Contour plastic with Princess Volume filler - reviews


This is a dermal filler from the world famous German company Merz based on calcium hydroxyapatite, which has a unique triple mechanism of action, including non-surgical face lifting, long-term correction of wrinkles and improvement of skin quality. It works as a filler and stimulates the process of producing your own collagen.

Radiesse is one of the most studied and safe fillers, it is approved by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration). Radiesse is one of the most popular fillers today.

Why is Radiesse so good?

It gives an instant lifting effect, removing moderate and deep wrinkles and improving skin quality. Immediately after the injection, the volumes characteristic of a young face are restored. Nasolabial folds are instantly smoothed out, the oval of the face becomes even clearer and more expressive than it was 20 years ago.

The increased effectiveness of the drug is explained by its unique formula, which powerfully stimulates the skin’s own regeneration processes. The drug contains microspheres of calcium hydroxyapatite (used in medicine for more than 20 years) and a gel, which completely biodegrade over time, that is, they are completely eliminated from the body. Microspheres do not attract moisture, so the filler is ideal for complex patients: those prone to swelling, those with loose skin, and male patients.

Men have thicker, heavier skin, and they often experience a noticeable loss of volume in the cheeks, nose, and chin folds. These changes can be eliminated by targeted and deep injection of a gel based on calcium hydroxylapatite.

Radiesse allows you to perform a vector face lift (in this it successfully competes with a thread lift), working on the temporal region and eliminating deep nasolabial folds. Suitable for non-surgical correction of the shape of the nose (smoothing the hump, modeling the tip). Used to harmonize the chin. Effective for radical rejuvenation of the dorsum of the hands. Used to rejuvenate the earlobes.

Radiesse does not cause an inflammatory reaction in tissues and does not migrate. In addition to the immediate lifting effect, calcium hydroxyapatite in the composition of the drug stimulates the synthesis of its own type 1 collagen, which creates the effect of velvety skin and restores the firmness and elasticity characteristic of youth.

The correction is simple, does not take much time, and does not cause discomfort. The molecules of the drug are so smooth and dense that moisture simply rolls off them. This means that it will remain in the skin for quite a long time. If classical fillers begin to biodegrade from tissues after 4-6 months, then with Radiesse this begins to happen only after 24 months after its administration.

Thanks to its water-repellent properties, Radiesse helps get rid of jowls, which cannot be achieved by injecting, for example, hyaluronic acid into the lower part of the face. At the same time, Radiesse can be safely combined with other fillers, including those based on hyaluronic acid.

After just one Radiesse procedure you can achieve:

  • face lifts and corrections;
  • eliminating facial wrinkles;
  • improving the contours of the cheeks and chin;
  • replenishment of the deficit in the volume of soft tissues of the face;
  • smoothing nasolabial folds;
  • hand rejuvenation;
  • nose correction;
  • replenishment of lost volume of the temporal region;
  • formation of the facial frame.

How does it feel to use Princess Volume?

This product is considered viscoelastic; it has a very dense structure, as a result of which a person can feel it under the skin for some time during and after manipulation.

Note! The specificity of Princess Volume allows you to even feel the filler through the skin. But it will only take a week and you will get used to the unusual sensations.

Lumps may be felt for some time after the procedure, but this will soon disappear

Although the drug we are considering is very dense, at the same time it is quite flexible: it fits well in the desired area and is distributed correctly. No lumps are formed.

Another strong point of Princess Volum is the lack of bright, eye-catching color. Therefore, the patient will not encounter the fact that the filler will show through the skin with a bluish tint.


The French innovative drug Sculptra has already been dubbed injection plastic surgery by cosmetologists. This is a biostimulator based on polylactic acid, which, entering the deep layers of the skin, starts the process of producing collagen types 1 and 3. It is also called “young collagen”.

Tests of the drug Sculptra show that three months after its introduction into the skin, the amount of collagen in it increases by 66.5 percent. The skin is noticeably tightened, deep folds and wrinkles disappear, and lost volume is restored. With the help of Sculptra, facial asymmetry is also ideally corrected. The drug thus fully lives up to its name!

It is important to recognize that facial aging is not an isolated process limited to nasolabial folds or sagging skin, but rather represents a collection of general changes in the skeleton, soft tissues and skin structures. Therefore, comprehensive rejuvenation is necessary, which involves not only the correction of nasolabial folds, but also the creation of a more youthful overall appearance. Sculptra is ideal for tightening the neck, décolleté, inner surfaces of the arms and legs, abdomen, buttocks - the main areas of the body where sagging skin structures are most pronounced.

