melted butter is easy to scoop and melts under your fingers. It washes off completely, removes everything, and the package comes with a convenient micro-spoon.”

Price: 940 rub.

Hydrophilic oil Midnight Recovery Cleansing Oil, Kiehl's

BeautyHack special correspondent Moore Soboleva:
“This is a very liquid hydrophilic oil with a recognizable aroma of Midnight Recovery concentrate. The oil removes makeup quite well, and the opaque packaging, according to some experts, protects the beneficial ingredients from destruction.”

Price: 2850 rub.

Balm Solid Cleansing Oil, Erborian

BeautyHack special correspondent Moore Soboleva:
“This thick balm has replaced the excellent three-phase makeup remover (like the Holika Holika version, it comes with an applicator). Solid Cleansing Oil did not remove the pencil perfectly, but in general it is forgivable - this product is not intended for the skin around the eyes, but it cleanses the face perfectly. And here we told you what other funds are worth going to Erborian for.”

Price: 2500 rub.

Illuminating Cleanser, Colorescience

BeautyHack special correspondent Moore Soboleva:
“The most unusual form factor of this Colorescience product is a powder that needs to be mixed with water in the palm of your hand. The result is an all-in-one cleanser, the Illuminating Cleanser, that removes makeup, cleanses, and acts as a gentle exfoliant. But you still shouldn’t use it for the skin around the eyes - it contains salicylic acid.”

Price: 4500 rub.

Cleansing foam with neem, Himalaya Herbals

Special projects manager Anastasia Lyagushkina:
“The product has a convenient applicator: one or two presses - and there is as much foam on your hands as you need for one wash. Foams well and cleans almost squeaky clean. I have combination skin that tends to be oily, so this product was perfect for me. But it will be even more useful for people with problem skin and frequent rashes. It contains neem seed oil (a tree that grows in India and other Asian countries) and turmeric. An excellent antiseptic in tandem! My skin looks more matte and fresh after use. And the pores also seem cleaner.”

Price: 395 rub.

Cleansing wipes Daily Fresh Olive Cleansing Tissue, Holika Holika

Special projects manager Anastasia Lyagushkina:
“Completely ordinary packaging, like baby wipes, with a lid that protects it from drying out. And inside is a real treasure! I took these napkins on the plane - very convenient. The skin cleanses well, but does not dry out, but looks moisturized. It contains olive oil, panthenol and citric acid - that is, the product solves three problems at once: moisturizes, soothes and exfoliates.”

Price: 585 rub.

Hydrophilic oil and phytoactive for oily and combination skin, Babor

BeautyHack editor Olga Kulygina:
“If you have oily skin, you are unlikely to like hydrophilic oils (and oils in general). This same “kit” will surprise you: the oil (a bestseller of the German brand Babor since 1955) is suitable for any skin type, and the phytoactive is designed specifically for oily or combination skin. They must be used together. Both products are super light, like water, and do not smell anything. First, you apply oil to your dry face, then apply phytoactive (a transparent green elixir from plants), and spread the mixture over your face with a couple of drops of cool water. On the skin, the products turn into a homogeneous milk that removes makeup (including from the eyes) and cleanses the face to perfection in just 10 seconds. I liked that you don’t need to “rub” your face, as with most other products - even mascara is washed off with light movements. And after washing, the skin becomes clean, but at the same time very soft, like after a good moisturizing mask.

If you don’t read the ingredients, it seems that it is not rich in ingredients - the products are truly weightless. But there are actually a lot of components, and most of them are quite rare. The oil contains quillaya extract (soap tree bark), bisabolol (anti-irritation), soybean, sesame and peanut oils. The phytoactive contains apple water (softens the skin) and anti-inflammatory plants such as agrimony, sage, elderberry, and witch hazel.”

Price: 3,800 rub.

Cleansing gel Aevit, Librederm

BeautyHack editor Yulia Kozoliy:
“I have normal skin, but by the morning oiliness may appear in the T-zone. In such cases, Aevit gel comes to the rescue. Contains aloe juice, panthenol, castor oil. In tandem they cleanse and mattify. I like to use this product in the morning - the tone goes on more evenly.”

