What to use to combat age spots?

Causes of age spots

  • Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation
    , especially leading to sunburn.
  • Hormonal surges
    due to endocrine diseases, pregnancy, taking birth control pills.
  • Problems
    with the liver, gall bladder,
  • Taking
    certain medications, such as

    tetracycline antibiotics
  • Age-related changes

Darkening of the skin is caused by a substance called melanin. It is produced by melanocyte cells, which can all work at the same time - then a beautiful tan is obtained. If they are activated in separate groups, uneven coloring occurs.

Laura mesoeffect serum with mesoroller, 30 g, Evalar

1 668 ₽

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

Forms of hyperpigmentation

Most often, people come to our clinic with secondary hyperpigmentation (HSP) - post-traumatic or caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The most common symptoms observed in patients are lentigo (25.5%), chloasma (15.3%) and post-traumatic HSV (29.5%).

Let's take a closer look at the common types of hyperpigmentation.

  1. Chloasma is an acquired hyperpigmentation that has an uneven dark brown tint and clear boundaries. Most often it appears on the cheeks, forehead, and less often in the chin area. The main provoking factors for the disease are genetically determined hypersensitivity of melanocytes to estrogens and ultraviolet exposure. Therefore, chloasma more often appears during pregnancy, as well as with long-term use of oral contraceptives. After discontinuation of hormonal drugs, such hyperpigmentation does not disappear on its own and can persist for a long time.
  2. Freckles (ephelides) are hereditary hyperpigmentation that occurs in fair-skinned people with phototype I (Celtic) or phototype II (Nordic). These are small light brown spots that cover a person's face, chest and shoulders. Their manifestations intensify in the spring and summer with increasing solar activity. With age, the number of freckles decreases on their own, but if they cause discomfort and visually age the skin, this effect can be corrected using laser technology.

  3. Hormonally caused melasma (melanosis) is localized on the face. This is a benign manifestation that is safe for life, but looks very unaesthetic. It is more often observed in brunettes with skin of phototype IV, which is associated with changes in the level of progesterone and estrogen in the body. The spots have an irregular shape and are usually localized in the forehead, cheeks, temples, on the upper lip and chin. Sometimes, against the background of a solid pigment spot, small rashes of a darker shade can be distinguished. Manifestations may be intensified by exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  4. In the practice of a cosmetologist, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is often diagnosed after the resolution of inflammatory elements - the so-called post-acne.

  5. Secondary hyperpigmentation is quite common, which is a complication during chemical (medium) peels, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, and occurs due to inflammation or excessive UV radiation, non-compliance with the recommended regimen after traumatic procedures. The use of certain drugs and cosmetics that have a photosensitizing effect can also cause this problem.
  6. Secondary hyperpigmentation (HSP) can occur as a result of a process such as photoaging of the skin with age. It is determined not only by dystrophic changes in cells, but also by the influence of the external environment, which accelerates the process of skin aging.

As a person ages, thickening and yellowing of the skin are observed, its microtexture becomes coarser, and lentiginous rashes appear on the surface - characteristic mottled pigmentation. Starting at age 30, the number of melanocytes in the skin drops by 6–8% every 10 years, but the absolute density of melanocytes in areas constantly exposed to solar radiation is twice as high as in areas protected from ultraviolet radiation. An increase in the number of melanocytes in UV-irradiated skin and a parallel disruption in the transport of melanosomes to keratinocytes contribute to the appearance of mottled pigmentation, a marker of photoaging.

The mechanism of regulation of the activity of pigment cells, as well as the synthesis of melanin, is not completely clear, but it is clearly established that ultraviolet rays serve as the trigger. According to modern authors, predisposing factors are:

  • excessive ultraviolet radiation;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • pregnancy.

How to deal with age spots on the skin?

If age spots on the face and body appear due to a malfunction in the hormonal system or due to diseases of the internal organs, serious treatment under medical supervision is necessary. In all other cases, we will be helped by a set of measures that anyone can carry out independently.


, you and I can use special creams for age spots - they are produced for the face and hands (these areas are most prone to uneven coloring and are also always visible).

Whitening cosmetics necessarily contain acids that destroy melanin: malic, citric, ascorbic, salicylic. They also add extracts of plants that lighten the epidermis and even out its tone: aloe Barbados, white mulberry, madder, etc.


, we must pay attention to moisturizing and nourishing the skin to make it denser and more elastic - then the pigment layer will not show through. A variety of moisturizing and nourishing cosmetics will help achieve the effect. Thirdly, it will be useful for each of us to feed the skin from the inside, and more specifically, to enrich the diet with the following vitamins:

  • A and C - they discolor the pigment;
  • PP and E – prevent the appearance of darkened areas;
  • B12 – regulates the production of melanin.


