10 most effective oil-based recipes for wrinkles around the eyes

Wrinkles around the eyes are not always the result of poor care; it may be an individual characteristic of a person, associated, for example, with the type of epidermis. On dry facial skin, wrinkles form much faster and in general, with this type of skin, the skin fades faster due to less subcutaneous fat.

And the sebaceous glands in this sensitive area of ​​the face are completely absent. And, if the skin is not hydrated enough, creases quickly form on it. It is dryness and lack of moisture that various cosmetic oils fight against wrinkles around the eyes. They contain vitamins, fatty acids, and minerals necessary for the skin, which increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, moisturize and prolong youth.

Manufacturers of oils for the skin around the eyes

Cosmetologists recommend using products from manufacturers whose products do not cause allergies, have a good composition and are certified. To determine which eye oil will provide the most benefits, you need to know which brands to trust. Specialists of the vyborexperta.ru project have compiled a list of manufacturers who have been working in the cosmetics market for many years. These are mainly European companies, including Italian, French, Belarusian, and Russian brands:

  • Elpharma is a brand founded in 2001 that produces effective cosmetics based on organically pure plants. The brand was included in the review rating due to the hypoallergenic and environmental safety of the product; their feature is a thick consistency and soft texture. An important advantage is that the company’s cosmetics are accessible to all segments of the population, are freely available, and are inexpensive.
  • Aura Cacia is an American company that produces edible and essential oils for the skin around the eyes. The European brand is known for the fact that all raw materials for production are purchased from organic plantations in India, New Guinea, Vietnam and Madagascar. All the company’s products are certified, product compositions meet international quality standards, and undergo laboratory testing and numerous studies in a timely manner.
  • Now Foods - more than half a century ago, an American family established a family business, the head of which could not even imagine that his company could occupy a leading position among the most famous cosmetic brands. The company's motto is to make cosmetic oils for the skin around the eyes produced under this brand accessible to every segment of the population. According to experts, the funds of this company are practically not subject to falsification. The only disadvantage for the Russian consumer is that it is difficult to buy the product and is difficult to find on the open market.
  • Adarisa Grape Seed Oil is an oriental company established in 2011 in Kuwait. The brand produces high-quality facial products that preserve the beauty and freshness of the epidermis for a long time. Raw materials for the manufacture of the product are purchased in the regions and countries where the plants grow. The company actively cooperates with dermatologists, which allows its products to meet international quality standards. The brand operates in several directions: essential oils, aromatherapy, facial care, body hair care, and produces decorative cosmetics.
  • Velidara is a Belarusian company that produces natural cosmetics from environmentally friendly raw materials. The manufacturer regularly creates new cosmetics aimed at caring for the entire body, adhering to certain rules that have not changed for years. The company annually releases new names of its products, becoming more popular in the beauty industry.
  • Spivak is a Russian cosmetics brand, originally from Moscow, that produces organic, natural cosmetics for women. The company appeared in 2011, the first raw material was natural soap, and in 2013 the manufacturer launched a line of cosmetic oils made from natural ingredients, without surfactants, fragrances or dyes. The brand provides both wholesale and retail delivery, both throughout Russia and to Kazakhstan and Belarus.
  • Primavera Life is a German brand of natural cosmetics known for the fact that both the collection and processing of plants are made by hand according to ancient recipes. Enterprises of organically pure essential plantations are located in different parts of the globe: Italy, Corsica, Turkey, Cambodia and Bhutan, the main laboratory is located on the owner’s family farm in the Bavarian Alps. Cosmetics have EU biocertificates indicating the organic origin of the raw materials.
  • MI&KO is a Russian brand that produces a line of natural products. The difference between the brand is that cosmetics are produced in small batches, in the production of which the manufacturer uses environmentally friendly products that undergo careful laboratory control for a quality mark.

