Genital warts: genital warts caused by HPV

Papilloma is a benign formation on the skin.

The cause of the appearance of papillomas on the body is a human papillomavirus infection, which enters the body most often during sex.

Papillomas can be located in different parts of the body - on the face, neck, armpits, torso , groin , etc.

What is a genital wart

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Genital warts are most often a consequence of infection with types HPV 6 and/or HPV 11. To date, scientists have identified more than 100 types of HPV, of which about 30 are sexually transmitted, but types 6 and 11 are usually associated with these genital formations. Their peculiarity is their probable oncogenicity, so it is assumed that genital warts may be a precancerous condition of cancer of the cervix and other organs.

The world has been experiencing a slow but steady increase in the number of such infections for several years. Statistics say that genital warts account for more than 30% of all consultations in skin and venereology clinics.

Among sexually active people with many partners, the risk of contracting condyloma exceeds 60%. In this case, infection is not accompanied by any symptoms - the virus remains in a latent hidden phase until a certain point. But when inflammation develops, for example, due to mechanical irritation of the genitals, the HPV virus begins to act, and is manifested by the appearance of condylomas.

Sexually active people

How not to get sick

  • The HPV vaccine protects against the types of virus that cause anogenital warts. Ideally, you should get vaccinated before you become sexually active.
  • Using condoms during sexual intercourse. They protect against HPV at least partially. Also, this method of protection helps to recover from warts faster if both partners are infected with HPV.
  • Smoking is a risk factor for HPV infection. But there is currently no evidence that quitting smoking helps cure warts.
  • The fewer sexual partners you have, the lower your risk of developing warts.

Where do condylomas appear?

Acute condylomas can be transmitted by any type of sexual contact - vaginal, oral, anal. Their location is closely related to the site of infection.

Genital condyloma

Changes usually develop 3–8 months after contact with the virus, that is, with an infected partner. In more than 75% of cases, people who have sex with a partner who has genital warts develop symptoms within three months.

In men, condylomas are most often found on the head of the penis, mainly under the foreskin, which can lead to complications in the form of phimosis, on the central part of the penis, and sometimes on the scrotum. The development of condylomas is promoted by heat and moisture, under their influence they grow quickly, become larger and take the shape of cauliflower.

In women, they grow even faster during pregnancy, probably under the influence of the pregnancy hormone progesterone. If the warts are very large and on the vaginal wall, it may become less elastic, which can make labor difficult.

In general, genital and anal warts tend to persist or enlarge and disappear for years. Self-excision occurs in 10-30% of infections. In most cases, tumors form again.

Localization of inguinal papillomas

Warts of various types can appear on all parts of the human body. But condylomas in the groin area, as a rule, occur at the site of virus entry. It can be:

  • directly groin;
  • scrotal skin;
  • head of the penis;
  • foreskin area;
  • pubis;
  • surface of the penis.

In addition to genital tumors, the anus area is also attacked by the virus. Warts in the groin area can make sexual intercourse quite painful.

Condylomas on the penis and its surrounding areas are also cosmetic and psychological problems. The unaesthetic appearance of the groin area, inconvenience when wearing underwear and during intimacy force men to resort to self-medication, which should not be done. Only a specialist dermatovenerologist or urologist can determine the type of wart on the pubis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Home treatment for warts

Treatment of condylomas is necessary because they can lead to serious complications: urination disorders, infiltration of surrounding tissues. Patients should monitor their health and visit a doctor every 4 weeks for a minimum of 6 months. Also, when genital warts are detected, control of other sexually transmitted infections is mandatory.

If the changes are minor, your doctor may recommend treatment with home remedies:

  • Podophyllotoxin.
    A strong extract of conifers and barberry that causes necrosis of epithelial cells. Treatment of genital warts is carried out twice a day for three days in a row. After a 4-day break, the treatment is repeated. Treatment should last 3-6 weeks. The therapy is less effective in women than in men and produces side effects such as pain, burning, erythema and erosion. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy.
  • Imiquimod.
    Destroys cells infected with HPV. More effective for women. The drug in the form of a cream is applied topically, 3 times a week for 16 weeks. Side effects include skin irritation and severe inflammation.
  • Green tea extract.
    It has antiviral and antitumor properties and is also suitable for pregnant women. The drug is applied to condylomas 3 times a day until the condylomas disappear. The course should not last longer than 16 weeks. During therapy, erythema, itching, swelling and erosion may occur.

The drug is in the form of a cream

Green tea extract

Clinical manifestations of the disease

If a wart appears in the groin area, then in addition to the growth itself, other symptoms of papillomatosis in men are observed. These include:

  • the appearance of bloody discharge after sexual intercourse due to trauma to the growth;
  • skin redness;
  • unpleasant odor of large tumors;
  • keratinization of skin areas;
  • bleeding cracks;
  • dark spots.

Such symptoms should force you to consult a doctor as quickly as possible.

