Lip contouring with Juvederm Ultra Smile filler

Are your lips thin and flat, and do their corners droop down? If you are not happy with this situation, try changing it with Juvederm Ultra Smile, a modern universal filler. It is used by cosmetologists specifically to correct the shape and volume of the lips, as well as to solve many additional, specific problems.

What is special about the drug, in a nutshell? The corrector is injected directly into the mucous membrane, the procedure itself is simple, painless and has a long-lasting positive effect. It is these properties that make it in demand and competitive in the modern field of rejuvenation and beauty.

Description of the drug

Juvederm Ultra Smile is one of the classic fillers that has gained high popularity among women.
It is manufactured by the American company Allergan. Its specialists carefully developed the composition of the product. As a result, all components are selected in such a way that it allows you to achieve the optimal effect and get a long-lasting positive result. Repeated correction may not be carried out for one year. The product is considered elite. It is designed to correct the lip area and combat visible signs of aging. In fact, the drug is a filler that plays the same role as intercellular fluid. The filler is injected into the deep and middle layers of the skin. As a result, it is possible to replenish the lost or insufficient volume.

Most often, the products are used to enlarge lips. However, if necessary, it is also injected into other areas of the face. The product helps smooth out wrinkles. However, it is possible to obtain not only an external effect. The drug promotes hydration, which prevents further skin aging.

What fillers are included in the series, and what is each of them intended for?

Juvederm fillers are widely known due to the wide range of drugs produced under this brand. This aspect is an indisputable advantage, since it makes it possible to implement an individual approach to solving the problem of each patient. The products differ from each other in their density and amount of hyaluronic acid content. There are several main lines of Juvederm fillers.

First generation drugs are numbered; the higher the number, the higher the concentration of hyaluronic acid..

Juvederm 18 – intended for:

  • removal of fine wrinkles on the forehead;
  • reduction of facial wrinkles in the corners of the lips;
  • filling the finest wrinkles.

Juvederm 24 – used for:

  • correction of shallow expression wrinkles;
  • smoothing wrinkles on the forehead;
  • filling shallow glabellar and nasolabial folds;
  • outlining the contour of the lips.

Juvederm 30 is the most concentrated preparation of this line, with which you can:

  • get rid of well-defined deep folds;
  • remove nasolabial folds;
  • increase lip volume;
  • change the shape of your lips;
  • correct the oval of the face.

In order to improve existing drugs, the gel density was increased. In this way, it was possible to extend the duration of the injection. Fillers from this line are labeled HV .

Juvederm HV is a high-viscosity base gel that has a “long-lasting” effect. Serves for:

  • correction of linear wrinkles;
  • combating wrinkles on the skin.

Juvederm 24 HV (Juvederm 24 HV) – used for:

  • correction of nasolabial folds;
  • elimination of wrinkles of medium depth.

Juvederm 30 HV is the thickest filler in this group. It is applied for:

  • correction of facial oval;
  • increasing lip volume.

The new series of Juvederm preparations is developed based on the innovative patented 3Matrix technology. They contain intermolecularly bound hyaluronic acid and lidocaine. Fillers are marked Ultra . The numerical code indicates the degree of effectiveness - the higher the number, the higher the degree of complexity of the problems being solved.

Juvederm Ultra 2 is intended for introduction into the superficial layers of the dermis to:

  • remove fine wrinkles on the forehead, around the mouth;
  • eliminate crow's feet near the eyes.

Juvederm Ultra 3 is injected into the upper and middle layers of the dermis. Is used for:

  • smoothing wrinkles on the forehead and cheekbones;
  • lip contouring.

Juvederm Ultra 4 – used for injection into the middle and deep layers of the skin. Effective for:

  • elimination of pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • correction of facial oval;
  • increasing lip volume.

Juvederm Ultra Smile – designed for lip correction:

  • contour delineation;
  • increase in volume;
  • alignment of corners;
  • treatment of vertical wrinkle lines;
  • elimination of nearby wrinkles in the mouth area.

In addition to these groups, there are several “niche” drugs in the Juvederm family.

Juvederm Voluma is designed to add additional volume to the cheekbones, cheeks and chin. Serves to restore a clear facial contour.

Juvederm Hydrate is the latest development from the manufacturer, including HA and mannitol. This filler is designed to additionally moisturize the skin and is used for biorevitalization.

Juvederm Volbella is the latest product using advanced HA molecules. Designed for plastic surgery in the lip area.

Benefits of Juvederm Ultra Smile

Using the product is associated with the following advantages:

  • it is possible to obtain a natural result;
  • it is possible to achieve a positive effect in one session;
  • the rehabilitation period after using the product is quite short;
  • the likelihood of side effects is minimal;
  • the composition includes an anesthetic, which reduces the level of pain;
  • the positive result lasts quite a long time;
  • Not only external rejuvenation is observed, but also a general improvement in the condition of the skin.