Recommendations for the use of oily substances

Eyelid oil is a rather capricious product; if you use it incorrectly, you may not achieve any results, but may cause harm. In order for the oil procedures to be beneficial and improve the appearance of the eyelid skin, you need to follow a few simple but significant rules:

  • It is better to use an unrefined product of natural origin;
  • basic bases are used in pure form, and essential ones - only diluted;
  • before use, the substance must be heated to 36-37 degrees, and this is best done by rubbing the bottle with your palms or in a water bath;
  • the layer of pure substance or mask applied must be very thin;
  • to remove excess substance, blot with a regular napkin or cotton swab, no need to rub the skin surface;
  • You can wash your face or use creams half an hour after removing the oil;
  • It is necessary to carry out the procedure for caring for eye skin folds every other day, and for women over 45 years old - daily;
  • after a month of use, you need to take a break for a couple of weeks;
  • After resting, it is recommended to change the type of oil.

Some types of oils cannot be used due to individual intolerance. Before using for the first time, you need to check the substance for possible allergies. When applying it to the skin for the first time, you need to remove it after five minutes. Then you can increase the time every day.

Rating of oils for the skin around the eyes

When selecting nominees for the top, products from many brands were tested, the findings of cosmetologists and user reviews were taken into account, which made it possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each product. The review, first of all, was compiled on the basis of the opinions of experts who, during the course of research, gave independent ratings to each product. The rating includes the best oils for the skin around the eyes that have a good reputation. The following features were considered during the selection:

  • Compatibility with epidermis type;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Composition of the product;
  • Smell and consistency;
  • Efficiency;
  • Contraindications;
  • Adverse reaction;
  • Package;
  • Price.

The cosmetics presented in the rating do not contain harmful chemical impurities, have quality certificates, and the packaging is made from natural materials.

The best face creams after 50 years

What is this product

Essential oils are a concentrated product and may contain many components. Available in small jars of 10-15 ml, most often in glass, it is not recommended to purchase in plastic containers, because the quality changes when exposed to light.

Esters have many advantages:

  • help prevent signs of skin aging;
  • effectively combat the mesh around the eyes;
  • smooth out deep facial wrinkles and folds;
  • heal inflammation and small wounds on the skin;
  • give the skin elasticity and firmness;
  • stimulate skin renewal;
  • regulate the balance of subcutaneous fat;
  • soothe and regenerate;
  • improves complexion, makes you healthier.

Which oil is best for the skin around the eyes?

Every woman sooner or later thinks about the question of how to smooth out wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face and restore a healthy appearance to the skin. Before using the selected product, the VyborExpert project team recommends that you familiarize yourself with the characteristics and composition of each product. Some products nourish the skin, others saturate it with vitamins, and the properties of others are aimed at restoration. All presented nominees have a cumulative effect, so it is important to use them regularly. Based on a comparative analysis of the presented brands, the following results were drawn:

  • Castor oil - in a short time it will help restore and restore elasticity to aging skin;
  • Shea butter – used to moisturize and soothe, and also quickly relieve skin from peeling;
  • Coconut – fills the dermis with moisture, removes fine wrinkles, smooths out deep wrinkles;
  • Almond – recommended for use by those with a combination type;
  • Olive oil is a real godsend for those with mature, fading skin;
  • Grape seeds - restore, nourish and saturate fading and mature skin;
  • Jojoba oil - will help cleanse clogged pores and also remove unwanted fat without harming the lipid balance;
  • Flaxseed – moisturizes well, smooths out wrinkles, fights pigment spots. Suitable for most women over 40 years old.

Any epidermis requires special attention - nutrition, moisturizing, cleaning pores, saturation with vitamins, lightening pigmentation after acne and rejuvenation. Any cosmetic product reviewed by an expert review on the website vyborexperta.ru can cope with such tasks. You need to choose it taking into account individual characteristics, age, recommendations of a dermatologist and cosmetologist.

Anti-aging recipes based on cosmetic oils

Very simple and effective recipes will help eliminate wrinkles with regular use.

Olive oil, avocado and banana

The fruits are thoroughly kneaded, two tablespoons of oil base are added to the pulp, and 50 ml of natural orange juice is poured. Keep the mask on the skin for a quarter of an hour and wash off with cool water.

Almonds or avocado, lemon

Measure out a teaspoon of almond or avocado oil, the same amount of sour cream, then add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the mixture. The composition is applied to the entire face, wait 20 minutes, and rinse off.

