Oils for facial skin care: the most beneficial properties of the most popular oils, combinations of base and essential oils

articles » Oils for facial skin care: the most beneficial properties of the most popular oils, combinations of base and essential oils

Benefits of oils

Why oil, you ask. You can use your usual cream according to your skin type, and not waste time preparing homemade masks. You are right about this.

  • Any cream works only in the superficial layers of the skin, but a natural product penetrates into deep structures and works at the cellular level.
  • Cosmetics have a positive effect while you use them, and oils have a long-lasting effect.
  • In addition, the likelihood of developing an allergy is possible only if there is an individual intolerance to natural components. While the cream includes many chemical additives, the skin reaction is quite difficult to predict.

Although to be fair, if you decide to use oil instead of cream, don't expect quick results. You will be able to enjoy the beauty of your skin only after 2-3 weeks of regular procedures.

Beneficial features

In terms of the content of vitamins and biologically active substances beneficial to the body, vegetable oils are significantly superior to synthetic products, and do not contain harmful substances. Due to the absence of preservatives, fragrances, dyes and other chemicals, the risk of allergic reactions when using the products is minimal, although the possibility of individual intolerance must be taken into account. In most cases, these products are suitable for the most sensitive skin. And most importantly, in their composition they are close to human sebum, which determines their excellent perception by the dermis, good absorption and maximum absorption of nutrients. Below is a list of properties they have:

  • nutritious;
  • moisturizing;
  • softening;
  • cleansing;
  • anti-aging (stimulation of collagen synthesis);
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • normalization of the function of the sebaceous glands.

Why you need to combine the use of cosmetic oils and creams

The main thing to remember when using cosmetic oils for facial skin instead of cream is that everything should be in moderation. There is no need to overuse natural ingredients - without professional means it will not be possible to provide the epidermal tissue with everything necessary. Cosmetologists recommend combining drugs for good results.

When planning to use a product of plant origin for facial care, you need to remember that oil:

  • does not contain substances necessary for the epidermis - peptides, water-soluble minerals and vitamins, fruit hydroacids, without which one should not hope for adequate nutrition of the skin;
  • is not able to cope with the fat barrier on the surface of the dermis, with regular use it increases the untidy shine, and turns dry skin into a depleted “parchment” with spots;
  • is able to create a film on the surface of the skin that prevents the full enrichment of oxygen and the removal of harmful substances;
  • can destroy the natural barrier of the epidermis, neutralize protection from ultraviolet radiation and harmful external influences;
  • does not contain the water necessary for complete hydration of epidermal cells.

An oily liquid, regularly and in large quantities applied to the skin, can clog pores, preventing the removal of fat. This can cause the appearance of profuse rashes, spots, and blackheads. That is why it will not be possible to completely replace complete skin care with a herbal product - the consequences of such negligence are difficult to foresee.

Replacement for cream

One of the main questions about using facial oils is: can they completely replace moisturizers?

Most cosmetologists believe that this should not be done. Oils are composed entirely of lipids, so they themselves do not contain the moisture needed by the skin. Therefore, experts do not recommend using them every day instead of cream, but applying them before a moisturizer.

How to use at home?

Cosmetic oil is used to cleanse the skin of impurities and makeup residues. Apply a few drops of the product to a cotton swab and wipe your face. After this procedure, the skin remains clean and does not dry out.

The best method for using oils is face masks. They are obtained by mixing base and esters. Mixtures must be prepared in dark glass or plastic containers. After mixing the ingredients, the mixture should sit for 3 days.

The product is applied to cleansed, damp skin before bed or an hour before leaving home 1-2 times a week. 15 minutes after application, remove excess with a dry cloth. The amount of oil depends on the skin type:

  • for dry skin - 4-5 drops;
  • for oily and combination skin – 1-2 drops;
  • for normal - 2-3 drops.

You can use oils differently: a few drops of oil are mixed with cream and applied to the face like a regular cream.

Facial oil for wrinkles. Application

There are many ways to use essential oils on your face. You can use any one type of oil, but the most effective are compositions of several esters.

But such compositions must be composed correctly so that the beneficial properties of the products complement each other and do not conflict.

We enrich finished cosmetics

The easiest way is to use essential oils by adding them to the finished product. For example, in your evening cream or lotion.

To eliminate dry skin, it is recommended to add a drop of esters to the cream:

  • roses and jasmine;
  • neroli, orange and verbena;
  • patchouli and lavender.

