Lip contouring with hyaluronic acid: types and benefits

Cosmetology and aesthetic medicine come to the aid of cosmetics in these matters. Both directions do not stand still and in recent decades have constantly offered us options for wonderful transformations and adjustments to our appearance with a lasting effect. The study of various substances and their properties, the search for unique methods, the combination of natural ingredients with vitamins and minerals - all this is aimed at the emergence of compositions and techniques that seem to have some kind of magical characteristics that return us youth and help us become more beautiful. Now we have the opportunity to improve our appearance without the use of decorative cosmetics or plastic surgery.

Lip contour correction deserves special attention. It is very popular among those who want to change their shape and volume. Thousands of women around the world visit aesthetic medicine clinics every day to resort to a safe and effective procedure - injections with hyaluronic acid, which give their lips a new, even more attractive look.

What is lip biorevitalization

Lip biorevitalization is a procedure that restores the structure of the skin, removes fine wrinkles and other defects in the perioral area. This is achieved through injections that fill the skin cells with unstabilized hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is present in every body from birth, but with age its production gradually decreases. Thanks to biorevitalization of the lips, the injected drug is replaced with a natural one, which makes up the intercellular matrix of the skin, that is, connective tissue.

An important feature of hyaluronic acid is its ability to attract up to a thousand water molecules per one of its own. It also affects the process of cell reproduction and is found in connective tissues and some body fluids. When the amount of hyaluronic acid in the skin decreases, this leads to a lack of moisture and a slower rate of cell division, i.e. premature aging.

The procedure restores the individual balance of your own hyaluronic acid, moisturizes the skin and starts the process of tissue regeneration.

Which product should I choose?

Of course “BioReVitaLips”. This is a unique product that is designed specifically for lips.

The product was developed taking into account all factors and special substances were selected that eliminate fine wrinkles, saturate the lips with moisture and protect against environmental influences.

Lips are a delicate area that requires special care and sometimes we simply forget that soft and sensitive skin needs doubly care.

"BioReVitaLips" moisturizes lips, returning them to their former volume and contours.

The product is indicated for patients with dry lips, those who want to get “plump” lips, those who want to avoid aging and simply emphasize the contour.

Like any medical product, BioReVitaLips has a number of contraindications. Before the procedure, you need to consult a specialist and not hide your illnesses.

Biorevitalization of lips and contouring

Biorevitalization is often confused with other cosmetic procedures: contouring and mesotherapy. However, these are fundamentally different “beauty injections” with varying degrees of impact and effect. The most important difference lies in the types of hyaluronic acid. In contour plastic surgery, it is a stabilized acid, where the bonds between molecules are strong; biorevitalization is an unstabilized hyaluronic acid, which does not have connections between molecules, which means it breaks down faster in cells to produce its own acid. The stabilized acid remains in an unchanged state without dissolving, thereby ensuring the desired lip shape. The preparations disintegrate years after the procedure, but all this time they moisturize and add volume.

Mesotherapy injections use hyaluronic acid of animal origin, which differs in structure from human skin, and therefore it does not dissolve in the epidermis. This procedure contains large quantities of vitamins and minerals that otherwise cannot enter the skin. Mesotherapy is introduced in courses for therapeutic purposes and to achieve a radiant complexion.

Cosmetologists recommend biorevitalization after 40 years of age, while mesotherapy is indicated for patients under 40 years of age. The result of biorevitalization can be seen after some time, but it will last longer, and for a maintaining effect it is enough to visit the clinic once a year.

Who needs lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid?

Most often, girls who have naturally thin lips turn to cosmetologists for this procedure. This technique is suitable if a girl is not satisfied with the shape of her lips, but she is not ready to undergo surgery or introduce synthetic substances, which are not always safe. Hyaluronic acid has the advantage that it is not rejected when injected, because it is normally present in the body of every person. That is why this method is the safest.


  • lips look more natural;
  • uniformity and uniformity across all lips.
  • the effect is reversible.

The latter plays a significant role, because there is a possibility that the patient will not like the result.

Indications for use

Age-related problems in women after 35 years are observed in the appearance of asymmetry in the perioral area, the first purse-string wrinkles, and loss of natural volume of the lips. The problem part is aggravated by the formation of nasolabial folds. In addition to the listed defects, the following problems are indications for the use of the procedure:

  • cracks, dry skin around the lips;
  • drooping corners of the mouth;
  • lifeless lip color;
  • presence of asymmetry of shapes;
  • facial wrinkles along the contour of the lips.

