What to do if herpes appears after lip tattooing, methods of fight.

Herpes after lip tattooing occurs quite often. What should be done in such cases? Permanent makeup, which will always give you perfect lips, is of course wonderful, but unfortunately, after tattooing there is a risk of herpes.

The procedure involves introducing pigments with dyes shallowly under the skin, as a result microtraumas appear, and this is what can cause the herpes virus.

This is perhaps the most unpleasant consequence that can occur from this procedure. But not everything is so scary, if there are reasons for the appearance of herpes, then there are ways to solve this problem.

Causes of herpes after lip tattoo

Herpes often appears after tattooing. At the same time, cosmetologists can find a large number of reasons for this, which is why responsibility for the result is removed from their side and shifted to the client’s side.

To prevent such an outcome of the service, you must first understand the existing causes of the herpes virus:

  1. Allergic reaction. Allergies during tattooing in females occur to the pigment used. However, it can have different manifestations, including herpes, which occurs over the entire surface of the lip. To prevent the formation of herpes for this reason, you need to do an allergy test before the session; usually this testing is offered by the masters, but if this has not been done, take the initiative yourself.
  2. Hypothermia. In ordinary life, herpes occurs before a cold, so experts often find such a reason for this. It is not necessary that herpes appeared after tattooing, it could be a coincidence.
  3. Consumables used during the provision of services are of low quality. Cosmetologists who want to save on materials are not popular, so choose a salon carefully. To prevent this factor, you need to check the certification of the products and means used before tattooing your lips.
  4. The specialist introduced an infection into the client’s body. If the needle has not been changed in the tattoo machine, then this option is possible, so this parameter needs to be monitored.
  5. The girl is predisposed to the appearance of herpes. There are cases when the client’s blood contains bacteria that are dormant. During lip tattooing, there is an interaction with the client’s skin, which causes bacteria to wake up and inflammation on the face occurs.

Other factors also contribute to the appearance of herpes after a session; they are observed in individual cases. After such a consequence occurs, you should consult a doctor or cosmetologist to determine further treatment after the formation of the virus.

Recommendations after the procedure

After permanent treatment, it is necessary to continue taking the antiviral drug. It is enough to take “Acyclovir” for 3-5 days, “Valtrex” – 3 days.

To protect your lips from drying out, you should use sunscreen and moisturizers. These should be low-fat preparations that do not contain allergens. As a cleanser, it is useful to take herbal decoctions with wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.

The following can provoke an exacerbation of herpes: decorative cosmetics, greasy lipsticks and creams, including medicinal ones. You need to avoid contact with soap, toothpaste, shower gel - they dry out the skin. Visiting the sauna and solarium, drinking alcohol, salty, fried foods and fast food are not recommended. Smoking is also undesirable.

Herpes after lip tattoo - what to do

If prevention of herpes has not been provided, treatment should be started after it is identified. The sooner care for the problem begins, the less likely it is that herpes will leave a negative consequence on the health of a female representative or as a result of lip tattooing.

Cosmetologists prescribe treatment based on the client’s individual parameters. This is influenced by the presence of allergies to drugs, the case, the amount of herpes on the lips, its condition and the stage of healing of the tattoo.

Acyclovir tablets

Taking antiviral drugs includes this remedy, as it has strong healing effects.

Acyclovir is also presented in the form of an ointment, but cosmetologists advise using the product internally, since when the ointment is applied to the damaged skin of the lips after tattooing, the connection between the dye and the epidermis will disappear. This will cause the paint to wash out earlier than expected.

You need to take the tablets three or four times a day. The procedure is prescribed by the doctor, as it depends on the degree of healing of the lips after tattooing and the stage of development of herpes.

In average results, the virus disappears after 4 days. However, its duration can last up to a week if the girl’s immunity is lowered. In such cases, you need to take care that the tattoo does not fall out during your period.

Zovirax ointment

This remedy is similar to the previous one, only in the form of an ointment. It acts in a similar way, but has a more gentle effect on the connection between the skin and the dye with which the tattoo was painted.

The ointment should be applied four times a day: in the morning, before lunch, after lunch, after dinner. This will ensure rapid healing of the virus formed on the lips.

You should not exclude other means, thanks to which the period of restoration of the damaged epidermis of the lips passes. All drugs must be combined so that the result is clear in the end.

It is not enough to just apply the gel to your lips; you need to rub it with smooth movements into the skin tissue so that most of it is absorbed and begins to act.

