Removal (excision) of warts (simple, cryodestruction, laser, electrocoagulation, Surgitron apparatus)

Inconspicuous and often small growths on the skin - papillomas - in fact, can be a serious threat to the human body. In addition to the fact that papillomas disrupt the aesthetic appearance, they can also negatively affect health. Papillomas can develop into a malignant formation. There are many modern techniques for removing papillomas, including electrocoagulation. Electrocoagulation is a medical procedure that involves cauterization of soft tissue or removal of benign formations through the action of electric current. The frequency and strength of the current applied to the device is controlled directly by the surgeon. The device itself contains a special electrode or loop for removing tumors.

Features of the effect of an electrocoagulator

An electrocoagulator is a device that generates a current with certain characteristics. Passing through a nozzle made of thin wire with a special loop or in the form of an electrode with a ball knob at the end, it heats it up. The specialist, holding the nozzle, trims the papilloma, removing it, or simply cauterizes the neoplasm if it is small in size and flat in shape. The operator or his assistant holds the papilloma with tweezers. In this case, parts of the affected skin remain intact and can be sent to the laboratory for further examination and study. This difference from other methods of removing papillomas makes electrocoagulation one of the most popular and popular methods of combating tumors.

What is electrocoagulation?

Electrocoagulation is a method of removing tumors on the skin using current.
Many people ask various questions that require only one answer. These questions torment them constantly: how to get rid of a wart, is it possible to remove a papilloma, how to remove a mole , is it safe to remove a mole on the face. The matter does not move further, because few people turn to methods for removing papillomas, plantar warts, and removing moles on the face, for which you need to visit a cosmetology center. Many people know their grandmother’s remedies for warts and papillomas, but they have long been outdated, and such methods do not provide a 100% guarantee that after removing warts, new ones will not appear in this place. Many people ask their acquaintances and friends how they get rid of warts, but it is not a fact that the very remedy that was named helped. In some cases, they go away on their own.

Science does not stand still; more and more methods are emerging for removing moles on the face and other areas of the skin, removing warts, and removing papillomas. The main methods can be listed: laser therapy, surgery and electrocoagulation . Cosmetology has been using these methods for a long time and has extensive experience. The most popular method of the listed methods for removing moles on the face, removing plantar warts and other types of tumors is laser therapy. It should be noted that not every person who has a mole on the face, a plantar wart or a papilloma will allow themselves to turn to this method, due to the fact that the price of using such technology is quite high due to the cost of the device itself and the complexity of its operation. Removing a mole, treating warts , removing papillomas , at first glance seems like a minor procedure, so people are not ready to shell out large sums of money to solve this problem. People continue to walk around with papillomas or moles because they don’t want to go under the knife. Electrocoagulation is the most optimal and safe option for removing moles. The results of this procedure are as effective as laser therapy and surgery, but less painful and affordable.

Indications for removal of papillomas using electrocoagulation

This technique can be used along with other methods of combating the manifestations of HPV. The method is safe, since a thermal effect is applied to the surgical site, which prevents the virus from entering the blood and disinfects the wound.

With this treatment, the papillomas remain intact, and a specialist can always refer them for additional research. Therefore, this method is better suited for a patient with neoplasms of unknown nature.

Indications for treatment of papilloma with an electrocoagulator:

  • Skin defects resulting from HPV activity in open areas and mucous membranes;
  • Neoplasms that are actively growing and pose a risk of further spread of the virus through the skin;
  • Papillomas located on the bends of the limbs and in places where there is a high risk of injury.

Removal of papillomas by electrocoagulation is also recommended for localization of tumors in the genital area.

In any case, the decision to prescribe treatment should be made by a specialist, taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of the method, as well as the characteristics of the patient’s body.

Contraindications for carrying out

The procedure is strictly contraindicated for patients with individual intolerance to electrical procedures or painkillers, hereditary or acquired bleeding disorders, acute infectious or somatic diseases, as well as chronic ones during exacerbation.

The method is contraindicated in the presence of an electrical pacemaker, malignant neoplasm, active herpes, or inflammatory skin diseases. The procedure cannot be performed during pregnancy or lactation.

The procedure is prescribed very carefully to patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as to those who are predisposed to the formation of keloid scars.

How papillomas are removed with an electrocoagulator

When removing papillomas with an electrocoagulator, anesthesia is not always used. In case of small tumors, the procedure is almost painless. If necessary, local anesthesia is performed in the area of ​​papillomas. For children, a general anesthesia procedure is often used. The surgical area is disinfected. The specialist selects a nozzle in accordance with the size and shape of the tumor and begins to remove the papilloma.

Depending on the form of the tumor, the doctor cauterizes it with an electrode or performs excision of the stem. The thermal effect of the electrode not only has a disinfecting effect, but also promotes coagulation of capillaries. Therefore, bleeding is usually not observed. After the procedure, the surgical site is treated with antiseptic solutions.