Differences between Juvederm and other fillers

A very useful feature of this filler lies in its composition: hyaluronic acid does not contain a single harmful component that could cause even the slightest harm. In addition to it, Juvederm contains an anti-inflammatory substance - a phosphate buffer, which significantly reduces the risk of complications in the form of inflammation.

The drug injected into the lips will ensure their smooth outline. There is no clear outline or rough border from it.

Juvederm provides smooth lip contours

But it is dangerous to inject Juvederm under the eyes: this drug retains water, and therefore, being under the eyes, that is, near the nasolacrimal duct, can provoke many unpleasant complications.

Important ! According to experts, the most common case of these complications from Juvederm is swelling. Then you should choose a remedy for treating the periorbital zone.

Swelling sometimes occurs after using this filler.

Composition of Juvederm Ultra Smile

The drug is made on the basis of hyaluronic acid. It promotes volume formation and maximum hydration. The substance is present in the human body. Therefore, the risk of rejection or allergies is minimal.

For pain relief, the manufacturer included Lidocaine in the product. This is a local anesthetic that neutralizes discomfort.

Another component is phosphate buffer. It is thanks to him that it is possible to significantly prolong the results from using the product.

Pros and cons of Juvederm drugs

Experts note a number of positive qualities of Juvederm products, which make it possible to distinguish these fillers from a number of similar drugs:

  1. Durability of the results obtained. The introduction of Juvederm fillers allows you to obtain results that last for a long period - from 6 months to 1 year. Even on the lips, which due to their high mobility are considered the most aggressive environment for fillers, the achieved effect lasts up to 8 months. Please note that this parameter depends on the type of tool selected.
  2. Gel plasticity. Juvederm preparations have a homogeneous structure. This makes it easy to inject it under the skin. But the main thing is that, thanks to its softness, the gel spreads evenly inside, filling all the necessary space. In this way, it is possible to avoid asymmetry, heterogeneity, and the formation of tubercles.
  3. Compatibility. Since the fillers of the entire Juvederm series are absolutely safe, it is possible to use several drugs at the same time. This way you can solve several problems in one procedure, for example, get rid of wrinkles around the eyes and increase the volume of your cheekbones.
  4. Comfort of the procedure. The process of using Juvederm fillers is no different from similar procedures with other gels. However, in many cases, the patient needs to be numbed by applying an anesthetic cream to the skin. The soft structure and the presence of lidocaine in many preparations of the Juvederm series makes this unnecessary, and allows the entire procedure to be completed faster.
  5. The ability to select the exact dosage of HA. It has been established that hyaluronic acid is produced by the body independently for a long time, and this process occurs with varying intensity over the years. If additional doses of GC do not correspond to age, then the own mechanism is suspended. A wide variety of preparations from the Juvederm line with different dosages of acid allows you to accurately select a product that will not disrupt the natural processes in the body.

Along with these positive qualities of Juvederm fillers, there are also some problematic issues that the patient should be aware of :

  1. Applying the gel too superficially can give the skin a bluish tint.
  2. The desired result may not always be achieved after the first procedure, and it will need to be repeated one or two more times with an interval of 7-14 days. This, of course, will affect the cost of the cosmetologist’s services, so this possibility should be foreseen in advance.

The result of the injections will be fully formed 3-5 days after the procedure. The Juvederm gel that is injected under the skin is not completely saturated with water. After entering the tissue, HA begins to intensively attract water molecules and thereby leads to an increase in volume at the injection sites. Ignorance of this feature may lead to the introduction of an excessive amount of filler, which will have a negative effect . You need to be especially careful when increasing lip volume.


The product is equally often used for the procedure both in young and in adulthood. Its use is permissible if the patient has already reached 18 years of age. At a younger age, correction is not carried out. It is carried out in the following cases:

  • it is necessary to raise the drooping corners of the lips;
  • the patient does not like the shape of the lips;
  • the volume of the area is not large enough;
  • there are wrinkles and folds in the mouth area.

Additionally, the drug is actively used to eliminate even deep wrinkles. It is used as part of the correction of soft tissues of the chin and cheek area. Proper use of the product allows you to make your lips more voluminous and expressive, as well as improve their contour without losing their naturalness. At the same time, small folds and wrinkles are eliminated, and the corners of the lips are lifted.

Juvederm or Restylane

Many patients ask what is better to choose between Juvederm and Restylane. Doctors can answer something like this: both drugs are of artificial origin, are more effective, and have a lasting effect. They differ only in density. Juvederm preparations also differ according to it: density and effect are proportional to the concentration of HA.

Restylane and Juvederm are very similar


However, the procedure is not always possible. It is recommended not to use the method in the following cases:

  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • in the presence of pathology of the cardiovascular system or autoimmune diseases;
  • during exacerbation of chronic diseases or undergoing therapy with drugs that inhibit metabolism in the liver;
  • when infections occur,
  • in the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • cancer or use of anticoagulants.