For combination and oily skin, it is recommended to add a drop of esters to the cream:

  • lemon and bergamot;
  • grapefruit and mint;
  • cinnamon, lime and eucalyptus.

Blends with base oils

An effective way to combat wrinkles is to prepare mixtures of essential oils dissolved in base oils. Here are some proven recipes:

  • Active prevention. For young girls aged 25-30 years, cosmetologists recommend applying a light mixture prepared from 5 ml of macadamia oil and esters of orange (3 drops) and neroli (1 drop) to cleansed skin once a week. This composition will prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.

  • Elimination of small wrinkles. If shallow wrinkles have already appeared, then you should prepare a mixture based on almond oil. Take 10 ml of base and add 2 drops of rosemary ether, and 10 drops of orange, lavender, lemon and carrot seed esters. Additionally, we enrich the composition with 5 drops of a solution of vitamin E in oil. Pour the mixture into a dark glass bottle. Every evening we apply the composition in a thin layer to the skin.
  • To use essential oils for deep wrinkles, it is recommended to prepare a mixture based on avocado, wheat germ and jojoba base oils. Take 15 ml of all three oils, mix the products and add 4 drops of rose oil and 3 drops of frankincense ether to the mixture. This mixture is recommended to be applied to areas where wrinkles are located, including the skin under the eyes.

For eyelid skin

By using essential oils for wrinkles around the eyes, you can achieve good results. The fine network of wrinkles on the eyelids will disappear, dark circles under the eyes will become less noticeable. And even deep wrinkles in the corners of the eyes can be smoothed out.

Here are some recipes for this area of ​​the face:

  • Mix 30 ml of sesame oil with three drops of ylang-ylang ether and two drops of verbena ether. Pour into a dark glass bottle. Apply a thin layer to the eyelids twice a day. After a quarter of an hour, remove any remaining oil with a napkin.

  • Mix 20 ml of rosehip oil with 10 ml of jojoba base oil. Add 10 drops of fennel ether and 4 drops each of frankincense and jasmine esters.
  • To care for eyelids after 30 years, it is recommended to use a mixture of peach and argan oil (10 ml each). To this “Cocktail” you need to add three drops of neroli ether and two drops of lavender and rosemary esters. If wrinkles already exist, then the composition should be additionally enriched with vitamins by adding to the mixture the contents of three capsules of the vitamin pharmaceutical drug Aevit.

Area around the mouth

Often, after 40 years, women develop vertical wrinkles around their lips. To eliminate wrinkles and prevent their deepening, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of the following composition:

  • base oils of olive, wheat germ, flax - 10 ml each;
  • essential oils of neroli, jasmine, bergamot - 2 drops each;
  • lavender and rosemary ether – 1 drop each.

This mixture should be applied to the skin around the lips every evening. With regular use, wrinkles will become less noticeable and the definition of the lip contour will improve.

Essential, basic cosmetic oils: types, properties

All cosmetic oils are different from each other and “work”, giving different effects. This is because their composition is different, but always rich in useful microelements.

  • NATURAL – the best natural “cosmetics” for skin of any age. It’s good to start using it from the age of 18-20. Its main advantage is the ability to retain moisture in the skin.
  • ESSENTIAL - obtained by concentrating the ingredient in ether. They have a powerful internal and external effect on the body, because... have a strong and “medicinal” aroma.

COSMETIC OIL is a composition made up of several or a large number of ingredients (oils) of natural origin, possibly additional vitamins and extracts.

Fatty vegetable oils

Fatty vegetable oils are oils that retain their consistency. They are in a liquid state and at a temperature of +20...25 degrees. These oils are used to prepare homemade cosmetics, handicraft soaps, and massage oils.

There are refined fatty oils and unrefined (unrefined, without additional technological processing).

Unrefined oils are healthier and better because they contain more polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E and trace elements. Natural base fatty oils are not diluted. They are used in their pure form on their own or as a carrier oil for dissolving and transporting essential oils through the skin.

It is advisable to store fatty base oils in glass containers with tight-fitting lids in a cool, dark place. Use without heating.


Solid oils (batters) are vegetable oils that solidify at temperatures below +30 degrees. These oils are used in cosmetology to make natural creams, scrubs, lip balm and artisanal soaps. Butters are used independently, in their natural form and mixed with other fatty vegetable oils. Store solid oils in a cool, dry and dark place. Solid oils include coconut, cocoa, mango, palm and shea butter.

Oil Bar

During the Intercharm exhibition, any woman could approach the EcoLife stand, and if Yulia was free, ask to create a composition of oils.

