Comparison of Baziron and Zenerit against acne - which is better?

Disputes about which is better: Baziron or Zenerit in the treatment of acne and pimples arise quite often. Those who have experience using one of the means either write laudatory praises or talk about its ineffectiveness. In fact, both of them are fundamentally wrong. The first were simply lucky in the sense that the random choice turned out to be successful, while the second were less fortunate.

In order to decide on the choice of product, as well as decide for yourself which is better: Zinerit or Baziron, you should understand the principle and spectrum of action of each, and also decide in which cases they are relevant for use.

Composition and principle of action of Baziron AS

The main active component of Baziron is benzoyl peroxide. Its action is to combat putrefactive bacteria acne and epidermal staphylococcus. They contribute to the formation of acne and pustules on the skin. In addition, the drug normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which is its additional effect. Thus, Baziron is intended for oily and oily skin, which is most often affected by acne. Also, excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands is typical for people in adolescence, as well as during periods of hormonal changes.

When choosing Baziron, you should take into account the intensity of acne skin damage and the dosage of the drug:

  • for severe skin lesions, you should choose Baziron with a 10% concentration of the main substance;
  • as part of the complex therapeutic treatment of acne with moderate intensity lesions, it is recommended to choose Baziron AS with a 5% concentration of the active component;
  • For prevention and mild rashes on the face, you can use a product with a concentration of 2.5%.

In general, Baziron has an antibacterial or antiseptic effect on the skin, reducing the number of acne and reducing inflammation of the epidermis.

How does Baziron work against rashes?

The active ingredient in the gel is benzoyl peroxide; upon contact with the skin, it turns into 2 therapeutic components - hydrogen peroxide and benzoic acid.

  • Peroxide. An excellent disinfectant, it also has the ability to soften tissue: damaged dying cells, the upper layer of epithelium and skin secretions, deep sebaceous plugs from the pores and mouths of the sebaceous glands.
  • Benzoic acid. It has an antifungal and antimicrobial effect, creating an acidic environment on the surface of the skin necessary for friendly bacteria.

Together, these two substances create an optimal environment on the skin to suppress pathogenic microorganisms, stop the inflammatory process and fight post-acne symptoms (heal the skin). "Baziron" must be applied several times a day, pointwise to problem areas (1-2 times a day). Do not cover your entire face with a layer of gel, as this may cause irritation. The texture of the gel is light, non-sticky, and overall pleasant.

  • There may be unpredictable reactions from the skin when applying the gel as a base for makeup.
  • The product is washable: you should let it “work” and then wash it off with any suitable mild product. It is not recommended to use aggressive cleansers containing alcohol, they will dry out the skin.
  • Suppression of pathogenic microbes Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis is observed on days 7-15 of daily use; for a lasting effect, Baziron can be used for up to three months.
  • The drug should not be used by children under 12 years of age.

Prices, dosage, consumption of the drug

The price of Baziron AS gel varies from 600 to 900 rubles per 40-gram tube, the dosage of the active substance is 2.5% and 5%, less often 10%.

“Baziron” 2.5% is suitable for those with sensitive skin, 5% gel is for those with oily skin. A 40 g tube is economical and can last for 2-3 months, depending on the degree of skin damage.

Features and properties of Zenerite

Like Bazeron, Zinerit belongs to the category of antibacterial or antimicrobial drugs. But the active component of this drug is erythromycin. It has bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects.

The bacteriostatic effect of erythromcin is that it prevents the proliferation of bacteria on the surface of the epidermis.

The bactericidal effect is that the drug kills bacteria.

Thus, at the beginning of use, Zinerit has a bacteriostatic effect, and as it accumulates in the pores of the epidermis, it has a bactericidal effect.

Thus, Zinerit is intended for long-term therapeutic treatment of acne. Along with the antibacterial effect, this component provides deep cleansing of the face. A common property of Bazeron and Zinerit is their normalizing effect on the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The nuances of using Baziron and its advantages

Basioron is recommended to combat the root cause of acne and pimples - bacteria and staphylococci. In fact, this is a drug for a narrow purpose. It is best to discuss its use with a dermatologist.

Among the advantages of this drug, one can highlight the fact that it is not addictive and can be used as part of long-term therapy for complex acne therapy. In addition, different concentrations of the active substance in the composition of the product allow it to be used both for treatment and for further prevention. As a precaution, it can be noted that Baziron dries the skin well and its use with exfoliating agents is not permissible, as well as its use simultaneously with Zinerit.

Comparison with the analogue "Skinoren"

Cost – from 1300 rub.

Another drug that has the most similar effect is the acne ointment Skinoren. It contains azelaic acid, which fundamentally distinguishes it from the drugs described above. The mechanism of action is also slightly different: it dries the skin and removes excess fat without affecting the vital activity of microorganisms, so its effect will be somewhat lower.

The action of Skinoren is more suitable for getting rid of age spots and comedones, while other drugs will be powerless. Two types of product release: cream and gel make the task of choosing easier. The cream is recommended for patients with dry skin, as it provides additional hydration and nutrition. Gel is better for oily skin. Maybe,

Features of the use of Zinerit and its advantages

Zinerit is indicated for use in mild forms of anke. Suitable for both teenagers and adults. It reduces the formation of whiteheads and reduces the number of blackheads on the face. Thanks to the content of zinc acetate, the product is easily absorbed. Zinerit should be applied pointwise, that is, applied directly to the area of ​​inflammation or the location of acne, which will prevent drying of the skin, which is a clear advantage. If there is a large area of ​​acne inflammation, it can be applied to the entire face.

