Are there any undesirable consequences after the injections? Tips: how to remove Botox from your face

Botox injections into the face are fraught with many ugly complications: severe swelling, ptosis of the upper eyelids up to the complete inability to open the eyes, terrible grimaces like a crooked mouth or ominous “Mephistopheles eyebrows” (with the outer edges raised upward). Having discovered a creepy mask or “balloon” in the mirror instead of a face, victims of botulinum poison are feverishly looking for an answer to the question of how to remove Botox. Let’s say right away: you won’t be able to completely get rid of the poison! It is only possible to speed up the process of its removal from the body. We tell you how to do this.


Complications often occur for a reason. Typically due to:

  1. Failure to comply with the recommendations of the treating specialist during the rehabilitation period.
  2. Incorrect dosage.
  3. Medical illiteracy
  4. Incorrect drug injection site.
  5. Overdose of a harmful substance.
  6. Using a low quality drug.

Indications for removing the active component:

  • asymmetry of zones. Cause: excessive raising of the brow arches;
  • diffusion of drugs;
  • increased level of lacrimation, severe dryness of the mucous membrane of the eyeballs. Additionally: rapid deterioration of visual acuity;
  • ptosis. Result: significant drooping of the upper eyelids;
  • increased level of salivation. Additionally: dysfunction of the speech apparatus.

Help: correctly diagnose the cause that resulted from the formation of consequences. Action: quickly correct the situation, determine methods for removing the component from the patient’s body.

Indications for accelerated elimination after an unsuccessful procedure

Sometimes, despite the experience and skill of a specialist, Botox does not apply successfully and the result of the procedure does not live up to expectations. The probability of such a turn of events is less than 5%, but not a single patient is immune from it.

The reason for this may be:

  • degree of susceptibility to botulinum-containing drugs;
  • development and location of facial muscles;
  • presence of undiagnosed hernias;
  • old injuries;
  • non-standard location of the facial nerve.

There are other possible reasons for unsuccessful botulinum therapy:

  • unintentional drug overdose;
  • insufficient quality of the drug;
  • incorrect actions of the patient himself in the postoperative period.

As a result of an unsuccessful botulinum therapy procedure, unforeseen symptoms may develop , which will make the patient want to immediately get rid of the consequences of the injection:

  1. facial asymmetry;
  2. numbness of lips and speech impairment;
  3. curvature of the corners of the mouth and drooling;
  4. ptosis of the eyelids - from slight drooping to complete inability to open the eyes;
  5. eyebrow ptosis;
  6. all kinds of visual impairments - primarily double vision;
  7. lymphostasis in the area between the eyebrows.

Sensations of tight muscles and unnatural facial expressions can cause serious discomfort, and a patient who is not ready for this may turn to a specialist with a request to relieve him of Botox.

More serious complications are also possible - allergies, suffocation, anaphylactic shock, etc. Here, emergency assistance from a surgeon and hospitalization of the patient will be required, since there is a direct threat to life.

You can learn more about side effects from this article.

We invite you to watch a video about complications for which removal is recommended:

Is it possible to remove the effects of Botox?

It is impossible to neutralize the effect of the active component in 1 session. Reason: uniform distribution across tissues, synchronization with body fluid. Exercise at home:

  • constant intense morning exercises;
  • regular cardio training;
  • visiting the bathhouse – regularity: 2-3 times a week.

Help: methods to increase blood circulation in the lymphatic system. Result: reduction in the pronounced effect of the component.

Physiotherapy – a technique for removing Botox from the frontal part. Additionally: daily massage. Self-medication is prohibited, reason: deterioration of the situation, continuous monitoring by a cosmetologist is required.

Does Botox work?

