Hardware biorevitalization without injections: how it is carried out, before and after photos

Non-injection or hardware biorevitalization: what is it?

The technique is aimed at natural and natural rejuvenation of the skin through the use of acid. The human body has its own reserve of hyaluronic acid, but its production decreases over the years.

It is the loss of hyaluronic acid that causes the skin to dry out and, as a result, wrinkles appear on the face. It is impossible to restore the acid content with the help of appropriate creams, since there is only high-molecular hyaluron, and there will be no noticeable and lasting effect. Several processes are used to increase the level of hyaluronic acid in the skin. To begin with, the desired area is treated with an infrared athermal laser, then a hypoallergenic gel is applied. With such biorevitalization, the drug is evenly distributed on the surface. Thanks to the efficient operation of the laser, the procedure time is significantly reduced.

This technique is used not only to eliminate wrinkles, but also to correct eyebrow and nasolabial folds, and preparations with hyaluronic acid can be used in cosmetology to increase lip volume. Biorevitalization helps in the healing of traumatic and surgical scars, smoothes the skin texture, and moisturizes the deep layers of the epidermis.

Cosmetic biorevitalization procedure

Biorevitalization is one of the procedures that is most often classified as injection cosmetology.
However, in addition to injections, there are other ways of biorevitalization to make your skin fresh and radiant, fill it with vitamins, minerals and beneficial substances, we will discuss them below. During a traditional session, special preparations based on hyaluronic acid in different proportions are injected under the skin using injections. The active substance penetrates inside and starts the processes of rejuvenation, toning and deep hydration. Hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid) plays an important role in our body, including the epithelium. It is initially contained in cells, ensures their vital activity and saturates the skin with oxygen. But gradually the process of natural restoration of hyaluronic acid by our body slows down, and sometimes even stops. During the cosmetic procedure of biorevitalization, a combination of active substances acts on our skin as a natural nourishing component, smoothes it and, most importantly, stimulates the internal dynamics of restoration, producing collagen and elastane.

Injection or hardware biorevitalization: what is effective?

Non-injection biorevitalization allows you to quickly rejuvenate your face with maximum safety. Despite the fact that this procedure appeared not so long ago, it has every chance of becoming a popular cosmetic procedure that is performed in clinics.

The injection method of biorevitalization is also effective, but has more contraindications and negative consequences. Hyaluronic acid has a gel structure, so it is impossible to distribute it correctly using injections. Remember, no matter what method of introducing acid into the skin is chosen, you should contact only professional doctors, as this guarantees a high-quality procedure and a reliable result.


During non-injection biorevitalization, hyaluronic acid is introduced into the skin tissue using different methods - oxygen injection, iontophoresis or laser radiation. Each option has its own characteristics, but in any case, the result will be obvious after the first procedure. All that remains is to choose the most suitable option.

Oxygen biorevitalization

The technique involves the use of a device that very carefully, at the lowest possible pressure, supplies oxygen to the skin through a special nebulizer. The preparations for this procedure contain, in addition to hyaluron, hyaluronidase inhibitors that can slow down the breakdown of acidic elements in the skin. Oxygen elements, entering under very low pressure into the inner layers of the skin, lead to the distribution of active substances in the epidermis. Subsequently, the acid penetrates the inner skin, accumulating there and stimulating the natural production of collagen and elastin in the body. This method has an additional positive effect - oxygen saturates the skin cells and this improves their color.


In this case, for biorevitalization, drugs are used that contain ions of active substances not only with positive, but also with negative charges. This procedure allows you to strictly order the movement of ions, and this leads to accelerated penetration of hyaluron deep into the epidermal layers. The main task of the acid is to stimulate the natural production of elastin and collagen, which returns the skin its natural elasticity and gives a more youthful appearance to the face.