It’s better to use Zenerit lotion rather than cream. It is also more affordable, approved for use in children, as well as in conjunction with decorative cosmetics. Before application, the face should be cleansed, but do not use alcohol-based lotions or soaps for cleansing. Micellar water or regular mineral water will do. It is recommended to use the drug in the morning and evening.

You can read more about Zenerite in this article.


Zinerit is prescribed for effective and quick relief from pimples and acne, but only in situations where other medications have failed.

You could often see advertisements for this drug in various media, and probably someone you know has used it at least once.

Let's take a closer look at it.

Mode of application

In one box of Zinerit you can find two bottles . According to the instructions, their contents need to be mixed, then put on a special applicator. After this you can start using it.

This form is convenient and compact, but please note that after mixing, the shelf life of the medicine is only 5 weeks , after which you will have to buy a new one.

Using the applicator, Zinerit is applied in a thin layer to problem areas of the skin; there is no need to wash it off afterwards. You can apply the product either to the entire face or spot on minor problems, but in the first case there is a risk of drying out the skin.

The product leaves virtually no traces, with the exception of a transparent film.

You need to use the drug twice a day for two months (about the same amount of time as a whole course), but already in the second week you will see an improvement in your condition.

Effect of the drug

Suppression of microorganisms pathogenic to the skin occurs due to the active substances that are part of Zinerit:

  1. Erythromycin . The main component is a local antibiotic and is of plant origin.
  2. Ethanol . Alcohol kills germs and dries out the skin.
  3. Zinc acetate . Reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, thereby preventing the formation of comedones and the occurrence of inflammatory processes.
  4. Diisopropyl sebacate . Provides skin hydration.

Reviews from cosmetologists and dermatologists

Dermatologists consider Zinerit as an extended-spectrum drug or a universal remedy. They recommend it for the treatment of acne inflammation, as well as the prevention of acne. Considering the speed of action of the product, an emerging pimple can be treated the night before, and by the morning the inflammation will subside.

Dermatologists call Baziron a drug whose effect appears only after a course of use. Unlike Zinerit, it is relevant as part of complex treatment along with other medications and cosmetics.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists note that both remedies will not have a positive effect if the cause of acne and the formation of white pimples lies in the very structure of the epidermis, for example, is the result of bacterial activity. If the reason lies in metabolic disorders or diseases of the endocrine system, the effectiveness of Baziron and Zinerit will be low.

How does Diferrin work against acne?

The active ingredient is adapalene. This is a vitamin A preparation in the most bioavailable form, its function is to regulate the growth of epithelial cells and prevent the formation of comedones and pimples. Adapalene reduces excess keratin protein, which can clog the mouths of the glands and become inflamed. Therefore, “Differin” helps well in the correction of acne and keratosis pilaris.

Apply just once, before going to bed. Apply to cleansed skin, avoiding mucous membranes. No need to rinse.

  • Exposure to sunlight can cause burns, so sun protection is necessary.
  • The treatment gives noticeable results after 2-3 weeks of use, the effect is visible after 1-2 months, lasting improvements are noticeable after 3 months. The drug can be used for a long time.
  • It is not recommended to combine it with cosmetics containing alcohol, but it can be combined with other medications, separated by time: Differin at night, another drug in the morning.
  • Cannot be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding; adapalene belongs to the group of retinoids, and they can cause mutations in the fetus.
  • Exacerbations may occur, then treatment is suspended until the irritation disappears and resumed again.

Prices, dosage, consumption of the drug

"Differin" is available in two forms - cream and gel, the dosage of the active substance is 0.1% in 30 gram tubes. The gel form is suitable for oilier skin, the cream for dry and sensitive skin. The consumption of the drug is very economical - enough for 2-3 months.

Consumer Opinion

Maria, 25 years old: acne appeared after pregnancy, the reason turned out to be a decrease in immunity and postpartum stress, in combination with vitamins, a sedative, Zinerit proved to be effective.

Elena, 16 years old: teenage acne on her face appeared late. Daily one-time spot application of Zenerite eliminated the problem.

Anna, 14 years old: I tried both remedies. When there was a lot of acne, I purchased Bazeron 10%. After it, I use Zenerit for prevention. The dermatologist explained that Baziron is a medicinal ointment, and Zinerit is an antiseptic. Both creams were effective. But you shouldn't use them together.

Andrey, 15 years old: Acne flares up in autumn and spring. I use Baziron during these periods. In summer and winter I get rid of single pimples with the help of Zinerit.

Zhenya, 18 years old: Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system affected the face in the form of rashes and white pimples. The dermatologist recommended Bazeron. Its effect began to appear only after a week of use. Now I use Zenerit.

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Which remedy helps better?

Based on the above information, we can draw a logical conclusion: it is better to entrust the choice of a suitable drug to a professional. Both medications are sold without a prescription and are very affordable and popular in the assortment of any pharmacy. This does not mean buying for no reason on the advice of a friend; the chemical composition of both drugs can cause negative allergic reactions.

If medical help is currently unavailable for various reasons, you can use the following recommendations.

It is better to choose “Zinerit”:

  • The patient's age is less than 12 years.
  • The rashes are purely inflammatory in nature and are not too extensive.
  • Dry or combination skin.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Complex use with other drugs.

It is better to choose “Baziron AS”:

  • The inflammation is caused by staphylococci.
  • Extensive rashes and advanced stage of the disease.
  • Oily skin and acne on the face.
  • Preliminary treatment with other drugs had no effect.
  • Sensitivity to antibiotics of the arithromycin group.
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