In what cases is electrocoagulation technology used?

An electrocoagulation session is used to remove warts, remove moles on the face, remove papillomas and plantar warts. Unfortunately, it is quite rare to turn to a cosmetologist to solve these problems, although this method has long been used in professional facial cosmetology.

People come to a cosmetologist only when all the remedies at home have been tried, but they have not helped or have worsened the situation. Another reason for visiting a cosmetology center is discomfort from the presence of papillomas or moles on the face.

Now let's talk about the most common types of skin tumors.

When a person is born, he does not have a single mole on his face or body. They usually appear before age 25. You cannot remove a mole yourself; it is extremely dangerous to your health. Removal of moles on the face or body should be carried out by a cosmetologist who has a special education; under no circumstances seek the services of medical professionals who do not have the necessary knowledge, skills and experience. If a mole is removed incorrectly, the development of melanoma can be stimulated. If a mole on the face or body is benign, electrocoagulation of the mole can be done. Electrocoagulation of a mole is considered to prevent the appearance of melanoma. The condition of the tumors must be constantly monitored. Suspicious moles on the face or other part of the body are considered if they: appeared in adulthood, the surface became glossy, asymmetry appeared, began to bleed, are larger than one centimeter in size, or change over time. In such cases, you need to contact an oncologist. The mole removal procedure should only be performed after consultation with an oncologist or dermatologist.

Warts can occur when a person sweats excessively; in this case, warts appear on the hands and feet (plantar wart). A plantar wart can occur due to tight shoes, unlike a simple plantar wart, a plantar wart interferes with walking due to the high degree of pain. Scratches and cuts can also be the cause. Warts on the hands usually appear between the fingers and on the back of the hand. If you do not remove the wart immediately, then after a while you will have to deal with the removal of much larger numbers of warts.

Papilloma is similar to the previous neoplasm, only it has a stalk. It has an uneven surface. The color of papilloma can vary: from white to brown. Papilloma causes discomfort in the form of itching. Papilloma can also bleed. You can protect yourself from neoplasms in the form of papillomas if you don’t succumb to stress, have a strong immune system, and be sure to treat cuts and scratches with disinfectants. The occurrence of papillomas and warts on the hands indicates a low level of the body's immune defense. Often the appearance of papillomas is associated with disorders in the intestinal tract and metabolic disorders. Advanced forms of colitis, kidney disease, gynecological diseases and gastritis stimulate the formation of papilloma. Removing papillomas, as well as removing warts, is dangerous to do on your own. By cutting and tearing out papillomas, you increase the risk of infection in the body.

small papilloma using folk remedies The simplest methods for treating papilloma are celandine or dandelion juice. To remove papilloma, it is enough to lubricate the papilloma with the juice of these plants until it completely disappears. Castor oil and ammonia are also suitable for treating papilloma.

Skin care after papilloma treatment

In the surgical area - at the site of the tumor - a dry crust remains, which protects against infection and prevents wound bleeding. Therefore, it cannot be deleted. After 5-7 days, it disappears on its own, and new skin forms underneath it. In structure and appearance, it initially differs from the rest of the skin, but soon everything will even out.

For several days after the operation, it is not recommended to use cosmetics on the skin or visit public baths, saunas, or swimming pools. You should also protect the site of papilloma removal from moisture and direct sunlight; trauma to the wound is unacceptable, as this can lead to the development of inflammatory processes, suppuration, bleeding, as well as relapse and growth of the tumor.

You can sunbathe, visit solariums, use cosmetics, and also take proper hygiene procedures after the wound area has completely healed and new, full-fledged skin has formed in its place. During the rehabilitation period after excision of papillomas (neoplasms) by electrocoagulation, it is recommended to take a course of multivitamin complexes, as well as include more foods containing vitamin A in the diet - dairy products, broccoli, fish, liver.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Among the advantages of removing papillomas using electrocoagulation it is worth noting:

  • high efficiency, safety, accessibility - several tumors can be removed in one session;
  • the duration of removal of one papilloma is on average up to 5 minutes;
  • the procedure is suitable for any skin type;
  • the ability to control the depth and area of ​​impact of the device;
  • bloodless procedure, eliminating the possibility of infection;
  • has a relatively low cost.

But if you choose the wrong strength, frequency and duration of electrical influence on the tumor, there is a risk of scarring and relapse. If you do not properly care for the damaged area after manipulation, there is a possibility of the formation of pigment spots.

Persons with highly sensitive skin will experience discomfort and pain for a long period of time. In total, healing time is 10 days. If compared with the laser - 5-7 days or the radio wave method - 2-3 days, then healing lasts a long time.

Is it always necessary to remove papilloma?

