How to remove wrinkles? 10 effective ways to remove wrinkles without harm + step-by-step instructions for facial massage

Have you already noticed the first age-related changes, and wrinkles on your face are more noticeable? Don’t rush to get upset, because in 2021, wrinkles have long ceased to be an unsolvable problem. Massage, cosmetology, well-chosen care - there is an option to suit any request and budget.

In this article we will tell you:
  1. Why do wrinkles appear?
  2. How to remove wrinkles: how to remove different types of wrinkles?
  3. Homemade anti-wrinkle masks How to choose a professional anti-aging face mask?
  • Facial massage for wrinkles
      2 rules of facial massage
  • How to perform a facial massage using a gua sha scraper?
  • Cosmetologist Ksenia Nazarova and facial massage specialist and teacher Evgenia Miroshnichenko .

    Concealer Makeup Basics

    The main weapon against wrinkles on the face is high-quality and correctly chosen powder, as well as concealer and blush, the use of which will divert attention from imperfections.

    The main stages of camouflage makeup:

    • At the initial stage, you need to cleanse your facial skin with light milk, micellar water or tonic.
    • Applying a makeup base (primer) that will even out the skin and fill in small wrinkles. This stage is important, because with the right foundation, the foundation will be applied perfectly without clogging the pores.
    • Solving facial texture problems that persist after applying a leveling foundation using corrector and concealer. Nasolabial folds can be disguised using a white pencil.
    • Correction of facial tone with foundation.
    • Fixing makeup with loose or colorless powder. In addition, you can use a professional makeup fixer.

    To disguise imperfections, in no case should you use a foundation, but only a concealer.

    Foundation is only necessary to correct the skin tone of the face. The exception is foundation that masks wrinkles, the frequent use of which is undesirable.

    How to remove wrinkles between eyebrows?

    The vertical furrows between the eyebrows are one of the first wrinkles to appear on the face; they give the face a gloomy and gloomy appearance.

    To correct this type of wrinkles, the following are used:

    • Botoxotherapy is a serum with a rejuvenating effect. Thanks to this injection, the forehead relaxes and wrinkles are smoothed out. The effect of the procedure lasts up to 6 months.
    • Fillers are injections of serum with hyaluronic acid. The consistency of the serum is very plastic, it fills wrinkles and smoothes them, and also promotes collagen production. The effect of the procedure lasts from 6 to 10 months.

    Important application details

    How to hide wrinkles under the eyes with makeup:

    • You will need to use a water-based concealer that corrects nasolabial folds and noticeable wrinkles. This allows you to visually disguise skin defects.
    • Refusal of eyeliner - anti-aging makeup does not allow the use of mascara, eyeliner or pencil to outline the lower eyelid. This is due to the fact that focusing on the lower eyelid only emphasizes wrinkles and imperfections in the skin around the eyes.
    • Eyeshadow should preferably be light; it should not be harmoniously combined with the skin of the face, so it is preferable to use pastel colors. Such shadows should be applied to the foundation for long-lasting coloring and to reduce the risk of wrinkles in the bend areas.

    Method 1: better to warn

    It is important to understand that wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity are problems that can and even need to be combated. Of course, it is better to prevent their occurrence with the help of properly selected care. But even if there are already wrinkles, this is not a hopeless case. The problem can be dealt with using effective modern cosmetology products. True, some methods require a sufficient amount of time. If you urgently need to disguise wrinkles around the mouth, on the forehead, between the eyebrows, you can use express methods to improve your appearance.

    Wrinkles under the eyes

    One of the most problematic areas is the skin under the eyes, which most often reveals a woman’s age. You can thoroughly hide wrinkles in this area of ​​the face using the already mentioned cream products: concealer, foundation, corrector, as well as serum.

    Factors causing wrinkles under the eyes:

    • Facial skin changes with age - slowing collagen production and skin cell repair, as well as sagging tissue.
    • Insufficient amount of vitamins in the body.
    • Improper skin care (drying or excessive moisture).
    • Frequent active facial expressions, as a result of which facial wrinkles are formed.
    • Natural conditions (hot sun, strong winds and frosts) that lead to dryness and aging of the skin.
    • Smoking and drinking alcohol dry out the skin and rob it of nutrients.
    • Regular stress and depression lead to blockage of blood vessels and poor circulation.

    Concealing wrinkles in the eye area should look natural and not cause discomfort.

    Method 2: special primer-filler

    When a person frowns, the wrinkles between the eyebrows are the most visible. In the future, it is advisable to completely get rid of this habit. It is better to disguise the eyebrow wrinkle with a special primer-filler, which will smooth out uneven skin texture.

    Method 3: Smokey Eyes

    Many women do not know how to disguise wrinkles around the eyes. Their fine mesh makes the look tired. You need to pay special attention to care in this area to improve the condition of your skin. Crow's feet can be “removed” using the smoky eyes technique. Moderate darkening of the outer corners of the eyes will make the look more expressive and distract attention from this defect.

    Method 4: correct eye makeup

    But under no circumstances should you use shadows with glitter, they will only aggravate the situation. You can’t emphasize the lower eyelid so as not to “pull” the corners of your eyes down. You can only outline the upper eyelid; it is better not to paint the lower eyelashes at all.