Castor oil with yolk

Mix a teaspoon of natural base with egg yolk. The mixture should be applied only to the eye area. Wash it off after 10 minutes. This product is not suitable for daily use: make this mask twice a week.

Coconut, honey, yolk

The solid product must first be melted. To a teaspoon of oil base add the same volume of honey and yolk. Cotton pads are dipped into the composition and applied tightly to the eyelids. Leave the mask for 10 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Peach pits, lemon

Pour 10 drops of lemon juice into a dessert spoon of oil, apply to the face and eye area, leave for 10 minutes, rinse off. The juice can be used in other ways: for example, mixed with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Choosing the appropriate essential composition

The main criterion when choosing is skin type.

  • Normal or combined. The priority oils are jasmine, juniper, pine, sandalwood, fennel, mint, and rose.
  • Dry. Cosmetologists advise choosing lavender, rosehip, rose, geranium or tea tree oils.
  • Fat. Essential products of rosemary, lemon, orange, chamomile, ylang-ylang, and cypress are optimal.

Sandalwood and neroli oils are isolated separately. Their main purpose is to smooth out mesh wrinkles and crow's feet. If, in addition to decreased skin tone, there is a problem in the form of deterioration of the eyelashes, be sure to prepare strengthening mixtures with rose oil.

Who is it suitable for?

So, the benefits of butter for the face are obvious. This product is truly versatile. It does not cause irritation or allergic reactions. However, not everyone benefits from butter equally. Those with oily skin with enlarged pores should use this product sparingly. You can lubricate the area around the eyes with oil, and even then at night to avoid oily shine.

The retinol contained in the product will refresh and rejuvenate the face and increase turgor. Beta-carotene has a healing effect and relieves irritation. Vitamins C, A and group B serve as protection against harmful free radicals, which lead to sagging skin. Folic acid deeply nourishes the inner layers of the dermis, saturates them with moisture, and also relieves peeling. Niacin returns a fresh and healthy complexion to the face. This substance also improves turgor.

Beneficial features

The natural product is recommended for use for cosmetic purposes due to its balanced composition:

  • proteins are a structural unit of cells, necessary for tissue renewal processes, protect the integument from damage, promote rapid healing of wounds and burns;
  • Vitamin A supports oxygen respiration and blood flow, activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, improves skin tone, eliminates signs of fatigue, and is effective in preventing aging;
  • B vitamins smooth out wrinkles, prevent the formation of new wrinkles, soothe inflammation, redness, and promote oxygen saturation of tissues;
  • Vitamin D relieves dryness and flaking, restores the hydrolipid mantle, protects the skin from aggressive environmental factors;
  • Vitamin E prevents the aging process, increases tissue density and elasticity, neutralizes the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation, quickly transforms the skin, giving it a well-groomed appearance;
  • carotene is effective for preventing pigmentation, has whitening properties, soothes irritated, inflamed dermis, and restores protective functions;
  • minerals soften the skin, give it a velvety feel, nourish it, and promote rapid renewal.

The trans fat content does not allow the oil to be used for problematic, porous skin. Leads to clogging of the sebaceous ducts, activation of sebium synthesis, rashes, and the formation of acne.

A little history

The oil was first produced in Ireland in the 5th century and later spread throughout Europe. Norwegian sailors delivered barrels of valuable products to all corners of the Old World. The obtaining process was labor-intensive and expensive, so only noble people could afford the delicacy. It appeared in Rus' in the 9th century, it was obtained from cream, sour cream and sour milk. It was only in the 19th century that industrial production began.

Ghee oil is widely used in Eastern medicine; it is also called golden gold. Traditionally used for massage mixtures, due to its easy absorption and deep penetration into the skin. In particular, the Netra Tarpana procedure or medicinal eye baths are based specifically on the ghee. It is considered an effective cure for most diseases; a product aged for more than 10 years is used for medical purposes.

By the way! In cosmetology, it was used by Indian beauties to nourish and rejuvenate the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and add elasticity. The product was the basis for creating various aroma compositions to maximize the magical effect of the oil.

Possible contraindications

Fortunately, peach oil around the eyes has virtually no contraindications. If the product causes harm, then the reason should be sought in poor quality. However, this is very rarely seen.

