Coin-shaped eczema and how to treat it: the most important things about causes, symptoms and therapy

Causes of coin-shaped eczema

One of the causes of coin-shaped eczema is considered to be the presence in the body of a focus of chronic infection (otitis media, rhinitis, tonsillitis, etc.), to which excessive sensitization occurs. When the antigen is encountered again, inflammatory processes develop and a rash appears.

Increase the risk of nummular eczema:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • changes in hormonal levels and blood composition;
  • metabolic and microcirculation disorders;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • diabetes;
  • hyperhidrosis – excessive sweating;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • poor nutrition;
  • constant contact with chemicals;

Chronic diseases of the ENT organs and infectious lesions of the oral cavity increase skin sensitivity.

Diet and additional preventive measures for dermatosis

It is impossible to single out the most effective one from the above drugs and treatment methods. Meanwhile, parents should always have an idea of ​​what to do if their child suddenly develops coin-shaped eczema. To begin with, it is extremely important to determine and confirm the diagnosis with the help of a competent specialist - a dermatologist. However, it would not be a mistake for parents to set a diet for their baby prematurely. Before contacting a doctor, correcting the diet with an emphasis on healthy and hypoallergenic foods will not harm him in any case, so it is necessary to limit the child’s consumption of:

  • sweets;
  • citrus and exotic fruits (especially red fruits);
  • nuts;
  • honey;
  • seafood;
  • fatty meats;
  • smoked and salty dishes;
  • fast food, semi-finished products;
  • fried and pickled foods.

If you have eczema, you need to protect your child from junk food.

It is equally important to ensure that the child consumes a sufficient amount of liquid (water, natural juices, compotes, herbal teas, etc.). In addition to diet, you should consider other doctor’s recommendations:

  1. Minimize the frequency of your baby’s water treatments.
  2. Limit the use of soap while bathing.
  3. Use only hypoallergenic compositions of hygiene products.
  4. Select clothes carefully and avoid wearing synthetic fabrics.
  5. Avoid hypothermia and overheating in the sun.
  6. Promptly treat disorders, foci of infection and inflammation in the body.
  7. Limit the child from stress, anxiety, fears and worries.

If each of these points is observed, you can delay the onset of relapse or generally prevent the development of coin-shaped eczema in a child. Ignoring the rules during treatment will most likely lead to complete ineffectiveness.

Symptoms of coin-shaped eczema

The photo of coin-shaped eczema shows a characteristic sign - sharply defined, rounded red lesions that rise above the surface of the skin and look like coins scattered over the body, which gives the disease its name. The average size of the lesions is 1.5-3 centimeters in diameter. They are colored blue-red and covered with small bubbles (vesicles) filled with a yellowish liquid. Papules often merge to form plaques. After some time, the bubbles burst, leaving behind weeping erosions, and later scales and crusts.

In most cases, the rash appears on the arms and legs (on the backs of the hands, elbows and knees), but if the lesions are widespread, they can spread to the shoulders, upper back and buttocks. Eczema does not affect the mucous membranes. During relapses, inflammatory foci are always found in the same areas.

The appearance of the rash is accompanied by severe itching and burning, which can cause the patient to suffer from insomnia and nervousness.

You should not self-medicate, which can only worsen the condition instead of the expected recovery. With frequent exacerbations, coin-shaped eczema can transform into true eczema.

To establish an accurate diagnosis and differentiate coin-shaped eczema from other dermatological diseases, the doctor examines the medical history and carefully examines the rash using a magnifying device. If diagnosis is difficult, then additional examination is carried out, which includes histological examination, assessment of the immune system, and bacteriological examination. The examination allows you to determine the type of disease and its cause, which is necessary to choose the right therapy.

During pregnancy

Pregnant women may also occasionally experience flare-ups of coin-shaped eczema when they are under extreme stress or have severe nutritional problems. Those who have family members with eczema are especially susceptible to this. The hereditary factor plays a serious role in the occurrence of eczema in principle.

The spread of foreign bacteria through the blood can lead to serious consequences, including sepsis and infection of the fetus.

During pregnancy, it is especially not recommended to self-medicate to combat coin-shaped eczema. Many drugs and folk remedies are strictly contraindicated in this condition. Also, if a secondary infection occurs, it will be extremely problematic to carry out antibacterial therapy, since most drugs cannot be taken.

In view of this, it is necessary to consult a doctor. They will assess the overall risks and prescribe adequate treatment that will not harm the fetus and will eliminate the outbreak of a chronic disease. And although during pregnancy, treatment of relapses of coin-shaped eczema is quite problematic, it is possible. It is only important to start it on time and follow all the prescribed recommendations. After consulting a doctor during pregnancy, you can use ointments and creams based on medicinal herbs and panthenol for treatment. If foci of inflammation are widespread, use the zinc suspension with caution (after 3 hours after applying it to the skin, it must be washed off).