Lip biorevitalization is suitable if you want to get rid of premature skin aging, as well as make your lips more attractive and fuller, without the use of Botox. A number of studies have been conducted on skin changes and the role of biorevitalization in this process, on the basis of which the positive effects of drugs on the skin of women after 40 years have been identified.

Rehabilitation period

After the procedure, it will take some time for tissue restoration. The consequences of the injection technique will be especially pronounced: redness, bruising, and swelling remain in the perioral area.

Rehabilitation after injections takes about 14 days, after laser – 7 days.

To speed up skin healing and prevent complications, you must follow several rules:

  • during the first 24 hours after the manipulations, you should not use cosmetics or touch the treated area without the need: apply pressure, massage, rub;
  • avoid temperature changes, do not drink too hot or cold drinks and food;
  • it is recommended to quit smoking;
  • in the first 2–3 days, alcoholic drinks and drugs that thin the blood are prohibited;
  • Replace care products with anti-inflammatory ones;
  • for 10 days you cannot sunbathe in a solarium or take a steam bath;
  • protect your skin from ultraviolet rays, use suitable products before going outside;
  • In the first 14 days after the procedure, you should not be exposed to intense physical activity.

Reviews of biorevitalization of lips with hyaluronic acid indicate the high effectiveness of the technique. If you follow the recommendations, rehabilitation takes place without unnecessary difficulties, and your attractive appearance will soon return.

Efficiency of the technique

After the procedure, the result will not be long in coming, but for greater effect it is worth taking a course of injections. The result is influenced by several factors: the quality and composition of the administered drug, the professionalism of the doctor and the individual characteristics of the patient.

This technique offers:

  • moisturizing the skin and restoring hydration, i.e. connection with water molecules;
  • getting rid of wrinkles around the lips;
  • elimination of nasolabial folds;
  • increasing tissue tone and elasticity;
  • natural increase in lip fullness;
  • healthy lip color;
  • the ability to adjust the contour.

You can find more detailed information about how the procedure is carried out at the Leila Roz clinic here.

Photos before and after

You can achieve significant results after undergoing a course of biorevitalization, with an interval of three weeks. This procedure is aimed at moisturizing the skin and smoothing out facial wrinkles, so you should not expect a significant increase in lip density from it.

Since hyaluronic acid is absorbed after some time, lip shape correction is temporary.

The procedure is not suitable for those who want to get rid of deep wrinkles. Biorevitalizants do not cause allergic reactions and are not rejected by tissues, unlike fillers. Lip biorevitalization is a safe procedure with no serious side effects. After it, the skin becomes soft, tender, without creases and fine wrinkles.

Popular drugs

The cosmetology industry does not stand still and new drugs are produced in industrial quantities to enlarge lips and moisturize facial skin. Before going to the clinic, familiarize yourself with the types of injections in detail so as not to be deceived. We have prepared for you a list of popular drugs for lip biorevitalization, which are used in clinics around the world.

  1. IAL-SYSTEM ACP. The drug is from an Italian manufacturer and is used for biorevitalization of the lips and the entire face. Hyaluronic acid is contained in a proportion of 20 mg per 1 ml of composition. Hyaluronic acid ester ensures a longer stay in the skin, thereby improving the results of the procedure.

  2. HYALUFORM® 1% biorevitalizant. The basis of this drug is unstabilized hyaluronic acid, 10 mg/ml. The Russian composition intensively moisturizes and gives skin tone, normalizes intracellular processes.

  3. BIO-R. In addition to intense hydration, the product from a Russian manufacturer fights problems such as deep and age-related expression wrinkles. To moisturize your lips, you should maintain a proportion of 15 mg of hyaluronic acid per 1 ml.

  4. Z Fill refresh 2. The formula is unique in that it contains glycerin along with hyaluronic acid. In symbiosis, these two drugs retain moisture in the skin for up to 4 months. Dermal filler has an antioxidant and lifting effect, slowing down the aging process.