But the human body is unpredictable and can react negatively even to a hypoallergenic product. That is why before applying the product to your skin you should check it for allergies.

If suddenly the peach product gets into your eyes and causes irritation or redness, they should be immediately rinsed with drops, for example, Albucid and water.

Internal use

The traditional product is widely used in cooking for making sandwiches, sauces, creams, and is an excellent dressing for side dishes and salads. The beneficial properties of the oil are due to the content of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Regular use can improve your general condition and affect the functioning of systems and organs.

Beneficial features:

  • improves brain function;
  • increases cognitive abilities;
  • normalizes digestion processes;
  • recommended for ulcers and gastritis;
  • increases performance;
  • eliminates nervousness, depression;
  • effective for the prevention of cancer.

It is recommended to consume no more than 30 grams in the first half of the day.

Note! It is not recommended to include in the diet of overweight people suffering from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

User reviews

There are not many users on forums who use natural products for cosmetic purposes. But if you look, you will still find beauties who have already experienced the miracle remedy.

The girl recommends smearing your face with butter-based cream. After use, the skin is soft and tender like a child's.

A participant describes her feelings after using a mask with butter. Recommends making a mask before going to bed, because you are unlikely to want to strain your eyes after a spa treatment.

The girl describes her experience of using ghee.

How to use correctly

Not all oils can be used in their pure form, for example, tea tree ether is allowed; it can be applied pointwise to inflamed areas or for acne. Others may cause a negative reaction or burn the skin. It must be mixed with base esters and other components for effectiveness.

Before use, it is important to test the finished composition for an allergic reaction; to do this, apply a small amount of the mixture to the crook of your elbow, wash it off after 15-20 minutes, and if there is no discomfort, itching or redness, you can use it.

Procedures can be carried out twice a week or daily for a month. Then, it is recommended to take a short break of up to two weeks.

Advantages and disadvantages

Modern cosmetology includes many active ingredients that allow you to effectively care for your face and body. But in addition to innovative technologies, it is worth using traditional products, the benefits and effects of which are not inferior to expensive, branded products. In addition to the positive properties, there are also disadvantages that are also important to consider.


  • suitable for dry, sensitive, normal, aging skin;
  • has no age restrictions;
  • has a complex effect on the integument;
  • butter can be used instead of cream, and you can also create effective homemade recipes based on it;
  • can be prepared at home;
  • an affordable product is sold in any supermarket;
  • can be used at any time of the year.


  • not recommended for daytime use, creates the feeling of an oily film;
  • use is contraindicated for oily, problematic dermis, as well as for individual intolerance.

general description

Butter is made from milk by separating or churning the cream. It has a high fat content - from 78 to 82%, ghee is considered a more high-calorie product, the proportion of lipids reaches a maximum of 99%. For centuries, the traditional product was prepared independently; on farms where there was always fresh milk, excellent butter was also obtained.

It has a dense consistency and turns into a liquid state when the temperature rises. It has a light yellow color, a pleasant milky-creamy taste, a high-quality product does not have a pronounced aroma. In cosmetology, oils of plant origin are mainly used.

The creamy product is traditional in Ayurvedic medicine. In the East, melted butter called ghee is used. For centuries, healers have used a valuable remedy to restore strength and energy. It has a light nutty taste and aroma achieved through prolonged boiling of the creamy base.

Types of butter:

  • traditional is prepared from fresh, pasteurized cream, the mass fraction of fat is 82%;
  • Ghee is produced by heating from traditional butter, the high proportion of fat is 99%, it is produced in industrial conditions at a temperature of 40–50°, separated from water, protein and sugar using a centrifuge, then heated to 100°, whipped with compressed air, packaged banks;
  • ghee is clarified butter, popular in India and Pakistan, which differs from industrial production by prolonged simmering over fire, the protein sediment caramelizes, giving a light nutty taste and bright yellow color to the product.

