PSORIASIS: proven effective methods of traditional treatment, drug ASD-2 and ASD-3, Pegano method, Golyuk ointment, hirudotherapy

ASD fractions 2 and 3 are medicines that contain more than 10 different biologically active substances. It has a general strengthening effect on the body and activates metabolic processes, due to which it is used to treat various diseases - cancer, gastrointestinal diseases, infectious pathologies, etc. The ASD-2 fraction is also used for psoriasis. In their reviews, patients write that the product really helps: the first results appear in a few weeks.

The drugs ASD-2 and ASD-3 were synthesized by the Soviet scientist A.V. Dorogov in the late 1940s, which is why they are called “Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulants”

Use for psoriasis

In the presence of psoriatic disease, ASD can be used in a combined formulation, that is, by mixing two fractions. Ingestion of the stimulant ensures relief of the inflammatory process. Patients feel an improvement in their general condition and weakness disappears.

With the help of the drug, the functioning of important systems inside the body is normalized. Removal of toxins and waste occurs more efficiently and quickly. Fraction 3 of the drug is applied to the skin. This measure helps to prolong remission and improve the condition of the epidermis.

Psoriasis responds well to treatment with ASD; it does not have any undesirable manifestations. There is no need to stop taking it during pregnancy, as there is no risk to the health of the fetus. The therapeutic effect is achieved by stimulating internal processes in the body and strengthening the immune system.

  1. ASD (2nd fraction) - is a red liquid, in rare cases brown. It has a distinct, rare odor and easily dissolves in plain water. During treatment, it can be used internally or applied to the skin.
  2. ASD (3rd fraction) - in appearance it is an oily substance, slightly viscous, almost black in color. It cannot be combined evenly with water, but it is easily combined with oils or alcoholic liquids. The smell is no different from the version in 2 fractions. This drug cannot be used internally, only for external treatment. If ASD 3 accidentally enters the stomach, the patient requires lavage.

Patients should be wary of scammers who may distribute dangerous counterfeits. 1 fraction of the drug has not undergone high-quality selection and is not used in practice. However, there are known cases when this form was distributed on the Internet, which in principle cannot be true.

Initial experiments were carried out on animals, so the medicine is still used in veterinary medicine. The result was stunning; the skin regenerated perfectly after several days of using the ASD. This was followed by practical experiments with a group of people, each of whom suffered from a skin disease. Good results were also recorded there; none of the patients experienced undesirable consequences or complications.

Recommendations for the patient during treatment

To achieve the best results during therapy, you must avoid drinking alcohol and any drugs. In addition, the patient should adhere to proper nutrition. It is important to exclude spicy, fried, smoked, and too salty foods from the menu. It is also better to avoid exotic fruits, strong tea, coffee, sweet carbonated water, large amounts of honey, eggs, nuts, and chocolate.

ASD fraction 2 has a thickening effect on the blood. At the same time as using the product, experts recommend taking medications to dilute it. This will help avoid some complications from the heart and blood vessels.

The main rule for better and faster removal of toxins from the body during treatment is to drink a sufficient amount of purified natural water. The liquid helps remove harmful substances, maintains the overall well-being of a person and improves the condition of the skin with psoriasis.

ASD 2 should only be purchased at licensed outlets. At the same time, do not hesitate to demand quality certificates for medicines.


To achieve a good result, it is best to use 2 fractions in treatment, this will allow you to quickly overcome the problem. Each option has its own regimens and dosages.

  1. For internal use, take 2nd fraction of ASD. For consumption, take 80 grams of cold water or black tea without flavoring. 30 drops of the drug are poured into them, which are gently stirred into the liquid. It is best to choose the exact dosage depending on the patient’s body weight. In some cases, it is possible to increase it; usually the adjustment occurs after the first course. The initial dose is taken on an empty stomach, the remaining 2 times the medicine is taken an hour before meals.
  2. The third fraction is applied as an external agent; it is prohibited to use it internally. In the attached instructions there is a table with the proportion, according to which the ASD is mixed with sunflower oil. It is important that the herbal product is of high quality and not cheap. The prepared compress is applied to the affected area for about 3 hours. After this, carefully remove the fabric and blot the skin with a damp cloth. Cleaning agents should not be used for this purpose.

Golyuk method

At the first stage of treatment, 2 times a day for 30 days, you need to apply ointment No. 1 to the skin (in areas of rashes). It should be rubbed in and left for 20-30 minutes (can be wrapped in cling film and fixed). and then wash off with baby soap.

After 10 days, start taking a pharmacy tincture of Aralia Manchurian (15 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals until the end of the first stage).

Second stage: ointment No. 1 must be replaced with ointment No. 2, rubbing it into the skin 2 times a day. At the same time, take pharmaceutical extract of Eleutherococcus: 0.5 teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment at the second stage is 30 days. If necessary, after a two-week break, you can go through both stages of treatment again, but, as a rule, improvement occurs after 2 months, that is, after completing two stages.


