How to treat palm hyperhidrosis: effective methods

Increased sweating of the palms is considered one of the most common forms of hyperhidrosis. For people with this disorder, the main problem is shaking hands and touching. In order to somehow cope with their sweaty palms, people need to constantly keep napkins and a handkerchief on hand. Doctors note that the significance of palmar hyperhidrosis is primarily social.

Sweaty palms are not the only complaint with hyperhydrolysis. Other complaints and symptoms of this disorder are:

  • Difficulty holding slippery objects. At the same time, patients also experience tubal problems when playing sports: exercising on uneven bars, playing bowling, etc.
  • Difficulty using writing instruments (especially ink)
  • The appearance of wet marks on the paper, which appear due to sweat.;
  • Various professional complaints;
  • Cyanotic coloration of palms;

People suffering from palmar hyperhidrosis often experience problems communicating with others. According to statistics, to perform the simplest operations, approximately 17 out of 100 patients have to wear gloves due to excessive sweating of the palms.

When is therapy required?

Excessive sweating of the palms leads to a lot of inconvenience in social, personal life and work, especially if professional activity involves frequent communication with people.
Severe symptoms of hyperhidrosis often become a limiting factor when choosing a profession, lead to the formation of complexes and force a person to gradually move away from public life. Medical intervention is necessary in cases where:

  • Difficulty holding slippery objects. Wet palms make it very difficult to play sports (exercises on parallel bars, with dumbbells/kettlebells, rowing, etc.), and interfere with playing bowling or billiards. When preparing food, knives and other kitchen utensils slip out of your hands.
  • Problems using an ink pen. Droplets of sweat drip onto the paper, leading to the formation of blots, streaks and yellow marks.
  • Difficulties in the social sphere, when making acquaintances. Increased hand sweating causes people to avoid handshakes, hugs, dancing and many other situations that involve tactile contact.
  • Problems in the intimate sphere. Cold, sweaty touches prevent you from achieving the desired sexual arousal and pleasure from intimacy. As a rule, hyperhidrosis interferes with both partners.
  • Cyanotic coloration of palms. Purple or red with a bluish tint to the skin looks sickly. This defect especially worries people who pay great attention to appearance.
  • Professional complaints. Treatment of hyperhidrosis is simply necessary from the point of view of work activity, because constantly wet palms interfere with working with a computer, delicate instruments, scientific equipment, electronics, etc.

Causes of excessive sweating of palms

The main prerequisites for the appearance of increased sweating in the palms include hereditary predisposition, hormonal disorders or infectious diseases, as well as features of the body’s constitution.

It is worth remembering that hyperhidrosis of the palms can be a consequence of any disturbances in the functioning of the body, for example, vegetative-vascular dystonia, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, various disorders of the nervous system, etc. The most difficult situation is for patients whose sweaty palms are a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. With this disorder, sweating occurs due to anxiety and stress, and in order to stop excessive sweating, the patient needs to calm down, but in modern realities this is almost impossible, because microstresses follow us everywhere.

Features of botulinum therapy

Botulinum therapy is a procedure for intradermal administration of a special drug (botulinum toxin type A) through injection. The therapeutic effect is to block the nerve fibers that transmit impulses to the sweat glands. Due to this, the transport of acetylcholine, the substance responsible for sweating, stops.

Injections are given on an outpatient basis. To inject the problem area, safe means are used: Botox or Dysport. The technique does not require hospitalization of the patient and does not cause him severe pain.

A positive result appears after 1-4 days. Its duration is 6-12 months, depending on individual characteristics. After this, the course can be repeated without negative consequences for the body. In addition, botulinum therapy excludes the effect of compensatory hyperhidrosis - increased sweating at injection sites.

Treatment of palm hyperhidrosis

Increased sweating of the hands (palms) is as common as increased sweating in the armpits.

This disease is called palmar hyperhidrosis. With this condition, the inside of the hand always remains wet and cold, and during stressful situations these symptoms only intensify.

Sometimes, in addition to excessive sweating, the palms can be very itchy, smell unpleasant, and often a rash appears on the skin. This pathological condition is completely safe for the patient’s life, but it is unpleasant in itself and causes severe psychological discomfort, especially in women.

The most common causes of excessive sweating of the hands include:

  • Hormonal disorders in the body;
  • Drug overdose;
  • Stressful situations;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • The body's reaction to various stimulants - exposure to high temperature, physical activity, etc.;
  • Increased number of sweat glands.

Perhaps some people perceive sweaty palms as a problem only from an aesthetic point of view. However, this disease needs treatment, and for this you need to contact a specialist who can offer the best ways to solve the problem.


Today, Botox and Dysport are widely used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis on the inside of the hand. In this case, these drugs turn out to be much more effective than in the fight against facial wrinkles.

The active substance that affects the muscle and nerve fibers located under the skin is botulinum toxin in low concentration. It is the main component of Botox and Dysport. Its main task is to block the nerve endings of the sweat glands, which leads to disruption of impulse transmission and temporary inhibition of the sweat glands. Accordingly, sweat production decreases.

Injections with these drugs can reduce sweating in the palms, keeping them dry. This effect lasts for 6-9 months. During this period, a person forgets about the constant moisture of the palms and the unpleasant odor. And after the drugs expire, you just need to repeat the procedure, which will prolong the effect.

Due to the fact that injections must be performed systematically, a completely logical question arises: does the patient get used to these procedures psychologically? Having forgotten about wet palms for six months, it is unlikely that anyone will want to return to their previous state, when sweat literally drips down in drops. Accordingly, patients decide to repeat the course of treatment with the neurotoxin. If, after the end of the drug’s effect, local hyperhidrosis of the palms is not treated with this method, then this will not affect the physiological state of the person in any way. The only thing is that the palms will sweat again and the patient will experience psychological discomfort from this.