Laser therapy

The procedure uses a special laser unit and hyaluronic acid with a low molecular structure. Using a laser, the substance is delivered deep into the skin, and this does not provoke additional heating of the skin layers when using this method. This way the person is protected from burns. This is a way to deliver beneficial acid directly to the basement membrane, and that is where it begins to accumulate. After this, the acid gradually gets deep under the skin and attracts water molecules there. This stimulates the production of collagen and elastin to achieve a rejuvenating effect.

Whatever method of procedure is chosen, a quick and obvious effect is guaranteed.

After a course of biorevitalization:

  • the skin becomes firmer and more elastic;
  • the complexion improves (redness, grayness of the skin, circles under the eyes go away);
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • Skin hyperpigmentation and scars are reduced.

The biorevitalization procedure is carried out on any problem areas: face, neck, arms (hands and elbows), abdomen, décolleté, hips, kneecap areas.


When to start?

Biorevitalization, prices for which are affordable in Moscow, is done at different ages.

25-30 years - provided that your skin is prone to fading and premature aging. In this case, the sooner you start doing biorevitalization, the better.

30-35 years is the optimal age for ongoing biorevitalization courses. They will help you stay young and beautiful longer.

After 40 years, biorevitalization is combined with other rejuvenating procedures: peelings, contouring, photorejuvenation, thermolifting, etc.

How is the procedure performed?

Before the hardware treatment, a gel with hyaluron heated to 40°C is applied to the skin. Only when the drug is distributed evenly on the skin is it possible to begin treatment with a device with a laser, oxygen and iontophoresis operating system. The laser helps to open the conducting channels of the dermis; acid in an amount of 4 ml penetrates the skin to a depth of 4 mm.

Using a laser, cosmetologists open the conductive channels of the dermis, and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid penetrates into the subcutaneous layer in an amount of up to 4 ml to a depth of 4 mm. The whole procedure takes a few minutes. Remains of the gel are removed with a cosmetic napkin.

Biorevitalization at A Clinic

At A Clinic, the best and most modern drugs are used for biorevitalization.

Thus, the Swiss drug Profhilo contains ultra-pure hyaluronic acid obtained through a bacterial fermentation process and belongs to the “Highest Quality” class.

The drug is based on hyaluronic acid with low and high molecular weight in equal proportions. This is a special hybrid technology developed and patented by scientists from the world-famous Swiss company IBSA. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin and gives a reinforcing effect. High molecular weight – improves local blood circulation, stimulates the production of your own collagen, and provides tissue lifting. This is achieved due to the accumulation of water molecules around the high molecular weight acid. This formula is called hydrolift.

Profhilo activates the vital activity of not only fibroblasts and keratinocytes, but also adipocytes (fat cells), supports their viability, which leads to the restoration of its own subcutaneous fat, the deficiency of which is determined with age.

High fluidity allows the components of the drug to freely pass through the subcutaneous tissue and dermis, which is not possible with traditional fillers with hyaluronic acid. Profhilo is ideal for introduction into anatomically complex areas - forehead, neck, submandibular areas. Profhilo smoothes out skin defects well, for example, post-acne scars or after chickenpox.

100% pure hyaluronic acid is also contained in the line of products for contouring from Italian and Swiss scientists Neauvia Organic.

This hyaluronic acid is extracted from the bacterium Bacillus Subtilis, which is probiotic and non-pathogenic to humans. The purer the hyaluronic acid, the lower the risk of its rejection by the body. In addition, the scientists who developed the Newvia Organic line of organic fillers decided to use a new cross-linking agent - PEG (polyethylene glycol) polymer. It is widely known and has long been used in the pharmaceutical and medical markets, is non-toxic, and completely decomposes in tissues. PEG helps the filler stay in the skin for a long time. Does not cause adverse reactions. It is PEG that makes the Newvia Organic line of drugs the most biocompatible with the human body. Their tissue rejection is reduced to almost zero. PEG reduces inflammation and granuloma formation.

At certain temperatures that can be reached during procedures in aesthetic hardware cosmetology, such as exposure to laser, ultrasound, and others, traditional hyaluronic acid filler begins to break down. But not Nyuvia fillers. PEG makes the acid much more resistant to heat without limiting the range of aesthetic treatments.