Lightening cream against pigmentation, 50 g, THE SKIN HOUSE

2 490 ₽

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE

How to prevent the appearance of age spots

Most often, people with fair skin and hair face problems such as pigmentation. In order to prevent the appearance of such a defect, as well as during acne treatment, three basic rules should be followed:

  1. Avoid products that cause skin irritation. Scrubs should only be finely dispersed, and it is not recommended to use them every day. Products containing alcohol should be completely avoided, as they dry the skin and slow down cell regeneration. When using acids or procedures using them, it is necessary to moisturize the skin more often, since they take moisture from the epidermis.
  2. Apply sun protection daily. During periods of increased solar activity, it is necessary to choose drugs with a protective factor of 30 SPF. If we are talking about a beach holiday, then from 50 SPF. In any other situation, the SPF might be 15–25. This rule should be especially observed by those who use exfoliants that enhance photosensitivity, as well as those whose age spots appear on vacation after a certain period of time.
  3. Do not touch inflamed areas of the skin. With age, the renewal of epidermal cells slows down, so healing when microtraumas appear takes longer than if they occurred in youth. So you should not touch damaged areas of the skin.

The following will help prevent the appearance of age spots:

1. Do a facial massage.

When using any cosmetic product, for example, cream, serum, peeling or mask, when applied, it affects the upper layer of the dermis. The formation of age spots occurs much deeper, so even if they are bleached, melanin will still accumulate, although it can be found in completely different areas of the skin.

During the massage, the entire area of ​​the epidermis on the face is affected. It must be remembered that this method will not help get rid of extensive and dark pigmentation, but it is quite capable of whitening the spots a little.

During self-massage, blood circulation and microcirculation improve, resulting in:

  • The skin becomes more elastic and firm as it receives more nutrients.
  • The protective function of the dermis is also enhanced, thanks to which it easily resists the effects of ultraviolet rays and other negative factors.
  • Accelerated metabolism allows cells to quickly get rid of excess pigment and toxins.
  • Skin regeneration is also accelerated.

With a proper and balanced diet, very soon pigment spots will become less noticeable, but only if there is an active pushing out of keratinized cells by the lower layers of the dermis.

It should be borne in mind that with the help of massage alone it will not be possible to remove defects or whiten them. In addition, if you compare it, for example, with peeling, then the result can be expected much later. As for chemical procedures, with their help a person gets rid of only the external manifestations of pigmentation, but not the causes of its occurrence. Massage can make your skin healthier.

2. A complete diet.

It is very important to consume the required amount of water, since it is it that triggers the metabolic processes occurring in the human body. Depending on your weight, you need to drink at least 30 ml of liquid per 1 kg of weight per day. This figure will be higher for those who lead an active lifestyle or live in the southern regions of the country.

You can whiten age spots if your diet includes foods with a high content of the following components:

  • Copper. It is found in cocoa, cod liver, nuts (especially hazelnuts and peanuts), squid, peas, shrimp, buckwheat and lentils.
  • Vitamin A. The main supplier products are pumpkin, carrots, apricots, sea buckthorn and all orange-colored fruits.
  • B vitamins. These are usually fish, meat and eggs, that is, products of animal origin.
  • Vitamin C. A large content of this component is present in bell peppers and rose hips.
  • Vitamin D. Found in chicken egg yolk and fish oil.
  • Vitamin E. Its main source is vegetable oils (unrefined).
  • Vitamin PP. The main products that contain this component are tomatoes, peas and avocados.

3. Improvement of the endocrine system and the entire body as a whole.

Before bleaching age spots if you have diseases associated with internal organs, the immune system or the endocrine system, you should consult your doctor.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the Chinese qigong healing system, which includes exercises aimed at improving the functioning of the kidneys and liver, as well as maintaining their health. The fact is that, according to the healers of the East, these organs are the gates of life, and the appearance of the skin, as well as the uniformity of its color, depends on the state in which they are.

It is necessary to take into account that only correctly selected cosmetics will allow you to achieve the desired result in whitening age spots.

Other things to remember:

  1. When whitening age spots, sun protection products must be applied in a thick layer.
  2. Using preparations for lightening and carrying out the procedure at home, you must strictly follow the instructions.
  3. Research has found a link between the use of hydroquinone, which is found in some whitening products, and dermatitis, cancer, cell damage, and other dermatological problems. Therefore, many specialists use them only when other options have not produced a positive effect.
  4. If you have an allergic reaction to aspirin, you should avoid using products that contain salicylic acid.
  5. When you consult a doctor, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations given by a dermatologist or cosmetologist.
  6. After applying citrus fruit juice to your facial skin, you should not be in direct sunlight, as there is a high risk of getting a burn.
  7. Pregnant or breastfeeding women are advised not to use salicylic acid.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where they will help you whiten age spots at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Rating of creams for age spots by sales in Phytomarket

Today there are many manufacturers of cosmetics on the market.
These are such popular brands as Meishoku, SANA, LIBREDERM, Weleda, AHROMIN. They produce moisturizing and nourishing creams, as well as products for getting rid of unnecessary pigment. This rating is based on sales in our online store. We assume that the demand for these creams for age spots is determined by their effectiveness.