Price: 233 rub.

Cleansing milk Lait Confort, Chanel

BeautyHack editor Natalia Kapitsa:
“The milk has a pleasant, light texture and an unobtrusive herbal smell. It cleanses the skin well without clogging the pores - just one press of the dispenser is enough to remove makeup. It contains tulip tree extract, which neutralizes harmful substances accumulated during the day. The milk does not leave a greasy film and perfectly moisturizes.”

Price: 3000 rub.

Makeup remover milk Pure White, Eisenberg

BeautyHack editor Natalia Kapitsa:
“The first stage of cleansing from Eisenberg is an excellent option for those who neglect night cream. The milk delicately removes makeup and moisturizes - the effect remains even after washing and toning. Contains: apricot oil, avocado and chamomile extract, which has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.”

Price: 3449 rub.

Water Purify One-Step Cleanser With Mint, Clarins

BeautyHack editor Natalia Kapitsa:
“I’m a big fan of micellar water.
Clarins Water Purify One-Step is something between a toner and a micellar. Despite the light texture, the product copes with its function perfectly - it cleanses in one or two! A special bonus to the smell: minty, slightly cool and refreshing.” Price: 1950 rub.

Review of gels

Among the large number of gels with salicylic acid, it is necessary to highlight:

Salicylic gel for washing

Contains medicinal plant components and salicylic acid.

The drug has the following advantages:

  • Does not contain dyes or flavors.
  • Effectively dries formations and eliminates oily sheen.
  • Cleanses the skin and has an antibacterial effect.
  • Suitable for all types of epidermis.

Among the disadvantages, it is necessary to note the possibility of a feeling of dryness after use.

The average cost is 90 rubles .

Professional gels

Laura Beaumont Purifying Foaming Gel Matifying And Smoothing

Cleansing foam-gel for oily/problem skin is a professional product for getting rid of problems caused by excess oily skin.

An effective complex of active substances, including triclosan, zinc compounds, biotin, panthenol, and natural burdock root extract, relieves inflammation, has a bacteriostatic and calming effect. The vitamins in the composition ensure that the skin receives the necessary nutrition and remains hydrated and toned throughout the day.

Foam-gel has a soft effect and does not tighten the skin. With constant use, it brightens the skin and helps get rid of age spots by removing dead skin cells.


  • Good composition;
  • Quick and gentle cleansing;
  • Comprehensive care (soothes, softens, tones);
  • Evens out skin tone and texture;
  • Does not tighten the skin;
  • Foams well.


  • Available in a tube without a dispenser;
  • High price;
  • May dry out normal areas of combination skin.

Christina Comodex Clean&Clear Cleanser

Christina Comodex Clean&Clear Cleanser from the Israeli cosmetics brand, known for its reverent attitude to the quality of its products, will surely impress you with its caring properties. Thanks to the presence of soapwort and soap tree extracts, it will perfectly cleanse the skin, but you will not experience the slightest discomfort or feeling of dryness.

Valuable components obtained from arnica, grapes, green tea, eucalyptus, tangerine and orange bark will have an antibacterial effect, help get rid of blackheads, relieve irritation and itching, and speed up the healing process.


  • Neutral pH level;
  • High-quality cleansing;
  • Complex healing effect;
  • Composition rich in valuable natural ingredients;
  • Large volume (tubes of 250 and 500 ml);
  • Economical.


  • Individual intolerance to the components is possible;
  • Do not wash the skin around the eyes;
  • High price.

Dr. Kadir B3 Deep Action Soapless Soap For Problematic Skin


another effective remedy from Israeli specialists. It perfectly removes even the most severe stains and has a powerful antiseptic effect thanks to the triclosan it contains. Cleansed skin is able to breathe and be saturated with oxygen, and softening components guarantee a feeling of lightness and comfort.

The gel soothes irritated areas well and has a wound healing effect.


  • Foams well:
  • Excellent removal of dirt;
  • Gives a feeling of freshness and comfort;
  • Disinfects and heals wounds;
  • Fights rashes;
  • It is used economically.


