Traditional treatment of herpes in an intimate place

Herpes in the intimate area is an unpleasant pathology not only for aesthetic reasons.

The disease, if it makes itself felt, is often accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms that can greatly reduce a person’s quality of life.

Naturally, if a patient cares about his health, he will seek help from a doctor to overcome the disease.

What are the causes of pathological rashes in the intimate area, patients want to know, and what characteristics of the disease occur in the stronger sex and in women.

What are the ways the infection spreads?

Which doctor will provide assistance, conduct diagnostics and select the optimal method of treatment if the symptoms have made themselves felt and are reducing the quality of life?

Herpes in the intimate area: features of viral infection

The reasons for the development of herpes in the genital area are well known.

The main factor is the entry into the body of a small virus, which is called in medical practice the herpes virus of the second type.

It is characterized by damage to the genital area with the appearance of characteristic rashes on the skin.

The disease affects both men and women equally often.

Moreover, as doctors note, today it is quite difficult to meet a person who has not been in contact with this infection throughout his life.

Herpes has one significant feature.

It begins to actively manifest itself if a person’s immunity decreases.

This can happen, for example, against the background of other infectious diseases, due to congenital or acquired pathologies of the immune system, or with HIV.

Once the virus has entered the body, it will no longer be possible to destroy it.

The person’s task in this case is to suppress the activity of the pathogen with the help of special medications.

Then maintain immunity at a high level to avoid relapses in the development of pathology.

The average incubation period for infection is several weeks.

However, if the immune system of a sick person is strong, the virus may not appear for years.

Prevention of genital herpes virus infection

To prevent infection, you must remember to use a condom during casual sexual intercourse, as well as the use of antiseptics to treat areas of the skin where the virus can get. Relapses of the disease are observed with a decrease in immune defense, various diseases, stress, and even with frequent overheating and hypothermia. Therefore, in order for the clinical signs of herpes to make themselves felt as rarely as possible or not to appear at all, you must try to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat well and get enough rest, as well as regularly take vitamin supplements recommended by your doctor.

To prevent self-infection, in order to prevent the virus from being transferred from the face in the presence of rashes on the lips to the genital area, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene and wash your hands more often. Each family member should have separate towels for different parts of the body.

After unprotected sexual intercourse, during sexual relations with a carrier of the herpes simplex virus, and when planning pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations with a doctor.

Reference and information material

Author of the article

Belyaev Dmitry Alexandrovich

General doctor


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Options for the spread of herpes in the intimate area

Many patients are concerned about the question of why herpes appears in the intimate area.

The main reason is infection with a corresponding pathogenic microorganism.

Its spread in the environment is possible in several ways:

  • through sexual intercourse, especially if the couple does not bother to use condoms as the only barrier protection against STDs
  • through household contacts, for example, when using shared towels, linen, washcloths
  • perinatally, that is, at the moment when the child, during birth, passes through the mother’s birth canal, coming into contact with her mucous membranes affected by the disease

Doctors note that it also happens that herpes on the lips and in the intimate area is caused by one type of infection.

This happens when the inoculation route is implemented, i.e. transfer of pathogens from one place to another, during combing or other manipulations.

This route of infection is quite rare in medical practice, but it still cannot be ruled out.

Causes of genital herpes in men

The causes of genital herpes in men are most often a large number of sexual relationships, since the main route of transmission of the herpes simplex virus is sexual. Infection is possible through all forms of sexual contact: genital, genital-anal, oral-genital. During sexual contact with a person actively secreting the virus, infection develops in 75 - 80% of cases.

Less commonly, infection occurs through household or medical means - medical instruments, rubber gloves, sheets, towels, etc. Transmission of infection from mother to fetus also occurs. One of the unusual methods of infection is autonucleation. This is a case when a patient infects himself by transferring the infection from one place to another (for example, from the face to the genitals).

To the point

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs): what is important to know

Typical symptoms of genital herpes

During the incubation period, while the virus increases its power in the body, the person does not make any complaints.

Symptoms first appear after the pathogen has multiplied sufficiently.

It has already caused enough damage to the body to cause clinical symptoms.

