Compid masking antiherpetic patch, 15 pcs.

There is hardly a disease more unpleasant than a herpes infection. Itchy blisters on the lips, pain, obsessive itching and unsightly looking crusts spoil your mood, ruin your plans, and create the danger of spreading the virus and accidentally infecting others. It is impossible to cure herpes completely, but the pharmaceutical industry offers a way out - special patches that hide its manifestations.

Genital herpes during pregnancy

Is genital herpes transmitted from mother to fetus in pregnant women?
If primary infection with the virus occurs during pregnancy, especially in the first half, then there is a possibility of the virus entering the fetus with the development of intrauterine infection and impaired fetal development. This is a serious complication of genital herpes, and, fortunately, it is very rare. If the virus was present in a woman’s body before pregnancy, then her immune system, already familiar with the herpes virus, effectively protects the fetus during pregnancy, and infection is possible only during childbirth, and then with the condition that at this moment the disease is in the active phase. Therefore, it is especially important not to miss relapses of genital herpes activity during pregnancy in order to begin treatment on time and prevent transmission of the virus to the child during childbirth.

Operating principle

The colloidal product softens the skin, gives it a healthy appearance and elasticity. The patch quickly absorbs exudate, drying the open wound. The chemical formula of the hygiene product for dry calluses contains salicylic acid, which is applied to the central part of the tape.

The substance comes into direct contact with the damaged area of ​​the skin.

The medicinal product contains components that have the following effects:

  • reduce pain from calluses, abrasions, and wounds on the legs;
  • facilitate walking in case of destruction of the epidermis;
  • moisturize rough areas of the skin;
  • accelerate the healing of cuts;
  • eliminate fungal infections;
  • suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

After gluing the tape, salicylic acid is released and penetrates into the deep layers of the destructively altered area, restoring the natural structure of the epidermis. Additionally, the product softens tissue, blocks the wound surface from the external environment and relieves pain.

Compide is a patch for wet calluses that prevents the emergence of pathogenic microflora, since it creates unfavorable conditions for its development. Under the influence of biologically active components, healing of damaged areas occurs as quickly as possible.

In destructively altered tissues, cellular regeneration processes are launched. Special polymer components of the patch simultaneously polish the skin, giving it smoothness and removing keratinized elements from the surface.

The polyurethane base of the colloidal product provides free access to the damaged area of ​​the air mixture. Due to such natural ventilation, diaper rash does not form.

Diagnosis of genital herpes

Which doctor should I see for genital herpes?

At the Yauza Clinical Hospital, this disease begins with a clinical examination by a specialized specialist (gynecologist or urologist), and is confirmed by laboratory tests. If necessary, consultation with related specialists (immunologist) is carried out.

What tests should be taken for genital herpes?

Laboratory diagnostics solves 2 problems:

  • determine the presence of the herpes simplex virus or contact with it: to do this, study the blood, vaginal discharge, urethra, sperm, urine of the patient for the presence of antibodies to the herpes simplex virus, or particles of the virus itself;
  • to prove the “involvement” of these rashes with genital herpes: material taken directly from blisters or ulcers is examined.

Also, to select effective therapy, it is necessary to accurately determine the type of pathogen - this question is answered by polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Make an appointment


The product is well tolerated by people with any skin type and a tendency to allergic reactions. However, there are some clinical contraindications for use.

These include:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the patch;
  • deep cuts in the skin, if the active ingredients of the colloidal product get into them, they can cause burning or itching;
  • severe diabetes mellitus and other endocrine disorders requiring prior consultation with a doctor;
  • chronic dermatological pathologies in the area of ​​application;

Do not apply the product after its expiration date.

Treatment of genital herpes

How to treat genital herpes? Unfortunately, there is currently no way to completely destroy the virus in the body and cure genital herpes once and for all. However, specialists at the Yauza Clinical Hospital have developed a treatment regimen that keeps the pathogen in an inactive state and significantly reduces the likelihood of developing a relapse of genital herpes in men and women.

Goals of therapy:

  • Removal of local manifestations - rash, painful ulcers, itching.
  • Speedy relief of relapse.
  • Strengthening the immune system, maintaining long-term stable remission.