  • May cause a slight feeling of dry skin (additional moisturizing will be required);
  • Medical smell;
  • No dispenser.

Review of anti-acne wash gels

Among other popular drugs that are used to eliminate acne, the gels described below should be highlighted.

NIVEA gel for problem skin

Suitable for sensitive and dry skin.
It has properties to reduce inflammation and soothe damaged areas. Advantages:

  • Does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Promotes gentle exfoliation and cleansing.
  • Moisturizes the epidermis.
  • Does not contain alkalis.

Among the disadvantages of the gel, it is necessary to highlight poor foaming. Also, the drug is not used when deep cleaning is necessary.

Cost 230 rubles .

Anti-acne gel from the Clean Line company

It is an inexpensive product, but is used for all types of epidermis and has the ability to deeply penetrate pores and cleanse them of impurities.

  • Quickly eliminates inflammation.
  • Does not cause addiction with long-term use.
  • Affordable.

Among the disadvantages, one should highlight the need to use the entire series of skin care products to achieve quick results.

Average price 60 rubles .

Himalaya herbals acne gel

It has the property of penetrating into pores and providing a healing effect directly in the inflamed area. Does not contain alcohol and is suitable for all skin types.


  • Gentle cleansing.
  • Does not cause allergic reactions.
  • It has a comprehensive effect on the problem area.
  • The result is noticeable after a short use of the gel.

No shortcomings were found in this product.

Cost 260 rubles .

Green pharmacy

The acne gel contains a complex composition of medicinal plants that not only eliminate inflammatory formations, but also care for the skin.


  • Contains natural plant components.
  • Provides gentle cleansing.
  • Suitable for comprehensive skin care.
  • Does not contain alcohol and parabens.

The disadvantage of the anti-acne product is poor foaming.

Price 100 rubles .

BIODERMA gel for eliminating acne

Refers to expensive drugs that have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.


  • Used for sensitive epidermis.
  • Moisturizes and restores damaged areas of the skin.
  • Does not contain alcohol or alkali.

The disadvantages include the high cost of the gel for caring for problematic types of epidermis.

Price 1000 rubles .

Features of the action of active drugs against acne and acne

All products aimed at combating acne have the same principle of action. They disinfect inflamed areas of the skin and kill harmful acne pathogens.

An effective remedy demonstrates the following results:

  • destroys harmful bacteria;
  • dries out inflamed elements;
  • cleanses the skin from accumulation of dead cells;
  • mattifies the skin and tightens pores;
  • lightens post-acne, evens out the overall tone of the face;
  • normalizes the functioning of the secretory glands.

However, acne treatments with a pronounced effect also have a number of side effects. Thus, if used incorrectly, medicinal gels can provoke the development of an allergic reaction, accompanied by redness, itching and swelling. Also, strong antibiotics have a negative effect on the condition of the liver and kidneys. Find out how to properly get rid of acne for a teenager here.

Korean cleansing gels

Recently, the use of Korean cosmetics against acne has become increasingly popular.

The main popular drugs include:

  1. Innisfree Jeju volcanic pore cleansing foam is a washing gel designed specifically for deep cleansing of the epidermis. The active component of the product is volcanic ash, which effectively combats imperfections of the epidermis and eliminates the inflammatory process. The disadvantage of this drug is its high cost and the possibility of a reaction in people with hypersensitive skin. Cost 1200 rubles .
  2. Washing gel from Holika Holika is designed to reduce inflammatory formation. Allows drying and eliminates pimples and acne. Designed for comprehensive care of problematic epidermis. The disadvantage is the possible occurrence of an allergic reaction and irritation. Price 900 rubles .
  3. Unpa Bubi Bubi Face Bubble Peeling Gel is a drug for the treatment of acne. It has the property of soothing the skin and eliminating inflammation. The active components prevent the problem from reoccurring and is suitable for long-term use. Disadvantage: no instructions in Russian and high cost. Price 1600 rubles .