The gradual restoration of volume can be an advantage for many patients who want to maintain individuality during the process of external transformation. Over time, polylactic acid completely disintegrates and is eliminated from the body naturally.

The effect after injections lasts for 2 or more years. From time to time, the patient may need to administer 1-2 additional bottles to look “perfect.” The interval between repeated injections varies widely from several months to several years.

Correction with the drug can be combined with the administration of neurotoxins. Laser and phototherapy can be used immediately after the injection of polylactic acid. It is also possible to combine Sculptra with photorejuvenation and laser therapy.

The sculpture is ideal for:

  • correction of deep wrinkles;
  • restoration of facial contours;
  • smoothing asymmetry;
  • harmonization of features;
  • neck and décolleté lifts;
  • the inner surfaces of the arms and legs, abdomen and buttocks.

Menstruation and Princess Volume injections

It is worth remembering that on some days the injections may cause significantly more discomfort and pain. Therefore, you need to choose the most suitable period for the procedure.

It's no secret that women react differently to pain on different days of their cycle. Cosmetologists recommend injections of Princess Volum in the second or third week of the cycle.

When you start menstruating, it is better to refuse the event, because the pricked area will bleed more, and there will be more pain, because the period of menstruation is characterized by a decrease in the pain threshold. Thus, manipulation will cause much more discomfort.

It is better not to carry out the procedure during menstruation - this will avoid severe discomfort.


This is an innovative product from the leader in the production of drugs based on hyaluronic acid - the Swiss company IBSA. It produces ultra-pure hyaluronic acid, obtained through a bacterial fermentation process and classified as "Top Quality".

The drug is based on hyaluronic acid with low and high molecular weight in equal proportions. This is a special hybrid technology developed and patented by IBSA scientists. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin and gives a reinforcing effect. High molecular weight – improves local blood circulation, stimulates the production of your own collagen, and provides tissue lifting. This is achieved due to the accumulation of water molecules around the high molecular weight acid. This formula is called Hydrolift.

Profhilo activates the vital activity of not only fibroblasts and keratinocytes, but also adipocytes (fat cells), supports their viability, which leads to the restoration of its own subcutaneous fat, the deficiency of which is determined with age.

High fluidity allows the components of the drug to freely pass through the subcutaneous tissue and dermis, which is not possible with traditional fillers with hyaluronic acid. Profhilo is ideal for introduction into anatomically complex areas - forehead, neck, submandibular areas.

Profhilo smoothes out skin defects well, for example, post-acne scars or after chickenpox. The unique formula of the drug made it possible to develop new protocols for its administration. First of all, the number of required injection points has been reduced. For the face, the “5 BET” technique is used - 5 bioaesthetic points for each side of the face. Five points correspond to five areas of the face, selected taking into account the anatomical structure: there are no large vessels or nerve endings there. Thanks to this, the risks of side effects are minimized, and maximum distribution of the drug in the cheekbones and lower jaw is achieved.

In the neck area, the drug is injected into 10 bioaesthetic points. They are also located taking into account the existing anatomical structures and do not affect such important organs as the submandibular salivary glands and the thyroid gland, the carotid artery, the trachea and the larynx. The drug has excellent potential for combined use with traditional fillers containing stabilized hyaluronic acid for more precise and skillful volume correction.

The basic course is limited to only two procedures with an interval of one month. Additional correction (if necessary) is possible after 2-3 months. The first results can be seen approximately on the second day after the procedure, and the skin will reach full bloom in about three months. The effect lasts for 8–10 months.

What results can you achieve with Profhilo?

  • remodel facial contours;
  • create the effect of beautiful high cheekbones;
  • restore subcutaneous tissue, increasing its volume;
  • restore the clarity of the contour of the lower jaw;
  • rejuvenate the tissues of the neck and décolleté;
  • give the skin radiance.

Recovery period

The recommendations are:

  • treating injection areas with ice;
  • the use of special ointments and creams that promote the resorption of bruises (prescribed by a cosmetologist).

You can apply ice to the injection areas

What not to do:

  • strain your muscles for several hours after manipulation;
  • use decorative cosmetics for several days;
  • apply pressure to the treated areas and massage;
  • go to the sauna or bathhouse, sunbathe on the beach, swim in reservoirs for a week and a half.

Avoid exposing your skin to heat for some time.

Neauvia Organic

The contouring preparation, created by a group of Italian and Swiss scientists Neauvia Organic, is obtained from 100% pure hyaluronic acid. Thanks to such a pure composition, the drug is suitable for everyone! The high quality of the product has been recognized in almost 100 countries around the world, including Russia.