But the exhibition ends and the question naturally arises: where else can you not only purchase individual natural oils, but also use the services of a specialist who knows how to compose complex compositions?

Yulia: We are presenting a new product on the market - Oil Mix. We bring a lot of organic oils, since we are already a fairly large producer - we can afford to bring organics in a fairly large volume.

What remains, we can offer for now like this - in the form of an oil bar. While this is an experimental item, it will only be sold in our stores. Then I hope that some retail chains or beauty salons will be able to install such a counter and work with consumers.

Personal composition of oils

In other words, such a chic oil bar, which was presented at the exhibition, where with the help of a specialist you can create a complex composition, is a new product, an experimental model. And this is currently only available in EcoLife stores. Therefore, of course, I did not miss the opportunity and asked Yulia to create a composition of natural oils for me personally.

To do this, I gave Yulia a clear assessment of the condition of my skin, described the main problems and explained for what purpose I needed such a composition.

I needed the composition of oils in order to enrich my self-massage cream - to make it more saturated, which would ensure good gliding and additional nourishment.

My skin is aged, but not dry, but sensitive. Plus I'm prone to swelling. And since oils can contribute to swelling, in my case such products need to be used very carefully.

As a base, Julia took argan oil for me, and from the active oils she added moringa oil and raspberry oil. The result is a bottle with this composition.

Let me sum it up. You can easily select base oils for skin care yourself; to do this, you just need to follow the basic recommendations for choosing an oil.

As for composing complex compositions using active oils, this is a whole science. This issue needs to be thoroughly studied, or entrusted to professionals.

Basic oils for facial skin together with essential oils

Essential oils are more concentrated and have a rich aroma. If used incorrectly, they can cause burns, allergic reactions, and irritation.

By itself, in its pure form, essential oil is not used. A conductor is used to penetrate deep into the skin. This conductor is the base oil.

It is important to maintain the exact proportion when mixing these two components.

When used, the base facial oil is enriched in the following proportions: per 5 ml of base – 1 drop of ether. If the composition contains several essential oils, add 1 drop of the mixture per 5 ml of base.

Finding the perfect combination to suit your individual needs is a creative and fun process. The main rule when working with herbal ingredients is that any facial oil requires caution and a competent approach.

Basic oils in facial skin care

High-quality plant base oils are obtained by cold pressing the seeds, leaves and other parts of plants. The product does not have a pronounced odor.

Base oils are good because they have a wide spectrum of action. They can be used as a stand-alone product or in combination with other ingredients. In care, such facial oils are used in creams, masks, lotions, compresses, steam baths, in their pure form.

Benefits of base oils in home care:

  • availability, low price;
  • natural composition;
  • versatility of use;
  • the ability to choose a product for any skin type;
  • safety;
  • similar in composition to sebum.

In rare cases, base oils can cause allergies, but don't take the risk. Before applying to the skin, be sure to do a test on the crook of your elbow.

The right choice: what is the difference between a natural product and a fake one?

You can choose quality skin care products based on the following guidelines:

  • Reputation of the manufacturer and supplier a. REFERENCE: In the domestic market, the top 13 trustworthy companies include Iris, Touche Flora, Galenopharm (basic extracts), Vivasan, Aura Cacia, Glorion, Primavera life, Bergland ", "Agroselprom" (basic extracts), "Karl Hadek", "Dr Taffi", "Balm Balm", "Eone".
  • Price range and level . The cost of different products can and should differ significantly due to differences in the cost of raw materials and the complexity of processing technologies. Thus, Indian-made coconut oil costs from 200 rubles per 100 ml, and the same volume of African shea butter will cost 500 rubles. High-quality argan oil cannot cost less than 1500-2000 rubles per 10 ml. Damask rose oil extract costs no less than $20 per milliliter.
  • Packaging and storage . All high-quality natural preparations are bottled only in dark glass bottles with tight lids, usually equipped with dispensers. The exception is coconut oil, which can be stored in a transparent container, but even this should not be exposed to a sunny display before being sold.
  • Information on labels and accompanying documents will also help determine which oil to choose. Preference should be given to the “unrefined virgin product”, which retains a maximum of natural substances.

The bottle must have a label with a picture of the plant and its correct Latin name.

Labels such as “100% pure aromatic” or “for external use only” indicate that the product is not natural.

Extracts that do not exist in nature - strawberry, pear, lily of the valley, etc., are also the result of purely chemical creativity.

