Both treat and care: top 10 most effective anti-dandruff shampoos in 2022

Dandruff always appears unexpectedly and at the wrong time. Just yesterday my hair looked neat and tidy, but today the entire back of my head and forehead are covered with small white “scales.” This condition is not a cosmetic defect, but a real disease that needs to be fought. However, to treat it you don’t have to take pills; just choose an effective anti-dandruff shampoo.

How to do it right? What components must be included in the composition of a medicinal product? And how to use it to get rid of the problem as soon as possible? The FAN journalist looked into these issues and compiled a rating of anti-dandruff shampoos, based on reviews from users and experts.

Causes of dandruff

These unsightly white flakes covering the hair roots are nothing more than dead skin particles. Normally, the epidermis of the head is completely renewed in 28 days. Cells on the surface die and are removed naturally: when combing your hair, washing your hair.

As a rule, this process occurs unnoticed, since the “scales” of the skin are very small and light. But sometimes there are too many of them, and they attract attention.

Dry scalp

Sometimes this happens due to improper hair care: frequent coloring, daily hair washing, regular hair drying. In this case, the skin dries out and regeneration processes slow down. It loses elasticity and the ability to nourish hair follicles.

Signs of excessive dryness of the scalp include thinning hair, loss of shine, and can often be bothered by itching and a burning sensation. One of the symptoms of excessive grooming is dry dandruff: its flakes are small and white, and there are a lot of them.

Advice . If your scalp is excessively dry, you need to reconsider your hair care: reduce the frequency of coloring, wash your hair no more than once every 2 days, use a hair dryer only as needed, and allow your hair to dry naturally as often as possible. Caring masks and balms should not be applied to the scalp: they clog pores, which can also cause dry dandruff.

Fungal development

But often the flakes on the head do not look like small light scales. If they are large, yellow and literally stick to the hair roots, making it impossible to brush them off, this is not a cosmetic defect, but a fungal disease. Its cause is the active proliferation of the malassezia fungus.

This fungus is one of the inhabitants of the scalp microbiome. In the normal condition of the skin, the number of fungal colonies is small; its development is suppressed by bacteria friendly to human health. But if there are health problems, the fungus can begin to actively multiply. The reason for this:

  • metabolic diseases;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hereditary factors;
  • hair care disorders;
  • Excessive oily scalp.

As a rule, the development of fungus is facilitated by excessive care of the scalp with a tendency to oily hair. Frequent washing disrupts the skin's balance, causing it to become even oilier. Under these conditions, the fungus multiplies especially actively: it causes accelerated death of epidermal cells and their gluing. The scales absorb sebum and stick to the hair roots, which become greasy and untidy within a couple of hours after the shower.

Fact . For oily seborrhea, it is necessary to use medicated anti-dandruff shampoo. It will help suppress the development of malassezia fungus and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Federal News Agency / Federal News Agency

Scalp fungus

Today, there are about 1.5 million different fungi, of which about 500 species are dangerous to humans. Most often, the doctor has to deal with mold and yeast-like fungi. Some of them are part of conditionally unfavorable microflora and constantly live in human skin and are activated under suitable circumstances.

As a rule, when the scalp is affected, the causative agents are microsporia or trichophytosis. Seborrheic dermatitis, which also belongs to this category of ailments, is caused by the activity of staphylococci, although the provocateur is the fungus Malassezia furfur.

With different pathogens, the symptoms of the disease, especially in the initial stages, are very similar:

  • The general condition of the curls deteriorates and is very noticeable. The strands lose their shine, become dry, brittle, and acquire a dull grayish tint;
  • the skin on the head is severely peeling, individual oval-shaped areas with severe peeling appear;
  • in such areas the hair breaks off and does not fall out, and therefore cannot be replaced with new ones. As a result, bald spots with broken short hairs appear. With seborrhea, profuse dandruff is observed;
  • in severe cases of the disease, small bubbles and crusts appear along the borders of the bald spot. The spots increase in size, itching is observed, usually very severe;
  • Ringworm is characterized by the appearance of ulcers.

