Pharmacy anti-wrinkle products: list of the most effective

Age is an abstract concept. It is impossible to stop biological processes, but with the help of formulations with active components it is possible to correct unaesthetic formations.

There are a number of drugs to treat specific diseases and prevent skin aging.

Practice shows that pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle ointments can be more effective than creams.

Let's consider pharmaceutical products and alternative methods of rejuvenation that have earned the approval of ladies.

The best cheap pharmacy products


Shark oil from the Relief composition thickens the texture, enhances tissue trophism, removes puffiness and circles.

It is enough to apply the anti-wrinkle medical ointment with classic movements in the morning and evening to achieve smooth texture and velvety skin.

The drug intended for the treatment of hemorrhoids is ideal for age-related care.


"Solcoseryl" gel is suitable for softening rough areas and nourishing the face. Dialysate from the blood of calves, present in the composition, activates:

  • reparative, regenerative processes in tissues;
  • collagen formation;
  • delivery of oxygen to cells;
  • their proliferation and migration.

Zinc ointment

Ultraviolet aggression provokes photoaging. To protect against UV rays, it is better to use zinc ointment.

Ladies with sensitive skin should prefer a product without zinc oxide, petroleum jelly, or apply it after moisturizer.

Although pharmaceutical facial ointments for wrinkles contain components with a protective, moisturizing effect, dense textures sometimes suppress the sebaceous glands, thereby drying out the skin, so they should be applied in very small portions.


"Blepharogel" with hyaluronic acid is a panacea for delicate skin. The result is more noticeable after adding a couple of drops of vitamins A and E. The oil solution from the capsules prevents the breakdown of structural protein.


Super anti-wrinkle remedy - Curiosin gel . Active formula with zinc hyaluronate:

  • moisturizes;
  • enhances cell division.

Beauty vitamins and essential oil of any citrus are also added to it. The composition is suitable for evening care.


"Panthenol" perfectly nourishes the epidermis. To enhance the effect, the drug is applied in a dense layer to the surface treated with Dimexide, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Read also: Cream for wrinkles around the eyes at home

To prevent the two-component composition from drying out, spray the mask from a spray bottle for 15-30 minutes. After 15 sessions (every other day), the result is comparable to a course of mesotherapy. A good combination of Solcoseryl and Dimexide.

Budget anti-wrinkle ointments in a pharmacy cost around 150 rubles, but the effect can be as good as salon procedures.

What is Retinoic ointment

The main component of the ointment is isotretinoin, its content can be 0.05 g or 0.1 g. The substance is a biologically active form of retinol (vitamin A), which affects the process of cell differentiation.

Excipients include petroleum jelly, glycerin, ethyl alcohol, emulsion wax, dibunol, distilled water and butyloxyanisole.

The product is a yellowish substance of uniform consistency without inclusions. Packaged in tubes of 10 or 15 g, sold in boxes along with instructions.

The best cheap products for glowing skin

Calcium chloride

Peeling with potassium chloride in combination with baby soap perfectly exfoliates the stratum corneum. The contents of 2-3 ampoules are poured onto a tampon, which is used to carefully clean the face.

Retinoic ointment

Then foam from baby soap is applied to the face and rubbed in with classic movements. The mass rolls together with the scales. After the procedure, the face is lubricated with retinoic facial ointment from the pharmacy.


The preventive remedy is relevant for mature ladies. Over time, the stratum corneum thickens and the oval tightens. Ointment "Radevit" acts softer, but no less effective.

Heparin ointment

Affordable placental eyelid masks and heparin ointment for wrinkles under the eyes occupy first positions in the top of the best cosmetics.

The formula with active substances copes with swelling and crow's feet. If you add facial yoga exercises to your daily care, the problem of rejuvenation will be solved radically.

Important to remember

What is important to remember when exchanging a beautiful tube from a cosmetic store for a nondescript one from a pharmacy?