The complex of treatment measures includes:

  • Antiviral drugs – oral and topical, which are selected individually. One of the most effective in treating a genital virus is acyclovir (tablets, injections, cream, ointment).
  • Prescription of immunomodulators, immunostimulants.
  • Patients with rare exacerbations are treated with episodic therapy. For those whose disease is severe (frequent relapses due to the individual characteristics of the immune system - its low activity against the herpes virus), a long course of pharmacotherapy is indicated - systemic therapy.

Despite the fact that there are no methods for completely curing herpes yet, the doctor will select medications that will reduce the frequency of relapses. This way, you can live a full life without regular exacerbations of the disease. Make an appointment with a specialist to avoid complications and relapses.


The treatment eliminates destructive formations on the skin, rather than masks them.

The main advantages of Compeed patches:

  • rapid absorption of exudate from the wound surface;
  • flesh-colored ribbon can be worn discreetly, which does not cause difficulties for women when wearing sandals or open shoes;
  • the special design of the product ensures proper ventilation, good heat exchange, and effectively removes sweat;
  • special components of the chemical formula of the product prevent the appearance of unaesthetic scars at the site of a healed wound;

A variety of shapes and sizes ensures the comfort of using Compeed patches. The colloidal product is characterized by high strength, abrasion resistance, and dust-repellent properties.

Therefore, you can wear it for a long time until the calluses are completely healed. When used and in constant contact with tight shoes, the adhesive tape does not roll or crumple.

This prevents re-injury of the protected surface of the skin. The thin patch is not felt at all on the body and causes not the slightest discomfort. Absolute waterproofness allows you not to remove the product in the bath or shower.

This property also protects the open wound from excessive moisture and exposure to shampoo and soap, which can cause irritation of the injured area, unpleasant itching, and burning. The Compeed patch allows you to do without other medications and antiseptics.

Treatment of genital herpes during pregnancy

First of all, it should be noted that there is a group of antiviral drugs that can be used with complete safety for the developing fetus.

Indications for treatment:

  • primary infection during pregnancy,
  • relapses of the disease and
  • prevention of relapses before childbirth.

Taking into account the possibility of an asymptomatic course of the disease during a relapse, it is necessary to conduct periodic examinations of the woman throughout pregnancy and, especially in the last weeks before childbirth.

By contacting the Clinical Hospital on Yauza, you are guaranteed to receive qualified advice from a specialized specialist, an accurate diagnosis of your condition, effective treatment of the identified disease, and prevention of exacerbations of genital herpes and its complications. Take care of your health - make an appointment with a gynecologist or urologist right now!


Johnson & Johnson produces adhesive medical and hygiene products for various purposes.

There are 6 types of Compid patches:

  • Medium Callous – for corns. The product contains special healing components of natural origin that effectively affect the surface and deep layers of the epidermis and have a softening effect. Approximate price – 180 rubles.
  • Corn plasters – for dry calluses. The components that make up its chemical formula eliminate keratinization of the skin, relieve redness and inflammation. The approximate cost in Russian pharmacies is 160 rubles.
  • Soothing Blister Relief – for blisters and wet calluses. The composition is saturated with special drying ingredients. The product has a breathable structure, absorbs liquid well, and prevents the development of pathogenic microflora in the destructive zone. For a pack of 6 pcs. in a Russian pharmacy you will have to pay about 260 rubles.
  • Active Corn – against ingrown and deep calluses. The patch saturates the epidermis with nutrients and analgesics, simultaneously softening and moisturizing it. The remedy relieves pain and eliminates old destruction of the epidermis. Price for a pack of 5 pcs. is 250 rubles.
  • Compeed Pencil is a preventive patch that prevents the formation of calluses of any type. Creates a thin protective film on the skin surface, which reduces friction when wearing new shoes. Price – 290 rub.
  • Total Care Invisible Cold Sore Patch – against herpes and other bacterial infections. It is distinguished by the presence of antiseptic properties. Price – 300 rub.

Compid is a patch for wet calluses and other types of destructive changes in the epidermis, which should be used only for its intended purpose.

How to prevent getting genital herpes

People with outbreaks of genital herpes are highly contagious. During the active phase of the disease, any sexual contact should be avoided, especially if there are ulcers. Using a condom does not prevent the spread of the disease because not all sores are covered by a condom.

Although the likelihood of infection is greatest when ulcers are present, people who have had HS can always be contagious to some extent, even if they have received medical treatment. The virus can be activated and transmitted to a sexual partner even when the skin looks completely normal.

For this reason, safe sex practices (using a condom) should be practiced between outbreaks to reduce the risk of spreading the disease to a sexual partner. There is no vaccine to prevent genital herpes infection.