Compatibility of Botox with other procedures

Botox injections are a fairly safe intervention. They are combined with other cosmetology techniques:

  • Fillers. The drugs complement each other's effect - Botox smooths out expression wrinkles in the upper part of the face, and hyaluronic acid fills deep nasolabial folds and scars.
  • Hardware procedures. They perfectly complement botulinum therapy, but a pause between sessions of 3-5 weeks is required.
  • Chemical peeling. The result of peeling will be better if it is performed after complete recovery from botulinum therapy. Smooth skin is easier to peel. It will get rid of age spots and scars and complement the effect of Botox injections.
  • Plastic surgery. A month after botulinum toxin injection, blepharoplasty can be done.

Factors affecting the removal of Botox

Cosmetologists do not know how much the active substance in Botox is removed from the body. Reason: characteristics of each patient. Depends on factors.

The immune systemBotox is poison for the human body. Result: activation of the enhanced functioning of the immune system, neutralization of harmful substances. Information: good immunity maintains the duration of action of Botox for 4 months. Weak indicator: prohibition of injection
Patient age categoryAge category 50+ requires 1 Botox injection per year. Less - depends on the nature of the visit to the cosmetologist
GenderIn women, the active component is excreted longer. Reason: minimal activity
Metabolic rateIf high, the active substance is excreted quickly, otherwise – slowly
Problem areaThe effect quickly wears off in the eye area. Other areas: 4-6 months

Additionally: volume of the injected component. Result: the minimum dosage is eliminated within 3 months.

Comparison of methods based on speed of action, cost, effectiveness and safety

Using physiotherapeutic and cosmetological methods, you can significantly speed up the process of removing Botox from facial tissues. This will take at least 1 month. complex treatment. In this case, the fastest and most effective way to detoxify tissues is ultrasound therapy, manual massage and lymphatic drainage using hardware equipment.

All methods are safe and have a good stimulating effect on the removal of botulinum toxin from the soft tissues of the face. The average cost of these methods ranges from 300 to 600 rubles. for 1 procedure. Removal of Botox drugs is possible naturally or using cosmetic and physiotherapeutic techniques.

The speed of self-cleaning of tissues from botulinum toxin depends on the person’s age, the state of his immune system, and metabolic level. On average, this process takes at least 3-4 months. In the case of using methods of forced detoxification of facial muscles, the positive effect of getting rid of Botox occurs within 1-2 months.

To get rid of butulinum toxin faster, you will need to follow the principle of an integrated approach with the simultaneous use of several methods of physiotherapy.

Can I withdraw it quickly?

Reason: lack of result. Kinds:

  • regular massages and treatments. Principle: gentle massage, high intensity. Result: impact on epidermal cells, restoration of the muscle layer. Recommendations: lymphatic drainage;
  • physiotherapy. The principle is based on stimulation of damaged muscles with minimal current pulses. Help: Darsonval and myostimulation are prescribed. Effect: rapid increase in muscle performance, improved blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissue. Consequences: rapid withdrawal of the active component;
  • physical exercise.
  • Additionally: aerobics class. Action: regular performance of gymnastic exercises – facelifting. Result: impact on the drug injection sites. Tip: regularly turn your head to the sides.

What are the contraindications for use?

If such a procedure is performed by a qualified specialist who has the necessary knowledge and solid experience, there are usually no side effects.

However, there are cases of serious complications caused by many factors.

The doctor is obliged to warn his patient about the list of contraindications to the use of Botox in order to avoid dangerous consequences and significant side effects. This list includes a ban on the procedure in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • glaucoma diseases;
  • the presence of infectious diseases in the body;
  • the presence of immunological disorders;
  • individual intolerance to botulinum toxin and tendency to allergic reactions;
  • the presence of dermatitis and other diseases of the epidermis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • presence of diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • taking antibiotics and anticoagulants;
  • the presence of oncological processes in the body;
  • epilepsy diseases;
  • the presence of foci of inflammation in the area of ​​manipulation;
  • atony of the facial muscles (age-related weakening of muscle tissue);
  • weakened immune system of the body.