  • All ointments and medicated gels should first be tested on the skin of the wrist. And only after making sure that there is no allergic reaction, that is, after 24 hours, can you try them on your face.
  • Ideally, before using ointments and gels, you should consult with both a cosmetologist and a dermatologist. No matter how carefully you read the composition of the drug and reviews about it, the doctor knows much more. And about side effects, and about what time it is better to use the ointment, and what products it should not be combined with.
  • Be especially careful with ointments containing hormones. If you can’t cope without them, use a minimal amount of the product, in exceptional cases.
  • Even the most desperate beauty fans do not recommend getting carried away with “cosmetics” from the pharmacy. Do not accustom your skin to heavy doses of active ingredients, this will deplete it. After the 7-day course, be sure to give your face a long rest.

Antioxidants against wrinkles

One of the causes of aging is free radicals that damage cell membranes. Unstable molecules (oxygen atoms) destroy the matrix and slow down cell division.

To protect the body from destructive phenomena, the diet is adjusted in favor of plant foods, and anti-wrinkle creams with natural extracts are purchased at the pharmacy.

Modern technologies using drying and dehydrogenation of plants make it possible to preserve phytonutrients and enzymes.

Vegetables and fruits are the main suppliers of antioxidants. It would be better if they were included not only in the daily menu, but also included in cosmetic products. When exposed to air, beneficial substances oxidize, so masks should not be made for future use and should be stored in the refrigerator.

The optimal solution is to replenish the collection of cheap pharmacy anti-wrinkle creams with vitamins - antioxidants from capsules such as tocopherol, ascorbic acid, retinol. Vitamins C, A, E are responsible for the synthesis of structural proteins, catabolism and anabolism in cells. The contents of the capsule are squeezed onto the finger and spread directly onto the folds.

The most powerful antioxidant is thiogamma for droppers with alpha-lipoic acid, which is applied under the cream. It enhances the effect of vitamins, coenzyme Q 10, and smoothes out deep wrinkles. Based on it, the brand “Dr. Perricone" produces an anti-aging line.

How to fix the situation

You can eliminate or at least reduce the number of thin folds near the eyes in different ways:

  1. Exercises to smooth the skin of the eyelids.
  2. Cosmetic procedures (chemical peelings, biorevitalization, photorejuvenation, laser resurfacing).
  3. Cosmetic procedures (creams that mask the problem and improve skin tone).
  4. Surgical (blepharoplasty).
  5. Folk remedies.
  6. Medications.

Cosmetic methods are one way or another connected with saturating the skin with hyaluronic acid. It is hyaluronic acid in the body that provides turgor (elasticity) of the skin: it fills all the gaps between cells: in case of deficiency of hyaluronic acid, the skin withers.

Traditional treatment involves the use of plant-based infusions, infusions, ointments and masks.

The best synthetic anti-wrinkle products from the pharmacy

In addition to herbal preparations, synthetic analogues and supplements with natural ingredients are sold. Major cosmetics, "Dr. Perricon" produces dietary supplements. Some of them are considered independent drugs, others are taken in combination.

Read also: How to peel lips at home and achieve results

No less popular:

Retinol acetate oil solution (Marbiopharm)

Used with food, added to formulations for external use.


In addition to known antioxidants, they contain coenzyme

Complivit Radiance

Pharmacy drug "Complivit" with the formula "Shine". Reanimates metabolic processes in the intercellular matrix and the synthesis of protein molecules from the inside.



Levomekol has antimicrobial, antiseptic and wound-healing properties.

When the drug is contraindicated, side effects

Like any medicine, the ointment has contraindications for use:

  • planning conception, pregnancy, breastfeeding (cannot be applied to large areas of the skin);
  • taking other retinoid drugs to avoid overdose.

With caution, it can be used by persons with chronic kidney and liver diseases, chronic pancreatitis, and severe heart failure.