How to choose the right patch?

The variety of options for such products allows you to purchase the product in accordance with the nature and type of dermatological destruction. But at the same time, this makes the choice much more difficult.

When purchasing Compeed patches, you should be guided by:

  • type of calluses;

  • localization of education;
  • physicochemical characteristics of damage.

To make the task easier for ordinary consumers, the manufacturer indicates on the packaging in large print the purpose of the colloidal adhesive pads. The main thing is to independently determine the type of skin damage that needs to be eliminated.

Compid patches are available for wet calluses, dry calluses and others. Depending on the area of ​​application, you can select a therapeutic and prophylactic sticker of the desired shape and size.

There are patches designed specifically to eliminate calluses and abrasions in the interdigital area of ​​​​the feet. Such products have increased wear resistance and have a special geometrically precise configuration.

They are poorly suited for use on other areas of the legs. This applies to the entire range of Compeed patches. Such products should not be used for other than their intended purpose.

In this case, their effectiveness will be quite low. The correct choice of a patch will prevent it from slipping during use and will ensure the most effective effect on the type of dermatological destruction for which it is designed.

Complications of GG

People with genital herpes face an increased risk of contracting and passing on other STDs. This is because the ulceration that occurs as a result of a herpes infection makes the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals more vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections. Patients with symptomatic HH face a 2-4 times higher risk of acquiring and transmitting HIV infection.

Complications are rare:

  • In some cases, the infection can spread to other parts of the body, such as the liver and eyes, even to the lining around the brain, causing meningitis.
  • 1% of patients with primary HH develop autonomic dysfunction with urinary retention, erectile dysfunction, constipation, and sensory loss. Sometimes (intermittent) catheterization is necessary over several weeks.
  • Mild meningitis is relatively common in primary herpes (13-20%). Herpetic encephalitis occurs less frequently and has a mortality rate of about 70%.
  • Neonatal herpes simplex may develop after vaginal delivery and may be accompanied by local infection (skin, eyes, or mouth), disseminated manifestation (visceral organs), or central manifestation (CNS).

Symptoms may be especially severe in people with weakened immune systems due to existing HIV infection or immunodeficiency. An infection that affects the eyes can lead to blindness. This occurs mainly in people with weak immune systems who have had the virus for a long time. With a weak immune system, herpes increases the risk of bacterial infections, which can lead to further complications.

Another possible complication affects pregnant women. During childbirth, women can pass the virus to their newborn. Women at risk for STIs often get tested in the early weeks of pregnancy to prevent complications. A pregnant woman with symptomatic genital herpes is at risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

The infection can be transmitted to the fetus, and the baby may develop neonatal herpes. The risk of complications is especially high if a woman contracts the infection in the last trimester of pregnancy. If she has active genital ulcers near the time of delivery, a cesarean section is usually recommended to avoid exposing the newborn to the virus.

Composition and release form

The thin polyurethane base gives the product wear resistance and makes it possible to use it with different types of shoes. Therapeutic and hygienic products are made from lightweight polymers, which makes the patch practically imperceptible on the body.

Compeed are highly elastic, do not wrinkle and are able to take any configuration, exactly following the contours of the leg. They help to avoid discomfort and pain when breaking in new shoes or boots.

The action of the product begins almost instantly after gluing. Compeed is water-resistant, so even when wet, the fixation on the surface of the skin does not weaken. It is well ventilated and accelerates the healing of any dermatological destruction.

Compide is a patch for wet calluses that effectively anesthetizes the damaged surface of the epidermis and prevents wound infection. Hygienic products are produced in the form of adhesive polymer flaps of various geometric configurations and dimensions or small disks.

The composition of the patches depends on the type and purpose of the product.

All models contain the following components:

SubstanceDescription and functions
GumAn adhesive layer based on a high-molecular carbon compound of natural origin.
elastomerPolymer of high elasticity, resilience and viscosity. Gives the patch flexibility.
plasticizersThey facilitate the dispersion of components and increase the product’s resistance to low temperatures.
Hydrocolloid elementsHydrophilic polymers that maintain a moist environment on the damaged skin area and accelerate wound healing.
polyurethaneHeterochain plastic material that gives Compid resistance to abrasion.
Plant resinsMakes the patch waterproof and dust-repellent.