This hyaluronic acid is extracted from the bacterium Bacillus Subtilis, which is probiotic and non-pathogenic to humans. The purer the hyaluronic acid, the lower the risk of its rejection by the body. But the effect of contouring also depends on how strong and elastic the hyaluronic acid molecules are “shielded” among themselves. Traditionally, the cross-linking agents BDDE (butanediol diglycidyl ether) or DVS (divinyl sulfone) are used for this purpose. They cannot be used in large quantities. And a low cross-linking agent content reduces the duration and effectiveness of hyaluronic acid in tissues.

The scientists who developed the Newvia Organic line of organic fillers decided to use a new cross-linking agent - PEG (polyethylene glycol) polymer. It is widely known and has long been used in the pharmaceutical and medical markets, is non-toxic, and completely decomposes in tissues. PEG helps the filler stay in the skin for a long time. Does not cause adverse reactions. It is PEG that makes the Newvia Organic line the most biocompatible fillers with the human body. Their tissue rejection is reduced to almost zero. PEG reduces inflammation and granuloma formation.

At certain temperatures that can be reached during procedures in aesthetic hardware cosmetology, such as exposure to laser, ultrasound, and others, traditional hyaluronic acid filler begins to break down. But not Nyuvia fillers. PEG makes the acid much more resistant to heat without limiting the range of aesthetic treatments.

Newvia fillers also have amazing elasticity and plasticity. That is, the ability to change shape and size under the influence of external loads and maintain them or return to their original position. Therefore, each filler in the line adapts to the existing anatomical structures and at the same time maintains the required shape for long-term aesthetic correction. Nuvia fillers are able to create the desired volume without causing compression of surrounding tissue, thus always providing natural-looking results. In addition, there is almost no migration of filler in tissues.

In addition to hyaluronic acid, Newvia Organic contains calcium hydroxyapatite (it is also a component of Radiesse fillers). This naturally occurring mineral triggers the formation of new collagen in the skin. As a result, the density, firmness and elasticity of the skin improves, acquiring the ideal double effect of volume and hydration.

Nyuvia preparations are administered not only to the face area, but are also used to rejuvenate the skin of the hands, feet, other parts of the body, and intimate areas. The result lasts from 15 months to 2 years.

Newvia Organic is prescribed when needed:

  • give the skin a healthy and fresh look, velvety;
  • increase its natural firmness and elasticity;
  • restore tone;
  • smooth out small and medium wrinkles;
  • rejuvenate the skin of the hands, other parts of the body, intimate areas.

Princess Volume from the manufacturer Croma

Any rights to develop the Princess Volum drug belong to Croma, located in Austria.

For three decades, the company has been studying, developing and selling a wide variety of products that are used in the field of cosmetology for various purposes. It is worth saying that when the manufacturer presented its most important development – ​​lip filler – the company’s popularity became unprecedented.

The Princess Volume product literally blew up the cosmetology market of both the Old and New Worlds. In 2009, an exhibition was held in Monaco, and at it this product was described as “Brand of the Year”.

Princess Volum is a fairly popular drug

Like many other similar products, Princess Volum is based on hyaluronic acid of non-biological origin. It follows from this that the drug can be used without additional allergy tests. Over time, hyaluronate breaks down and leaves the body safely. Thus, the filler we are talking about does not pose any danger to the body.

Note! The advantages of Princess Volume also lie in the fact that the product is suitable for both middle-aged women and young girls who do not like the shape of their lips and face.

The filler we are considering can be perfectly combined with other cosmetic preparations that contain hyaluronic acid. Therefore, Princess Volume can be easily exchanged for fillers of other brands. If you study the statistics summarized in each cosmetology and specific office, few people refuse the drug Princess Volume - on the contrary, many clients seek to replace their previous fillers with this one.

Both professionals and clients love this product

The novelty that the manufacturer has achieved lies in the fact that a special technology for the synthesis of hyaluronate used in this product has been developed. Cosmetologists call it SMART technology. Hyaluronic acid produced by this method is able to find empty spaces between tissue structures. It fills them perfectly as it is distributed evenly.

At the end of the procedure, the client’s skin becomes smooth. Its structures are saturated with natural moisture, as a result of which it turns out to tighten the skin. The result lasts for approximately a year. The skin that has been manipulated looks natural, so it will be completely incomprehensible to an outside observer that the woman used the services of a cosmetologist.

With the help of Princess Volum you can even tighten your skin a little

Advantages of Princess Volume

The love for filler on the part of clients and specialists is due to its following advantages:

  • the drug adapts well and is considered universal: manipulations do not cause pain and are performed on people over 18 years of age;
  • the filler is compatible with similar products containing hyaluronate;
  • the result is very noticeable;
  • In fact, there are no complications.