Undesirable effects may occur during treatment:

  • personal intolerance to the substance and auxiliary ingredients;
  • the appearance of new rashes from the second week of use, redness of the skin, which does not require cessation of therapy.

When used for a long period, increased dryness of the skin with peeling, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane and skin of the lips may occur.

For ladies over 40+


The arsenal of anti-aging products has been replenished with Laura pills from Evalar. Tablets from the anti-aging cosmetics line are more expensive, but within a month they reduce crow’s feet by 30%.


The creams “Qi-Klim” and “Qi-Klim Botoeffect” include active ingredients classified as anti-wrinkle medicine:

  • aloetoin:
  • phospholipids;
  • mineral complex;
  • fatty acids: lycopenes, estrogens, isoflavones, lycopenes.

Phytoestrogens from black cohosh and the hexapeptide argireline relax muscles no worse than Botox and help prolong youth.

Hydrocortisone ointment

Glucocorticoids included in the formula of hydrocortisone ointment help correct age-related formations. According to the principle of action, the drug is comparable to hyaluronic acid.

Benzyl nicotinate relieves puffiness under the eyes and dilates blood vessels.

Peach oil

Glycerin and peach oil fill the connective tissue fibers with moisture.

Important : The drug with hormones should not be used for more than a week.

Compositions with phytoexrogens are also aimed at age-related manifestations. Extracts from the bark of mimosa, ginseng, wild yam, horse chestnut have an antioxidant, regenerating, drainage effect, which is important for maintaining water balance during menopause.

Arnica gel for dark circles under the eyes

The ointment is intended for resorption of bruises and healing of scratches.

Tip: Use to get rid of dark circles under the eyes


On one of the sites I came across information that it can be used to treat bruises under the eyes. I decided to try it myself, it turned out that they weren’t lying! I applied this ointment under my eyes at night and went to bed. Within three days, the dark circles began to lighten, and after a week they practically disappeared. I looked so much more rested that a colleague who came back from vacation even asked why I started looking so good.

The best pharmacy anti-wrinkle creams

Green Pharmacy

Inexpensive products from the “Green Pharmacy” series relieve fatigue, eliminate bruises and “crow’s feet”. Bodyaga cream works in a similar way.


According to reviews, pharmaceutical cosmetics from the Filorga and Lierac brands work wonders on the face.

Cream Lierac Mesolift

Anti-aging creams

Anti-wrinkle creams from Isteal, Pok, Vichy, PIERRE RICO stimulate blood flow in small capillaries and smooth out wrinkles well.


Along with cheap anti-wrinkle cream, you can buy Lyoton anti-edema remedy at the pharmacy.

Read also: Aging facial skin. How to care?

The price is higher, however, after alternating with your favorite night cream for 2 weeks, the problem of bags and circles under the lower eyelid will be solved.

If the skin on your face is lumpy and uneven in tone

Claim: Solcoseryl is able to refresh, even out tone and eliminate unevenness.

It's true:
The original purpose of solcoseryl is to promote rapid healing of trophic ulcers and bedsores, helps heal burns, wounds and frostbite. In cosmetology, it can be safely used to eliminate tuberosity and combat age-related changes. Solcoseryl reduces marks from inflammation, wounds and damage. But you still shouldn’t choose it as the main skincare component; short-term “intensives” - yes.

Claim: F99 cream copes well with acne, eliminates traces of deep purulent pimples and wounds on the surface of the skin, evens out tone and texture.

This is partly true: It
was conceived and produced by manufacturers for the treatment of eczema, but experimentally it was found that after using the cream, the face glows, becomes velvety and elastic. However, it has a very dense texture, which can clog pores.

Claim: Thioctic acid in solution has a powerful antioxidant effect, evens out tone and texture, reducing fine wrinkles.

