Juvederm Volux contour plastic surgery. Correction of the lower third of the face.



Duration of the procedure:

30-40 min.

Number of procedures:



from 21,000 rub.

Recovery period: up to 7 days

Product: Juvederm Volux

Juvederm Volux from Allergan is considered a true innovation in the world of cosmetology! The filler has unique properties thanks to the patented VYCROSS™ technology.

The product is used for filling and volumetric correction of the lower third of the face, chin area, and angles of the lower jaw. It is worth noting that Volux is much denser than all other products presented in the Juvederm series.

About VYCROSS™ technology

VYCROSS™ technology has been successfully used by Allergan for several years. The uniqueness of this technology is that the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid is significantly lower. Due to this, Juvederm Volux has a soft and elastic structure and is distributed evenly in the tissues. Also, the use of the new formula allows the gel to remain under the skin for a long time. The approximate period is about two years. Visually, we see a more natural picture, as well as a lifting and rejuvenating effect after the procedure.

Instructions for administering the drug

The kit includes 2 syringes of 1 ml, 30G needles, stored in original packaging at temperatures from 2º to 25º. Skin preparation is carried out according to the standard procedure - cleansing, treatment with an antiseptic. At the request of the patient, for a more comfortable procedure, a local anesthetic is used.


  1. The filler is intended for intradermal administration by a physician after completing training in the operating technique.
  2. Implanted into the deep layers of the dermis, the mucous membrane of the lips using 30G needles, 25G, 27G or 30G cannulas.
  3. Linear-retrograde and bolus techniques are used, the minimum dosage is used to avoid compaction.
  4. The packaging is opened in front of the patient, and information about expiration dates and batch number is also provided.
  5. Implantation is not carried out in blood vessels, areas around the orbit, or bridge of the nose.
  6. The drug does not require preliminary dilution and is used together with the supplied needles.
  7. The injection technique depends on the area of ​​correction; the filler is implanted slowly for uniform distribution in the tissues.
  8. As the needles become dull, they are replaced and then disposed of.

Important! After completion of the procedure, the remaining filler is also disposed of. Storage and subsequent finishing are not provided.

What are the benefits of Juvederm Volux filler?

Any person who cares about their health should always choose proven and high-quality products, be they medicines or cosmetic products.

Advantages of Juvederm Volax:

  • safe composition
  • uniform distribution
  • reliable fixation at injection sites
  • long-term effect (up to 18-24 months)
  • the presence of an anesthetic component in the composition, due to which the session is comfortable for the patient
  • no side effects

Indications, effectiveness of use

Juvederm Volift filler is designed to combat age-related changes and replenish tissue volume. The composition provides a long-lasting effect and comfortable implantation.

Intended for women from 30 to 45 years old for comprehensive skin rejuvenation and improvement of the shape of individual areas of the face. Up to 30 years of age, use is advisable for changing the shape and increasing the size of the lips, correcting asymmetry, smoothing scars.


  • deep, expression wrinkles;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • offset oval line;
  • dry skin;
  • photopigmentation;
  • narrow, asymmetrical lips;
  • drooping corners of the mouth;
  • unhealthy color;
  • lumpy structure;
  • inflammation, excessive sebaceous glands.

As a result, it is possible to achieve a non-surgical facelift and significant correction of appearance.

Effect and result of the procedure

After volumetric correction with Juvederm Volux :

  • The oval of the face will noticeably improve, the face will become more aesthetic and sculpted;
  • Lines and contours will become clearer, the proportionality of the face will be restored;
  • The fabrics will acquire the required volume;
  • The angles of the lower jaw will become expressive;
  • The shape of the chin will acquire an ideal and harmonious appearance;
  • The condition of the skin will improve due to the moisturizing effect of hyaluronic acid;
  • The face will look younger.

Precautionary measures

The drug Volift requires strict adherence to the instructions on the part of both the doctor and the patient. If you follow the technique and recommendations, the risks of complications are minimal.

Side effects:

  • swelling;
  • hematomas;
  • keloid scars;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • compaction;
  • papules;
  • inflammation;
  • allergic reaction.

At the consultation stage, it is necessary to identify limitations for:

  • intolerance to components;
  • malignant formations;
  • postoperative period;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • inflammatory infections;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Recommendations after contouring with Volux

Sometimes after injections you can observe the appearance of swelling, redness and induration. This is the absolute norm. You just need to wait a few days and these minor phenomena will completely disappear. After 14-28 days, the procedure is repeated if necessary.

