Tips from cosmetologists on how to quickly remove bruises after mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is considered one of the popular methods for correcting aesthetic defects of facial skin. The technique is based on a direct effect on subcutaneous fat and skin through injections of medications based on hyaluronic acid, vitamins, nutritional components, etc. During mesotherapy, “cocktails” are injected into the problem area with a special syringe gun. Despite the high safety of the technologies used, bruises often remain on the skin.26

“Beauty injections” can be used in the complex treatment of acne and post-acne, psoriasis, rosacea (rosacea). They help eliminate xanthelasma (local cholesterol deposits on the skin of the eyelids), rosacea, scars on the skin, bruises under the eyes, age-related defects and age spots, etc. 26

Reasons for appearance

The essence of mesotherapy is the introduction of special agents under the skin - vitamins, hyaluronic acid and other nutrients. After injections, reflexogenic and active points are activated, improving appearance. However, there is a high probability of hematomas.

Bruises and hematomas are common consequences of mesotherapy. They usually go away on their own within 8-12 days and are not considered dangerous complications.

The reasons for their occurrence are fragility of skin capillaries, poor skin coagulability, and the introduction of too dense mesocotails.

Minor bruises after facial mesotherapy are not considered complications. After 10-14 days, the side effect disappears on its own. Defects occur due to hemorrhages during the session, when the skin is damaged along with the blood vessels.

Before signing up for mesotherapy, it is recommended to check the level of vitamins C, D, K and iron in the blood.
Completing the deficiency with the help of multivitamin complexes will minimize the risk of bruising after the procedure.

Cosmetologist, dermatovenerologist, laser therapist.

Nachoeva Irina Nasredinovna

7 years experience

In addition, the following factors influence the occurrence of hematomas:

  • Increased fragility of capillary . This is an inherited or acquired condition that causes multiple and large bruises. Often, the fragility of the walls increases due to smoking.
  • Poor clotting . This dangerous condition is congenital or occurs while taking thinning drugs. If there is insufficient clotting, any injections are prohibited.
  • Injection of excessively dense fillers . Most often this occurs during lip and cheekbone augmentation. Often such injections severely damage blood vessels. In addition to extensive hematomas, the blood supply to the affected area may completely stop and a necrotic process may develop.
  • Failure to comply with medical recommendations during rehabilitation. Smoking, drinking alcohol, visiting saunas, steam baths, and solariums have a negative effect on the treated area, causing the vessels to be compressed and become fragile.

Acne often appears after mesotherapy. This side effect most often indicates an allergy, which occurs in two forms. The immediate reaction due to hormonal imbalance, in addition to a rash, causes swelling, itching, blisters, and anaphylactic shock.

In the delayed phase, mechanical urticaria and dermatitis develop. This form most often appears if there has been repeated contact with the allergen, so acne may appear after several procedures, and not immediately.

In addition to allergies, the rash is caused by the herpes virus, low immunity, or insufficient skin care during recovery. In most cases, the rash goes away on its own, but sometimes to eliminate the cause you need to be examined by a dermatologist.

Is it possible to avoid the appearance of bruises after the administration of meso-cocktails?

To reduce the risk of bruising after mesotherapy, you need to schedule a visit to a cosmetologist during the period without menstruation, and a few days before the procedure, stop taking medications that affect blood clotting.

In case of close proximity or increased fragility of blood vessels, it is worth giving preference to less traumatic methods of administering meso-cocktails. Methods of needle-free facial mesotherapy include:

  • electroporation (delivery of drugs through electrical pulses that increase skin permeability);
  • magnetophoresis (introduction of meso-cocktails using low-frequency pulses);
  • iontophoresis (administration of drugs using weak galvanic current discharges).

There is also a minimal risk of bruising when performing oxygen or laser mesotherapy.

How to speed up healing

Bruises after facial mesotherapy are not a complication, but an adverse reaction that will go away on its own after a few weeks. However, there are several simple but effective methods to speed up recovery.

Cold is the main and extremely effective remedy against bruises, redness and signs of irritation. However, a cold compress should be applied to the affected area during the first hours after the procedure.

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Preference should be given to dry cold, as ice cubes can cause infection. It is best to apply a spoon or a heating pad with ice inside. Cold constricts blood vessels and stops bleeding, but the compress can be kept continuously for no longer than 2-3 minutes, as frostbite of the epidermis will occur.

If extensive hematomas persist for several days, then special pharmaceutical products for external use - ointments, gels - will help eliminate them. However, they should be used strictly according to the instructions, otherwise other side effects will appear.

Electrotherapy also helps speed up recovery. Microcurrent treatment eliminates injured cells, darsonvalization improves blood circulation, protects against infections, and galvanization soothes the skin, relieves swelling, inflammation and other signs of irritation.

They also resort to massage, which also eliminates bruises. However, this type of treatment is strictly contraindicated in the first few days after the manipulation, since there remains a risk of infection and increased subcutaneous bleeding. It is best to do a massage 3-4 days after mesotherapy.

What happens to the face after mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves introducing special compounds into the structure of the skin. They saturate epithelial cells with useful substances and awaken internal metabolic processes that fade with age.

Because of this effect on the treated area, mesotherapy eliminates many skin problems:

  • Flabbiness, laxity of tissues;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Acne and post-acne;
  • Scars.