The drug Botox has been in the service of medicine for many years, during which it has repeatedly undergone thorough testing and clinical studies for possible complications. During these experiments, the following facts were established:

  • Botulinum toxin used for injections is used in very small dosages, and therefore is not capable of causing botulism;
  • in the case of an individual allergic reaction - intolerance to the drug, a rejection reaction may occur, requiring therapeutic manipulation;
  • In a large number of cases, after using Botox, the following were observed: skin redness, swelling, and inflammatory reactions.

Use of medications

Prescribed for the effective treatment of botulism: convulsive provocateurs, increases the number of muscle contractions. Help: the treating specialist prescribes antibacterial components of the tetracycline category. Reason: Effectively breaks down harmful toxins. There are contraindications: problems with liver and kidney failure. The doctor prescribes strong antidepressants, hormonal pills, and antiviral drugs. Alcohol consumption

When administering injections of the active substance, cosmetologists inform about the prohibition of alcohol consumption. Help: patients mistakenly imply the process of accelerating metabolism. Advice: ban on drinking alcoholic beverages during the rehabilitation period. Methods to reduce the effects of Botox

The patient can reduce the level of exposure to the active ingredient. Professional cosmetologists prescribe effective procedures. Types of effective techniques:

  • magnetic stimulation;
  • electrical stimulation. Principle of action: rapid reduction of side effects with incorrect dosage;
  • ultrasound therapy. Operating principle: effective impact of ultrasound on the motor functions of tissue molecules. Benefits: rapid removal of harmful toxins, increased metabolism, regeneration of damaged cells;
  • galvanization. Advantages: direct effect on damaged areas of the skin. Result: rapid muscle relaxation, removal of harmful toxins from the patient’s body. Disadvantage: 10-15 sessions required;
  • Darsonval. The principle of operation is based on the direct influence of small pulses with alternating current. Advantages: the equipment increases the patency of nerve endings and increases the number of muscle contractions. Result: becomes noticeable after 10 sessions;
  • classic massage procedure.

Reference: the methods are applied based on the results of a preliminary comprehensive diagnosis of the negative effects of the active component of Botox. Professional cosmetologists prohibit self-medication. Reason: rapid deterioration of health.

What is Botox

Botox is a drug based on botulinum toxin, the strongest natural poison known to science. It is also called sausage poison (a direct translation of its original name Botulinum toxin), as it was discovered as the causative agent of fatal food poisoning from spoiled sausage. Then they learned to produce botulinum toxin on an industrial scale for military purposes as a bacteriological weapon (4 kilograms of this poison can destroy all of humanity) and for the treatment of various neuromuscular disorders.

Botulinum toxin is a powerful neuroparalytic poison. It paralyzes the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles, causing them to atrophy. In medicine and cosmetology, this neurotoxin is used in low concentrations to have a neuroparalytic effect locally. For aesthetic purposes, botulinum toxin is most often used to smooth out wrinkles by paralyzing the target muscles. The muscles do not contract - wrinkles do not form.

But even in microdoses, Botox remains poisonous. It gives both external ugly side effects and health complications, including suffocation and anaphylactic shock. Not only the injection areas suffer, but also neighboring areas and even the entire body. The fact is that the toxin has diffusion properties, that is, it spreads beyond the target zones.


The price of the service is determined individually. There are many reasons.

Complication levelThe abundance of side effects requires an integrated approach
Volume of active substance introduced into the patient’s bodyThe method of detoxification of the patient is determined
MethodologyDepends on the level and nature of complications
Medical CenterThe clinic determines the cost independently
Rehabilitation periodThe need is determined by the chosen technique
RegionPlace of residence dictates the market price of services

Help: Consultation with a specialist is recommended. Tip: registration is made through the administrator of the medical center. Advantages of a private clinic

Advantages: • individual approach; • reverent attitude; • professional doctors; • recording for any time; • low price; • guarantee of results; • professional equipment; • goodwill, focus on results. Additionally: no side effects, quick withdrawal of Botox.