The infection then proceeds in several stages.

  • Manifestation . Symptoms during this period do not differ from any infectious disease. The patient complains of weakness, fever, fatigue and other nonspecific signs of changes in the body.
  • Primary manifestations . The genitals turn red, severe itching appears, causing serious discomfort, sometimes preventing normal sleep at night. Pain syndrome may occur.
  • Progression. The redness is covered with specific blisters, which are well known to any person who has ever had herpes. The blisters are filled with transparent contents and often continue to itch.

  • Permission. After a few days, the blisters burst, leaving ulcers in their place. The ulcers may also be itchy and painful. Also during this period there is a high probability of secondary infection. The infection makes its way deep into the body.
  • Healing . The ulcers begin to heal, completely disappearing after an average of 1.5-2 weeks. Itching and other unpleasant symptoms subside.

Features of herpes in the intimate area in women

The appearance of herpes in the intimate area of ​​the fair sex rarely goes unnoticed.

This happens due to vivid symptoms, which greatly reduce the woman’s quality of life.

Often the pathology is accompanied by severe swelling of the genital organs and a feeling of heaviness in the perineum.

Disturbances in the process of urination are practically not encountered, but the itching is felt especially strongly.

Many representatives of the fair sex note that sexual intercourse at the time of exacerbation becomes painful.

It is also worth considering that ulcers can be located not only outside the genital organs, but also directly in the vagina.

As a result, during sex, rubbing may occur, followed by bleeding.

Herpes can be quite common, also affecting the buttocks and thighs.

In rare cases, if the infection is severely advanced, abdominal pain and disruptions in the menstrual cycle may occur.

Herpes rarely affects fertility, but can increase the likelihood of infertility if other infections are present.

Prevention of genital herpes in men at home

Systematic use of a condom and limiting sexual intercourse can prevent infection with HSV-1 and HSV-2. If a man lives with a partner or relatives who have the disease, it is necessary to refrain from close contact during the period of exacerbation of the infection, use personal utensils, personal hygiene products and keep the bathroom clean.

If a man himself is infected, he must wash his hands thoroughly, even when accidentally touching the rash, so as not to transfer the infection. If you have regular sexual intercourse with an infected partner, you can consult a doctor for preventive antiviral therapy.

Features of herpes in the intimate area in men

The herpes virus in the intimate area in men is usually not as pronounced as in the fair sex.

Basically, the stronger sex complains about the involvement of the glans penis, its main body, in the pathological process.

The symptoms are typical, the itching is quite noticeable.

The process can spread to the pubic area and scrotum.

In some cases, ulcerations are localized directly in the urethral area.

Such localization is accompanied by frequent secondary infections that can develop during the passage of urine through the urethra.

The man also complains of typical symptoms of urethritis, such as itching and burning when urinating, and other unpleasant sensations.

Symptoms incl. common ones in men are often almost completely absent.

Or they are so weakly expressed that a representative of the stronger sex simply does not go to the doctor with them, ignoring the unpleasant manifestations.

It is men who often experience episodes of self-healing.

When the body copes with the infectious process on its own, without the help of medications.

True, even in this case, the virus remains in the body and can at any time again remind of its presence with a relapse of symptoms.

Popular questions and answers

Can genital herpes in men go away on its own without treatment?

Treatment of genital herpes is aimed at reducing the duration of symptoms, rapid healing of erosions, as well as reducing the frequency and severity of relapses, and preventing the development of complications. If you can stabilize symptoms within one week, why wait for everything to “go away on its own” within a month and be a source of infection for others?

Why does it still appear after treatment for genital herpes in men?

The herpes virus cannot be completely destroyed.
It will continue to be in the body throughout its life and will make itself felt when the protective properties of the immune system decrease. Its relapse is facilitated by: ● sexual relations with an untested partner; ● stress; ● hypothermia; ● other concomitant diseases; ● past medical operations. If rashes appear in large numbers and too often, and HIV infection is excluded, a consultation with an immunologist is necessary.

Is it necessary to get tested for the presence of the virus if there are no symptoms of the disease?