  • Ointment No. 1 : 1 teaspoon of fresh egg white (lightly beaten), 1 teaspoon of flower honey, 0.5 teaspoon of baby cream. 90 g of medical solid oil. Mix the components until smooth.
  • Ointment No. 2 is prepared in the same way, only celandine powder (0.5 teaspoon) is added to it. Both ointments must be stored in the refrigerator.

Treatment should begin during the period of exacerbation of psoriasis. Spicy, fatty, sweet foods, as well as eggs should be excluded from the diet. You can't drink alcohol.

The method of treating psoriasis, proposed in the 1970s by healer Mikhail Vasilyevich Golyuk , is based on eliminating the skin symptoms of the disease while stabilizing the emotional state with the help of herbal adaptogens.

The basis of Golyuk ointments is solid oil .

Medical grease consists of water, soap and alkali. Ointments based on it are widely used in modern medicine to treat various skin diseases, primarily psoriasis.

It has been scientifically proven that solid oil reduces flaking of the skin, promotes its rapid regeneration, relieves itching and inflammation.

The therapeutic effect is enhanced by adding honey to the ointment, which contains about 300 different substances: B vitamins protect the skin from harmful effects, moisturize it, nourish it, promote the formation of new cells, relieve inflammation, vitamin C stimulates collagen production, polyphenols normalize redox processes in the skin, pollen, which contains plant hormones, helps reduce inflammation and pain and tissue regeneration.

Egg white acts as a peeling - eliminates peeling, effectively removes scales characteristic of psoriasis, nourishes the skin, tones it, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, promotes cell regeneration, healing of damage, and relieving inflammation. All this is thanks to the proteins it contains (ovotransferrin has antibacterial properties and enhances the effect of lysozyme), vitamins A, group B, and fatty acids.

Chitotel on the skin - this herb increases the anti-inflammatory and healing effect of grease-based ointment tenfold.

Question to the doctor

You may be allergic to honey and celandine. In this case, it is recommended to select other additives. For example, instead of honey you can use sea buckthorn oil, and instead of celandine - calendula or chamomile flowers. As for grease, it usually does not cause allergic reactions.

Herbal adaptogens are widely used in the treatment of psoriasis, including Manchurian aralia tincture and Eleutherococcus extract . Thus, Manchurian aralia root extract has an anti-stress and general tonic effect. Triterpene saponins provide healing properties. Tincture of Aralia Manchurian helps with depression, loss of strength, improves mood, and gives a boost of vigor. The therapeutic effect is provided by the lignans contained in the plant.

Contraindications to taking Manchurian aralia tincture and Eleutherococcus extract are heart disease, liver disease, hypertension, epilepsy, acute infectious diseases, and mental disorders.

Reception scheme

ASD cannot be used constantly; even the safe composition does not allow for endless use. The body must rest from any therapeutic tactics so that the body does not become accustomed to the drug. Otherwise, there may be a lack of response to the therapy in the future.

  • Internal reception lasts 5 days, this is enough for the first course. After this, the patient rests for 3 days and resumes treatment. In the future, the tactics are repeated; if there are no errors in calculating the dosage, no side effects will arise. If this fraction is applied externally, it will have to be mixed with water at room temperature. Usually the material is applied to the diseased area like a lotion. The ratio of medication to water should be 1 to 20; this is sufficient to ensure safe application to plaques.
  • The duration of treatment with fraction 3 depends on the severity of the disease. Daily examination of the skin is required to rule out an allergic reaction. Therapy can be continued until the psoriasis plaques completely disappear. The number of procedures should be determined by a dermatologist; several compresses can be made per day.


In some situations with psoriasis, ASD 2 cannot be used. Mostly contraindications relate to internal use. These include:

  • diseases of the central nervous system (Alzheimer's, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and others);
  • severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • child's age up to 6 years;
  • high blood pressure of various etiologies;
  • acute kidney and liver diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

When treating psoriasis with ASD fraction 2, you must strictly follow the instructions for use.

Contraindications of the drug are related to its ability to stimulate the central nervous system. Self-medication can be extremely dangerous and cause serious harm to the body.


A useful drug requires strict compliance when taken. Patients are required to follow certain rules to avoid unpleasant consequences such as diarrhea or lack of results.

  1. ASD is best diluted in strong tea; sometimes this can be done in plain water, but only warm. When treating children, the medicine is added to milk.
  2. Before taking the medicine, you should not eat anything. It is best to start eating after about an hour has passed since drinking liquid. Provided that several doses are required, the drug is drunk 2 hours after meals.
  3. It is noted that ASD affects the quality of blood, it becomes thicker. For this reason, the patient needs to drink as much fluid as possible. For this purpose, you can consume sour juices, and not just plain water. It is also permissible to drink a quarter of an aspirin tablet once a day.
  4. During the course of treatment, it is necessary to forget about alcoholic beverages. Moreover, such drinks are contraindicated for patients with psoriasis.
  5. The bottle is stored in a dark place, the temperature should be cool. If the medicine is put in the refrigerator, that is, it should be wrapped in foil.
  6. There is no need to completely open the bottle; in order to get the medicine, you just need to remove part of the foil. Liquid is drawn from the bottle using a syringe, which is inserted into a rubberized cap. This will prevent the strong odor from spreading.