  5. Juvederm Hydrate. A well-known drug from an American company for people over 30 years of age. After use, the skin becomes soft, turgor improves, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. Juvederm Hydrate contains high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, and as the manufacturer assures, the effect of the procedure will be three times longer.

  6. Filorga. Has a moisturizing and rejuvenating effect. Suitable for sensitive and thin skin around the eyes. The manufacturer recommends using Filorga MH-10 for young skin, and MH-18 with glycerin for patients over 30 years of age.

The prescription of the drug that is suitable for you is determined in a personal consultation with a cosmetologist. Your skin type, degree of problem, age and other individual characteristics influence the choice of one or another composition. Directly during the procedure itself, the package with the drug is opened, the expiration date of which must not have expired, and the composition itself must be certified.

Recommendations for selection

To choose the best filler for lip augmentation, you should not rely only on reviews from friends. The best safe lip filler can only be chosen by a specialist who takes a medical history during a consultation. Depending on the result, you can choose drugs:

  1. Which leave the body slowly. Then the specialist will suggest a drug containing collagen.
  2. Painless. In this case, it is better to use drugs with lidocaine.
  3. Natural. Based on their effect and composition, these are considered to be preparations based on hyaluronic acid.

Preparation for the procedure

Biorevitalization does not require special preparation. Two weeks before injections, you should stop drinking alcohol and smoking. If you have had chemical peeling or laser resurfacing, then you should wait with biorevitalization, because... the skin needs rest. The timing of the procedures in this case is determined by the cosmetologist.

Since the injections are administered into the lip area, pay special attention to herpes rashes, if any. To avoid the risk of recurrence of the disease, you may be prescribed a course of antiherpes drugs before biorevitalization. Also, experts do not advise starting a course of injections on the days of menstruation, since hormonal imbalances can affect the final result of the procedure.

Remember that before any invasive cosmetic procedure, a personal consultation is required, during which your doctor will collect anamnesis and find out the presence of chronic diseases and allergic reactions. A service agreement is also drawn up, which spells out all the details of the procedure. Approach such preparatory moments responsibly, because... they influence the course of the entire operation.

What result should I expect?

As after any medical procedure, after biorevitalization the sponges will recover and return to normal. Do not forget that the skin of the lips is very thin and sensitive, which means it will suffer greatly from “beauty injections”.

After the procedure, you should avoid wearing cosmetics for a while. If you decide to carry out several procedures, then forget about lipstick for the entire period.

It is strictly forbidden to sunbathe, go to the bathhouse or sauna, fitness center and overload the entire body. In summer, it is advisable to cover your lips and use special products.

In the first days after the injections, in order to relieve swelling, swelling and redness, it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory drugs and make soothing masks. You can apply ice.

Of course, the doctor himself must prescribe creams and give the most effective mask recipe. You should not use any means yourself without consulting a specialist.

Injection and needle-free method of biorevitalization

Modern cosmetology provides two methods for performing biorevitalization. We will discuss their features and protocols below.

The injection method acts on the problem locally, delivering hyaluronic acid precisely. It happens like this:

  • the skin is cleansed of makeup and dirt;
  • An anesthetic gel is applied to minimize pain. A film is applied on top for a better effect, after half an hour the residue is removed, the surface of the lips is wiped with an anesthetic;
  • the contents of the injections are dosed into the skin, in the same quantity, so that there is no asymmetry;
  • intradermal injections are performed if the main task is to correct the shape of the lips. If you want to increase the volume, then the drug is injected under the dry mucous membrane of the lips;
  • the drooping corners of the mouth are lifted using a fan-shaped technique when a mesh of linear channels is formed;
  • after injection, anesthetics or light massage are used to evenly distribute the composition;
  • At the end of the procedure, dry ice is applied to the lips to reduce hematomas and swelling.

The total time for biorevitalization does not exceed 50 minutes.

Methodology (2 methods)

Today the procedure can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Injectable. The most effective option, since nutritional components are delivered to the deep layers of the epidermis. Disadvantage: discomfort, pain.
  2. Injection-free. The medicinal composition enters the skin when exposed to laser radiation. The manipulations do not cause discomfort, but do not bring such pronounced results as injections.

Let's consider the features of both methods.

Injection method (5 stages)

The procedure is carried out using the thinnest needle. Sometimes a cannula, a tube with a small diameter, is used to administer the drug.