If you monitor your health, you should get tested for herpes regularly - for your own safety and the safety of those around you. This is especially necessary if a man plans to become a father and to avoid infection of a woman. HSV in women during pregnancy can lead to fetal pathologies.

Is it possible to become infected with genital herpes through household means?

The herpes virus lives outside the human body for several hours and there is a chance of infection, especially if you use a shared washcloth or towel. In general, to prevent infection through this route, it is enough to follow basic hygiene rules.

Is it possible to treat genital herpes with folk remedies?

At the moment, there are inexpensive and effective medications that will help cope with the symptoms of the disease in a short period of time. There is no point in treating newly occurring genital herpes in men with folk remedies. Another thing is preventing relapses. In this case, you can pay attention to tinctures and decoctions of medicinal herbs that stimulate the immune system; fortified drinks (ginger tea, fruit and nut mixtures, etc.).

Which doctor should I go to if symptoms of herpes appear in the intimate area?

Sick people often want to know which doctor will help cope with the infection.

Especially if its severity is quite strong, and there is neither the strength nor the desire to wait for the rash to disappear on its own.

In most cases, you should contact a dermatovenerologist.

This doctor treats diseases that are transmitted from one person to another during sexual intercourse.

And genital herpes just belongs to this group of infections.

In addition to a dermatovenerologist, a urologist or gynecologist, if we are talking about a woman, can provide assistance to the patient.

These doctors who work with the genital organs know the symptoms of herpes, and also understand the principles of diagnosis and subsequent treatment of the pathology.

In rare cases, consultation with an immunologist or infectious disease specialist is required.

Patients want to know where to go if specific rashes appear.

First of all, you should visit a skin and venereal disease clinic or clinic.

This is where you can find the specialists needed to prescribe and monitor treatment.

A private medical center can always serve as an alternative to government institutions.

There you can undergo any necessary examinations and then be treated for infection.

Herpes in the intimate area: features of diagnosing the disease

In a significant number of cases, effective treatment of herpes in the intimate area without preliminary diagnosis is how it differs from other STDs.

The picture of the disease is quite clear.

It is not typical for other pathologies, which makes it possible to make a diagnosis based only on complaints.

However, there are difficult cases when you still have to resort to additional research.

First of all, you can donate blood for antibodies.

This will help determine whether there is an infection in the body at all, or whether the appearance of complaints is caused by any other factors.

Blood is taken from the patient from a vein according to a standard protocol.

No special preparatory measures other than standard ones are required.

You can also conduct PCR from the surface of the rash.

This will help to reliably determine the type of virus and select the most optimal therapy depending on what infection caused the pathological symptoms.

In some cases, even sowing is done using special equipment and special nutrient media.

But in most cases this is not necessary.

Viral culture is difficult and expensive, and therefore it is prescribed only in complex diagnostic situations.


Symptoms of herpes in men are characteristic of lesions of the mucous membranes. It is there that the virus parasitizes, causing erosions and painful ulcers. The causative agent is a viral infection; it does not have a cell wall and is a DNA chain in a protective shell. Once in the human body, the virus is activated and penetrates the mucous membrane of the cell. It reconfigures its work so that the cell stops performing its functions and begins to synthesize new viruses.

The difficulty of treating herpes type 1.2 is that it can remain latent for a long time. A person does not know about his infection and infects people around him. According to doctors, today the prevalence of the herpes virus is about 70-85%.

Antiviral agents for the treatment of herpes in the intimate area

Many patients, noticing symptoms of herpes in the genital area, resort to the use of antibiotics.

This is a common mistake that is caused by little awareness of what the nature of the infection is.

It is worth remembering that antibacterial agents are not helpful in the fight against herpes.

It refers not to bacteria, but to viruses.

Therefore, antibiotics may not only not kill it, but also increase its activity, which patients often forget about.

To cope with the infectious process in the body, the patient is recommended to give preference to drugs with antiviral activity.

Medicines in this group are divided by method of use, active ingredients and a number of other indicators.

Because of this, you should not make a choice of therapy on your own.

Moreover, frequent herpes in the intimate area should be treated exclusively under the supervision of an experienced doctor who can select effective combinations of drugs.