After the procedure it is recommended:

  • Do not apply makeup for twelve hours.
  • Avoid being in direct sunlight or in conditions that cause hypothermia of the skin.
  • Avoid baths and saunas for a period of two weeks.
  • For several days after the session, avoid mechanical influences (massage, pressure) in the correction area.

How is the procedure performed in clinics?

A plastic surgeon or dermatocosmetologist can work with injectable biogels. At the consultation stage, the doctor assesses the condition of the skin. A detailed anamnesis will reveal the presence of restrictions for a cosmetic procedure.


  • You may need to take a course of vasoconstrictor medications, be sure to maintain fluid balance by drinking about 2 liters of water;
  • on the day of the event you cannot drink strong tea, coffee, or smoke;
  • During the week it is forbidden to drink alcohol, visit the sauna, solarium, swimming pool, or carry out traumatic cosmetic procedures;
  • One month before the procedure, you should not take medications that affect blood clotting.

On the appointed day, the patient signs an informed consent, which indicates the progress of implantation, contraindications, and possible side effects. After familiarization, an outpatient card is filled out, a sticker is pasted with the name of the filler, batch number, and expiration date. The packaging is opened in the presence of the client.


  1. The face is cleansed using professional products.
  2. Treated with an antiseptic, usually chlorhexidine.
  3. Emla anesthetic cream is applied; if the patient wishes, it can be done without anesthesia. The composition of the drug contains lidocaine.
  4. The filler is injected very slowly, areas are pre-selected. You will need from 2 to 4 syringes; combination with other drugs in the Wycross line is possible.
  5. The injection areas are re-treated with an antiseptic. The doctor easily massages the tissues for uniform distribution.
  6. An anti-inflammatory cream or mask will help speed up healing.

The procedure takes no more than an hour, after which the patient can go home. It is advisable to carry out cosmetic procedures during vacation or before the weekend; recovery takes several days.

Who is contraindicated for Juvederm Volux injections?

Juvederm Volux injections are prohibited:

  • If you have cancer;
  • Minors;
  • Patients with epilepsy;
  • Suffering from autoimmune diseases;
  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • Diabetics;
  • Suffering from blood diseases;
  • For herpes;
  • In case of pigment metabolism disorders;
  • If you are allergic to the components of the drug;
  • If there is a violation of the integrity of the skin or inflammation in the area where the injections will be administered;
  • If previously, implants that do not biodegrade were introduced into the injection area;
  • If the patient has a predisposition to the formation of keloids;
  • In the presence of colds or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Juvederm Volbella | 15 mg/ml | Light filler

Detailed description

Intradermal filler Juvederm Volbella (Yuvederm Volbella) is a transparent monophasic biogel with a plastic, especially soft structure. Compared to analogues, this implant has a slightly smaller concentrate of hyaluronic acid (HA) - only 15 mg/ml , which allows you to naturally and delicately replenish the volume of especially thin and delicate lips, as well as eliminate wrinkles of minor and medium depth. Allergan technologists used the latest developments in the production of Juvederm Volbella - in particular, the patented VYCROSS technology. Unlike most competing gels, Volbella glues not only long, but also short HA chains, which significantly increases the viscosity of the filler and prolongs the correction result to 9-12 months.

Active formula of Juvederm Volbella for safe correction

The active component that replenishes the soft tissues of the dermis in Juvederm Volbella is sterile sodium hyaluronate of non-animal, synthetic origin. The absence of protein impurities in HA makes it possible to achieve complete biocompatibility of the substance with skin tissues. For almost 5 years of using the drug, no serious complications after a cosmetic session were established. The corrector is manufactured and tested according to US quality standards. HA with a concentration of 15% is a less hydrophilic substance compared to highly concentrated analogs, and therefore the risks of severe edema during administration are minimized.

The manufacturer took care not only of efficiency, but also of the comfort of patients and specialists by including 3% lidocaine in the Juvederm Volbella formula. The anesthetic, in addition to reducing burning and pain during injection, promotes rapid adaptation and restoration of the skin, so the result is noticeable immediately after the cosmetologist completes the work.

The filler contains a phosphate buffer with a pH of 7.5. In such an optimal acidic environment, the entire volume of filler is involved in chemical reactions with the active participation of hyaluronic acid. Sodium phosphate retains the created HA depot in the dermal layers, prolonging the effect.