Differential diagnosis of the disease is necessary. The fact is that different pathogens require the use of appropriate different drugs, that is, until the nature of the fungus is established, there is no point in starting treatment.

Types of anti-dandruff shampoos for oily hair

To inhibit the development of fungus, antifungal components are added to shampoos, including:

  • selenium sulfide;
  • climbazole;
  • ketoconazole;
  • zinc pyrithione;
  • coal tar.

These substances have different effects. Selenium sulfide inhibits the development of fungus and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Zinc pyrithione is an active antifungal agent. Anti-dandruff shampoo with zinc not only fights the cause of the problem, but also reduces itching, accelerates the restoration of damaged epidermis and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Coal tar is added to shampoos designed to combat dermatosis. Climbazole and ketoconazole have a pronounced antifungal effect and can be used to treat and prevent the problem.

In addition to antifungal substances, pharmaceutical anti-dandruff shampoos add components with anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, and regenerating effects.

  • Salicylic acid. One of the most effective components, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and effectively fights inflammation.
  • Menthol, mint extract. The products are comfortable to use and have a cooling effect.
  • Plant extracts, essential oils. Oils of lavender, rosemary, lichen, juniper, and nettle improve the condition of the scalp.
  • Birch tar. Suppresses inflammation, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The disadvantage of tar anti-dandruff shampoo is its specific smell and aggressive effect on the hair. If the product does not contain caring and moisturizing components, dry strands are inevitable.
  • Moisturizing ingredients - glycerin, coconut oil, thermal water, olive oil, aloe. The more caring components a shampoo contains, the more gentle its effect on the scalp and curls will be.

Fact . Anti-dandruff shampoo for men is not just a marketing ploy. Men's skin is denser and usually oilier, so the manufacturer may use a higher concentration of active ingredients. And anti-dandruff shampoo for women usually contains more caring, moisturizing ingredients necessary to restore the health of the strands. Choose a product based on the manufacturer’s recommendations and the condition of your scalp.

Hormonal and non-hormonal ointments

This division is important and requires mandatory clarification, since in the first case the prescription can only be made by a doctor.

Hormonal drugs have a number of contraindications, in particular, they are not prescribed to nursing mothers and pregnant women, children under a certain age (depending on the composition). The course of their use should be short and strictly regulated in duration and dosage. Long-term therapy in this case will have negative consequences.

Non-hormonal analogues are safer and do not have such a strong effect on the body, so they are allowed to be used to treat children, pregnant and lactating women, but each of them may have its own contraindications.

How to use anti-dandruff shampoo

Pharmacy formulations should be used according to the manufacturer's recommendations. As a rule, it is recommended to use them daily for 5-14 days until a therapeutic effect is achieved.

It is unacceptable to violate the schedule for using the product, as this may reduce its effectiveness. After eliminating dandruff, the shampoo continues to be used to prevent its occurrence once a week for 2-3 months.

Fact . Medicated shampoos are not intended for continuous use. It is unacceptable to use them regularly, 2-3 times a week “just in case”. This can lead to disruption of the skin microbiome, drying out of the skin and the appearance of dry dandruff.

After normalizing the condition of the scalp, you need to reconsider your hair care:

  • use regular shampoo no more than 2 times a week;
  • do not apply hair masks or balms to the roots;
  • choose ammonia-free paints;
  • When styling with a hair dryer, choose the most gentle mode with a flow of cool air.

Advice . If anti-dandruff shampoo does not help, consult a doctor. The cause of the problem may be metabolic diseases, seborrhea or hormonal disorders. In these cases, it will not be possible to cope with it only with cosmetic products. You need the help of a specialist and treatment of the underlying disease.