In this case, you need to use this technique with clean hands (before and after this you need to wipe them with an antiseptic), since a cotton swab or disk will leave some of the cotton on the lips, which will dry out the skin.


This product is presented in the form of a cream that must be applied to the damaged area. At the same time, it does not block the effect of other healing agents aimed at regenerating the skin after tattooing.

Fenistil should be applied once or twice a day, as its effect lasts for 10 hours, then it subsides. In this way, you can get rid of herpes in three days if you start treatment right away.

You can start treatment at any stage of the development of the virus, since the drug immediately begins to damage it, removing its previous effectiveness and reducing the stages of development of the skin disease on the lips.

If you are allergic to the components that make up the product, it is better not to use it, as these components have a strong effect on the human body. If there is an allergy, the ointment will affect the girl’s health within 10 hours, and the virus will continue to develop.

Preparation for the procedure

Before starting the procedure, you should consult a doctor or specialist. If there have been cases of the disease in the past, herpes may appear. Therefore, before tattooing, you need to take a course of special medications. The most popular drugs against herpes include:

Acyclovir tablets

Taking antiviral drugs includes this remedy, as it has strong healing effects.

Acyclovir is also presented in the form of an ointment, but cosmetologists advise using the product internally, since when the ointment is applied to the damaged skin of the lips after tattooing, the connection between the dye and the epidermis will disappear. This will cause the paint to wash out earlier than expected.

You need to take the tablets three or four times a day. The procedure is prescribed by the doctor, as it depends on the degree of healing of the lips after tattooing and the stage of development of herpes.

In average results, the virus disappears after 4 days. However, its duration can last up to a week if the girl’s immunity is lowered. In such cases, you need to take care that the tattoo does not fall out during your period.


This remedy has approximately the same effect as acyclovir. However, its effect lasts up to 20 hours. The drug is suitable if symptoms of herpes appear frequently. The medicine can be used not only in tablet form. There are also products for topical use. A course of preventive therapy is prescribed by a doctor - it can last up to 5 days.


This medicine is a derivative of acyclovir. With its help, it is possible to slow down the progression of the disease, which allows the body to cope with the disease on its own. You need to take the drug before applying permanent makeup only if the symptoms of herpes appear quite rarely.

The exact course of medication should be selected by a doctor. If symptoms of herpes occur shortly before the planned lip tattoo, it is better to postpone the procedure. During this period, it is recommended to take a course of medications.

If the rash appears on the eve of tattooing, the procedure should be canceled and treatment should begin.

Oxolinic ointment

This remedy is found in many first aid kits because it is presented as an effective remedy for the common cold. When symptoms of colds appear, it begins to be rubbed into the nasal cavity on both sides. But colds in the form of herpes are also treated with oxolin.

Allergy to ointment is rare, so treatment with oxoline can be started without testing for such a reaction.

Due to the harmlessness of the product, it can be applied up to six times a day. But you need to do this four times: after breakfast, before lunch, after lunch, after dinner. The product does not react with other ointments, which is why it is safe to use.

It is believed that the cream should be stored in a cool place. But after the formation of herpes, it is better to use it in a warm state, for this it is better to leave the tube at room temperature so that it has a strong effect.

Immunal tablets

Immunal is suitable for the treatment of herpes after tattooing due to infection entering the body. That is, if the development of the disease occurred due to the specialist, and not the weakened immunity of the client, the remedy will not have the desired effect.

The tablets have an effect on suppressing the existing infection that affects the beneficial bacteria that are inside the girl’s body.

You need to take the tablets before each meal, as well as after dinner - before bed. If the development of the disease subsides, it is enough to use this drug twice a day - before lunch and dinner. The master sets clear proportions regarding the individual state of health.

Prevention scheme

Herpes before and after permanent makeup:

  • Before PM – 200 mg – 1 tablet – 5 times a day. (7 am, 11 am, 3 pm, 7 pm, 11 pm – 5 times a day).
  • After PM – 5 days – and before prophylaxis.

I comprehensively recommend that clients take immunostimulating medications, as well as drink plenty of fluids.

When there is no disease, the doctor has the right not to prescribe treatment, because there are no signs of herpes.

A master professional, based on his work experience, should tactfully recommend that the client undergo preventive maintenance. Acyclovir is a harmless drug.

The disadvantage of this herpes prevention regimen is the large number of techniques. The client may forget about the time of application of the drug.

Valaciclovir is used 2 times a day every 12 hours.

2 days before PM (especially before PM lips) – 5 days after. This is a standard prevention regimen.