How to cook at home:

  1. You will need cow's cream, collected using a separator, or sour cream, which can be found on the market as “collected”.
  2. Install the mixer, load sour cream or cream into it. Carefully wrap the open flask of the device with cling film so that you can beat with a whisk without obstacles. During operation, an oily liquid will be released so that it does not splash around the kitchen and needs to be fixed with film.
  3. You need to start whipping at high speed, and when liquid appears, switch to a lower mode.
  4. As soon as the butter begins to stick to the whisk, turn off the mixer.
  5. Pass the resulting oil through a sieve, separating the liquid. This is buttermilk and can be jarred and used for both culinary and cosmetic purposes.
  6. Then you need to rinse the oil under running water.
  7. To get rid of excess liquid, the product needs to be shaped and placed in a cold jar. Shake vigorously until the last drops of liquid are separated.
  8. Then wrap it in parchment and store it in the refrigerator.


With the addition of esters, masks are prepared for cosmetic purposes. The properties of the product have a beneficial effect on facial skin: refresh, nourish and smooth out wrinkles.

For wrinkles around the eyes


  • 1 tbsp. rosehip base oil.
  • 11 drops fennel essential oil.
  • 4 drops of primrose.
  • 4 drops of incense.

Mix the remaining ingredients with the base products until smooth. The product is applied to the areas around the eyes several times a week, at least four times. With regular use, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin takes on a healthy and youthful appearance.

With clay

Clay is another beauty product that has a lot of advantages and benefits: it rejuvenates, exfoliates, nourishes, cleanses, and helps improve blood circulation. Clay happens:

  • pink;
  • white;
  • green;
  • red;
  • gray (bentonite);
  • yellow;
  • black.

There are many recipes for masks with clay and ethers; together, these products give amazing results.


  1. White or pink clay 1 tbsp.
  2. Natural yoghurt 1 tsp.
  3. Honey 0.5 tsp.
  4. One drop each of neroli and lavender ether.

Preparation: combine ingredients except clay. Then pour the finished mixture into the clay and mix until smooth and without lumps. Apply to cleansed face for no more than 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.


To smooth out wrinkles, esters are actively used in masks:

  • Linen;
  • Almond;
  • Castor;
  • Peach;
  • Olive;
  • Jojoba oil;
  • Camphor;
  • Rosehip oil;
  • Shea Butter;
  • Apricot;
  • Cacao butter;
  • Sea buckthorn;
  • Coconut;
  • Sesame;
  • Verbena;
  • Incense;
  • Pine;
  • Sandalwood;
  • Neroli;
  • Vetiver;
  • Geranium;
  • Myrrh;
  • Orange;
  • Rose;
  • Argan;
  • Mango;
  • Wheat germ.

Linseed oil


  • 0.5 tbsp linseed oil.
  • 2 tbsp. fiber.
  • 3 tbsp. yogurt.

Combine the ingredients and leave for one hour. After the time has passed, apply the mixture to your face for half an hour, then rinse and moisturize the skin.

Almond oil


  • 3 tbsp. dry cocoa.
  • 1 tbsp. whole milk.
  • 1 tsp almond oil.

Combine the ingredients and preheat the milk. Place on face for 20 minutes, then remove with warm water.

Castor oil

For a long time, castor oil has been renowned as a remedy for facial skin rejuvenation. There are many masks and compositions with this oil. Most popular:

  1. 7 drops of castor oil.
  2. Chicken yolk.
  3. 1 ampoule of tocopherol.

Preparation: combine ingredients and mix. Apply to cleansed face. When the mixture dries, rinse with warm water.

This mask perfectly tones, replaces collagen and smoothes out wrinkles.

Peach oil

Peach ether is approved for use in its pure form: it can be used as a day and night cream, applied as a base for makeup and to care for the area around the eyes. It eliminates wrinkles and prevents their appearance. Nourishes the skin and makes it healthy.

Mask against age-related changes, recommended for use from 25 years:

  1. 14 drops of peach essential oil.
  2. 6 grams of sodium alginate.
  3. 15 grams of bodyaga.

Preparation and application: sodium alginate must be diluted in water (50 ml) and left for a couple of hours. Then add the remaining ingredients, mix and apply to your face. Remove after 30 minutes.

Olive oil

A storehouse of useful substances is found in olive ether. It has been known since ancient times and is effective in the fight against age-related changes.

Olive oil helps smooth out wrinkles at the cellular level.


  1. 12 drops of olive ether.
  2. 10 grams of gelatin.
  3. 1 ampoule of retinol.