  1. Brightening regular cream for age spots for face and body, DERMATOLOGY, LIBREDERM
  2. Concentrate Achromin for whitening age spots
  3. Cream Clearvin for face whitening against freckles and age spots
  4. Sunscreen cream for face and décolleté against age spots SPF50, LIBREDERM
  5. Sunscreen cream for face and body against age spots SPF50, LIBREDERM
  6. Course of face masks against age spots, JAPAN GALS
  7. Whitening serum-concentrate for pigment spots for spot application, LIBREDERM
  8. Lightening concentrate, against age spots MEZOLUX, Librederm
  9. Bio-reinforcing anti-aging hand cream for age spots, LIBREDERM MEZOLUX
  10. Anti-pigmentation lightening cream, THE SKIN HOUSE

Women's vitamins

All vitamins are needed for the body, but biochemical processes occur differently in women and men. Therefore, the need for biologically active substances is different. The following types are considered women's vitamins:

  • tocopherol (E) – is necessary for the maturation of the egg and the ovulation process; if it is deficient, problems with pregnancy occur; it has antioxidant properties;
  • retinol (A) – is part of an antioxidant complex that protects cells from damage, prevents premature aging, improves the condition of skin and hair, and improves vision;
  • ascorbic acid (C) - the second vitamin from the group of antioxidants, in addition to influencing the condition of cells and the walls of blood vessels, supports the immune system, is very necessary in the second phase of the cycle and during menstruation;
  • calciferol (D) – represented by cholecalciferol, which is synthesized in the skin, and ergocalciferol, obtained from food, primarily for the prevention of osteoprosis;
  • folic acid (B9) - necessary in the second half of the menstrual cycle, if conception has occurred, during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

No less important are the other vitamins B, K, and PP, but their deficiency in women who eat a balanced diet is rarely observed.

What vitamins are needed at 30 years old?

At a young age, the need for vitamin substances differs from the period of maturity. The female body is actively functioning, eggs mature in the ovaries, and ovulation occurs. Even if you don’t want to get pregnant at thirty, you need products that will maintain a normal menstrual cycle.

The benefits come from the antioxidant complex, which includes A, E, C. Folic acid and B12 are required, they are involved in hematopoiesis and help restore hemoglobin levels along with iron medications. Those who suffer from heavy menstruation should take these drugs in a prophylactic dose before each menstruation.

A good vitamin complex helps strengthen nails and improves the condition of hair and skin. If it contains a sufficient dose of folic acid, it can be used when planning pregnancy.

The best vitamins for age spots from Russian manufacturers

Russian pharmaceutical companies produce various multivitamins and dietary supplements that have a complex effect on the skin and solve various cosmetic problems, including the presence of age spots.

Alphabet Cosmetics

Rating: 4.9

The Russian manufacturer Vneshtorg Pharma has developed the Cosmetic supplement from the Alphabet series. This product contains: 13 vitamins, 10 minerals, coenzyme Q10, PABA and bioflavonoids. This is a powerful antioxidant complex that slows down the aging process. It effectively lightens age spots, smoothes out shallow wrinkles, and evens out skin tone.

Alphabet Cosmetics is produced in the form of round tablets, convex on both sides. They are not very large and quite comfortable to swallow. In each blister, the tablets are presented in three colors (orange, yellow and green), which indicate the presence of different active ingredients. You should take 1 tablet of each color per day. Between each of them you should take a break of 4-6 hours. One package is enough for 20 days of use.

Many people speak well of the dietary supplement Alphabet Cosmetic. This complex contains vitamin K, which eliminates or reduces swelling and also fights pronounced age spots. This dietary supplement slows down aging and has a rejuvenating effect. After several courses of using this product, you can expect that your facial skin will become tightened and with an even tone.


  • balanced combination of nutrients;
  • easy to swallow tablets;
  • fights pigment spots;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • evens out facial tone.


  • The tablets should be taken 3 times a day.

Why do you need vitamin D?

Researchers believe that a person living in the city has a deficiency of vitamin D. This explains the decrease in immunity and the development of many diseases. Calciferol has long been called a regulator of mineral metabolism, which improves the absorption of calcium and its delivery to cells. In women after menopause, hypovitaminosis D becomes one of the factors that accelerates the decrease in bone mineral density and the development of osteoporosis.

But for many years doctors have attributed other beneficial properties to this substance:

  • participates in immune reactions - receptors for calciferol are found on T and B lymphocytes, which are the main protective cells of the body;
  • helps maintain pregnancy - by regulating the immune response, suppresses the production of antibodies from the mother's body to the embryo, which is 50% foreign DNA;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect - helps women with genital endometriosis reduce the activity of the inflammatory process;
  • protects the skin from premature aging and cancer - accelerates the restoration of epithelial DNA damaged by ultraviolet radiation and does not allow altered tumor cells to multiply;
  • reduces the risk of developing bowel cancer, especially in old age.

By improving the condition of the skin in adulthood, with the help of vitamin D, you can prevent baldness, the appearance of deep wrinkles and the development of basal cell carcinoma - a tumor of the surface layer of the epithelium.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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