Princess Volume has a lot of advantages

Cosmetologists' opinion

Cosmetologists note the high efficiency of Princess fillers and their quite affordable price, which makes them extremely popular in cosmetology.

The specialist especially distinguishes Princesses Rich from the rest of the collection and notes the results that are achieved during injections:


In our country, only cosmetologists with the appropriate skills are allowed to use Princess Volum.

The price of filler ranges from 9 to 15 thousand rubles.

We will indicate the approximate cost of the procedure in different cities of Russia.

CityCost of one procedure (using 1 ml of product)
Moscow23,000 rub.
Saint Petersburg21,000 rub.
Ufa21,000 rub.
Barnaul20,000 rub.
Eagle18,000 rub.
Rostov-on-Don17,000 rub.
Vladivostok18,000 rub.

Reviews about the use of the drug

Anna, Ivanovo

“I paid about 10 thousand for procedures using the drug Princess Volum (used on the lips). There was some swelling, but it went away by the evening. At first it seemed that my lips were too tight, this feeling was embarrassing, but I soon got used to it. I’m very pleased - my lips are plump, beautiful, but everything in moderation. The shape is wonderful. Both me and my husband are delighted!”

Anfisa, Buzuluk

“I used Princess Volume for my lips. Excellent result, everything I wanted! If you are thinking about whether to go to a cosmetologist or not, be sure to go. Just read the reviews about the specialist and the clinic.”

There are many positive reviews about using this product.

Alena, Arkhangelsk

“The procedure with Princess Volum filler was done by my cosmetologist at home. The price was 7 thousand (in cosmetology they put me a price of 15 thousand). The result makes me happy; it lasts for a very long time. But the manipulations themselves were very painful; I could barely sit through it. The hematomas disappeared within a couple of days.”

How is the procedure done?

The use of Princess filler is based on the direct penetration of hyaluronic acid under the skin.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures:

  1. 7 days before the manipulation, stop the influence of aggressive scrubs, peeling, and sun rays on the dermis. Refusal of these procedures reduces the risk of developing negative consequences.
  2. On the day of manipulation, the cosmetologist applies disinfectants to the skin.

The filler injection process is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The doctor analyzes the condition of all parts of the body and uses a marker to determine the zones that will be administered the drug.
  2. A special cream is applied to the marked parts of the face to numb the procedure.
  3. A specialist draws 1 ml of the drug into a 2 ml syringe with a fine needle and injects it subcutaneously. The insertion depth differs depending on the treatment area.

The duration of the procedure does not exceed 40 minutes . After completing it, the client can go home.

We invite you to watch a video about how the filler injection procedure is carried out:

Indications for use

  • Bags under the eyes.
  • Ptosis.
  • Insufficient volume and irregular shape of lips, chin, cheekbones.
  • Crow's feet.
  • A network of wrinkles in the perioral area.
  • Hypersensitivity of the skin.
  • Excessive dryness.
  • Flabbiness, loss of turgor.
  • Gray tint of the skin.
  • Dark spots.
  • Pronounced wrinkles.
  • Hypertrophied nasolacrimal groove.
  • Transformation of the oval line of the face.
  • Post-acne marks.
  • Scarring.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after using Princess Volume No. 1

Photos before and after using Princess Volume No. 2

Photos before and after using Princess Volume No. 3


Any beauty procedure has its contraindications. Princess Volum is prohibited for use if:

  • The client has hypertrophic scarring or keloids;
  • have a history of autoimmune diseases;
  • chronic pathology has worsened;
  • the person was treated with specific immunotherapy six months before the intended procedure;
  • you have herpes or another infectious disease;
  • the following activities were carried out: laser treatment, peeling using chemicals, dermabrasion;
  • there is pregnancy or the woman is breastfeeding;
  • the client is under 18 years of age.

The procedure has contraindications

Comparison with analogues

Princess fillers are unique dermal fillers for rejuvenation. It is worth noting the long period of preservation of the effect (up to a year). The first changes appear just a few hours after the session.

Characteristics of the most popular biogels of other brands:

  1. Aquashine is a youth serum with which you can remove a noticeable network of wrinkles in the face, restore elasticity and a healthy tone of the skin. However, this drug is used extremely rarely for lip augmentation. In addition to hyaluronic acid, the filler contains peptides, coenzymes and minerals.
  2. Juvederm contains hyaluronate, mannitol and lidocaine. However, this product has a higher price, unlike Princesses.
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