When using ASD externally, the patient should moisten a soft swab in the prepared solution. When applying the mixture to the problem area, you need to make careful movements, slightly pressing the cotton wool against the skin.

On the 3rd day after use, the patient experienced the first positive manifestations. An exception may be patients with an individual reaction who will notice irritation on the body. In this case, you will have to stop the treatment tactics and consult a dermatologist.

History of the creation of ASD

Back in 1943, all laboratories were given an order to develop a drug that could protect people and animals from the effects of radiation. At the same time, the medicine should be accessible and inexpensive. After 4 years, Dorogov and his team were able to give an answer; they fulfilled the government’s order.

Initially, when creating the drug, frogs were used as raw materials, after which they were replaced with meat and bone meal. This did not affect the quality of the final result, but made it possible to make the preparation of the stimulant more accessible.

Before the healing liquid was produced in 2 fractions, the treatment of psoriatic disease was not successful. When doctors were given a medicine to conduct experiments, they literally caught fire with the idea of ​​a breakthrough in the field of dermatology.

At that time, a group of volunteers was created who participated in scientific research. If you dilute ASD with water, then it could be used not only externally, but also internally. Working with animals also gave excellent results, recovery occurred, and no side effects were found. At the same time, to enhance the effect, other drugs were added to the treatment tactics. Even the main skeptics could not resist such results.

Dorogov himself spent his entire life working to improve the drug, but it was never recognized for treating people. For this reason, the beneficial liquid is classified as a traditional medicine.



“...We are accepting applications for medicinal leeches...”, when the doctor puts leeches on me, he always hums this song, which makes me incredibly happy. But seriously, I haven’t tried anything to treat psoriasis for 15 years. Four years ago I settled on leeches. The first time I took the course was during an exacerbation of psoriasis - it helped me a lot, the disease did not make itself felt for a year. During the next exacerbation, it was not possible to apply leeches - I was on a business trip, however, when I arrived, I went to see my doctor. The rash still remained, so I treated it. And again regression for the whole year! I advise everyone who can to try leech treatment.”

Hirudotherapy is one of the alternative methods of treating psoriasis. As a rule, 2 courses are prescribed per year, their duration and the number of leeches per procedure are determined by the doctor. It is recommended to use hirudotherapy for acute and stationary psoriasis. Positive changes are observed in all patients.

The maximum clinical effect is observed after 6-7 procedures.

It is known that the secretion of the salivary glands of the leech has anti-inflammatory, defibrosating, analgesic and bacteriostatic effects. During the procedure, about 100 biologically active compounds enter the human blood, each of which has a therapeutic effect on psoriasis. Thus, hirudin improves blood microcirculation, and hyaluronidase and collagenase promote skin regeneration.

Contraindications to hirudotherapy are pregnancy, hypotension, hemophilia, anemia, acute infectious diseases, and oncology.

Expert opinion on the use of ASD for psoriasis

It is noted that the medical community does not have a very good attitude towards such treatment regimens. ASD is considered an unconventional method, which is why the faction does not have many supporters. However, there are dermatologists who consider the use of this drug for psoriasis acceptable. The only nuance is to notify the attending physician about such adjustments in the treatment regimen.

When taking ASD, the patient is obliged to visit the doctor and tell him about his health. Also, the dosage and treatment time are reported to the dermatologist for possible adjustment. This usually happens if the patient has been diagnosed with an allergy.

During the experiments, no negative dynamics or development of complications were found. After the first course, almost all patients note positive dynamics. According to doctors, this may be due to active stimulation of metabolism.

Psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a disease characterized by a chronic progressive course, affecting, in addition to joints, skin, nails, and less often internal organs. Most often it occurs in young and middle-aged people, physically strong, who have been subjected to nervous strain or severe shock.

Psoriatic arthritis


The information on the site does not constitute a medical diagnosis or a guide to action and
is intended for informational purposes only.


You can leave your feedback on the use of ASD for psoriasis in the comments to the article, they will be useful to our other readers!


I have been suffering from psoriasis for a long time; ASD was recommended by a friend. She herself took the whole course according to the scheme, and lived quietly for 3 months without illness. Then, however, the sore appeared again, but the plaques were smaller and not as pronounced. I think that just one course is not enough; the drug should be used for a longer period. I just bought it and plan to drink it, the smell is terrible, but I hope for results.


I always take ASD as a preventive measure, it helps me. You can find information that once, when studying the composition, the drug was on the list for treating people. When Dorogov died, for some reason he was removed from there. Most likely, because there were few followers of the physician, and no one planned to study him further. From my own experience, I can say that psoriasis can be relieved with the help of ASD.

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