Innisfree Jeju volcanic pore cleansing foam

Gel Holika Holika

Unpa Bubi Bubi Face Bubble Peeling Gel
Korean preparations are expensive compared to other types of gels. Therefore, before deciding to purchase this type of anti-acne gel, you must carefully study the instructions and consult with a specialist.

The best universal washing gels (for all skin types)

The main task of universal cleansers is to remove impurities and even out skin tone. Such neutral products are best suited for caring for problem-free or dehydrated oily skin, for which aggressive cleansing is contraindicated.

Dr. Jart+ Dermaclear pH 5.5 – herbal cocktail



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

A gel with a neutral pH level gently but effectively cleanses the skin of sebaceous secretions, dust and decorative cosmetics. Thanks to herbal surfactants, the product does not dry out the epidermis, but perfectly removes dirt from pores and reduces redness.

The composition of Dermaclear is simply a storehouse of useful phytoextracts and vegetable oils that improve skin condition. Olive, citrus, lavender, rose, jasmine oils, as well as rosemary, lime and sage extracts are responsible for its nutrition and restoration.

In addition, the gel formula is enriched with biohydrogen water and Dead Sea minerals, which have an antioxidant effect and protect the epidermis from destructive external influences.


  • Soft foaming base;
  • Rich herbal composition;
  • Does not dry out the skin;
  • Has a bactericidal and calming effect;
  • Effectively cleanses and removes makeup.


  • A small volume is 120 ml, and this costs 2000 rubles.

Gel foam Dr. Jart+ is suitable for daily cleansing of sensitive skin and can be used as a makeup remover. The product perfectly cares for dehydrated dermis with redness, rosacea, enlarged pores and inflammation.

Lumene Klassikko – mineral wash



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

This thick, clear gel forms a mild foam that removes sebum and makeup residue. Of course, the product will not cope with complete makeup removal, so you need to use it in combination with micellar water. The gel gently cleanses the skin without disturbing the pH balance, leaving only a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

The absence of dryness and irritation after its use will be appreciated by those with sensitive and dermatitis-prone skin. The composition of the product is also attractive, including mineral water and cotton extract. Another advantage of the product is its affordable price.


  • Versatility;
  • Gently cleanses the face;
  • Does not tighten the skin;
  • Can be used for atopic dermatitis;
  • Costs 200 rubles.


  • Not suitable for complete makeup removal - only as an auxiliary product.

Lumene Klassikko can be used for dermatitis. It will also perform well as a regular washbasin during the cold season.

Le Petit Marseillais “Rose Freshness” - inexpensive gel with micelles



editorial assessment


buyers recommend this product

Budget micellar cleansing gel has a thick consistency and moderate foaming. The product with the fresh aroma of rose buds does an excellent job of removing makeup without drying out the skin.

Floral water in the gel tones and moisturizes the epidermis, and also improves complexion. But you shouldn’t expect intensive care or solutions to serious cosmetic problems from this product. But it is used very economically, which makes the purchase of Le Petit Marseillais even more profitable.


  • Thoroughly removes makeup;
  • Does not dry out the skin;
  • Economical consumption;
  • Pleasant aroma.
  • The price is about 150 rubles.


  • The formula is rather poor.

“Rose Freshness” is a good and inexpensive gel for daily washing. It is suitable for those who do not have serious problems with the dermis.


17 best peelings

Rating of the best gels

Based on user surveys, a list of popular anti-acne wash gels should be highlighted:

  • NIVEA.
  • Garnier "against blackheads and pimples."
  • Purete Thermale from Vichy.
  • "Daily care" from Clearasil.
  • Pure Zone from L'Oreal.
  • Clean line.
  • Himalaya Herbals.
  • Green Pharmacy.






Clean line

Himalaya Green Pharmacy
When selecting products, there may be individual preferences of users, which may differ depending on the type of epidermis.

Criterias of choice

Every person should definitely wash their face in order to enjoy smooth and soft skin without blemishes.

The purchase of funds should be approached competently and responsibly. It is not necessary to buy an expensive premium product, because even among simple solutions you can find a product that will effectively cope with its task.

Before purchasing foam, you need to consider important nuances.