Naturally, therapy is not limited to the use of antiviral drugs.

In each case, the doctor can supplement the recommendations depending on how complex the case is.

Antiviral drug VIFERON for genital herpes

To combat herpes in the intimate area, it is recommended to use antiviral agents containing interferon. According to experts, interferon has a powerful antiviral effect, and its deficiency is one of the main causes of relapse of the disease. One of the drugs used to treat herpes is VIFERON - an antiviral and immunomodulatory drug with an indirect antibacterial effect, which has a number of unique pharmacological properties.

The drug contains interferon alpha-2b, which blocks the reproduction of viruses and also corrects the body’s own immunity. VIFERON is available in the form of suppositories, ointments and gels. To treat herpesvirus infections in children, suppositories are used in a dosage of 150,000 IU once every twelve hours, for adults - 1,000,000 IU, for pregnant women - 500,000 IU. Gel and ointment are also used to combat herpes in the intimate area. The gel has a hydrophobic base and is better absorbed on the skin, and the ointment has a hydrophilic base and is better absorbed on mucous membranes. The gel in the form of a strip no more than 0.5 cm is applied to the previously dried affected surface 3-5 times a day for 5-6 days. The ointment is applied to the affected surface 3-4 times a day for 5-7 days.

The drug VIFERON Suppositories (suppositories) suppresses the activity of viruses and increases the effectiveness of the body’s own immune response to pathogenic microorganisms. And VIFERON Gel and VIFERON Ointment, when applied to the skin and mucous membranes, form a thin protective layer, which allows you to fight viruses and also strengthens local immunity.

Oral preparations for herpes in the intimate area

Acyclovir is the best-known and most common medicine used if it is necessary to start fighting viral rashes that appear in the intimate area.

The drug has proven itself to be an effective remedy that stops the multiplication of the virus.

Helps cope with the main symptoms that cause the most inconvenience.

Contrary to popular belief, Acyclovir is available not only in ointment form, but also in tablet form.

If the infection cannot be controlled for a long time, the drug can be used to defeat the virus.

In addition to Acyclovir, there are other tablet drugs intended for oral use.

Among them, for example, Valacyclovir, Famciclovir.

These products also have high antiviral activity and have proven themselves to be effective in the fight against genital herpes.

Doctors note that the regimen for using antiviral drugs should be selected individually.

It must be adjusted depending on how severe the symptoms of the disease are in a particular case in a particular patient.

Other herpes

In contrast to labial herpes, when herpetic eruptions (painful blisters) appear on the genitals, a visit to the doctor is extremely necessary. You shouldn’t put off visiting a doctor, even if “the pain is tolerable” or “I know, this has happened to me before, it will go away on its own soon” and even “they won’t cure it once and for all anyway, so there’s no need to worry.” This is too serious a disease to be neglected.

1. What does genital herpes look like?

Small grouped painful blisters appear on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs, which can subsequently burst, revealing erosions. The degree of pain can vary - from itching and slight burning to quite severe pain that causes sleep disturbance. There are atypical (abortive) variants of the course of genital herpes, which are characterized by erased, mild symptoms.

2. What causes the disease?

In most cases, the causative agent of genital herpes is HSV-2, herpes simplex virus type 2 (80% of all cases). However, HSV-1, the herpes simplex virus type 1, can also cause rashes on the genitals. The doctor needs to know the type of virus that caused the disease in you to predict possible complications and accurately determine the dose of certain medications.

3. How is genital herpes transmitted?

Upon contact of skin or mucous membranes with surfaces infected with viruses. It is believed that most cases of HSV-1 infection occur in childhood, and the virus reaches the genitals as a result of transmission. For HSV-2, the main route of transmission is sexual contact, but other methods of infection cannot be ruled out.

4. Who infected whom?

This is probably the most common meaningless question asked to a venereologist. Mutual accusations of “sinfulness” are counterproductive. Moreover, the infection can be hidden, and the rash can be located in a place that is difficult to access (for example, inside the urethra), and the person may not be aware of the problem he has. And as I already wrote, once it enters the body, the virus penetrates the nervous tissue where it persists (hides) all its life, and therefore, infection could occur at any time.

