Perline contour plastic surgery. Getting rid of deep wrinkles. An alternative to plastic surgery.

What is Restylane?

The clinic offers Restylane, a drug based on hyaluronic acid, which our body needs to maintain skin moisture levels. Hyaluronic acid is produced in the body independently, but with age, its deficiency is felt. This leads to loss of the required amount of moisture, which causes wrinkles and other imperfections to appear. Restylane, containing hyoluronic acid, compensates for its deficiency in dermal tissues. The drug Restylane was invented back in 1996 by Q-Med. Since then, millions of injections of this drug have been administered.

Restylane is a safe and very effective filler (biogel for contouring). Among other injectable fillers, Restylane has proven to be the best. It is recommended by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration in the USA).

Similar options

An analogue of the drug are fillers based on hyaluronate. In addition to Juvederm, Replery is very similar. The latter is a drug that helps add volume to the lips and correct their contour, smooth out small wrinkles. Juvederm comes in gel form and contains a sufficient amount of hyaluronic acid. The brand combines several types of the drug. Such a large assortment will allow you to choose the required concentration and achieve the desired result.

Restylane has equally popular analogues

In particular, the procedure with the introduction of Juvederm requires a little more than half an hour and does not cause any pain or discomfort, and no anesthetic is needed.

Important ! The resulting effect lasts about 8 months.

Repler has several varieties. One is aimed at the upper layers of the skin. Helps get rid of crow's feet. The other acts in the middle layers of tissue and gets rid of deeper wrinkles. The third reaches the deepest layers. The fourth gives plumpness to the lips. The fifth helps correct the oval of the face, cheeks and chin.

The drug "Replery"

Restylane or Juvederm

Many girls wonder what is more effective and safe - Restylane or Juvederm? This is due to the fact that both of these drugs are used by cosmetologists very often. Patients can usually decide which remedy will help them more. It is worth knowing a few facts about Juvederm products.

  1. In addition to hyaluronate, which is responsible for skin hydration and smoothing wrinkles, the composition contains mannitol, which reduces the possibility of side effects (most often in the form of swelling).
  2. The filler, unlike most Juvederm preparations, does not contain lidocaine, so local anesthesia may be required.
  3. In the first 2-3 days after the injections, the effect will be practically unnoticeable; the full result can be observed after a week.
  4. To achieve maximum effect, one procedure will not be enough; it is advisable to undergo a full course of rejuvenation, which is 4-5 procedures.
  5. The gel is able to cope with disturbing wrinkles, eliminate skin defects, and provide the necessary moisture.

If we talk about a direct competitor, then for biorevitalization they released a product that contains hyaluronic acid - Restylane. The product is a classic product for subcutaneous administration and has a positive effect on the condition of the skin for 6-9 months. At the same time, it also has many advantages.

Important ! That is why it is better if a specialist selects the product, since he knows more about the features of each product and has experience in using them.

Skin rejuvenation can be done not only with Restylane, but also with Juvederm

Operating principle

Once in the skin, the gel components quickly begin to interact with the organic tissues of the body. Hyaluronic acid (the main component) promotes the accumulation of moisture in the skin tissues and its preservation. Thanks to this, the skin acquires the necessary volume and smoothes out. Because of this, she looks healthy and young. Restylane has a long-lasting effect because it promotes the production of hyaluronic acid in the body.

This method is also used to correct the shape of the lips, face shape, nose and other areas. Good for smoothing out wrinkles and eliminating age-related changes.

Patient reviews

What do patients say about the use of Restylane gels?

Veronica, 25 years old, wrote:

I used Restylane about three years ago for the first time. Since then I have been a regular client of this drug. I use Restylane Lipp. I do their lips. Before this I used another filler, I like Restylane much better. Thin lips bothered me for a long time, but now I have forgotten about this problem. Outwardly, it is impossible to guess that my lips are not my own. Even my parents admit that they no longer remember what kind of lips I had before. I am very pleased, I think I will not say goodbye to Restylane any time soon.