Treatment of coin-shaped eczema

If necessary, the dermatologist refers the patient for consultation to other specialists: gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, allergist, neurologist.

In order for the treatment of coin-shaped eczema to be successful, it is necessary to eliminate provoking factors, restore the activity of the nervous and digestive systems, and normalize hormonal levels and metabolism.

Therefore, the doctor selects medications taking into account the cause of the disease.

In addition to drug therapy prescribed by related specialists, physiotherapy is carried out:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • oxygen therapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • reflexology;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • oil baths.

In addition to systemic therapy, it is always recommended to use local medications: creams, ointments, lotions, compresses. They will speed up recovery, prevent secondary infections, and help prolong remission.

Hormonal ointments will have the most effective and fastest effect. They can cause addiction with long-term use and other unwanted effects, including thinning of the skin. Usually they are used for no more than 2-3 weeks.

In other situations, dermatologists prefer non-hormonal drugs. The best complex preparations for eczema include products from the Losterin line (cream and zinc-naphthalan paste). They do not contain hormones and can be used for daily skin care.

Losterin cream and paste relieve inflammation and itching, eliminate flaking, have a moisturizing (cream)/drying (paste), antiseptic and disinfecting effect, and accelerate the restoration of the skin.

A mandatory component of the treatment of coin-shaped eczema is diet. It is necessary to exclude spicy, smoked and fried foods, pickles, marinades and spices, citrus fruits and red fruits, fish and seafood, eggs, nuts, honey, chocolate, coffee, sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol. The basis of the diet should be lactic acid products, cereal dishes, vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Home remedies to combat skin disease

Alternative treatment for coin-shaped eczema in a child is also possible. The use of alternative methods of therapy is allowed in conjunction with traditional medicines. In comparison with pharmaceutical drugs, folk recipes are considered safer methods of treatment and recovery from dermatosis. However, they may also have contraindications for use in childhood. One way or another, it is worth consulting a doctor about choosing an effective prescription that will allow you to achieve recovery much faster.

Often, coin-shaped eczema is treated with the following folk remedies:

  • Cabbage compresses. It is prepared like this: a paste-like mass is made from a white cabbage leaf, to which egg white is added. The mass is applied to the affected areas of the skin several times throughout the day.
  • Potato compress. The preparation is a procedure similar to the previous recipe, but instead of egg white it is better to add honey - its antiseptic properties will be very useful for eczema.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. The easiest way to relieve itching, eliminate flaking and moisturize chapped skin. It is enough to soak a cotton sponge or gauze bandage in oil and apply it to the affected areas.
  • Decoction of elderberry and St. John's wort. To prepare this product, you will need about 100 g of dry raw materials and 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, cool and strain. The resulting decoction is used to wash the wound surface once a day.
  • Kalanchoe juice. Agave can be used in the same way. From the crushed leaves of the plant you can get a lot of valuable juice, which should be used to lubricate eczematous rashes in your baby.

Kalanchoe juice is recommended to lubricate areas of the body damaged by eczema.

Prevention of coin-shaped eczema

Preventive measures include:

  • hygiene procedures;
  • timely elimination of infectious and other diseases;
  • avoiding contact with chemicals;
  • restrictions on the use of cosmetics;
  • refusal of synthetic underwear.

Great importance should be paid to the selection of hygiene products. They should not contain alkalis, fragrances or dyes that can provoke a relapse. Such products include cream soap, shower gel and shampoo from the Losterin series.

How to get rid of allergic eczema using folk remedies

To treat allergic eczema, cranberry juice lotions are used. Rubbing the skin with Kalanchoe juice shows good results. During an exacerbation, a lotion with crushed strawberries will help.

To eliminate itching and inflammation, you can mix vinegar and vegetable oil (1:1). The resulting composition is used to wipe the inflamed dermis. If the disease is accompanied by the formation of bubbles with a clear liquid, you can use a mixture of potato, cabbage, carrot and garlic juice. It is used for disinfecting compresses.

Treatment with folk remedies does not guarantee a complete cure for eczema. In addition, the use of alternative therapy must be agreed with the attending physician. Otherwise, side symptoms may develop, which significantly complicate the recovery process.

Traditional recipes are an addition to basic therapy, which can only be selected by a qualified doctor.


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  6. All-Russian Congress of Dermatovenerologists: Kazan, 2009. P. 93.
  7. Fitzpatrick's Dermatology in Clinical Practice. In 3 volumes. Volume 2. - M.: Panfilov Publishing House, 2016. - 162 p.
  8. Eczema and contact dermatitis. - Moscow: SINTEG, 2009. - 965 p.