Advantages of Juvederm Volbella biogel

Experts in the field of aesthetic medicine recognized Juvederm Volbella as the leader among new products of 2013. Cosmetologists note the versatility of the drug and its delicate effect - with the help of a soft filler, you can correct even the smallest folds and wrinkles and at the same time recreate the natural relief without the effect of a “puffed up” face. A dosage of 1 ml is quite enough to restore the paraorbital and perioral areas of the face. Patients are satisfied not only with the result, but also with the painlessness of Juvederm Volbella.

The advantages of Juviderm Volbella have been clinically proven, the main ones include:

  1. Long-term effect. You have to wait only 2-3 weeks before the maximum expressed result appears. HA does not dissolve for up to 9 months and retains the correction effect for up to 1 year.
  2. Ease of distribution. The filler of this modification is one of the most elastic; it replenishes the deficiency of the substance locally and in an even proportion throughout the entire area.
  3. Comfort for clients. Since the formula includes 3 mg of lidocaine, Volbella is administered virtually painlessly, with a minimum of post-procedural negative effects.
  4. Delicate action. The viscosity of the implant is ideal for natural correction of particularly sensitive areas - lips, areas near the eyes, mouth, eyebrows and temples.
  5. Complex result. Using Juvederm Volbella it is possible not only to correct volume and remove wrinkles, but also to give the skin elasticity and smoothness.

Juvederm Volbella: indications for use

The product is used for non-critical dermal tissue deficiency, which is caused by age-related changes in the skin. The corrector is intended for clients aged 25 to 40 years, when the depth of wrinkles is not yet great. Choosing Juvederm Volbella is the perfect solution when you need:

  • Give thin lips a clear outline, highlight the contour
  • Naturally increase the volume of flat lips, adjust their relief
  • Correct oral commissure and correct lip asymmetry
  • Eliminate mild or moderate eyebrow folds
  • Remove small marionette and expression lines near the mouth
  • Get rid of nasolacrimal grooves
  • Remove bags under eyes
  • Eliminate wrinkles in the paraorbital and temporal zones.

Juvederm Volbella is not used for bioreinforcement and volumetric correction of the cheek-zygomatic area and chin; more concentrated biogels are used for these purposes.

Contraindications and precautions

When administered, Juvederm Volbella can provoke classic minor adverse reactions - bruising, swelling, redness, impaired pigmentation and sensitivity of the skin. The severity of post-procedure reactions largely depends on the qualifications of the cosmetologist and compliance with the injection rules. Irritation goes away within 48 hours. If there are complications, the client needs to consult a cosmetologist.

Juvederm Volbella cannot be injected without informing the patient about possible complications. The cosmetologist must study and take into account the client’s health status and take into account contraindications that limit the possibility of safe injection. The filler is contraindicated primarily during pregnancy and lactation.

Juvederm Volbella is not recommended to be administered if the client has:

  • arrhythmias, cardiac conduction problems
  • keloid or hypertrophic scarring,
  • inflammation of the skin, including acne and herpes,
  • predisposition to allergies to lidocaine and synthesized HA,
  • skin damage from dermabrasion, laser therapy or chemical peeling,
  • cancer and autoimmune diseases,
  • disorders of blood clotting and pigment metabolism (porphyria),
  • acute stage of epilepsy, chronic disease,
  • other gels in the paraorbital and perioral parts of the face.

The patient’s compliance with simple rules will help avoid post-procedural complications:

  • for two weeks you need to protect your facial skin from exposure to active sun and UV radiation,
  • do not visit spa salons, baths, solariums and beaches;
  • For 2-3 days you should not apply makeup to your face and exercise intensively.


  • Syringe with Juvederm Volbella gel filler – 2 pcs.
  • Needles 27G ½ – 2 pcs.
  • Instructions for use
  • Storage conditions: from 2°C to 25°C

Shelf life – 3 years.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors share their experience of working with Volift fillers, discuss features and consequences.

The cosmetologist asks why the drug was injected into the nasolacrimal groove. He also writes about frequent swelling after using Wycross, and ways to correct adverse effects.

The user writes that it is necessary to remove the filler and delay subsequent lip augmentation. Indicates the occurrence of edema due to colds and viral infections.

The cosmetologist writes about the occurrence of swelling and thickening in the client 5 months after the injection.