Anastasia, 36 years old, wrote:

When I decided to undergo a rejuvenation procedure, the cosmetologist advised me to prepare the skin. For some time I used the night serum from the line and the night cream. Surprisingly, small wrinkles disappeared without injections! The deeper ones were removed by the procedure itself. The swelling went away quite quickly after it, there were no other side effects. It's been almost a year since I had the procedure, but the results are still noticeable. I'm going for a maintenance procedure soon to prolong the effect. I will definitely do another procedure once the effect ends. I really like the result.

Evgeniya, 45 years old, wrote:

At my age, you won’t surprise anyone with nasolabial folds. I decided to fight them because my self-esteem fell as they deepened. A friend recommended Restylane. I didn’t even know that she was injecting herself with drugs, her face looks so natural. Therefore, after some thought, I finally decided, although my husband was against it, because the procedure is expensive. However, I insisted on my own. After the procedure, I couldn’t believe the mirror! The nasolabial folds disappeared and I saw a clean and smooth face. When my husband saw me, he was very happy. He said that I look younger and more beautiful. As soon as the swelling subsided, he called me to the theater for the first time in a long time. I feel desirable and attractive, I even have a sparkle in my eyes. Now I know that nasolabial folds will no longer ruin my appearance!

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How are Restylane injections done?

The procedure does not require much time, and the recovery period is minimal. Results are visible immediately after the procedure. Although it is generally safe, Restylane should be administered by a medical professional. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to correctly determine the injection sites. Having marked the face and selected the required dosage, the specialist begins administering the drug. Depending on the number of areas being treated, the procedure can take from a few minutes to half an hour.

Healing period

Immediately after the procedure there may be:

  • edema;
  • bruising;
  • redness;
  • itching;
  • pain;
  • increased sensitivity.

These side effects are expected and disappear within a week. Other adverse events may occur when using Restylane in the form of skin boosters. Possible risks in this case are discussed with your doctor.

Post-procedure care

To speed up the healing process and avoid post-injection complications, it is recommended:

  • wipe the treated areas with chlorhexidine solution until the wounds are completely healed;
  • lubricate the treated areas with Bepanten and other soothing anti-inflammatory ointments;
  • if swelling occurs, it is permissible to apply ice to the swollen area for the first 2-3 hours after the injections.

What to avoid after the procedure:

  • applying makeup on the first day;
  • visits to saunas, baths, solariums in the first two weeks;
  • physical activity and massage for the first few days.

How long does the result last?

Since Restylane is a biodegradable drug, its effect decreases over time. How long the effect lasts depends on the chosen filler, the correction area and the patient’s metabolic rate. As a rule, the drug lasts about 6–12 months, after which repeated administration of the gel is recommended. If lip augmentation was performed, the time frame is reduced to 4–6 months.

Restylane injection procedure video?

In contouring using the drug Restylane, the basic principle is maintained - the introduction of a suitable substance exclusively into the problem area. The drug is administered with a syringe with a very thin needle. These injections are usually painless and no anesthesia is required. At the client's request, local anesthesia is possible, for which Restylane Lidocaine is used. Freezing wipes or anesthetic creams also have a good effect.

Before starting the procedure, our specialists examine problem areas of the face and determine the injection site and dose.

The procedure can last up to 30 minutes depending on the volume of injected gel. The result is visible almost immediately, but the biogel reaches its full effect after a week. The result lasts from six months to a year - it depends on the individual characteristics of each person. After this period, you can undergo a repeat procedure.

Features of use

Restylane is considered a harmless product, so it can be used without special preparation. But still, before use, it is worth studying contraindications and possible adverse reactions.

Important ! Injecting filler subcutaneously sometimes causes mild pain, which is usually relieved with an anesthetic gel applied before injections.

There is usually no harm from Restylane

The drug is injected under the skin using thin needles. At the end of the procedure, there are no traces of injections left. If after one session the result does not fully satisfy the patient, it is worth repeating the procedure without waiting for the drug to dissolve.

There is practically no time required for rehabilitation after injections. Immediately after a short procedure, which usually takes from 10 to 30 minutes, you can return to daily chores around the house and work - discomfort will not bother you.

After the procedure, you can return to your usual activities.

However, there are some restrictions: for 3-4 days after the injections, you should not be in the sun, do physical exercise, and you should also avoid any mechanical impact and the use of cosmetics on the treated areas of the body.