Application: combine all ingredients and mix. Apply the finished product all over your face for half an hour. Then steam with a towel and shine with warm water. Recommended use within two weeks.

Before applying the mask, treat the boundaries of the forehead and hair so as not to injure the hair follicles.

Jojoba oil


  1. 8 drops jojoba.
  2. 1 ampoule of retinol.
  3. Chicken yolk.
  4. 20 grams of cottage cheese.

Preparation and use: combine the ingredients and mix until smooth. Distribute the mixture onto a cleansed face for 20 minutes, then remove with warm water.

This composition perfectly tightens the skin, gives clarity to the facial contour and fights wrinkles.

This mask is recommended for a course of up to two weeks. After 55 years, the course is carried out three times a year.

Camphor oil

Camphor oil accelerates cellular biosynthesis and deeply nourishes the epidermis.


  1. Chicken yolk.
  2. 12 drops of camphor.
  3. 20 grams of cottage cheese.

Preparation: mix all ingredients into a homogeneous mass and apply to cleansed face for 15 minutes. Then remove with warm water.

Rosehip oil

The composition with rose hips eliminates wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones. Saturates the skin with vitamins and nourishes.


  1. 10 drops of rosehip oil.
  2. 20 drops of olive ether.
  3. 10 drops of vitamin B2 liquid.
  4. 0.5 tbsp aloe juice
  5. 4 grams of baby cream.

Preparation: place baby cream in a container, then alternately add the remaining ingredients and combine into a single mass. Apply to clean face for 20 minutes. Then wash off.

Shea Butter


  1. 3 drops of shea butter.
  2. 2 quail eggs.
  3. 15 grams of fermented milk cheese.

Preparation: combine eggs and cottage cheese, mix and pour in oil. Apply the finished mixture to the steamed face for 20 minutes. Can be used for the area around the eyes.

This oil saturates the skin with organic acids and helps smooth out wrinkles.

Apricot oil

The mask is recommended for women over 35 years of age:

  1. 18 drops of apricot kernel ether.
  2. Banana.
  3. Apricot.
  4. 12 grams of blue clay.

Preparation: Grind the fruit into puree using a blender, then add clay and oil. Pre-steam your face with a hot towel, then apply the mixture for 10 minutes. You can wash it off with karkal drink and green coffee oil.

Cacao butter

For elasticity and rejuvenation, use a mask:

  1. April 12 cocoa butter.
  2. 25 grams of dried kelp seaweed.
  3. 13 grams of oat bran.

Preparation: Soak the seaweed in water for three hours. Cocoa butter must be melted separately. Then mix all the ingredients. Distribute over face, neck and décolleté. After 15 minutes, wash off. A session of 15 procedures is recommended.

Sea buckthorn oil


  1. 1 tbsp. yellow clay.
  2. 1 tbsp. sea ​​buckthorn oils.
  3. Chicken yolk.

Preparation: hang the clay in the yolk and pour in the oil. Keep on your face for half an hour, then wash off.

Coconut oil


  1. 5 drops of orange essential oil.
  2. 2 tbsp. blue clay.
  3. Three spoons of coconut base.

Preparation: Combine all ingredients into a homogeneous mass. Leave the prepared mixture on your face for 20 minutes, then remove. This mask will even replace Botox procedures if used regularly.

Sesame oil

What you will need for a mask with sesame oil against wrinkles:

  1. 20 drops of oil.
  2. 5 pieces of strawberries.
  3. 10 grams of starch.

Preparation: turn the berries into a paste and combine with starch, then pour in the ether. Bring to a homogeneous mass.

Apply the prepared composition to your face for 30 minutes, then rinse.

Before this procedure, it is recommended to scrub your face, and after using the mask, wash with cucumber water.


Anti-aging mask with lemon verbena:

  1. 100 ml of base product - choice of avocado, olive, coconut or grape seed.
  2. 3 drops of geranium ether.
  3. 3 drops rosemary.
  4. 3 drops of verbena.

Preparation: combine all the products and soak a couple of layers of gauze with the prepared mixture. Then apply this gauze to your face for 20 minutes, then remove the excess with a napkin.