Advantages and disadvantages

When choosing Volift filler, you should consider the advantages and disadvantages. A doctor can recommend a drug after a thorough analysis of the patient’s data.


  • evenly distributed;
  • the effect lasts for 18 months;
  • economical consumption;
  • painlessness;
  • increased safety thanks to an innovative formula.


  • the procedure can only be entrusted to a doctor;
  • there are risks of developing delayed consequences;
  • high cost of the procedure.

Main characteristics and scope of application

The group of hyaluronic fillers also includes Juvederm preparations. They contain a high concentration of HA and are used when necessary to obtain the most noticeable effect . The manufacturer of these products is the well-known American company Allergan. Fillers are available in the form of gels packaged in disposable syringes.

Juvederm fillers have a high degree of safety because they contain hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, produced using biosynthesis . They do not contain any additional inclusions. Thus, when using the drug, there is practically no rejection or allergic reaction.

The scope of application of the Juvederm filler line is quite wide:

  • elimination of wrinkles and folds;
  • correction of lip contour, increasing their volume;
  • giving additional volume;
  • correction of facial asymmetry;
  • modeling and restoration of facial contours.

Juvederm products have a minimum of contraindications and side effects characteristic of all types of hyaluronic fillers.

Operating principle

Fillers, which include Juvederm preparations, are transparent biogels intended for intradermal injections. To understand how these products work, you need to understand the causes of skin aging and wrinkles.

A comparison of dermal tissue with an orthopedic mattress would be appropriate here. Its elasticity depends on the strength of the springs and the quality of the filler, which fills all the free space inside the mattress cover. While the mattress is new, all its parts hold their shape well, the cover is taut, and in the event of any dent, it immediately returns to its original position. But as soon as the spring stretches, the inner layer sag, and the appearance is completely different. Folds, depressions, and creases appear.

Similar processes occur in our skin. Important here are collagen and elastin fibers, which hold the tissue frame like springs. But the main role is played by hyaluronic acid, which is part of the intercellular substance that fills the space between the protein threads. HA is able to attract and hold a large number of water molecules near itself, transforming the liquid into a gel-like state. Thus, it moisturizes the skin and creates a viscous, elastic environment, holding the main components of connective tissue in the correct position.

Understanding the importance of HA for maintaining optimal skin condition, many manufacturers of anti-aging and modeling products have relied on using it as the main active ingredient in their products. This substance is also included in the composition of gel fillers that are used in contour plastic surgery.

Comparison with other fillers from the Juvederm line

The Wycross collection belongs to the latest generation of fillers. The formula contains hyaluronic acid, lidocaine, phosphate buffer. The difference between Volift, Volbella, Voluma is the density of the gel and areas of application. The effect lasts from 9 to 18 months.

The Juvederm Ultra series includes fillers 2, 3, 4, smile. Depending on the concentration of hyaluron, it helps to cope with deep wrinkles, replenish tissue deficits, improve the overall condition of the skin, correct the shape, and add volume to the lips. Also contains mannitol, which has antioxidant effects. The pronounced effect lasts from 3 to 12 months.

Hydrate is a soft, plastic filler designed for biorevitalization of the face, neck, décolleté, and hands. The universal drug has no age restrictions and is used from 18 years of age. Helps to thicken the skin, restore renewal processes, and improve general condition. The result lasts from 6 to 12 months.

Etermis - hyaluronic fillers include a whole series of biogels. Contains stabilized and unstabilized acid, which helps prolong the effect. Allows you to solve aging problems and correct external imperfections. The result lasts from several months to 2 years.


The cost is calculated based on the price of the selected filler and its quantity required to achieve the desired effect. Approximate prices for products:

  • Juvederm 18 (Juvederm 18) – 0.6 ml – 9 thousand rubles.
  • Juvederm 24 (Juvederm 24) – 08, ml – 10 thousand rubles.
  • Juvederm 30 (Juvederm 30) – 0.8 ml – 11 thousand rubles.
  • Juvederm HV (Juvederm HV) – 1.0 ml – 11 thousand rubles.
  • Juvederm 24 HV (Juvederm 24 HV) – 1.0 ml – 11 thousand rubles.
  • Juvederm 30 HV (Juvederm 30 HV) – 1.0 ml – 12 thousand rubles.
  • Juvederm Ultra 2 (Juvederm Ultra 2) – 1.0 ml – 12 thousand rubles.
  • Juvederm Ultra 3 (Juvederm Ultra 3) – 1.0 ml – 18 thousand rubles.
  • Juvederm Ultra 4 (Juvederm Ultra 4) – 1.0 ml – 19 thousand rubles.
  • Juvederm Ultra Smile – 0.5 ml – 12 thousand rubles.
  • Juvederm Voluma – 2.0 ml – 38 thousand rubles.
  • Juvederm Hydrate – 1.0 ml – 14 thousand rubles.
  • Juvederm Volbella – 1 ml – 19 thousand rubles.