  • Additional signs of the authenticity of an essential product are the complete, without a greasy trace, evaporation of a drop of it from the surface of the paper, as well as a change in aroma at the same time - after all, natural essential oil contains a whole bunch of substances that evaporate at different rates. The synthetic aroma, on the contrary, does not change, but only weakens as the drop dries.

The best facial oils: TOP 11 Videos


Rating of the best natural facial oils

Oils are increasingly used in professional and home cosmetology. And the most diverse. Some help nourish the epidermis with useful components, others get rid of wrinkles and improve tone, others are a salvation for dehydrated skin, and others are ideal for maintaining youth.

However, cosmetic oils also have a downside. So, if they are selected and used incorrectly, the condition of the dermis may worsen. For example, in addition to the main problems, clogged pores will appear, which causes acne and inflammatory processes. So, you need to choose your facial oil wisely. To do this, carefully study the composition - it should not contain any chemical additives. Also, use a product that is suitable for your skin type and only with low or moderate comedogenicity (the ability to clog pores and cause severe acne). And here's a list of the best safe oils for you.

  • Squeezing grape seeds
    . A very popular skin care product. Thanks to its unique properties, it received the second name “elixir of youth”. The product is rich in vitamins E, A, C and organic acids, which promote the production of your own collagen and elastin, increase regeneration, and slow down skin aging. After application, a film does not form on the face, which means that the dermis will breathe freely. Cosmetologists recommend using pure grape seed oil instead of night cream. It is suitable for oily, dry and combination skin.

  • Shea Butter
    . A very useful cosmetic product for any skin type. It has pronounced rejuvenating properties, increases immunity in epidermal cells, protects against chapping, deeply nourishes and moisturizes the skin. With regular use, it smoothes out shallow wrinkles, increases tone, and improves the color of the dermis. Moreover, shea butter is recommended for use in dermatological diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and dermatosis, because it relieves redness, inflammation and itching. When purchasing a cosmetic product, pay attention to the consistency. The oil in the container should be hard and dense. If this is not the case, then you are looking at a surrogate.

  • Castor
    . Many women have prejudices towards this product, but in vain, because castor oil is very useful for the dermis. It improves metabolic processes in cells, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and, as a result, does not provoke the formation of comedones, which is very important for oily skin. In fact, it is a universal remedy that has anti-inflammatory, whitening, soothing and rejuvenating effects. It is used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine, because it perfectly eliminates peeling. Castor oil is suitable for moisturizing dry, sensitive and problematic skin.

There are several types of oils used in cosmetology - natural (natural) and mineral. The first ones, which we are talking about today, have a beneficial effect on the skin and do not disrupt the natural processes occurring in it. But the latter should be avoided, since they are made from cheap raw materials and have a high level of comedogenicity, that is, they clog pores.

  • Argan oil
    . Suitable for skin care of any age. This product is believed to grant “eternal youth.” And all thanks to a truly unique composition, which contains a lot of vitamin E and other useful substances. In fact, this is a real lifesaver for aging skin. Argan oil is well absorbed, does not form a greasy film and has pronounced regenerating properties - smooths out scars, promotes wound healing, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

  • Wheat germ
    oil . This is the best solution for aging facial skin. It saves from wrinkles, slows down the aging process, stimulates metabolic processes in cells, evens out the relief, and removes age spots. Most often it is recommended to use it for normal, dry or problematic dermis prone to peeling. The composition of cereal oil is rich in vitamins A, E, B1, B6, which help maintain skin tone. Omega-3 and Omega-9 fats are also present here, which help retain moisture in the layers of the epidermis. With regular use of the cosmetic product, even deep wrinkles are smoothed out, sagging cheeks and sweet spots around the eyes disappear.

  • Avocado
    . Very nutritious and rich in vitamins, beneficial microelements and fatty acids. Suitable for all skin types, low comedogenic. As a rule, it is used by women seeking to maintain the health, youth and beauty of their faces. After all, this cosmetic product improves blood circulation and metabolism in cells, promotes the production of collagen and elastin, and prevents the early appearance of wrinkles. Suitable for daily care. Works great in masks and in combination with skin care creams.

  • Jojoba
    . An indispensable product for facial skin, nails and hair. It has a strong restorative effect, protects against frost, wind and exposure to ultraviolet rays. Rich in the beauty vitamin – tocopherol. Exotic jojoba oil has a very delicate effect on the skin, forming a thin protective film on its surface. At the same time, the dermis does not suffer from a lack of oxygen, and the pores do not become clogged.