Injection results

After a course of injections, wrinkles on the face are significantly smoothed out, the condition of the facial skin noticeably improves, and this effect can last up to six months.

Many women wonder how quickly Botox works? Visually, the effect of the drug can be seen on your face after five or seven days; it is during this period that the muscles can completely relax. The maximum result is achieved after two weeks, but it is worth remembering that each time indicator also depends on the individual characteristics of the body. After an examination, a cosmetologist will be able to determine how often you should inject Botox in your case.


The consequences can be avoided. Recommendations: • ban on drinking alcohol – 72 hours; • limited physical exercise – 3-4 days after injection of the active component; • prolonged exposure to direct sunlight is prohibited - for 3 days after the injection; • ban on visiting gyms, sports clubs, jogging – 3-5 days after the injection; • stay in a horizontal position – 4 hours after drug administration. Reason: uniform distribution of active components on problem areas of the skin; • visiting a bathhouse, sauna – 3-4 days after the procedure; • it is forbidden to take warm baths or contrast showers for 5 days after the injection; • visiting the solarium – the first 48 hours; • the use of decorative cosmetics is prohibited – 5 days after the injection. Result: prevention of wrinkle formation, lightening of age spots, absence of pain. Consequences: no repeated course of administration of the active component; removal from the body is not required.

Reasons that weaken the effect of the procedure

  1. Taking medications (antibacterial, improves brain activity, strengthens blood vessels and reduces blood pressure, relaxes muscles).
  2. Excessive exercise speeds up blood circulation and metabolism, which is why neural connections are restored faster.
  3. Accelerated metabolism - good metabolism contributes to faster recovery of nerve endings.
  4. Visiting a sauna and steam bath - increased temperature increases blood circulation and metabolism.
  5. Procedures that improve blood circulation and metabolism: plasma lifting, ozone therapy, vascular mesotherapy, electromyostimulation, microcurrents, laser resurfacing and median peelings.
  6. Genetic predisposition - occurs in 1% of people on the planet, most often in men.
  7. Taking B vitamins helps to remove botulinum toxin from the body more quickly.

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What ways can you reduce the effect?

To speed up the elimination of complications, it is worth knowing how to weaken the effect of Botox. To quickly remove botulinum toxin, certain cosmetic methods are prescribed. The following are considered effective: magnetic and electrical stimulation, ultrasound, galvanization and darsonvalization.

  • Magnetic stimulation. This procedure is a quick method of removing Botox. During its implementation, the skin is exposed using a hardware method. This neutralizes the effect of the main substance and promotes its rapid elimination.
  • To reduce unwanted consequences after Botox, the specialist prescribes electrical stimulation. During the procedure, electric current pulses specifically affect problem areas of the skin. Due to this, muscle activity is restored.
  • Ultrasound therapy. Under the influence of ultrasound, the motor activity of tissue molecules accelerates. This method promotes rapid removal of toxins, improvement of metabolic processes and skin restoration.
  • Galvanization. Refers to one of the types of hardware massage. During the procedure, the effect occurs specifically on the problem area of ​​the skin, which allows us to weaken the effect of the toxin. The result is visible after 12-14 sessions.
  • Darsonval. Its action is based on the influence of weak alternating current pulses. The device improves the passage of nerve impulses and enhances muscle contractions. The result is visible after 10-13 procedures.

Also, do not forget about classic massage. A massage is prescribed depending on the problem area, but a full complex can also be prescribed for the face.

Important! All types of therapeutic measures after an unsuccessful anti-aging procedure are prescribed only by a cosmetologist. Self-medication in this situation is fraught with serious consequences.

To summarize, we can say that, having decided on a rejuvenating procedure with Botox, you should approach the choice of a specialist and clinic with all responsibility. After all, the result largely depends on the professionalism of the doctor. However, if you still find yourself among those who were not spared by complications, then you should not give up. An experienced doctor will help you cope with this situation. After all, it is possible to speed up the removal of Botox and reduce its impact.

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