Rules of application

Despite the fact that many anti-dandruff ointments are available in pharmacies without a prescription, it is not recommended to use them without a doctor’s prescription. These are highly active compounds; using them incorrectly on the advice of relatives or friends can only worsen the condition and delay treatment of the disease.

To quickly and completely get rid of an unpleasant problem in your hair, adhere to the following principles:

  • the scheme and order of use of the drug is determined only by a specialist after a detailed examination of the skin;
  • buy only fresh, unexpired medications;
  • apply the ointment in a thin layer to damaged areas of the skin;
  • strictly adhere to the doctor’s instructions and the recommendations of the medication manufacturer;
  • do not limit yourself to just using ointment; a strict diet and physiotherapeutic procedures will speed up recovery;
  • Perform treatment procedures at the same time, without skipping;
  • Be attentive to any changes on the head; if the condition of the integument worsens, immediately contact a specialist.

Please note that ointments cannot be used longer than the recommended course of therapy. As a rule, treatment with this dosage form lasts 7–10 days, after which a break is taken.

The best anti-dandruff hair shampoos according to FAN

In this rating we have included effective products that help get rid of obsessive white “flakes” on hair roots and clothes. This is evidenced by reviews from customers and beauty bloggers. In it you will find pharmaceutical preparations with clinically proven effects, as well as inexpensive anti-dandruff shampoos from mass market brands.


Pr Scr / Yandex

A medicinal composition with the active substance ketoconazole, which allows you to effectively cope with seborrhea and other manifestations of the pathogenic development of fungal microflora. Anti-dandruff shampoo Nizoral has a caring effect and helps normalize the condition of the skin. It is cared for by collagen hydrolysate, urea and fatty acids derived from coconut oil.

Buyers note that the product gets rid of dandruff, and the result is noticeable after the second or third use. Despite the small volume of the bottle, it lasts for a long time, since only 5 ml is needed for one use. The shampoo also has its drawbacks: buyers note that it dries out their hair. Another disadvantage is its high cost compared to analogues from other brands.

The average price is 886 rubles.


Pr Scr / Yandex

The product contains two active ingredients. The main component is selenium sulfide, it has an antifungal effect and fights inflammation. Also, Sulsena anti-dandruff shampoo contains salicylic acid, which relieves inflammation, itching and stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

According to users, at an affordable price, the product really copes with its task. It washes out skin flakes well, after using it, dandruff becomes noticeably smaller, and as it is used it disappears completely. Helps with itchy scalp and excessive flakes, does not irritate even sensitive skin. Among the disadvantages, they note the difficulty of purchasing - it is not possible to find the product in any pharmacy.

The average price is 300 rubles.

Vichy Dercos Anti-Dandruff

Pr Scr / Yandex

The product is intended for the care and restoration of dry hair prone to dandruff. Does not contain aggressive detergent surfactants, due to which it is gentle on the skin and gently cleanses the strands. Vichy Dercos anti-dandruff shampoo is effective against pathogenic microflora; its active component is the antimicrobial agent piroctone olamine, which suppresses fungal microorganisms. It also has an antipruritic effect, and salicylic acid, thermal water and glycerin eliminate discomfort and care for strands.

Users note that dandruff quickly disappears when using this product. It is suitable for frequent use and does not dry out the strands. Copes with pain due to redness and irritation of the epidermis. Economical, consumed slowly, although it costs more than most shampoos of similar effect. Among the shortcomings, there is an intrusive smell; not all customers like it.

The average price is 862 rubles.

Clear Men Fresh energy

Pr Scr / Yandex

The composition, developed specifically for men, takes into account the physiological characteristics of the male scalp. More dense, more prone to sebum production, it requires high-quality cleansing and at the same time reacts more sharply to aggressive surfactants and drying agents. Clear anti-dandruff shampoo contains a complex of medicinal ingredients: zinc pyrithione to suppress fungal microflora, amino acids to nourish the epidermis, lemon juice and green tea extract to tone and restore the natural protective barrier.