Newvia fillers also have amazing elasticity and plasticity. That is, the ability to change shape and size under the influence of external loads and maintain them or return to their original position. Therefore, each filler in the line adapts to the patient’s existing anatomical structures and at the same time maintains the required shape for long-term aesthetic correction. Nuvia fillers are able to create the desired volume without causing compression of surrounding tissue, thus always providing natural-looking results.

In addition to hyaluronic acid, Newvia Organic contains calcium hydroxyapatite. This naturally occurring mineral triggers the formation of new collagen in the skin. As a result, the density, firmness and elasticity of the skin improves, acquiring the ideal double effect of volume and hydration.

The peptide drug Aquashine is capable of slowing down the aging of the dermis at the cellular level.

Peptides are organic substances that regulate the condition of cells. When introduced into the body, they force cells to work correctly. The effect of restoration of the affected organ or tissue occurs due to the normalization of work at the cellular level. Aquashine preparations contain several peptides. For example, Acetyl Decapeptide-3 activates the production of fibroblasts. Oligopeptide-24 improves skin regeneration, increases collagen production, improves tone, and reduces scars. Oligopeptide-34 stops the aging process, fills skin cells with energy, and reduces the appearance of pigmentation. Oligopeptide-72 prevents the formation of wrinkles and smoothes the skin. Oligopeptide-23 improves metabolism. Oligopeptide-51 shrinks pores and stimulates the formation of elastin.

In addition to peptides, the line’s preparations contain hyaluronic acid, vitamins, including 9 representatives of group B, vitamins C, A, E, K and I (inositol), 24 amino acids, coenzymes, nucleic acids, and minerals.

Hyaluronic acid is contained in Aquashine preparations in two forms - high molecular weight and low molecular weight. At the same time, high molecular weight acid helps transport peptides into the layers of the skin and their accumulation, while low molecular weight acid quickly saturates the skin with moisture and serves as a “transport” for other components.

Vitamins nourish and restore cells, amino acids supply building material for fibroblasts - cells that synthesize collagen and elastin. Coenzymes transport nutrients to cells and activate their defense and division. Nucleic acids are needed to update DNA, and minerals are needed to improve metabolic processes.

The drug from the American company Allergan Juvederm is already a golden classic of hyaluronic skin rejuvenation.

It is suitable for biorevitalization of the face, neck, décolleté and hands. In addition to moisturizing, Juvederm has a healing, restorative, and anti-inflammatory effect. Contains the antioxidant mannitol, which enhances the effect of hyaluronic acid up to three times. The special formula provides effective prevention of skin aging and eliminates signs of aging, tightens the skin well, and restores its turgor. At the same time, Juvederm injections eliminate peeling, enlarged pores, age spots, uneven color, fine wrinkles, and scars.

Thanks to Juvederm, dull, dull skin with signs of sagging and fatigue becomes fresh, radiant and youthful again.

The American biofiller based on hyaluronic acid Restylane can also be called a classic of the genre.

Restylane is especially effective in correcting wrinkles in the forehead, at the outer corner of the eye, on the bridge of the nose and in the nasolabial folds. The drug is also used to correct the shape of the lips. Several effects are achieved here. Firstly, the drug smoothes the skin of the lips, removing small wrinkles that appear with age. Secondly, it corrects the shape of the lips. Thirdly, it is able to increase their volume. Due to Restylane injections, lips not only become fuller, but also acquire a clear contour.

Restylane does not have any adverse effects on the skin, and therefore is often used by patients as a preventative against the appearance of fine wrinkles already at the age of 25-30.

Dermal filler from the German company Merz Pharma Belotero consists of hyaluronic acid molecules stitched together into a mesh polymer, which increases its ability to retain more moisture and start skin renewal processes many times faster.

The drug is ideal for patients with very sensitive skin. A unique feature of Belotero is that, due to its dense structure, it is able to model the contours of the face and neck, removing gravitational ptosis, that is, drooping of facial tissues, and smoothing out neck wrinkles.