I comprehensively recommend immunostimulating medications and plenty of fluids to clients.

Valacyclovir has a high barrier permeability before transformation into acyclovir. Until it encounters viral DNA, it remains fully active. Acts on viral DNA more actively and longer. The advantage is that there is a convenient schedule for taking the drug.

Both drugs work well. Everyone has their own regimen.

Consultation and appointment for permanent lip makeup with master A. Khokhlova


The product is presented in the form of Tetracycline ointment; it is better known by this name. In terms of physical and chemical effects on the skin surface, the drug is more similar to Acyclovir in the form of an ointment.

The price of tetracycline is one of the lowest - it can be bought for 30 rubles in a pharmacy, and it has an effective effect on the affected skin.

You need to use the product four or five times a day. The difference from other drugs is that tetracycline can be used when the development of herpes begins to fade, it removes the remains of bacteria from the girl’s body.

If tetracycline is used during the development of the virus, it will not have an effect that will quickly destroy the spreading disease, and it cannot be started.

Review of approved drugs

Treatment of herpes on the lips after tattooing includes the prescription of antiviral drugs, antibacterial, and antiseptic drugs.

Ointments have a local effect; in the initial stages of the disease it is more effective to use tablets.

Review of antiviral drugs:

Drug nameDosage formEffective against herpes
Acyclovir (Zovirax)Tablets, ointmentBlocks the herpes virus after tattooing, helps the immune system cope with the disease. The drug does not have a toxic effect and does not interfere with the DNA of the infected cell. The active ingredient is acyclovir.
Fenistil PencivirOintmentThe active component, penciclovir, when it enters an infected cell, is converted into penciclovir triphosphate. The drug is active against the herpes simplex virus. An ointment with a tinting effect is available that allows you to temporarily mask the rash.
TetracyclineOintmentThe drug is effective for concomitant purulent infections. In the initial stages, it is possible to stop the progression of the rash.
OksolinOintmentThe active ingredient, oxolin, prevents the replication of the virus on the lips.
Helepin DOintmentThe drug is based on a plant component – ​​Desmodium canadiana extract. The ointment has antiviral and antimicrobial properties.

Method of using antiviral drugs for tattooing: ointments are applied to the lips using an applicator in a thin layer on the rash, without rubbing, frequency of use is 4-5 times a day. To prevent infection of healthy skin areas, do not apply ointments with your hands. Treatment is effective in the early stages, at the stage of itching in the damaged area. The exact dosage of medications will be determined by the doctor.

When ulcers form, antiseptics are prescribed - Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Dexpanthenol. During healing, crusts form that cannot be peeled off or combed; they must be treated with low-fat moisturizers. It is forbidden to apply medications to healthy areas of the skin, as they may cause pigment discoloration. If herpes appears after lip tattooing, you can use traditional medicine to restore it, which will not affect the shade after the permanent makeup procedure:

  • olive oil;
  • decoctions of chamomile, string, calendula, lemon balm (at the rate of 1 tablespoon of dried herbs per 1 tablespoon of boiled water);
  • essential oils of orange, tea tree.

The treatment process continues until the rash disappears completely. To strengthen the immune system and prevent the reappearance of blisters after tattooing, immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed: Echinacea tincture, Groprinosin.

Rash symptoms

Infection on the skin does not appear immediately. You can determine that inflammation appears on the lips in the same way as it appears with colds.

After leaving the salon, you will not feel the occurrence of an infection, because at this moment the anesthetic that was used to treat the work area is still in effect.

The remaining symptoms appear in a certain order:

  1. A slight burning and itching appears on the epidermis. They are felt on the first day after the procedure. In a normal case, such a side effect should not be felt after tattooing, so such consequences are a sign of the presence of inflammation under the skin of the face.
  2. Redness appears. Typically, after tattooing, redness should appear on the face, but it is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the lips. If redness is a sign of herpes, it is located as red patches on the lips. In addition, the basic side effect is relieved with an ice compress, but the redness before the rash is not relieved by such means.
  3. Elevations appear on the skin in the area where there were red spots. If you press on this elevation, pain appears as the virus begins to develop.
  4. A transparent water bubble appears on a raised surface. At this point, herpes forms, which cannot be confused with anything. However, herpes usually occurs in several places, and not in one instance.

If you develop symptoms, start treatment immediately. To do this, you need to refer to the instructions that were issued in cosmetology, or immediately call the master who performed the service.