The procedure is most effective for aging skin, since it has a powerful lifting effect, which you can notice after your first visit to cosmetology.

Since the concentration of beneficial substances increases with each session, mesotherapy has a cumulative effect. Because of this, you will not be able to achieve the desired result immediately. Most often, this requires completing a full course consisting of 8-15 sessions, which depends on the area being treated and the effect you want to achieve.

Prevention methods

To protect against hematomas, it is important that the procedure is performed by a qualified specialist with extensive experience. In addition, after the session you should strictly follow all medical recommendations.

The chipped areas should not be touched with hands. During the first few hours after mesotherapy, it is forbidden to take a horizontal position.

For several days after the manipulation, you need to use a high pillow to sleep. For the first week, you should avoid physical activity, taking a hot bath, sunbathing, or visiting a solarium or bathhouse.

Immediately after the end of the session, apply a cold compress for 10-15 minutes. To prevent bruising, cold should be applied several times a day.

Mesotherapy is a modern and effective procedure for facial rejuvenation. However, manipulation often leaves behind bruises, hematomas or even pimples. Almost always the manifestations go away on their own, and there are several effective methods to speed up healing.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes using cosmetology?

Eliminating dark circles under the eyes in beauty salons is an effective method , but since there are different types of such procedures, it is important to choose the right method.

For your information! Depending on the cause of the bruises and their severity, experts advise using different approaches.


Filler is a synthetic filler based on hyaluronic acid , which is injected into the under-eye area and stimulates the formation of healthy new cells, while simultaneously moisturizing the skin from the inside.

Thanks to this, you can get rid of many visual defects, including bruises.

The product dissolves after several months, so if the bruises are permanent, the procedure must be performed two to three times a year .

Such substances do not have a negative effect on the functioning of the facial muscles, and the procedure lasts no more than an hour and just one session is enough.

But the injection of fillers is not recommended if you are hypersensitive to pain , since injections (especially in the eye area) can be very painful.


Keep in mind! Mesotherapy is another type of injection, but unlike fillers, in this case a whole range of drugs is introduced, including:

  • extracts of medicinal plants;
  • collagen;
  • organic acids;
  • elastin.

This procedure helps not only eliminate bruises , but also resolve swelling and stimulate regenerative processes in cells.

The effect of the procedure becomes noticeable after about the third session, but may appear later.

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin, and in each case a specific composition is selected.

How to quickly remove marks from mesotherapy?

The normal reaction of the skin to mesotherapy usually subsides within 1-2 days, but bruises disappear spontaneously for quite a long time; their complete disappearance can take up to several weeks.

There are several ways you can get rid of dark spots on your skin on your own or at a salon.


The classic folk method practiced by most girls is applying cold compresses to the affected area. You can use ice wrapped in a plastic bag for this.

It is recommended to apply compresses to areas of bruising 4-5 times a day for 10 minutes. If tingling, tingling or burning occurs, remove the compress to prevent freezing of the skin. Additionally, you can transfer the cold compress with a towel to reduce the intensity of cooling.

Pharmacy products

To eliminate bruises, it is better to use ready-made medications aimed at eliminating traces of hemorrhage and normalizing skin color.

Consult a dermatologist to help you find a safe and effective solution that will help you get rid of bruises in a few days.

The following drugs are most often used for this purpose:

  • Troxevasin;
  • Rescuer;
  • Lyoton;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Bruise-off.

You need to use ointments and gels 2-3 times a day, spreading a thin layer over the affected area of ​​the skin.


There are special cosmetic procedures aimed at eliminating hematomas, pigmentation and bruises on the skin.

The mechanism of their work is to influence sensitive tissue with small electrical impulses, which activate the processes of regeneration of new epithelial cells. This helps smooth out the complexion.


You can provide lymphatic drainage and accelerate blood microcirculation yourself. To do this, do a small facial massage 3-4 times a day, gently pinching and rubbing the affected area.

The essence of the massage is similar to the mechanism of electrical procedures, since both methods promote accelerated renewal of skin cells, which ensures the rapid elimination of bruises.

Traditional medicine recipes

Additionally, you can use traditional methods of skin restoration - compresses, masks, lotions and other gentle recipes.

The main advantage of folk recipes is that they are absolutely safe for your health and do not reduce the effectiveness of mesotherapy. Because of this, they can be combined with any other methods of restoring the skin and eliminating bruises.

Indications for facial mesotherapy

Facial mesotherapy is one of the most common cosmetic procedures. In just a few sessions you can significantly improve the condition of the dermis: increase elasticity and tone, get rid of anti-age imperfections or cure problematic skin. Let's list the main indications:

  • age-related and hormonal changes in the skin;
  • deficiency of intercellular matrix components;
  • loss of elasticity and firmness of the dermis;
  • rosacea, acne and post-acne;
  • chloasma, melasma, hyperpigmentation;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acquired defects (scars, scars, stretch marks);
  • spider veins;
  • double chin;
  • unhealthy pallor;
  • dark circles and puffiness under the eyes;
  • uneven skin texture;
  • gravitational ptosis.

Mesotherapy is widely used as one of the points of the rehabilitation program after plastic surgery and chemical peeling, as well as as part of the prevention and restoration of the skin from the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays.

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