  1. The pulp of one avocado.
  2. 1 tsp flower honey.
  3. 1 tsp low-fat cottage cheese.
  4. 2 drops of frankincense oil.

Directions for use: Mash the pulp and add the remaining ingredients. Mix everything. Apply the composition in a thick layer to the face for half an hour. After cleansing your skin with warm water, wash your face with cold water a little later.


Compositions with pine ester fight wrinkles and activate collagen synthesis.


  1. 6 drops of pine oil.
  2. 12 ml peach oil.

Method of use: combine the components and apply to clean dermis with sliding movements. A course of 10-15 procedures is recommended.



  1. 8 grams of dry kelp.
  2. Sandalwood ether – 5 drops.
  3. Tocopherol 1 ampoule.

Pour the algae into fruit tea for a couple of hours. Then add the remaining substances. Apply the prepared mask for half an hour, then rinse.



  • A few drops of neroli.
  • 10 grams of sour cream.
  • 5 grams of starch.
  • 5 grams of semolina.

Directions for use: add starch, semolina and butter to cold sour cream. Apply to a clean face for 15-20 minutes. Then wash with rosehip infusion.


For the mask you need:

  1. 20 ml of jojoba or avocado oil.
  2. 1 drop of sandalwood ether.
  3. 3 drops vetiver.

Preparation: combine everything and apply to the face twice a day for 15 minutes. Remove excess with a napkin.



  1. 20 drops of geranium ether.
  2. Peach.
  3. 25 ml cream.

Usage: Mash the peach, add cream and butter. Apply the mask for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.



  1. 100 ml shea butter.
  2. 5 drops of myrrh.

Preparation: Heat shea butter in a water bath and add myrrh ether. Use on a steamed face.


For the mask you will need:

  • 5 drops of orange ether.
  • Mango pulp.
  • 14 drops of grape oil.

Directions for use: Grind the mango to a puree, add oil. Apply a thick layer of the mixture onto your face for half an hour, then cleanse with warm water.



  • 7 drops of rose oil.
  • 18 grams of sour cream.
  • 6 ml aloe juice.

Method of application: spread all components into a homogeneous mass and spread over the face, avoiding the eyelids. After 30 minutes, wash off.


Anti-wrinkle mixture:

  • 25 drops argan ether.
  • 18 grams of algae - kelp.
  • 12 drops of black cumin ether.

Preparation: grind the kelp into powder using a coffee grinder, add ethers. Apply the mixture to a steamed face for 15-20 minutes. After cleaning, you can apply a decoction of plantain.

Mango (hard butter)

Beat the solid butter and butter with a mixer, add shea butter and almond butter. The resulting mixture is slightly heated in a water bath or in the microwave. Place the finished mixture in the refrigerator to harden, then add rose and olive oils and mix everything. The mixture has a consistency similar to whipped cream.

Apply to slightly damp skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Wheat germ


  1. 17 drops of wheat germ ether;
  2. 5 branches of parsley.
  3. One potato.

Preparation: Mash the potatoes until porridge, using a food processor. Then pour in the ether and add finely chopped parsley. Mix everything. Apply the mixture over the entire face, including lips and closed eyes. Remove after twenty minutes.

Where is the best place to buy

You can purchase it at the market or in a store; it is better to give preference to large retail chains, where they can provide documents for the goods and also comply with storage conditions. It is recommended to choose traditional oil with 82% fat content without additives and fillers, from well-known brands. Price 100 gr. varies from 90 to 350 rubles.

Sold in factory-made opaque paper packaging. It should be stored at a temperature of 0 to 6° in the refrigerator in the vegetable and fruit compartment. It is advisable to keep it in an oil dish or darkened container. Shelf life after opening the package is up to 3 weeks.

Ghee is sold in a glass jar, the product can be found in the supermarket or you can place an order online. The cost depends on the volume of the product and the manufacturer, 200, 250 g. can be bought for 350–400 rubles, 500 g. — for 650 rub. You should also store it on the side shelf of the refrigerator; a high-quality product will not deteriorate for several years.

Attention! It is very easy to identify old butter yourself; a pronounced unpleasant odor and rancid taste appear, which is not characteristic of a dairy product.

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