    Method 5: minimum powder

    When trying to hide wrinkles on your forehead, you shouldn’t powder them too much. Too much makeup will only draw attention to them and highlight their lines. The lighter the makeup, the younger the skin looks, so you shouldn’t go overboard with makeup and create a “layer cake” on your face.

    Method 6: working with shadows from nasolabial folds

    Here the situation is completely different. Disguising nasolabial wrinkles is difficult. These are not just creases in the skin, but also its overhang, which visually adds extra years. You need to work out the shadows from these folds well, because it is from them that the wrinkles appear deeper. Concealer will do this perfectly, but it should be a tone lighter than usual.

    Method 7: basic care

    When thinking about how to disguise wrinkles on the forehead, under the eyes or between the eyebrows, do not forget about basic care. On dry and dull skin, signs of age are especially noticeable. Therefore, it is necessary to properly moisturize your skin. This helps restore the natural volume of the skin. Correctly selected cream or serum gives the skin a moist glow, as a result of which wrinkles are visually smoothed.

    Method 8: the right base

    A base is also required. It is better to take products with an optical blur effect, which will make the products less noticeable.

    Method 9: Correct application of foundation and concealer

    As for applying tone, it is important not to overdo it and not overload the skin. The foundation should lie on the skin in a very thin layer. It should be applied with light circular movements, without pressure. After this, you can disguise wrinkles under the eyes, on the forehead, between the eyebrows with concealer. To do this, it is recommended to use a brush. You should not take too much product, otherwise it may get stuck in the folds of the skin and cause the opposite effect.

    Method 10: choosing the right blush

    As for blush, it is better to use products with a creamy texture. They mask wrinkles well. The preferred shades are pink and bronze.

    Types of cosmetics

    Makeup artists recommend using a serum with a lifting effect, which tightens the skin of the face and tightens pores, and also eliminates the effect of aging.

    There are certain rules for using serum:

    • Apply only to skin cleansed with tonic or milk.
    • Apply small drops onto the face, then gently smear from bottom to top of the skin.
    • You can apply the serum only once a day.

    Concealer for wrinkles under the eyes can practically eliminate existing wrinkles. It is very important that it is of high quality, since it is then that all the consequences of improper skin care under the eyes can be negated.

    A foundation is also effective; when purchasing it, you must take into account the type and characteristics of your skin.

    Makeup artists also give advice on how to hide wrinkles with makeup if there is no need for professional cosmetics. For example, use filler creams that are intended exclusively for masking small networks of wrinkles.

    How to quickly remove wrinkles?

    Cosmetology offers many methods for correcting wrinkles aimed at restoring natural regeneration processes, skin cell renewal, elastin and collagen production, and the ability to retain moisture.

    In the arsenal of aesthetic medicine doctors there are a lot of procedures for wrinkles, including: injection therapy, laser rejuvenation, contouring, plasma lifting, photorejuvenation.

    The Hydrafacial procedure provides an excellent effect in correcting wrinkles and skin folds on the face. This is deep cleansing and rejuvenation in one procedure. The lifting effect is achieved due to the penetration of nutrients into the deep layers of the skin. The effect of intensive rejuvenation is achieved through the influence of serums with hyaluronic acid, peptides and antioxidants. As a result, the face is wrinkle-free and the skin is healthy and smooth.

    The most suitable method to remove wrinkles will be selected by a cosmetologist depending on the condition and type of skin.

    Prevention of occurrence

    Unfortunately, the aging of the body is an irreversible process and the appearance of wrinkles cannot be avoided, however, there are recommendations that will help delay their occurrence:

    • It is unacceptable to go to bed leaving decorative cosmetics on your face, the results of the sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as contaminants from the environment. This entire layer clogs pores, interferes with the natural exfoliation of dead cells, can cause irritation, allergic reactions, and blocks the flow of oxygen;
    • procedures for cleansing the skin, applying cosmetics, massages should be gentle, you should not stretch or rub the skin too much, as this can deprive it of its elasticity and cause injury;
    • It is worth exfoliating the skin 1-2 times a week, this way you can get rid of the stratum corneum and make the skin smoother and more receptive to nutrients. In addition, this is also an excellent massage that improves blood circulation;
    • face masks in cream or fabric forms are especially effective when used 1-2 times a week after peeling; they contain more active ingredients than creams and instantly transform the skin;
    • contrast washing with warm and cool water is very useful for the face (or after washing with warm water, you can wipe the skin with an ice cube - this improves blood circulation and tones);
    • Be sure to use nourishing cream daily. It should be selected according to your skin type and have a lifting effect;
    • 2-3 times a week it is useful to do face-building - special gymnastics and facial massage. The movements are simple and effective;
    • A separate point in the war against wrinkles is the organization of proper nutrition. The body must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins, microelements, and proteins. Fans of strict diets and fast food lovers can forget about beautiful skin;
    • Most often, wrinkles in the forehead indicate a person’s active facial expressions. To prevent the formation of such wrinkles, you should begin to observe and control your own expression of emotions, eradicating the habit of frowning and raising your eyebrows.

    Sometimes a person’s active facial expressions are a consequence of wearing ill-fitting lenses or glasses. Perhaps there is a reason to turn to specialists to select better quality optics.

    Incorrectly selected glasses or lenses can become an additional cause of the formation of facial wrinkles.

    Video: preventing wrinkles using Facebook building

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