5. Why is genital herpes dangerous?

First of all, transmission to the child during pregnancy or childbirth. The fact is that in newborns, herpes infection is severe and often fatal. The presence of herpetic rashes in a pregnant woman is one of the indications for delivery by cesarean section.

There is also evidence that HSV-2 may be associated with some types of cancer.

And, of course, there are social problems: during exacerbations, patients are deprived of the opportunity to engage in sexual activity, and sometimes have difficulty walking. Frequent exacerbations that occur with pain lead to depression - half of patients with severe herpes infection (more than five exacerbations per year) have at least once had thoughts of suicide associated with the disease. Up to 50% of women with recurrent genital herpes are lonely.

6. How to treat?

Unlike labial herpes, there are no options for self-treatment. You need to go to the doctor, get examined (including for other infections that are predominantly sexually transmitted), and undergo a course of treatment. The use of folk remedies or self-medication with “official” drugs without the correct dosage will not lead to anything good.

7. Which medicine is better?

The one your doctor will choose for you. New antiherpetic drugs are constantly appearing on the market. Manufacturers often (and sometimes with good reason) claim a “breakthrough” in the treatment of herpes. But the “Taoist pill of immortality”, the “magic bullet” are still attributes of science fiction novels. In any case, the doctor should select the medicine, taking into account your concomitant diseases, HIV status or other problems with the immune system, age, weight and many other factors.

This is especially true for the so-called “immunocorrectors”, “immunostimulants”, etc., most of which do not have an evidence base for their use - most often their prescription is unnecessary.

8. How long can antiviral drugs be used?

Depends on the course of the disease. Sometimes, in case of frequent relapses, so-called suppressive therapy is prescribed, which involves taking medications daily for a long time (a year or more). Unfortunately, in post-Soviet countries such therapy is practically not used, not only because of the high exchange rate cost of the drug, but also because of the spread of prejudices about the dangers of long-term use of any pills in general. Although in fact these courses, due to the mechanism of action of antiviral drugs, are practically safe.

9. What can be done to prevent genital herpes?

The use of condoms significantly reduces the likelihood of infection, although it does not guarantee 100% safety. Therefore, for married couples where one of the partners has genital herpes, the situation is not easy. Usually everyone understands that it is impossible to be sexually active during a rash, but, alas, the likelihood of becoming infected (albeit small, from 5 to 15%) also exists during the period of remission.

10. How to live after reading this article?

I wasn't trying to scare you or turn you away from sex. If you are afraid of STIs until you tremble, humanity will die out. Live as you lived, but maybe a little more carefully than before...

Good health!

Leonid Shchebotansky


External preparations for herpes in the intimate area

Ointment for herpes in the intimate area is the most popular option for a drug that helps cope with the infectious process.

With the help of external means, it is possible to defeat the multiplication of the virus in foci, reduce the feeling of itching, and reduce the severity of pain, if present.

It is important to keep in mind that many doctors prefer to initially prescribe ointments or creams in the fight against the virus.

This reduces the burden on the body and helps protect the body from the side effects of drugs that occur when taken systemically.

There are many names for ointments for herpes in the intimate area.

As with tablets, the most popular drug is Acyclovir.

In the form of an ointment, it does not lose its effectiveness, quickly relieving unpleasant symptoms and contributing to the disappearance of rashes on the lips.

Levomekol is also successfully used for herpes in the intimate area, as doctors note.

The drug easily copes with the disease if it is possible to catch it in the early stages of development, and the virus itself does not show very high activity.

In addition to Levomekol and Acyclovir, for example, Panavir, Herpferon can be used.

Ointments can be combined with systemic therapy if such a recommendation is given by the attending physician.

Often, local treatment enhances the effect of the systemic drug, helping to quickly defeat the disease.

On what basis is the diagnosis made?

Diagnosis of herpes simplex includes a history and physical examination. The pathology requires the obligatory attention of a doctor, since herpetic lesions are similar to syphilitic chancre.