Treatment methods

When prevention before lip tattooing was not enough and herpes occurred, treatment is necessary. If the skin turns red, there is a burning sensation and itching, you need to start taking medications and perform certain care.

If a herpetic rash appears, it is recommended:

  • take antiviral drugs (Valtrex, Acyclovir);
  • use antiherpetic ointments, applying them to wounds (Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Valtrex, Panciclovir). For application, use a cotton swab;
  • Avoid dry lip skin; if a crust forms, apply low-fat moisturizers;
  • you can use antiviral essential oils - eucalyptus, fir (in the absence of allergies);
  • strengthen the immune system: drink echinacea tincture, immunomodulators, vitamins;
  • use disinfectants to treat wounds.

In case of rashes, it is better to consult a doctor to receive precise recommendations on the dosage of antiviral drugs. Careful attention to such manifestations will help to significantly reduce the damage caused to the skin and tattoo.

Lip treatment and care

After lip tattooing, damaged skin needs to be cared for to ensure faster healing. This helps eliminate the possibility of negative consequences.

If you have herpes on your lips, start treating it immediately with prescribed medications. But at the same time, we must not forget about skin regeneration; for this, an antiseptic and healing ointment are used.

The products can be combined so that the treatment and care of the lips ends positively and does not leave negative consequences on the girl’s health and the result of lip tattooing.

The effect of herpes on tattooing

Surely, you are interested in the question: is it possible to do permanent makeup and will the tattoo remain after herpes? If you know that there is a virus in your body and are planning to get a tattoo, then herpes will not be an obstacle. You just need to take preventive measures first. But more on that later. If a bubble forms after tattooing your lips or eyebrows, do not panic. Yes, the body, fighting the virus, will reject the pigment with all its might. Therefore, after the herpes crust comes off, there will be no pigment at the tattoo site. But everything can be corrected by correction. Important! To the question “is it possible to get a tattoo if you have herpes?” there is a clear answer. No! That is, if there is already a wound on the lips, tattooing should be postponed until it has completely healed. Lip tattooing cannot be done if you have herpes! Permanent makeup cannot be done during the inflammatory process for several reasons:

  • The device will damage the wound. Tattooing on an open wound is, to say the least, stupid. At most, dangerous;
  • You will feel pain;
  • Once damaged, the wound may bleed and then develop a rough scab.

In other cases, tattooing can and is even necessary to make yourself even more beautiful and feminine.

Preventive measures

Before tattooing your lips, you need to take care to prevent herpes and other side effects. For this, there are recommendations that cosmetologists usually say before tattooing:

  1. Be careful when choosing a salon and a professional. No one will advise you to do this, take care of it yourself. To do this, you need to read reviews on third-party sites on the Internet and look at photos - examples of previous work of a specialist.
  2. Before getting a tattoo, start taking pills for herpes. This will help the immune system resist the virus when it appears. You need to start doing this three days in advance.
  3. Boost your immunity levels in two weeks. This can be done by taking a course of vitamins, or by consuming plenty of natural vitamins - fruits, vegetables, grain products.
  4. If the tattoo is done in winter, after it you need to dress warmly outside to prevent hypothermia.
  5. It is not recommended to visit a bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool during the recovery period of the skin - a month.

Follow other specialist recommendations to prevent yourself from developing herpes.

How to prevent infection with herpes?

First of all, to avoid the appearance of herpes on the lips, you should carefully choose a salon and a specialist with the appropriate education.

The pigment for permanent makeup must be of high quality, and the instruments for the procedure must be thoroughly disinfected. Those women who save on tattooing are at risk.

The most effective way to protect yourself from infection is to take a course of antiviral drugs designed to suppress herpes.

For example this:

  1. Acyclovir , which blocks the DNA of the virus. This medicine has virtually no side effects and is not harmful to health, and also plays the role of a mild immunostimulant. For prevention, it is usually used for 3 days, 2 times a day. The active effect of the drug is 4 hours after administration.
  2. Penciclovir works longer – for 20 hours. It is recommended for those who are often bothered by the symptoms of herpes, and it can be used either orally or as an ointment. The approximate course is 5 days.
  3. Tromantadine , a close relative of acyclovir, is suitable for women if they encountered manifestations of the virus several years ago, but since then the disease has ceased to manifest itself.

All these drugs are taken several days before the procedure to prepare the body for a possible viral attack.

People with reduced immunity can create additional protection by taking immunomodulators or immunostimulants in advance.

It is better to talk with your doctor about the use of such products.

These measures will help to avoid the appearance of negative reactions of the body after lip tattooing.

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