This composition gives Compeed patches hygienic, bactericidal, and ventilation properties. Under the influence of the product, calluses first decrease in size and then completely disappear.

Forecast and prevention of genital herpes

As a preventative measure to prevent primary infection of HS, it is recommended to use condoms during sex, especially during casual sexual intercourse. But you should know that the use of protective contraception does not reduce the risk of infection through microcracks and other damage in areas of the skin not covered by a condom. If you suspect the penetration of a virus, you can treat the skin with local antiseptic preparations.

GG is characterized by relapses with decreased immunity. To prevent the disease, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle;
  • take vitamins;
  • get enough rest and eat right;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • the area of ​​blisters and ulcers should be dry and clean to avoid infection;
  • If symptoms appear, consult a doctor promptly.

People infected with this virus should try to avoid direct contact with others to protect them from infection. Avoid scratching or touching herpes lesions as this may spread the infection to other areas of the skin.

Purpose of antiherpetic patches

Adhesive plasters are a breathable material for creating lightweight dressings that hide minor skin lesions, areas of inflammation and wounds. The inner surface of such stickers may contain medicinal or sorbent substances to provide an additional therapeutic effect.

Patches against herpes perform a complex effect:

  • reduce the main symptoms of the disease: itching, soreness, swelling, absorb the exudate released by the bubbles;
  • perform a barrier function, protecting the lesion from accidental mechanical impact, irritation, penetration of dust and other pollutants, and act as an antiseptic;
  • prevent the progression of the disease at an early stage and protect other people from accidental infection;
  • the active substance on the surface of the patches shortens the period of inflammation;
  • have cosmetic properties: aesthetically pleasing flesh-colored stickers mask the problem and protect the sick person from excessive attention to the defect that has appeared on the face.

Remedies with analgesic, antiseptic and antiviral effectiveness can be used at any stage of the manifestation of herpes.

Features of the miracle patch

The difference between Compid products is the use of a unique hydrocolloid technology, which makes it possible to create a structure similar to a “second skin”. The base of the patch consists of particles whose thickness does not exceed 600 microns. And its surface is a water-repellent polyurethane film 30 microns thick.

The “Compid” patch has the following properties:

  1. Thanks to the hydrocolloid polymer, it absorbs discharge from the wound, while the surface of the patch does not lose its moisture-resistant qualities.
  2. It has a transparent, slightly matte structure that blends with the skin color.
  3. Does not interfere with air exchange, moisturizes the skin, preventing the formation of crusts and scars.
  4. It is durable and elastic, able to take the shape of the area to which it is attached.

During use, where the patch comes into contact with the wound, its color may change. This indicates that the product is working. The hydrocolloid absorbs discharge from the callus and promotes its healing, as a result of which the structure of the patch undergoes a change.

Reviews of the Compeed patch

I wear high heels every day. Especially in summer, the problem of calluses arises. I decided to try the Compid patch and was very pleased with the result. The product comes in the form of small, neat beige circles that stick well and are invisible on the skin.


I often have problems finding comfortable shoes, which is why I often get calluses on my feet. I have been using the Compid patch for a long time. It helps to quickly relieve severe pain from rubbing. The product is easy to use and almost invisible on the skin.


The adhesive plaster quickly relieves pain, it is convenient to use, and can be worn in summer with open shoes. With the Compid patch, calluses are no longer a problem.


Compeed is a good callus treatment for people who lead an active lifestyle and are constantly on the move.
It helps quickly eliminate pain and discomfort from rubbing. The product is easy to use and almost invisible. In addition, the patch can be changed once a day. Marina

Special instructions for use

To get quick and effective results, you need to know some of the features of using the Compeed callus patch.

Here are some of them:

  • Before purchasing, it is necessary to accurately determine the location and type of callus;
  • Before using the product, wash the damaged area with antibacterial soap;
  • For dry types of calluses, it is necessary to first steam the epidermis;
  • It is not allowed to stick the product on a wet surface; it is necessary to dry the epidermis with a towel;
  • It is forbidden to remove the patch until it begins to peel off on its own;
  • It is recommended to use the patch until the callus is eliminated;
  • It is recommended to apply the patch the first time, for more dense placement of the product on the skin;
  • Creams and ointments with an antibacterial effect should not be applied under the patch; this reduces the effectiveness of treatment and may contribute to the rapid peeling off of the callus remedy.

When used correctly, water procedures will not promote peeling and moisture transmission.

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