Fillers from the Belotero line, in particular, perfectly correct the areas of the cheeks, chin, area around the eyes or forehead, ideal for increasing volume or changing the shape of the lips.

Advantages over injections

The main advantage of this method in comparison with injection methods is that it is a gentle procedure. When hyaluronic acid is introduced into the skin, there is no discomfort or pain. In addition, it is worth noting other advantages of this technique:

  • There are no mechanical damage to the skin or burns, even if the laser acts on the skin;
  • Reducing the risk of infection or bruising and swelling in the areas where punctures were made;
  • There is no pain or discomfort during biorevitalization;
  • It takes very little time - in just a few minutes you can remove wrinkles around the eyes and other minor skin defects;
  • Acid under such influence is distributed evenly;
  • The procedure has virtually no contraindications;
  • The likelihood of complications or side effects is very low;
  • There is no subsequent rehabilitation period after surgery without injection;
  • The effect lasts up to 4 months, but can last longer, and it all depends on how well the person takes care of the skin afterwards;
  • The efficiency is quite high in the absence of restrictions on the number of permissible procedures.

At the same time, the laser biorevitalization procedure does not have a “withdrawal syndrome”, which is typical for many other therapeutic techniques.

Effect duration

The effect will be noticeable immediately after the procedure. The face will have a fresh and radiant appearance, and the skin will feel rested. The full effect will be noticeable only 3-4 days after the procedure for restoring the youth of the face is carried out.

There are other results that can be achieved with biorevitalization:

  • Increased tone;
  • Turgor;
  • Improved complexion;
  • Lifting effect;
  • Increasing skin resistance to harmful external influences;
  • Improving local immunity.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure once every 2 months, but with proper care, the period can be doubled, since the skin will retain the effect. The procedure can be either one-time or constitute a whole complex of restoring the youth of the skin. In the case of complex recovery, the interval between sessions does not exceed 2 weeks, and it is possible to continue such procedures up to 2 times every six months in order to maintain the effect obtained.

To save money, you can pay attention to special coupons and subscriptions of the Leila Roz clinic. This allows regular customers to receive significant discounts when undergoing complex procedures.

Indications for the procedure

Indications for biorevitalization using this method may include:

  • age-related changes and wrinkles, sagging skin;
  • loss of skin elasticity not only on the face, but also in the décolleté and neck;
  • peeling and dryness on the face;
  • flabbiness, which is often observed with sudden weight loss;
  • acne and narrowing of pores on the skin of the face.

In addition, this procedure is used to consolidate the results obtained with mesotherapy. Many users leave positive reviews about laser biorevitalization as the safest and most convenient method of rejuvenation.


Facial biorevitalization is not suitable for everyone. Sometimes it is worth holding off on injections, and in some cases, choosing a different method of rejuvenation.

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. No specialist can be completely sure how the effects of the drug will affect the health of the expectant mother and the quality of breast milk. Due to weakened immunity during pregnancy, the skin may overreact to injections.
  2. Inflammation. First, it is better to wait for the wounds to heal, and then carry out rejuvenating procedures.
  3. Autoimmune diseases and other diseases in exacerbation. With multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and HIV, immunity is constantly under threat. Exposure to a chemically created drug may cause unexpected reactions or complications. If your illness is temporary - for example, you caught ARVI - you can come to the session after complete recovery.

Contraindications also include:

  • allergy to hyaluronic acid;
  • tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy.

Moles are not an obstacle to anti-aging procedures. This is a common misconception. During the session, the drug is administered only to the area around the moles.

You should not carry out biorevitalization on critical days. Many procedures at this time are more painful.

Do not hide anything, otherwise the results of the sessions may disappoint you. Some of the best dermatologists in Lobnya work at the PrivatKlinik medical center, but without complete knowledge of the characteristics of your body, even they will not be able to provide you with ideal skin.

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