Benefits of treating palm hyperhidrosis at the Miracle Doctor clinic

Our clinic employs a close-knit team of doctors who are true professionals in their field. These are high-level specialists with excellent training and extensive work experience. All our employees have certificates that allow them to provide cosmetology services, as well as non-injection and injection treatments. And this is a guarantee of quality and patient confidence!

Having completed the necessary training, specialists can work on complex medical equipment that is used to treat various diseases. Our doctors are constantly developing and improving their skills, gaining new knowledge by communicating with manufacturers of advanced equipment. They are also published in well-known medical publications, which find many admirers not only among professional specialists, but also among ordinary people.

We are proud that we employ graduates and certified employees. And the biggest reward for us is satisfied patients who trust us!

Carrying out the procedure

Injections of Disport (France) or Botox (USA) are performed in a sterile treatment room. First, the doctor does a Minor test (test for the intensity of sweating), which is necessary to select the optimal dosage of the substance. The pronounced effect appears after 2-3 days and reaches its peak after 2 weeks. Before the procedure, you should avoid applying deodorants and antiperspirants to the treatment area, and also avoid visiting the sauna and solarium for 7 days before the session.

Redness, soreness and swelling may occur at the treatment site. As a rule, such consequences of injections disappear on their own within 1-2 days. If they persist for longer, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment options

Today, excessive sweating of the palms is treated in two ways: conservative and surgical. The essence of the conservative method is the use of herbal baths and special powder. Doctors may also suggest more modern methods, for example, the use of medicated antiperspirants and Botox injections. The most rapid effect is achieved by a surgical method or sympathectomy. The patient's sympathetic nerves are cut. The operation lasts no more than half an hour.

The determination of the method of treatment should be entrusted to the doctor, but it is still worth trying the traditional method first.

Etiology of the disease. Causes of palm hyperhidrosis in women and men

Sweating takes part in body heat regulation. If it's hot, more sweat is produced, and if it's cold, less sweat is produced. At room temperature, the sweat glands produce about half a liter of sweat per day; in the hot season, a person sweats 5-10 times more. Failure of the regulation of this process leads to the fact that increased sweating is observed regardless of the temperature of the external environment and body. Pathological hyperhidrosis is a symptom of many diseases. Therefore, you should not be surprised if a deodorant against excessive sweating, even the most modern one, acts purely symptomatically, reducing sweating over a short period of time.

Less commonly, hyperhidrosis is primary (without an established cause), more often it is secondary (due to somatic diseases).

Before you think about how to treat hyperhidrosis of the feet, hands, head and other parts of the body, you need to find out its causes. The most typical:

  • endocrine pathologies - increased thyroid function, impaired insulin production (diabetes mellitus), menopause;
  • diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system - mainly neurocirculatory dystonia (formerly called vegetative-vascular dystonia), Parkinson's disease in the elderly, various types of polyneuropathies;
  • changes in the mental sphere. Especially often, the causes of hyperhidrosis of the palms in women and men can be various kinds of phobias - pathological fears: fear of a date, an exam, a new job;
  • infectious diseases - tuberculosis, septic damage to the body, AIDS, ascariasis;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system - hypertensive heart disease, IHD (coronary heart disease);
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • poisoning (mushrooms, alcohol, pesticides, phosphates).

It is necessary to understand why the sweat glands began to produce excess sweat, since there is no universal remedy for hyperhidrosis of the head, arms or legs.


The process of sweating is a normal protective reaction of the body. As soon as disruptions occur in the body, a person begins to sweat intensely. The reason why your fingers sweat may be one of the following factors:

  • constant stress and nervous tension;
  • renal failure;
  • malignant tumors;
  • bad heredity;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • infection;
  • cold;
  • lack of hygiene.

Sweaty fingers can also become severe with a slight increase in body temperature or any surge of adrenaline.

The smell of sweat: we can do without it

There is such a problem that it is not customary to discuss out loud, but it is customary to wrinkle your nose when entering public transport. This is when it comes to people you don’t know well. The same problem will upset any woman who notices dark stains around the armpits on her beloved’s snow-white shirt. And the problem will also make a man feel embarrassed when he takes off his shoes in a train compartment and understands from the faces of his fellow passengers that he urgently needs to put his shoes back on. Excessive sweating in men. From what? Why? How to fight?

The term for excessive sweating is hyperhidrosis. But this is a medical formulation. It concerns pathological conditions when a person sweats almost from head to toe or, regardless of the season, profusely and uncontrollably. Only a doctor can help here, since now there are hundreds of ways to combat hyperhidrosis - from drugs to microsurgical interventions. And these remedies are very, very effective. Again, a doctor will help you understand the difference between pathological or normal sweating. But this is for those who are very worried. But in everyday cases you need to understand each area separately. So:


For reference: sweating in the armpits is normal. If you exercise, drink hot liquids or eat spicy foods, your armpits will be the first to react. And the more intense the load or the greater the amount of pepper in food, the more sweat the glands secrete.

How to fight? Elementary. Don't sweat. Seriously. Dress according to the season, watch your diet. And use antiperspirants. A little trick: it’s better to apply antiperspirant after a shower before bed, so it will be more effective, and in the morning you can consolidate the result with another application. And the phrase “clean, dry armpits” is not a publicity stunt, but a hygienic necessity of the 21st century. This is a remark for those who believe that shaving their armpits is not a man’s business.

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