Botox and botulax - American original or Korean equivalent

Cosmetologists often recommend using Botulax and Botox against the first age-related changes. It’s better to figure out what the difference is and what the advantages of the drugs are in advance. Thanks to the new products presented in aesthetic cosmetology, it is easy to eliminate the first wrinkles or sagging, but not everyone is suitable for injection rejuvenation. In order not to be disappointed in the procedures, to achieve maximum results, and to always look young and attractive, you should study not only the features of the procedures, but also the lists of prohibitions.

Information about Botulax

Botulax is a peripherally acting muscle relaxant that is manufactured in South Korea.
The product has successfully passed clinical trials, during which its safety and effectiveness were confirmed. The drug went on sale in 2016, after which it began to be actively used in cosmetology. The product acts exactly the same as its analogues. Getting into muscle fibers, it blocks the transmission of nerve impulses. As a result, the target muscles relax. This leads to a noticeable smoothing of the surrounding skin.

The product can be used by men and women over the age of 18 years. Botulax is used for injections in the following areas:

  • lips and neck;
  • interbrow or nasolabial area;
  • orbicularis oculi muscles.

However, the list of areas into which the product can be administered is not exhaustive. In particular, if it is necessary to get rid of excessive sweating, the product is injected into the palms, armpits and other problem areas. As a result, problems can be effectively resolved.


Most clinics and salons work with original Botox and several cheaper analogues.

Cost of botulax in Moscow:

Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (in rubles, per unit)Telephone
Medical6th Monetchikovsky lane, 19380+7
Institute of Plastic SurgeryMaly Sukharevsky lane, 10245+7
Multidisciplinary medicalNastavnichesky lane, 6300+7
Aesthetic Medicine Center “HBP Clinic”st. Zoological, 12, bldg. 2 320+7
Medical cosmetology clinic "Aida"Yaroslavskoe highway, 22, bldg. 2 300+7
st. Bryanskaya, 2 250+7
Treatment and diagnosticst. Kozhevnicheskaya, 10, building 1 250+7
Dental clinic "RokosKlinik"17th Ave. Maryina Roshcha, 1200+7
Aesthetic Medicine Center “Age Clinic”st. General Ermolov, 2 300+7
Treatment and diagnosticst. Belomorskaya, 26 300+7

Botox rejuvenation price:

Name of the clinic/salonAddressPrice (in rubles, per unit)Telephone
Center for cosmetology and dentistry "Dental-Beauty"Lomonosovsky Ave., 29, building 2400+7
Cosmetology clinic "Art Beauty"st. Pavel Andreeva, 4 250+7
Center for Aesthetic Medicine “Dr. Shumskaya" st. Novoslobodskaya, 62, bldg. 15 280+7
Beauty Studio "Avocado"Leningradsky Ave., 48, building 2350+7
Beauty Studio "Edel'"st. Davydkovskaya, 3, building 2 300+7
Beauty laboratory "Practice"Prospect Mira, 102, building 30310+7
Hair removal studio "NovoLASER"Bolshoi Golovin Lane, 13, building 2330+7
Beauty Bar "MARAFET"Leninsky Ave., 107, building 3350+7
Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine and Hardware Cosmetologyst. Dmitry Ulyanov, 11, building 2 295+7
Beauty Studio "Sugar"Prospect Mira, 40310+7

Features of Botulax

The drug is sold in powder form. Before use, the doctor dilutes it. This allows you to obtain a solution of the required concentration. However, the cosmetologist must be careful. The product can only be diluted with saline solution. You cannot use water for injection or boiled liquid. This may negatively affect the effectiveness of therapy and the patient's health.

To prepare the product, saline solution in a volume of 1-4 ml is injected into 1 bottle of powder. Then shake the product well until a homogeneous mixture is achieved. Only after this can injections be performed. They are made using an insulin syringe.

What's better

The opinions of leading cosmetologists on what is best differ. The drugs are highly effective. But at the same time, Botulax® is the newest product. Modern technologies were used to create it, which significantly reduces the likelihood of side effects. But it will not help get rid of tissue ptosis, just like Botox.

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Thus, it is impossible to say unequivocally which is better. Botox has already established itself in cosmetology and is better known. But at the same time it has little effectiveness.

Only a cosmetologist will help you choose a drug, who will carry out the necessary diagnostic measures before the procedure and determine the indications and contraindications for the use of each product.

Botox and Botulax® are widely used in cosmetology today. They allow many women to prolong the youthfulness of their skin. But it is important to know that you should not increase the number of procedures and reduce the time between them in order to obtain the best effect. This can lead to serious complications.

Difference from analogues

As mentioned earlier, Botulax is an analogue of classic Botox. The drugs are similar, but they have a number of features. If we consider the principle of operation of the funds, then it is identical. But opinions regarding the effect differ. Some cosmetologists are confident that the results of using Botulax are much better than using Botox. However, not all experts are sure of this. If you look at the reviews, you will notice that most patients are satisfied with Botulax. There are positive opinions about this. The result after administration of the drug is natural, and the face does not take on the expression of an artificial mask. The manufacturer says that Botulax differs from Botox in the following parameters:

  1. Has an immediate effect. The results can be seen within a few hours after the injections.
  2. It costs less. The price of the drug is 1.5-2 times lower than the cost of Botox.
  3. Side effects. Their likelihood is reduced to a minimum.