To change the contours, injections are made intradermally, to add volume - under the mucous membrane of the lips.


  1. At the first visit, the cosmetologist conducts an examination and identifies any contraindications. Taking into account the patient’s wishes, existing problems are identified and a method for solving them is selected. The cost of biorevitalization is negotiated, and the client must sign documents confirming his consent to the procedure.
  2. The skin is cleansed of impurities and decorative cosmetics.
  3. A cream with an anesthetic effect is applied to the border of the lips, and a film is placed on top. After 30 minutes, the remaining anesthetic is removed and the skin is wiped with an antiseptic.
  4. Punctures can be created along the lip line at regular intervals, at the border of wet and dry mucosa. To increase the volume, many targeted injections will be required.
  5. After administering the drug, the cosmetologist again disinfects the treated area. To distribute the components evenly, light massage movements are performed. Ice cubes are applied to reduce bruising and swelling.

Laser technique (5 steps)

This is done as follows:

  1. The perioral area is also cleaned, then wiped with a disinfectant composition.
  2. Pulsed laser radiation is directed onto the lips to soften the tissue and open transport channels through which hyaluronic acid penetrates the skin.
  3. A gel-like preparation containing useful substances is applied. After this, infrared radiation is used again.
  4. Through thermal action, the gel is quickly absorbed into the deep layers of the skin. At the same time, skin tightening and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  5. After completion, the lips are wiped with an antiseptic.

Laser biorevitalization

This procedure is known not only for the action of the active components, but also for the thermal effect that is achieved thanks to the laser working from the inside. The procedure algorithm is as follows:

  • treatment of the skin of the mouth and lips with anesthetic;
  • Pulsed laser beams treat the problem area. Thanks to this, the skin becomes active to accept new components;
  • then a biorevitalizant in the form of a gel is applied to the skin;
  • The laser is reapplied. Wrinkles and nasolabial folds are treated several times; due to the action of the gel, the laser beam reaches the deep layers of the dermis;
  • After the procedure, the area is wiped with an anesthetic and cream with a calming effect.

Laser biorevitalization lasts less than 30 minutes.

The principle of the two procedures is similar, but has significant differences. Both methods are safe and effective, provided they are performed by an experienced professional in compliance with safety precautions. Injections are administered to one specific location, solving the problem locally. Laser biorevitalization carries the thermal influence of an additional source. It is not accompanied by pain and inflammation, as after injections.

Does it hurt to inject the drug into the lips?

Comparing the tools for contouring - a cannula and a needle, we can say that with the first, pain is minimized due to the smaller number of punctures and the blunt edge of the tip.

We prefer a cannula whenever it is appropriate. But if a cosmetologist has to “twist” the lips or significantly modify their shape, this tool is not suitable for the job. It only allows you to recreate the volume and outline the contour of the red border.

Many modern fillers contain lidocaine, which allows the introduction and distribution of the gel to be as comfortable and painless as possible. But patients are sometimes frightened by the very fact of the injection, because the lip area is very tender and delicate.

In this case, topical anesthesia is proposed:

  • Anesthetic cream is applied to the skin
  • The surgical field is covered with film
  • The exposure is maintained for 15-30 minutes

For patients with a low pain threshold, we provide dental conduction anesthesia, which will completely dull the sensitivity of the lip area at all stages of the procedure.

The dominant opinion in the choice of drugs and techniques for lip contouring should be given to the doctor, although the wishes of the patient are necessarily taken into account. And the best way to get an ideal result without complications for the patient is to choose competent, reputable and responsible cosmetologists.

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It is worth refusing to carry out biorevitalization either by injection or using a laser if you have the following contraindications:

  • oncological diseases;
  • herpes in the active stage;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • moles in the selected area;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • diabetes mellitus and epilepsy;
  • age under 18 years;
  • increased body temperature;
  • allergy to the composition of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Side effects

After lip biorevitalization, some side effects may occur, which disappear after a period of time:

  • hematomas;
  • swelling in the mouth area;
  • rash on the face;
  • formation of papules and nodules under the skin;
  • soreness of the integument.

In less than five days, the above goes away. If the situation begins to worsen, suppuration appears, the pain becomes more severe, consult a doctor. To reduce the inflammatory process, experts recommend using Troxevasin and Traumeel S ointments.

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