For analysis, a smear is taken from the urogenital canal. The following types of research are distinguished:

  • cultivating a virus colony and identifying the strain using an electron microscope;
  • PCR, the detection of specific DNA of the pathogen, allows you to clarify the specific genotype of the virus;
  • ELISA, the presence of immunoglobulins in the blood, helps to identify the latent form and find out whether the patient has had this infection before.

Immunomodulators for herpes in the intimate area

When answering the question of why herpes often appears in the intimate area, doctors place special emphasis on the fact that the disease is often provoked by a decrease in immunity.

To support the patient’s immunity and force him to adequately respond to negative external influences, it is recommended to use immunomodulators.

These medications help activate the immune system, allowing it to act more aggressively on pathogenic microorganisms that enter the area of ​​their work.

Among the immunomodulators, the most commonly used are, for example, Viferon, Genferon.

These drugs, in combination with the main antiviral treatment, have proven to be quite effective.

They do not have a direct effect on the development of the disease, but can significantly reduce its duration.

Symptoms under the influence of immunomodulators also do not decrease in severity.

However, it is possible to reduce the duration of the course of taking drugs internally or externally if immunomodulators are used correctly.

Treatment of herpes

A positive test for the herpes simplex virus is the basis for antiviral therapy. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the pathological agent, reducing the manifestations of the disease and strengthening the immune system.

Among the prescribed drugs:

  • acyclovir and its analogues, medicines block the reproduction of viral DNA;
  • ointments and gels with an antiviral component for topical use;
  • painkillers to minimize itching and irritation;
  • immunomodulators;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment of herpes in the intimate area in pregnant women

During pregnancy, the herpes virus poses a particular danger, since the lives of two people are at risk.

Moreover, as doctors say, pregnancy is always an immunosuppressive condition, which can be one of the triggers that triggers the activation of pathogens in the body.

So it is not surprising that pregnant women seek medical help for rashes in the genital area.

It is worth keeping in mind that herpes is a pathogen that can lead to the formation of various abnormalities and deformities in the fetus.

Its activation poses the greatest danger in the first weeks of pregnancy.

When the child’s body is just at the stage of formation, and the main organs and systems have not yet been formed.

Patients whose pregnancy is combined with genital herpes should only be treated by a doctor.

At the same time, when choosing medications, the doctor will be able to take into account not only the effectiveness, but also the potential harm to the fetus.

Acyclovir preparations in any form are almost never used in pregnant women.

Preference is given to Panavir, Vivorax and other more harmless medications.

Immunostimulating therapy is also prescribed with great caution.

Since there is a possibility of harming the pregnancy process.

Treatment of genital herpes during pregnancy

The greatest danger of this disease is that the virus can infect the nervous tissue of the fetus, which can lead to the development of intrauterine pathologies. It is especially dangerous if the disease develops in early pregnancy. It can interfere with the normal development of fetal organs and tissues and even lead to spontaneous miscarriage and premature birth. Herpes viruses occupy second place after the rubella virus in terms of teratogenicity - disruption of the process of embryogenesis, leading to developmental abnormalities. More than 60% of children infected with herpes develop encephalitis.

To prevent infection of the fetus as it passes through the birth canal, the expectant mother is most often recommended to have a cesarean section.

Possible complications of genital herpes

Patients are often interested in the question of why herpes in the intimate area is dangerous.

After all, it would seem that the disease occurs in many people and is tolerated quite easily.

However, treating pathology carelessly is a serious mistake.

Herpes can cause complications in some cases.

They are most often caused by inadequate functioning of the immune system.

For example, the virus is tropic not only to mucous membranes, but also to nervous tissues.

If left untreated, it can cause neurological diseases, the severity of which can vary greatly.

Herpes itself is also an immunosuppressant, reducing the already poorly functioning defense even more when activated.

As a result, the risk of developing other infectious diseases increases.

In particular, one should not exclude the development of secondary infections directly on the rash.

Since they are a violation of the integrity of the skin.

Often, herpes leads to an exacerbation of the human papillomavirus.

As a result, a person develops papillomas and condylomas, which can cover not only the intimate area, but also other parts of the body.

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