But the validity period of Botulax and Botox is identical. The result lasts for 4-6 months. However, the maximum effect of Botox injections is achieved faster. It can be seen already on the seventh day. The results of using Botulax will be noticeable only after two weeks.

Efficiency comparison

  • Rarely causes complications and is easily tolerated by patients.
  • Does not eliminate deep creases.
  • Has an increasing effect. The initial manifestations are visible after a couple of days, the maximum - after two weeks.
  • With frequent use, addiction may occur.
  • Validity period: six months or more.
  • It has a noticeable lifting effect, raising the corners of the mouth and eyebrows.
  • High cost due to brand recognition.
  • It is characterized by selective influence, therefore, with a small amount of adjustment, natural gestures are preserved.
  • Used for targeted administration and does not spread to adjacent tissues.
  • A large number of complications.
  • Low price.
  • Short duration of exposure (less than 6 months).

Operating principle

When the drug is administered to the patient, the drug begins to act at the molecular level. Its components bind to the presynaptic membrane and then penetrate the cytoplasm of neurons. The drug begins to show activity inside the cell, which subsequently leads to a blockade of acetylcholine release. The result is prolonged chemodenervation.

In simple terms, such processes lead to pronounced muscle relaxation, which, in turn, provokes the smoothing of wrinkles and restoration of the affected area. During the period of action of the drug, the formation of lateral processes of nerve endings occurs, which causes the restoration of muscle contractions. However, the processes subsequently regress.


It is recommended to use Botulax in the following cases:

  • it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive facelift;
  • there is drooping of the corners of the eyes and lips;
  • blepharospasm developed;
  • facial wrinkles and folds appeared;
  • in the neck and décolleté area there is a fine network of wrinkles and the so-called rings of Venus;
  • there is a pronounced asymmetry of facial features and facial expressions.

Botulax injections can be given not only in the neck and face, but also in the palms, armpits and feet. The product is considered one of the most effective drugs in the fight against hyperhidrosis.

Side effects

Unpleasant but not dangerous phenomena that occur after injections include:

  • headache;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • bad feeling;
  • swelling, bumps, itching;
  • muscle weakness;
  • rapid breathing.

Serious symptoms affecting facial health and aesthetics:

  • asymmetry of features;
  • drooping eyelids;
  • raising eyebrows;
  • violation of facial expressions;
  • strabismus;
  • tissue infection;
  • drug flows down.

These complications require correction or treatment. Some defects can be eliminated with the help of compensatory injections, which are performed a month after the main procedure. If the situation cannot be corrected with injections, measures are taken to remove Botox from the body. For this purpose, the following are prescribed: physiotherapy, massage, antibiotics and hormones.

Preparation for the procedure

Before the procedure, you need to follow a number of recommendations. In particular, it is necessary:

  • stop taking antibiotics 2 weeks before;
  • stop using hormonal medications within seven days;
  • within a week, stop eating salty, sweet and spicy foods, stop jogging and visiting fitness centers.

If you are taking oral contraceptives or drugs whose use is prescribed on an ongoing basis for health reasons, it is recommended to consult a doctor before the procedure.

Rehabilitation period

Botulinum toxin preparations are usually well tolerated, so there is no need for rehabilitation after the procedure. Provided that the manipulation was carried out by an experienced specialist in compliance with sanitary standards. Most often, there are no visible manifestations on the skin and the patient immediately returns to normal life.

Slight swelling and redness may be individual characteristics of the body and appear regardless of the specific product.

To maintain the result you need within a week:

  • avoid the sun;
  • do not overheat or overcool;
  • drink less water;
  • give up alcohol;
  • do not take medications;
  • do not go to the sauna, solarium, swimming pool;
  • minimize physical activity, including sports;
  • do not affect the skin through rough intervention;
  • do not massage;
  • sleep on a high pillow on your back.

The effect depends on your lifestyle. Regular exercise, visiting a sauna, swimming pool, taking hormones and other medications reduce the duration of Botox's effects.

How does the procedure work?

The process of using the drug is quite simple. It is used according to the following scheme:

  1. The doctor conducts a consultation and examination. During the procedure, a check is made for the presence of contraindications. Botulax injections can be given if they are not available.
  2. The affected area is cleaned of dirt and cosmetics, and then treated. After this, the optimal points of drug administration and dosage are identified to achieve the best result.
  3. The drug is carefully injected under the skin. To do this, thin needles are used; they minimize the traumatic nature of the procedure. At the patient's request, an anesthetic gel can be used.
  4. A cold compress is applied to the affected area. It is left for 10 minutes.
  5. When the procedure is completed, the patient can return to normal life.


Botulax is a new drug on the Russian market and has passed the necessary studies.

Main contraindications for injections:

  • individual intolerance;
  • diseases: diabetes, oncology, tuberculosis, infections, endocrine and cardiovascular, chronic pathologies;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • menstrual period;
  • hernia of the eyelids;
  • chronic muscle fatigue.

The choice of anti-aging injections will be made by a cosmetologist taking into account the condition of the skin, rejuvenation area, and age. It is difficult for a non-professional to make the right decision; choosing a drug is the task of a specialist.

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