Moles and warts Laser removal 6 clinics in Moscow since 1994

Indications for removal

  • common warts
  • plantar
  • periungual
  • the wart has changed color and size
  • overgrowth of warts

If you have discovered such a neoplasm, you need to consult a dermatologist for diagnosis and high-quality removal, without scarring. All types of warts require mandatory removal, otherwise it can lead to the growth and reproduction of warts, as well as to inflammatory processes.

Why does a doctor remove with a laser? This method allows you to get rid of warts on the hands and face without a trace (other methods often leave scars), and guarantees complete removal of flat and plantar warts, including those with a root.


Service price, rub.
Laser removal of warts on the face, 1 mm in diameter 500 100

Warts (papillomas) are manifestations and symptoms of papillomavirus infection, the source of which is the human papillomavirus (HPV). These benign neoplasms look like a nodule of keratinized skin. The variety of warts that appear on the skin of the face are classified as vulgar, as are those that appear on the hands and fingers. The flesh-colored or pinkish color of these growths darkens over time.

Despite the benign nature of warts, it is better to get rid of them due to their ability to multiply. If they affect the face, it is also a source of constant stress. The habit of scratching formations on the face is common to many people, especially teenagers, which can lead to injury and infection.

Never try to remove a wart yourself. At best, this can lead to difficult-to-treat skin defects, at worst - to degeneration into a malignant tumor.

Removal of papillomas on the face is also indicated when they are rapidly growing, noticeably changing color, shape, or multiplying. Until recently, there were invasive methods for removing these manifestations of papillomavirus infection - surgical excision, cryodestruction, electrocoagulation. All of them involve dissection of the tissue surrounding the wart, which is dangerous due to the formation of postoperative scars. Modern laser cosmetology technologies make it possible to use a laser beam configured according to certain parameters to remove warts.

The dsclinic laser cosmetology center in Moscow offers laser removal of warts on the face in a medical clinic equipped only with professional lasers. The price of removal is one of the most affordable in the capital among cosmetologists providing premium services.

During laser removal in the clinic, patients are advised by doctors - cosmetologists, dermatologists, dermatovenereologists, dermatologists-cosmetologists. The procedures are also performed by certified doctors specializing in laser cosmetology. In each clinic of the dsclinic cosmetology network in Moscow, a laser is selected whose characteristics allow the removal to be performed most effectively.

Wart removal methods

  • Laser removal of tumors . This method not only gives excellent results, but is also the least traumatic and painful. In its place there may be a slight depression of the natural skin color (without scars or pigmentation). The method is completely sterile, so there is no risk of infection or complications.
  • Electrocoagulation (exposure to electric shock);
  • Surhydron radio wave surgery allows you to effectively eliminate an aesthetic defect in just one procedure.

One of the best combinations is the use of laser and radio wave techniques - due to the low risk of complications and relapses. Treatment of warts includes therapy with antiviral drugs and stimulation of the immune system, as well as mandatory removal. We do not recommend treating warts with traditional medicine, as this can cause scars on the skin.

Prevention of the formation of warts and their cancerous degeneration

  • To reduce the risk of infection, dampness should be avoided - since dampness is considered the most favorable environment for the spread of warts;
  • You should be careful about cuts and scratches and take care of them. They can also cause warts - the wart virus penetrates into cuts and scratches very quickly. If you have a wart and you have it in one place, it may well happen that its particles have already got into some kind of scratch, and another one begins to grow there;
  • Don't touch the warts. After all, the wart virus can be transmitted not only to other people, but also to oneself, since the virus can enter the body through damage to the skin - cuts, scratches or hangnails. Accidentally damaging a wart can also cause the infection to spread.

The period after infection during which the wart appears can vary from 1 to 6 months. At first, the wart is very small - and you cannot immediately notice it and understand that it is a wart.

Price for tumor removal in Moscow

  • Laser removal of tumors
    Read the terms of the promotion BENEFIT UP TO 30% + FREE CONSULTATION*
    Name of serviceCost, rub. (for 1 unit)
    Consultation with a dermatologist and dermatoscopy /30 min3 500
    Consultation with a dermatologist without dermatoscopy2 950
    Hardware dermatoscopy (photo recording, observation, up to 5 tumors)4 500
    Hardware dermatoscopy (fixation, observation of up to 10 tumors)9 950
    Laser removal with sutures / up to 1 cm19 900
    Surgical removal with suturing /more than 1 cm28 900
    Biopsy/one tumor3 600
    Removal on the face, neck, décolleté / diameter up to 1 mm500
    Multiple neoplasms (more than 10 pieces)400
    Neoplasms up to 5 mm3 700
    Neoplasms up to 10 mm5 700
    Removal on the head, mucous membranes, anogenital area / diameter up to 1 mm900
    Multiple neoplasms (more than 10 pieces)800
    Neoplasms up to 5 mm1 700
    Neoplasms up to 7 mm6 900
    Removal on the ciliary edge of the eyelids / diameter up to 1 mm1 700
    Neoplasms up to 3 mm5 900
    Neoplasms up to 5 mm11 900
    Removal on the soles, periungual / diameter up to 1 mm900
    Multiple neoplasms (more than 10 pieces)800
    Neoplasms up to 2 mm2 100
    Neoplasms up to 5 mm4 900
    Neoplasms up to 10 mm7 900
    Ingrown toenail removal /one side4 500
    Ingrown toenail removal / two sides7 950
    Injection of Diprospan/Kenolog3 500
    Anesthesia1 600
    * Check with the administrators for details of the promotion

    *Consultation in case of removal on the day of treatment is free

    Make an appointment


During the consultation, the doctor will definitely find out whether the patient has contraindications to laser treatment, including:

  • oncological diseases;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • stage of destruction of chronic diseases;
  • exacerbation of diabetes mellitus;
  • blood diseases;
  • dysfunction of the circulatory system, hematopoietic organs;
  • mental illness;
  • inflammation in the affected area.