Skin care for eczema and atopic dermatitis

The mainstay of long-term treatment for all forms of eczema is maintaining the skin barrier using emollients and moisturizers while bathing, in both mild and severe cases. Regular use of emollients can significantly reduce the amount of topical steroid use in sicker patients. Ideally, emollients should be applied three to five times daily.

How to properly take a bath for eczema:

daily; without using washcloths and scrubs; do not take hot baths, as hot water further dries out the skin; add water-soluble oils to the bath. You can choose ready-made products for people with dry and atopic skin. The composition of such products must include soybean, almond oils, jojoba and wheat germ. There should be no sulfates in the composition; After taking a bath, be sure to apply a moisturizing and restorative emollient

This is very important: if you don't moisturize your skin immediately after showering, the moisture will evaporate and your skin will become even drier.

What types of moisturizers are most effective for eczema?

There are many regular moisturizers that don't work very well to control eczema or may even make it worse

It's important to understand the differences between the three main types of moisturizers: ointments, creams, and lotions to properly moisturize your skin and keep your symptoms under control.

Moisturizers are classified according to the amount of oil and water they contain. The more oil in a moisturizer, the better it will restore and moisturize skin with eczema. These products include emollients, which are something between an ointment and a cream.

All moisturizers should be applied to hands immediately after washing and gently patted dry. It's best to keep your moisturizer next to your sink and carry a small tube in your bag so you can use it at any time of the day.

Ointments are the first choice for the treatment of chronic and congestive eczema for patients over two years of age. They have the highest oil content, followed by creams and only then lotions. Vaseline and glycerin containing oils will create a protective film on the surface, but you should not overdo it with them so that there is no reverse greenhouse effect. If after applying the ointment you feel discomfort on the skin, then this is not your remedy; it is better to try an alternative - cream.

Creams seal moisture into the skin very well. Because they contain less oil, they are less greasy. Be sure to read labels carefully: creams sometimes contain stabilizers or preservatives that can irritate the skin. A cream necessary for skin with eczema and atopic dermatitis must necessarily include ceramides, ceramides, azulene, wheat germ oil, hyaluronic acid, 0.5% urea.

Lotions contain the least amount of oils. Since they are mostly water, they evaporate quickly and will need to be applied frequently. Such products are preferable to use in hot climates.

The choice of the form of care product largely depends on the location of the eczema. When the face is affected, given the high sensitivity of the skin of this area to steroids, preference is given to Crelo emulsion and cream. In case of damage to the scalp or other areas of the skin with abundant hair, it is recommended to use a solution, lotion, crelo, or cream. If eczema appears on the torso or limbs, choose crelo, cream, lipocrem, ointment, depending not only on the nature of the dermatosis, but also on climatic conditions.

Application of physiotherapy

To speed up recovery, doctors often prescribe physical therapy. In the acute stage, procedures are used less frequently, but after the disappearance of severe symptoms or when they become chronic, they can achieve improvement. The most commonly used methods are:

  1. Paraffin therapy is a popular and effective technique used for many skin pathologies. Its essence is to apply warm paraffin applications to the stained areas. The session time is 15 minutes, it must be repeated up to 3 times a week, the number of procedures is from 10 to 15. Paraffin has a positive effect on the skin, stimulates regeneration, relieves itching and inflammation.
  2. Electrophoresis using Prednisolone or Hydrocortisone. During the session, the affected areas are exposed to a special low-frequency current, which is supplied to the skin through pads soaked in the solution. Thanks to electrical impulses, the drug particles quickly penetrate to the site of inflammation and have a pronounced therapeutic effect. 10 procedures are enough to obtain a lasting result.
  3. Sanatorium-resort treatment is indicated in cases where coin-shaped eczema is accompanied by severe nervous disorders. Staying the patient in a cozy and quiet place will reduce stress and improve general condition. In addition, in almost every sanatorium, patients undergo treatment with mud, mineral waters and other useful procedures.

Briefly about eczema once again

  • Eczema appears mainly in the face and limbs.
  • As eczema develops, the skin's ability to act as a barrier is reduced. The skin easily loses water and becomes dry.
  • People with eczema and atopic dermatitis can and should be vaccinated.
  • Itching is the main symptom of all types of eczema.
  • Complex therapy is required: care + daily application of moisturizers + proper hygiene.
  • Use a combination of topical medications at different stages of the eczematous process and only as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Psychotherapy is an important aspect in the treatment of all patients with atopic dermatitis and eczema.
  • Eczema is not contagious.
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