Injections are not given to minors. If the procedure falls during menstruation, it is recommended to postpone the increase. Additionally, the cosmetologist advises performing the injection on another day if damage to the affected area is observed.

When should Juvederm not be used?

Although people turn to cosmetologists in order to become more attractive in appearance, no one has yet canceled the Hippocratic oath. This means that the doctor is obliged, first of all, not to cause harm to the patient’s health. That is why he has the right to refuse “beauty injections”, having found out that the client has the following problems:

  • any neoplasms in the body;
  • intolerance to HA, the main component of Juvederm fillers;
  • aggressive reaction of the skin to a puncture - severe swelling and tissue growth in case of damage;
  • diabetes;
  • compactions and lumps where filler is supposed to be injected;
  • the patient had an unpleasant experience with the same filler;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • any skin inflammation;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • high temperature at the time of the proposed injection;
  • blood clotting problems.

This filler has a large number of contraindications

How does the procedure work?

Lip augmentation or correction of another area using Juvederm Ultra Smile is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The patient contacts the clinic and reports his desire to use the service. Our specialists will advise him, tell him about all the features of the procedure, and then make an appointment for a convenient date.
  2. The patient comes to the clinic at the appointed time. The doctor will examine him and then talk to him. In particular, the specialist will ask about the presence of contraindications and make sure that correction using Juvederm Ultra Smile is possible.
  3. If no contraindications are identified, the cosmetologist will conduct preliminary preparation. To do this, the lip area will be cleaned and disinfected. This is necessary to minimize the risk of infection.
  4. The specialist will prepare the drug and then inject it under the skin. To do this, use one of several techniques.
  5. Impact areas will be re-treated. An antiseptic will be used, as well as a healing and sedative. Their use is aimed at accelerating healing.
  6. The specialist will advise the client, inform him about how the healing procedure will take place, as well as what products need to be used to speed it up.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Juvederm Ultra Smile is one of the flagships of injection cosmetology. Many experts note its effectiveness and natural results. However, we should not forget about the individual characteristics of each.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

A very good product, easy to work with, the results are always natural. Of course, it is not suitable for radical lip augmentation; you should take a denser product from this line. The goal of Juvederm Smile is natural moisturized lips.

Rehabilitation after the procedure

Once the injections are completed, the recovery procedure begins. It requires compliance with a number of rules. They are as follows:

  • a temporary ban on physical activity has been imposed;
  • Do not drink strong coffee, alcohol, or smoke;
  • It is prohibited to visit the solarium and sunbathe;
  • Do not touch the affected area for 2 days;
  • The use of decorative cosmetics is prohibited for at least 12 hours.

To speed up healing, you can make compresses and use anti-inflammatory ointments. It is recommended to coordinate all procedures with a cosmetologist. This will minimize the risk of negative consequences.

Ultra 2

It is considered the lightest and most flexible low-viscosity filler based on HA. It helps fight fine wrinkles, smoothes the skin, starts the process of tissue restoration, and models the lips. The drug is FDA certified.

Juvederm Ultra 2 is often used by clients who are undergoing plastic surgery for the first time.

The filler is suitable for people under 30 years of age. The effect of its use is as close to natural as possible.

Possible side effects

If the procedure is performed by a competent cosmetologist, and the patient strictly follows all recommendations, the risk of side effects is minimal. Complications are still possible. First of all, swelling, bruising, and bruising are observed. Sometimes a significant allergic reaction is possible. It manifests itself in the form of a rash and itching. After the procedure, the patient may experience pain. They usually go away within 3 days. If the doctor is illiterate, the formation of an unnatural lip shape is possible. This occurs due to uneven distribution of the product.

If discomfort persists for quite a long time, or side effects appear, you should consult a specialist. He will tell you how to proceed next.

Precautionary measures

The result of the procedure depends not only on the quality of the filler. The qualifications of the specialist also play an important role. Only a certified cosmetologist will be able to identify a complete picture of the client’s health condition and correctly perform the plastic surgery itself.

In most cases, complications arise in the presence of contraindications, due to medical error or due to the incompatibility of hyaluron with benzalkonium chloride, which is used in some clinics for processing instruments.

Possible side effects after Ultra Smile invasion:

  • bruises in places where the skin is punctured;
  • allergy;
  • granulomas;
  • abscess;
  • soft tissue necrosis;
  • changing skin tone to lighter or darker;
  • inflammatory processes (erythema, swelling, redness);
  • soreness;
  • hematomas;
  • seals and nodules at the point where the needle enters.

During the first few days, redness and swelling are normal; everything goes away on its own, without additional therapy.

If symptoms intensify or persist for a long time, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Ultra 4

It has the highest density and elasticity coefficient in this line. The drug was created for volumetric modeling. The gel corrects the shape and size of the lips, nasolabial folds, cheekbones, sagging earlobes and skin, and replenishes the volume of facial tissues.

Juvederm Ultra 4 combines well with other drugs of the same line and is suitable for the complex correction of age-related skin changes. The gel is recommended for use after 40 years.

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