When the first signs of HPV appear in the form of vulgar warts, sign up for a consultation with specialists at the dsclinic laser cosmetology center in Moscow by calling the single phone number indicated on the website.

How we remove warts with laser

  • For two weeks, avoid solariums, sun rays, and self-tanning.
  • A dermatologist examines the entire skin for the presence of all neoplasms (if there is one, there is a high probability of presence in other places).
  • The doctor thoroughly cleanses the skin and prepares it for the procedure.
  • Apply anesthetic for comfort (two methods: cream or injection).
  • After a minute, the doctor performs the removal using a laser, having previously protected your eyes and his own with special glasses.
  • After the procedure, a small wound is treated with an antiseptic, a bandage is applied to it and secured with a plaster.

Call the Telos Beauty Prof clinic by phone or

How nevi are removed

You need to get rid of moles on time and only in a cosmetology clinic. They are subject to mandatory removal if they are located:

  • on the neck and face (especially in men and boys, since it is easy to damage the nevus when shaving);
  • in the groin and genitals;
  • at the waist (will be subject to constant friction against clothing);
  • along the bra line for girls and women.

Before removal, you should definitely listen to your doctor’s recommendations. The specialists of the PRAGA clinic work with each patient delicately and take responsibility for your health. If during the examination there is concern that a mole has signs of melanoma, our doctor will definitely send you for examination and histology.

Advantages of tumor removal in Telos Beauty Prof

  • Safety. Our doctor precisely affects the area of ​​skin, clearly regulates the intensity of the beam and the depth of laser exposure. The ability to carry out the procedure on any area: face, neck, décolleté, back, arms, body.
  • Quality. The high level of knowledge and extensive practice of doctors allow us to carry out procedures with minimal trauma, no complications and a short recovery period. Can be used on skin of any color.
  • Comfort. The most painless analogue among other laser procedures. We use anesthesia to ensure comfort during the procedure.
  • Result guarantee. A powerful effect, our doctors use their own methods of combined procedures to achieve 100% results.
  • Escort. We take care of you throughout the entire period of rehabilitation, monitor and answer all questions.
  • Rehabilitation. Fast recovery period, our clients undergo rehabilitation procedures with a discount of up to 50%.
  • Effect. The result is noticeable immediately. Due to the correctly selected method of influence, a sustainable effect is achieved.

How safe is laser mole removal?

For many people, the need to get rid of a mole is a concern. Questions arise: is this procedure painful, does it have side effects?

Today, cosmetologists remove nevi using a neodymium cold laser. This is a completely safe and painless method that eliminates any discomfort during the procedure and complications after it.

If the formation is small, you can get rid of it in just 2-3 minutes of laser action. Moreover, it is quite possible to remove up to 10 moles in one session. There is no recovery period required after the sessions - all that is left is smooth, clean, beautiful skin!

How is electrocoagulation performed?

Compared to other procedures, electrocoagulation is simple to perform. According to statistics, just one procedure is enough for complete removal. You can also remove several large warts at the same time. It is the size of the wart that determines the speed of the procedure. This may take a minute or even a few seconds.

Before removing a wart, the patient is given local anesthesia, and the skin is pre-treated with antiseptics.

Direct removal is carried out using a loop located on the device. It is applied to the wart and a certain electric current is applied. Thus, the wart tissue is thermally damaged and dies. If the wart dies, why doesn't it start bleeding? The high temperature of the loop also cauterizes the blood vessels that fed the wart. Therefore, bleeding does not start, and this avoids infection.

The site of the wart is covered with a dense crust (scab). After several days, the process of complete tissue healing proceeds smoothly. Once they heal, the crust will fall off on its own.

Before the procedure itself, all jewelry made of metal is removed from the patient. Otherwise, heating may cause burns.

Many patients, especially women, are interested in the question of scars. The wound itself heals in an average of ten days after the wart is removed. After the crust falls off, a pink spot remains on the skin (as doctors say, this is young skin). If doctors removed a small formation with a shallow core, then over time it will blend in with the color of the skin.

If during the development of a wart a deep layer of skin was affected, then a light spot remains in place, but don’t worry, it will go away over time.

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Is it possible to remove warts without pain and scars?

Modern medicine allows you to remove warts without any difficulties. Today, traumatic methods are no longer used, which leave scars that are even more unaesthetic than the tumor itself. We are talking about burning with acid, leading to the appearance of rough scars.

As medicine developed, more gentle methods for removing warts appeared: electrocoagulation and cryotherapy (cauterization with nitrogen). But they also have their drawbacks. First of all, it is an ulcer that remains after cauterization and is significantly larger in size than a wart.

All of these methods are characterized by prolonged healing with the formation of a scar or a focus of pigmentation. Removing warts using the radio wave method using the Surgitron apparatus does not have such disadvantages. It is one of the fastest, painless and safest, due to the lack of thermal effects on tissue.

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