Most facial cleansers contain aggressive particles that can lead to the destruction of the lipid barrier and disruption of the skin's water balance. Therefore, it is worth considering useful substances.

  • Soft surfactants. Coco Betaine (cocobetaine), coco-glucoside (cocoglucoside), cocamidopropyl betaine (cocamidopropyl betaine) and caprylyl/capryl glucoside (caprylyl/capryl glucoside) carefully remove dirt particles, fight acne, and remove oily shine.
  • Acids. Cleansing products may contain beneficial acids. The most effective are lactic, salicylic and glycolic. They are deeply absorbed into the pores, soften all levels of the dermis and even out the complexion.
  • Natural oils. In many facial washes you can find essential oils of orange, tea tree, and neroli, which help soften dry and normal skin.

Harmful elements include:

  • Aggressive surfactants. If the product contains sodium sulfate with the following varieties: sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) and sodium myreth sulfate (SMS), then this foam can cause irritation and peeling.
  • Mineral oil. The substance is harmful because it clogs the channels of the sweat and sebaceous glands. As a result, comedones and pimples appear on the face.

By skin type:

  • For dry. A product that contains natural oils, hyaluronic acid, and aloe vera is suitable.
  • For fatty ones. The foam should not contain oil or aggressive, drying ingredients (for example, alcohol). It is better to purchase a water-based product. Products containing aloe vera, green tea, and herbal extracts are also suitable.
  • For combined. It is worth buying foam with a cleansing or moisturizing effect. This product contains extracts of medicinal herbs, wheat and tonic particles.
  • For the sensitive. It is recommended to purchase foam with a mild action. The product must not contain aggressive elements. The composition should consist of natural oils, rosehip extract and aloe vera.
  • For any skin type. In this case, you can purchase a universal foam that is suitable for several people in the family. However, cosmetologists still recommend buying a product intended for normal and combination skin.


Not in all cases the cost affects the quality of the product. Sometimes premium products contain harmful, aggressive particles, while budget products, on the contrary, please with their natural composition. Therefore, price is a conditional criterion.

Some cleansing foams cannot remove makeup, so it is best to use the product after removing makeup with another product.


The following types of facial wash consistency are distinguished:

  • Gel-like. They are the densest, so they are recommended for oily skin.
  • Foamy. The airy texture gently affects the dermis, refreshing it and giving a feeling of lightness. This option is ideal for sensitive and dry skin types.
  • Mousse-like. The foam has a medium density. Therefore, a product with this consistency is recommended for use by people with normal and combination skin types.


The appearance of acne can occur for various reasons, however, any inflammatory process on the epidermis requires treatment. Timely use of special anti-acne medications can not only hide the deficiency, but also completely cure the problem.

When choosing a gel for washing against acne, the individual characteristics of the epidermis are of great importance. Before starting use, it is recommended to study the instructions for use in detail and consult with a specialist.

Bondarenko Svetlana

Dermatologist of the highest category and author of the website For more than 15 years I have been helping people suffering from skin diseases of various origins.

Features of cleansing foams for washing

Their consistency is light, almost weightless, filled with air bubbles. The product envelops the skin like a cloud, removing impurities from its surface. But in order for the foam to do its job efficiently, you should follow the recommendations for its use.

  1. Wash your face after removing makeup . Use cleansing milk, micellar water or another makeup remover first. Apply it to a cotton pad and cleanse your face thoroughly. There is no point in washing your face with foundation, bronzer or blush on your skin, since no “wash” can handle them. And even if it succeeds, the cleansing will turn out to be of poor quality, which will subsequently result in inflammation and rashes on the face.
  2. Apply to damp skin and massage for at least 40 seconds . It takes time for the cleansing components to dissolve sebum and remaining impurities. Just applying the composition and washing it off after 10 seconds does not mean cleansing the skin. The cleanser should be evenly distributed over the face and a light massage should be done, focusing on the T-zone. After 40 seconds it can be washed off.

Even the best moisturizing foam cleanser cannot replace a serum, cream or mask. It performs only the function of cleansing, while nourishing and stimulating recovery is the task of other cosmetics.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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