The rather high price is compensated by remarkable results. Juvederm fillers are elite products that can significantly improve your appearance and restore youth and beauty to your skin.

Biorevitalization Juvederm Hydrate: reviews

The biorevitalization technique allows you to prolong the youth of your skin by introducing medicinal components into it. Unbound hyaluronic acid (native) is most often used as the main component of such products. Allergan Inc. produces 2 drugs that can be used for biorevitalization - these are “Juvederm Hydrate” and “Juvederm Volite”.

Juvederm® Hydrate –

Juvederm Hydrate is a gel based on native (i.e. unbound) hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin. The drug contains hyaluronic acid – 13.5 mg/ml, and mannitol – 9 mg/ml. As we said above, the life cycle of native hyaluronic acid molecules is only 24-48 hours, i.e. It is during this time that the HA content in the skin will return to its original state. Mannitol is an antioxidant that slightly slows down the rate of breakdown of HA chains, making the drug last a little longer.

Indications for use: the need to quickly improve hydration and, to some extent, skin elasticity, for example, after prolonged exposure to the sun, after exposure to adverse meteorological and toxic factors, in smokers. This effect develops due to the fact that the increased concentration of HA leads to the saturation of the dermis with water, and the function of endothelial cells is also activated. Improving the function of these cells stimulates angiogenesis and improves blood supply to the skin.

Administration technique - the drug is administered using a series of microinjections - to the depth where the epidermis passes into the superficial layer of the dermis. The needle insertion points are located at a distance of 3 mm from each other, the volume of the injected solution for each injection is 0.01 ml. Traditionally, doctors recommend 3-4 procedures (with a break of 3-4 weeks between them). The cost of 1 syringe of Juvederm hydrate for biorevitalization is the price of 4,000 rubles per 1.0 ml. The cost of the procedure in the clinic will be at least 10,000 rubles.

You must understand that Juvederm Hydrate for skin biorevitalization is not able to influence the collagen content of the skin, and therefore it is not a remedy for wrinkles. However, saturating the dermis with water can lead to an increase in skin thickness, which still causes a slight smoothing effect of wrinkles. The effect of increasing skin elasticity also occurs due to the increase in water content in the dermis, and the improvement in the appearance of the skin mainly occurs due to improved blood supply to the skin.

→ Official instructions for Juvederm Hydrate

Juvederm® Volite –

Juvederm Volite gel has been available since 2022. It differs from Juvederm Hydrate in that it is made with cross-linked non-animal hyaluronic acid. Thanks to this, it has a combined effect - it can be used both as a filler to fill superficial wrinkles, and as a means to increase skin hydration and elasticity. In the latter case, it is administered through a series of microinjections once every 9 months, but it should be noted that native unbound HA has a significantly stronger moisturizing effect than bound HA. The only advantage is that the drug does not require a course of treatment consisting of several injections.

The content of hyaluronic acid in it is 12.0 mg/ml, and it also contains 0.3% of the anesthetic lidocaine. Needle size 32G. The gel is injected into the middle layers of the dermis. The drug has been approved for administration to the face and neck, but in principle can be used in the décolleté and arms. There are currently no independent clinical studies on the effectiveness of the drug. However, a study conducted by the manufacturer involving 131 people showed that improvement in skin condition was observed after 1, 4 and 6 months. We consider this drug to be a purely marketing product and not suitable for biorevitalization procedures.

Reading the results published by the company, it is absolutely not clear whether the drug was used as a filler or as a biorevitalizant, what exactly was meant by improvement (whether it was smoothing out wrinkles, increasing elasticity or improving the appearance of the skin). But most importantly, the published information lacks objective criteria for its effectiveness. For example, comparison of hyaluronic acid content in skin samples taken before injections and 1, 3 and 6 months after injections could be considered objective criteria. The cost of Juvederm Volite is from 13,000 rubles per package (2 syringes of 1.0 ml each are included). The cost of the procedure in the clinic will be no less than 13,000 rubles per 1.0 ml.