Buyers point out the pleasant smell of the composition, its ability to perfectly cleanse the skin and give freshness to the hair. With regular use, dandruff does not appear. The shampoo lasts for a long time, since the bottle is large. But it’s not suitable for everyone as a treatment: some buyers note that flakes still remain in their hair and are forced to turn to other shampoos.

The average price is 190 rubles.

Head & Shoulders Menthol

Pr Scr / Yandex

The line of this manufacturer includes a whole range of anti-dandruff shampoos. Head Shoulders with menthol has a refreshing effect, it can be recommended as a preventive remedy, as well as to combat excessive dryness of the epidermis. Contains two active forms of zinc to normalize skin oiliness and have an antifungal effect. Available in bottles of 200-900 ml.

User opinions about this tool are often contradictory. Some note that only this shampoo helps them escape from dandruff. Others point out that it seriously dries out the strands, is unable to wash out oily hair at the roots and, on the contrary, increases the amount of flakes in the hair. Obviously, the reason for such different opinions is the individual reaction of the scalp to the composition. Nevertheless, it remains in demand among buyers, including due to its affordable price.

The average price is 237 rubles.


Pr Scr / Yandex

Development of a Russian cosmetology company. Contains the active component ketoconazole, which suppresses the development of fungal microflora. The manufacturer recommends using the treatment twice a week for a month, and then once a week to maintain the effect.

According to users, the product copes with the main task: dandruff disappears for a long time. Eliminates itching, reduces oiliness of the epidermis, allows hair to stay fresh longer. Among the shortcomings, only cost is indicated: a small bottle of 100 ml is much more expensive than products from the mass market. However, among pharmaceutical products, anti-dandruff shampoo Sebozol is not the most expensive.

The average price is 339 rubles.


Pr Scr / Yandex

The product is positioned as the optimal choice for men, as it helps cope with oiliness, dandruff, and gives hair smoothness and shine. His advertisement about a guy who couldn’t say hello to his “bros” because of dandruff has already turned into a meme, but the content is quite serious. The main component of Zhumaysynba anti-dandruff shampoo is zinc pyrithione, which suppresses the development of pathogenic fungal flora. Also added to the composition are arctic burdock extract, menthol and shea butter. The manufacturer notes the limited series and the presence of an individual number on each bottle to protect against counterfeiting.

There are still few reviews about the effectiveness of the composition, since it has recently appeared on the market. But, obviously, the series was too limited, since the main dissatisfaction of buyers is the inability to freely purchase the product even in online stores.

The average price is 699 rubles.

Alerana Pharma Care Freshness Formula

Pr Scr / Yandex

The composition includes only natural ingredients that stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Alerana anti-dandruff shampoo is designed for men. It will cope with the task if the hairstyle remains fresh just a few hours after washing, it will improve the quality of the hair and accelerate its growth. Active ingredients: fireweed extract, which reduces sebum production activity by 90% within 15 days, witch hazel extract to nourish the epidermis and AnaGain phytonutrient complex to nourish hair follicles.

Users note that if you use the composition as recommended by the manufacturer and leave it on the hair for at least 3 minutes, the effect is noticeable quickly: dandruff disappears, itching is much less disturbing, and oil content is noticeably reduced. Among the disadvantages are the liquid consistency of the product and the small volume of the bottle.

The average price is 239 rubles.

Mirrolla Sulsen Forte

Pr Scr / Yandex

The product based on selenium sulfide is enriched with plant components and conditioning additives. Mirrolla anti-dandruff shampoo suppresses the activity of fungal microflora and heals the skin. Licorice extract nourishes the epidermis, and conditioning components give hair shine and smoothness.

According to customer reviews, the product rinses well, and you don’t have to wait long for the result - it is noticeable after the second use. Disadvantages include an unpleasant scent, as well as the return of the problem if the product is excluded from daily care. Suitable for the prevention and control of oily seborrhea. The volume of the bottle is large and lasts a long time.

The average price is 511 rubles.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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