This is partly true:
This acid plays a critical role in oxygen metabolism, regulates the balance of water in the body and carbohydrate metabolism. In general, it protects body cells from free radicals. Of course, it can be used as a cosmetic product, but it is not advisable. Firstly, it is expensive, and secondly, there are more effective and efficient solutions in cosmetology, including among pharmacy cosmetics brands, which will cope with skin problems much faster and more effectively. Despite all the usefulness and need for our body, the use of thioctic acid has a number of contraindications. Read the instructions before you decide to apply it to yourself.

Oils, algae for youthful skin

Extracts and extracts are effective pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products for home care. A couple of drops of oil solution in masks and scrubs will increase the effectiveness of the procedures.

Hair masks with tocopherol and ascorbic acid are no less popular.

Natural oils

If you add half an ampoule of vitamin composition to sesame or olive, castor, burdock, and flaxseed oil, the immunity of the scalp will increase by 30%. Fatty acids nourish and maintain hydrolipid balance.

Concentrated formulations are applied instead of inexpensive creams against wrinkles around the eyes. The effectiveness of anti-wrinkle oil has been proven:

  • wheat germ;
  • walnut;
  • thirst;
  • tea tree.

If you take 2 tsp. Vaseline, almond oil, sea salt, chamomile infusion, half a spoon of honey and prepare homemade cream, after 2 weeks the creases will disappear and the relief will level out.


Fucus, kelp, spirulina, porphina are similar in biochemical composition to blood plasma. The content of useful components is tens of times higher than in honey-bearing herbs. Seaweed is no worse than anti-wrinkle cream:

  • moisturize, nourish;
  • protect the face from harmful environmental influences;
  • restore the ability of cells to actively divide.

The algae is soaked, applied in the form of applications or crushed. Aloe juice, yolk, essential oil, and cosmetic clay are added to the powder.

If there is sagging and wrinkles are visible

Statement: “Intensives” in the form of vitamins will significantly improve the condition of facial skin.

And this is the absolute truth!
Complex AEvit. Just buy blisters with jelly-like capsules at the pharmacy and, opening them, apply them neat to problem areas. The rejuvenating effect of vitamins A and E on the body as a whole, and on the skin in particular, has long been proven. Vitamin A moisturizes, maintains the tone and shape of the face. It is permissible to crush a vitamin capsule into a dose of night cream for greater results.

Tocopherol acetate. The same vitamin E, only “solo”. An oil solution that can be applied to problem areas of the skin using a cotton swab or pipette for healing. Visibly reduces rashes, smooths out fine wrinkles, and makes the skin more elastic.

Radevit cream. Has all the functionality of the above drugs. Best applied before bed to a cleansed face. Radevit is prescribed by dermatologists to solve skin problems: eczema, dryness and irritation, ulcers, burns, cracks, dermatitis. The vitamin composition allows you not only to smooth out unevenness, but also to rejuvenate your face and smooth out wrinkles.

Claim: Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid reduces inflammation and improves blood flow.

This is partly true.
But, too confused. Acids are really good as exfoliating tools. And salicylic acid is used very actively in cosmetology. The result of such peeling is the elimination of the stratum corneum and stimulation of regeneration. Theoretically, aspirin is suitable for such purposes, but it is still better to have peelings and acid masks done by a specially trained person, because on your own you risk getting into trouble - increased sensitivity, irritation, redness.

When caring for yourself, it is best to use information from reliable sources, focus on your own feelings and not experiment with dubious ideas.
Take care of yourself regularly every day, then the reflection in the mirror will delight you with a happy smile for a long time. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW:

  • You need to choose products for yourself very responsibly. What suits one person may not be suitable for another due to individual intolerance.
  • Before using pharmaceutical products, do an allergy test - apply a small amount of cream or solution to an area of ​​skin, and later see whether there is a reaction or not.
  • Do not replace your usual skincare products with pharmaceutical products! Take short courses intermittently.
  • If you decide to try all this, do the procedures before bed and preferably when you do not have to go out under the scorching sun.
  • Do not experiment with medications or mix one with another, because this can lead to the most unpredictable consequences.
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