  • Olive
    . An ideal choice for dry skin, as well as sensitive and problematic skin. Olive oil is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, and all thanks to its unique composition. There are many microelements, vitamins and antioxidants that nourish the epidermis with useful substances, promote moisture retention in cells, and prevent wilting. But olive oil is not recommended for oily skin, especially in its pure form. Women with excessive facial hair should also avoid it, as this product accelerates hair growth.

In addition to cosmetic oils, essential extracts are also very useful for facial skin. For example, rose, lemon, ylang-ylang, and patchouli oils will help against wrinkles. To moisturize, take a squeeze of sandalwood, bergamot or neroli. And to combat inflammation and acne, use chamomile, tea tree, lavender, lemon balm, geranium, and clove oils. However, remember that they can only be used as part of masks or creams, and in no case in their pure form!

  • Peach.
    This cosmetic product fights very well against many aesthetic skin problems. For example, it gets rid of oily shine, tightens pores, relieves inflammation, promotes the healing of acne, cracks, and the disappearance of blackheads. With regular use, pigment spots are lightened. As cosmetologists recommend, it is especially good to use peach oil for facial skin after 35-40 years, when the first age wrinkles form. It will stop the process of skin withering and give it vitality.

  • Almond.
    Sweet almond seed extract can often be seen in cosmetics and masks. And all because this is a universal product. It is suitable for any skin type, it cleanses well, tones, and contains vitamins A, F, E, K and group B. But most importantly, it has a very strong moisturizing and soothing effect, which makes this oil ideal for sensitive and irritated skin. dermis.

Recipes for masks with added oils

At home, you can prepare various versions of masks from ingredients of natural origin, including vegetable oils. Let's figure out which essential oils are good for facial skin and how to make a mask yourself.

For dry skin

The following recipes for masks with a moisturizing effect are suitable for such skin:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. chamomile with 1 tbsp. l. strings and fill the plants with 3 tbsp. l. quality olive oil. Heat the mixture for 10 minutes in a water bath. Remove and wait until it cools down. Take 1 tsp. broth and grind together with the beaten yolk. Distribute the resulting mask in a small amount on your face and leave for 15 minutes. Next, remove using cotton swabs, after moistening them in a weak brew (warm).
  2. Beat one yolk with 1 teaspoon or apricot oil. Apply to clean skin, lightly rubbing the mixture.
  3. Heat (not too much) 1 tbsp. l. peach oil and add 1 tbsp to the product. l. liquid natural honey. Soak gauze in the mixture and apply to skin. Rinse off with warm water.

For normal type

If you are the owner of a normal type, and you have no visible defects on the skin surface, the following recipe will help moisturize it and keep it healthy:

  1. Mix 0.5 cups of flaxseed or olive oil (heated in a water bath) with 5 drops of liquid vitamin A and E.
  2. Soak gauze in this mixture and place it on top of your face.
  3. Keep the gauze pad in place until the mixture has cooled.
  4. Next you need to repeat the procedure again.
  5. In general, the process lasts up to 20 minutes.
  6. Remove the napkin and wash with warm water, pat dry carefully with a soft towel.

This mask softens the skin and smoothes out small wrinkles.

For oily and combination types

To regulate sebum production and optimal hydration, pay attention to the following masks:

  1. Brew a weak infusion of green tea. Add 1 full tablespoon of oatmeal flakes to the warm infusion. Mix 5 ml lemon juice and tea tree essential oil drops. This mixture is applied evenly and stays on for 20 minutes. on the face. Rinse off the mask with room water. Using this procedure, you can cleanse the skin, and the mixture of components also has a softening effect.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. l. blue clay and add 2 tbsp to the powder. l. grapefruit juice, then stir until smooth. Add more whipped egg white and three drops of orange oil to the mask.
  3. To tighten enlarged pores, mix two tablespoons of white cosmetic clay (in a glass container or porcelain bowl) with 2 tbsp. l. linseed oil. Add a small amount of lemon juice and 5 drops of mint oil to the mixture. Apply the mask evenly and generously to the skin and wait 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
  4. If you notice red areas on your face and there is irritation, use this recipe. Grate the cucumber on a fine grater. Take 1 tsp. this mashed mass and mix in a chopped quarter of one banana. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. olive oil. Apply the mask to redness, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Properly selected oil and cosmetics prepared on its basis help preserve youth and beauty for a long time. Choose an oil based on your skin type and condition. It is advisable to consult a cosmetologist if you have any doubts. However, if you use the recommendations above, you will be able to avoid unwanted effects, and your skin will look healthy and well-groomed, soft and smooth.

For more information on how to choose and use oils, watch the video:

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