Dealing with warts is difficult

It is true that natural medicine has its own ways of treating genital warts. This is mainly an external influence - urine compresses, the use of white films of citrus fruits soaked in vinegar, compresses made from tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar. But these methods can, and only in consultation with the doctor, complement basic therapy, and in no case are they the main method of combating genital warts.

At the same time, you can use supplements that strengthen the immune system, for example, garlic capsules or echinacea extract. But even in such cases it will be necessary to inform the attending physician.

Garlic capsules

If the illness recurs and your own observations confirm that it occurs under stress, it is worth focusing on methods of dealing with stress.


In the groin area, growths are filiform acrochords or genital warts. If you look closely, the first type resembles a bunch of threads. Acrochords reach 5-6 mm in length. These papillomas are soft and stretchy.

What does papilloma look like?

Papilloma is a benign neoplasm that appears on the body when infected with papillomavirus.

Filiform warts often affect older women. In most cases, the pubic bone area is affected.

Acrochords do not appear on the genitals, but appear on the neck, face, and in the axillary area. Thread-like growths are attached to a thin stalk, as a result of which they are susceptible to frequent damage, bleeding, and inflammation.

Genital warts of a pinkish-white hue reach only 2-3 millimeters in size. Such defects affect the pubic area, labia majora and minora, shaft of the penis, vagina and anal area.

With frequent rubbing, condylomas cause discomfort and pain. Pointed papillomas are extremely dangerous due to the high probability of malignant transformation, therefore such growths must be promptly removed by an experienced specialist.

Outpatient treatment of warts on the genitals

The only effective way to combat genital warts, recognized throughout the world, is to remove them.

There are several methods that can help you get rid of unpleasant tumors in a matter of minutes:

  • Laser therapy procedure. It is performed under local anesthesia using a colposcope, which makes it easier to view the intervention area. Laser therapy is very effective and leaves no possibility of relapse. For numerous condylomas, the procedure is repeated every other week.
  • Cryotherapy is the freezing of lesions with liquid nitrogen. Used at weekly intervals. Hyperpigmentation or scarring develops after cryotherapy. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the experience of the doctor.
  • Trichloroacetic acid. This is a strong caustic substance that causes tissue necrosis as soon as the composition is applied to the affected areas. This method of combating condylomas is effective with small changes, and its effectiveness is estimated at 51-81%. Relapses occur in 36% of patients. Side effects: Excessive use of the drug leaves deep wounds and scars.
  • Surgical methods. The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia. The highest level of cure is provided by curettage and electrosurgery methods. Condylomas after such treatment recur in less than 19% of cases.
  • Photodynamic therapy - 5-aminolevulinic acid. The method can be used alone or in combination with laser therapy, cryotherapy or curettage. The advantage is a low percentage of side effects and a high percentage of successful procedures.


Laser therapy

Photodynamic therapy


The cause of warts in the groin is infection with the human papillomavirus. The pathogen is most often transmitted during unprotected sexual intercourse, so many people become ill during adolescence.

The transmission of the virus also occurs through contact with a carrier of the infection in transport, or through hugging. The use of the patient's personal belongings and general personal hygiene products also sometimes leads to infection. However, such transmission occurs extremely rarely, since the virus does not live long outside the body, but a warm external environment prolongs its life.

In addition, vertical infection occurs even before birth. During childbirth, the baby's skin touches the vaginal mucosa. As a result, the pathogenic microorganism penetrates the child’s thin epidermis.

After infection, the virus takes hold in skin cells. The incubation period depends on the protective properties of the patient and lasts from two months to several years. If the immune system is weak, then the activation of the pathogen occurs much earlier.

What causes papillomas?

Experts identify a wide variety of causes for the appearance of papillomas.

In addition to weakened body defenses, the virus quickly provokes the appearance of papillomas due to prolonged use of oral contraceptives, narcotic drugs, hormonal imbalances, and nervous strain.

Exacerbation of chronic pathologies and exposure to radiation and ultraviolet rays also contribute to the activation of HPV.


First of all, a gynecologist or urologist is required to conduct an external examination of the patient’s groin area. Most often, this process is sufficient to establish a primary diagnosis. This is explained by the fact that papillomas are easy to distinguish from manifestations of other pathologies.

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Single growths do not merge with neighboring papillomas, while extensive neoplasms accumulate, creating a large group. The appearance of multiple growths signals the neglect of the pathological process.

After the initial diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo laboratory tests to identify the stage of the disease and determine the risk of oncogenicity of the pathogenic microorganism. To do this, they study the polymerase chain reaction, conduct a Digen test, and histological examination. Women still have to undergo a colposcopy.


If there are no complications, the papilloma does not change color, then antiviral therapy together with surgical removal will give the necessary result, get rid of the defect and protect against relapse. The development of a malignant tumor significantly worsens the prognosis, since cancer, in the absence of competent and timely treatment, causes metastases.

Permanent damage to warts due to friction or sexual contact can lead to infection, inflammation and purulent abscess. Such consequences are extremely dangerous, so it is important to eliminate condyloma in time and undergo a course of antiviral therapy.

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