Are you still in doubt whether you should remove the papilloma or not? Then know that doctors recommend doing this even in cases where the tumors are hidden from view and do not bother the patient. After all, in these seemingly harmless growths there is a high concentration of the virus, which, when the immune system is weakened, will continue its expansion in the body. In addition, the human papillomavirus is transmitted through contact, which means that by not removing the papilloma, a person thereby contributes to the infection of others. Sometimes warts go away on their own, usually by strengthening the immune system, getting proper rest, and taking vitamin therapy. Most often this happens in children and adolescents, whose immune systems are in the process of development, rarely in adults. But is it worth waiting for months and years for a miraculous healing, exposing yourself and your loved ones to unnecessary risk? A sharp increase in the size of the papilloma, a change in its shape and color are direct indicators for its speedy removal. Moreover, only a specialist should remove it; amateur activity is not appropriate here! It is especially dangerous to pick, cut, or injure warts, since in these cases “roots” and residues remain in the skin or under it. This can lead to the most tragic consequences - from large-scale growth, spreading of neoplasms throughout the body to their degeneration into oncological forms. But the use of modern medicine methods is safe and effective, since it removes papillomas completely, prevents the introduction of another infection into the wound, allows you to determine whether it is benign or malignant and, if necessary, begin taking anti-cancer measures without delay.

How to remove a wart on the hands or a plantar wart?

How to get rid of warts without harming your health is a question that has been asked for hundreds of years. The remedy for warts, as well as for papillomas, is celandine. Celandine is the simplest remedy for warts. In order for the removal of warts on the hands or plantar warts to be successful, it is enough to cauterize the location of the warts on the hands or feet with the secreted juice of celandine a couple of times a day for a month. Salicylic acid is also a remedy for hand warts and plantar warts. It softens the tumor tissue and irritates it, which leads to its disappearance. Castor oil is also a remedy for warts on the hands. Dandelion or milkweed juice is widely used not only for treatment, but also as a remedy for warts on the hands and plantar warts. This remedy for warts may not get rid of the problem, but at least it will not worsen the situation.

Electrocoagulation technology remains the highest quality and most effective remedy for warts and papillomas.

It is known how to get rid of warts and papillomas using folk remedies, but to remove moles , you need to turn to cosmetology.

Professional cosmetology has long been using electrocoagulation technology.

Condylomas and methods of their treatment

Condylomas (genital papillomas) are cone-shaped growths on the skin. These tumors usually indicate a viral infection that is sexually transmitted. There are five effective methods for removing condylomas: surgical, cryodestruction, laser, radiosurgery and electrocoagulation.

In the most difficult cases, electrocoagulation is used; it is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure takes 10-20 minutes, the recovery period is about two weeks.

You can learn more about the removal of papillomas using electrocoagulation at an appointment with a specialist. Registration for a consultation is available on our website

Human papillomavirus: why is it dangerous and how to resist it?

The biggest problem in dealing with the external manifestations of papillomatosis is the viral nature of the disease. The human papillomavirus has currently infected more than 70% of the world's population, and it includes more than 170 strains. Some of them are harmless, others (more than 40 types) can affect the genitals with genital warts, others cause vulgar warts, but the most dangerous are strains 16, 18, 31, 33, 39, 50, 59, 64, 68, 70, carrying a high degree of threat to oncology. Therefore, it is not enough to eliminate all skin manifestations of HPV and calm down; doctors recommend taking a PCR test to determine the presence or absence of oncogenic types of the virus. If one or more of them are detected, this should not be considered a fatal diagnosis and a peremptory sentence. This is only a factor contributing to the development of cancerous tumors, but not cancer itself. And although it is impossible to completely eradicate the papillomavirus in the human body, it makes sense to undergo courses of therapy designed to muffle and neutralize the harmful effects of HPV by activating one’s own defenses, that is, increasing immunity. Immunomodulators and antiviral agents are prescribed. Preparations based on natural components have a mild immunostimulating effect: “ Echinacea P ”, “ Leuzea P ”, “ Eromax ”, “ Eleutherococcus P ”, “ Dihydroquercetin Plus ”, “ Licorice P ”.

In addition to removing HPV foci on the body (warts and condylomas), patients are advised to pay maximum attention to taking care of their immunity:

  • to harden;
  • exercise;
  • give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs) that destroy the immune system;
  • take vitamins. An excellent choice would be natural vitamin and mineral complexes for people leading an active lifestyle: “ Leveton P ”, “ Leveton Forte ”, “ Elton P ”, “ Elton Forte ”, “ Apitonus P ”;
  • monitor your diet, ensuring it is balanced;
  • get enough fresh air, ventilate rooms more often, take a walk every day;
  • maintain a sleep-wake schedule, sleep 7–8 hours a day.

In addition, today there are vaccines against papillomavirus, which are administered to young girls as a means of preventing the development of cervical cancer caused by highly oncogenic strains of HPV. We also must not forget about pickiness in sexual relations, because unprotected sex is a common route of transmission of this insidious pest, like many others. As you know, health is achieved through complex measures, which should be constantly remembered. Be healthy!

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