Important ! Restylane injections can be combined with various cosmetic procedures and products (but on different days).

The drug can be combined with other procedures

Correction of nasolabial folds using Restylane

Restylane is considered a fairly dense filler. It is used to eliminate nasolabial folds, add volume to the lips and other procedures that require additional volume. The folds on his face make him tired and sad, which ultimately adds a couple of extra years.

Important ! Nasolabial folds should be corrected as soon as they begin to appear, since deeper folds will be almost impossible to get rid of, which is very frustrating for patients.

Restylane is used to correct nasolabial folds

Preparations for adding volume to lips from Restylane (Restylane)

Every woman dreams of having sexy plump lips. Restylane or special products from its line will help make this dream come true. Lip correction may also be necessary when rejuvenating the nasolabial triangle. You just need to add some volume and change the shape.

Important ! This will smooth out wrinkles and make your face look younger.

This drug helps to enlarge lips

Correction of cheeks and cheekbones using Restylane

If we are talking about more serious and extensive plastic surgery, then it is worth using preparations with high density. For example, Restylane SubQ can remain under the skin for 2 years. The drugs help add the missing volume in the area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones. As a rule, in youth the face looks more voluminous. With age, tissue restructuring processes begin. The subcutaneous fat tissue becomes thinner, the movement of fat cells begins, and as a result, a nasolacrimal groove, a noticeable nasolabial fold, is formed. Additional volume will help cope with such troubles. During the procedure, flexible cannulas are used, which helps reduce the risk of injury to the skin and the occurrence of adverse reactions. And the professionalism of a cosmetologist will help restore youth to your face. The Restylane line of drugs can be used not only for facial rejuvenation.

Important ! They are also used for skin problems on the neck, décolleté, wrists, hips, knees and other areas of the body that are not pleasing in appearance.

Restylane improves the shape of the cheeks and cheekbones

Types of drugs Restylane

  • Restylane is the main drug used to smooth out wrinkles and folds of medium depth.
  • Restylane Perlane - has a denser consistency and is designed to smooth out deep wrinkles. It is used to correct the shape of the face, chin and cheekbones. Well suited for eliminating glabellar and nasolabial folds. Restylane Perline Lidocaine, which contains Lidocaine, is also used. Injections of this Perlane do not cause pain.
  • Restylane Touch is well suited for patients who have more delicate and thin skin. The drug smoothes out fine wrinkles and folds.
  • Restylane Lipp - This filler is used to correct the lips and areas of the mouth and nose.
  • Restylane Vital is an excellent product for moisturizing and biorevitalization. Restylane Vital is a drug used not for the correction of wrinkles, but for mesotherapy and biorevitalization (improving the appearance of the skin). It is a hyaluronic acid gel that is injected under the skin through multiple injections. The gel remains in the skin for a long time, during which hyaluronic acid allows you to increase the synthesis of elastin and collagen in the skin, and thus increase its firmness and elasticity, improve its appearance. Available in two versions:
  • Restylane Vital (for mature skin with signs of aging).
    Restylane Vital Light (for young skin). With its help, the effect of general rejuvenation is achieved. Well suited for eliminating age-related defects. Vital and Vital Light are used.
  • Restylane SubQ is an ideal tool for correcting the chin, cheeks, cheekbones and facial contours.
  • Hyaluronic acid fillers

    Used to combat the following problems:

    • adding volume to lips;
    • removal of nasolabial folds;
    • smoothing wrinkles;
    • scar removal;
    • adding volume to the chin;
    • correction of the shape of the nose.

    Important ! Sometimes fillers are specially formulated for specific severe skin conditions on the face and body. The required amount of product is determined by a specialist for each patient individually after consultation.

    Hyaluronate fillers are often used

    Contraindications for the use of Restylane

    The main reasons why it is not recommended to undergo this procedure are:

    • Pregnancy (and lactation period);
    • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • Taking antibiotics;
    • Blood diseases;
    • Oncological diseases;
    • Diabetes;

    Restylane preparations do not cause side effects or allergic reactions.

    In modern cosmetology, the method of using Restylane preparations is quite widespread and has proven itself well. You can not be afraid to order a contour plastic service at the Absolut Med clinic. Our specialists are highly qualified and use only the best drugs

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