→ Official instructions for Juvederm Volite

Juvederm Hydrate and Juvederm Volite injections: video

When you watch the first video, pay attention to the depth of the needle. According to the rules of Juvéderm Hydrate, it should be injected to a depth at which the epidermis passes into the upper layers of the dermis. It can be seen that in those places where the doctor inserts the syringe too deeply, vascular injury occurs. In this case, the risk of hemorrhage is higher and the healing time increases. After injection of Juvederm Hydrate, small papules will be visible on the skin for 3-4 days.

Complications after biorevitalization procedures are quite rare, and one of the most unpleasant is associated with the individual reaction of the skin to skin damage as a result of injections. You can easily find reviews on the Internet of patients who have barely noticeable bumps on the skin at the injection sites. Any injury in the skin activates a healing mechanism; in some patients this occurs with elements of fibrosis. Therefore, in patients in whom even minor skin damage has occurred with the formation of scars, it is better not to use this procedure.

Reviews about the biorevitalization procedure –

Reviews for Juvederm Hydrate biorevitalization will depend on the level of your expectations. If your goal is to quickly improve the appearance of your skin and make it more radiant (improve color, even out the texture a little), or you want to slow down skin aging, then you will certainly be satisfied. If you need express lifting or reducing the depth of wrinkles, then these drugs are not suitable for this.

But you shouldn’t believe cosmetologists who, in a rush to sell you a procedure, will advertise it as a remedy for wrinkles, or that it will help increase the collagen content of the skin. Mono-preparations of hyaluronic acid (not containing peptides, DNA-RNA complexes or DMAE) are not able to stimulate fibroblast function and collagen synthesis. You can read about this in the article on biorevitalization at the link below. But they stimulate blood circulation in the skin well, and also saturate the dermis with moisture, which increases its volume and improves skin elasticity.

To summarize, Juvederm Hydrate, containing only 13 mg/ml hyaluronic acid (equivalent to 1.3%) - in our opinion, is only suitable for patients about 25 years old for single procedures to prevent photoaging and age-related aging, or if you have been over-tanning for a long time. sun, or in winter, skin is dry from central heating. For patients 26-35 years old, we believe that higher concentrations of GC would be more appropriate - already about 1.8-2.0%.

In patients aged 35+, who usually already need express skin lifting and reduction in the depth of wrinkles, Juvederm Hydrate will not help with anything other than slightly improving skin color. But even in this case, it must be used in a course of 3-4 procedures. For patients 35+, for skin lifting and wrinkle reduction, components such as DMAE or DNA-RNA complexes are necessary. Read more about biorevitalization procedures using such drugs at the link below.

→ Biorevitalization and types of aging

Important: preparations with hyaluronic acid are suitable for biorevitalization procedures only in patients with finely wrinkled type of facial skin aging. If you start using HA for deformation/edema type of skin aging, you will only worsen the swelling and deformation of the face. Therefore, in patients with deformational type of aging, lymphatic drainage vascular injection of the face always comes first, together with biorevitalizants based on DNA-RNA complexes, DMAE, and only at the end of a course of treatment of 4-5 procedures can they add small concentrations of GC to the composition of the administered drugs (and then no more than 0.3-0.5%).

Using the link above, you can also read independent clinical studies that show that injections of mono-preparations of hyaluronic acid (or with additional vitamins) do not lead to an increase in collagen content. These data were obtained by analyzing histological skin samples taken before and several months after the injections. The only thing that was discovered was that a slight increase in collagen content occurs only at the points where the needle injures the skin during injection. Those. this is not due to hyaluronic acid, but to the healing mechanisms of damaged skin. By the way, this is precisely the principle used by laser skin rejuvenation techniques.

→ Skin rejuvenation with Fraxel lasers

Patient reviews

On the Internet you can find mostly positive reviews about the drug Volift.

The participant writes about the good quality of the filler, used together with Juvederm Hydrate.

The review describes the features of use and the need to choose a specialist with a higher medical education.

The user writes how much volume should be injected into the cheekbones, painlessness, and long-lasting results.

The participant writes about higher costs, frequent cases of delayed complications.

You can read reviews about use on the forum.

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