Pimple under the eye: 5 reasons and how to quickly remove it, sign and which organ is responsible

White spots under the eyes, and sometimes on the upper eyelids and other areas of the face, are called milia. Their popular name is millet, due to their external resemblance to millet grains. To the touch, these are dense small formations, small bumps, not painful, but causing aesthetic discomfort. Why do they occur and how can they be removed?

The distribution area of ​​milia is the area under the lower eyelid, but they can also appear around the nose, on the upper eyelids, under the lower lip. They do not change in size, but they do not go away naturally, even if you try to squeeze them out. White spots under the eyes, similar to pimples, are small subcutaneous formations of white or yellowish color, filled with layered keratin accumulations (keratinized epithelial cells). Their size varies from 0.5 to 2-3 mm, and the points are located in small groups or in the form of separate elements, but never merge with each other. Of course, you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible, but you need to do this not on your own, but by turning to the services of specialists. Let's talk about the reasons for the formation of milia and methods of removal.

Why do pimples appear under the eyes?

The reasons causing their appearance may be different:

  • insufficient or incorrectly selected skin care;
  • prolonged exposure to adverse weather conditions, dust and dirt;
  • unhealthy diet: a lot of spicy and sweet foods in the diet;
  • impaired functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands;
  • increased work of the sebaceous glands;
  • decreased immunity, vitamin deficiency.

Photo 1: Pimples under the eyes are also signs of the onset of various diseases. Rashes under the eyes can look different: vary in color and nature of manifestation. Source: flickr (Serg Zolotarev).


To prevent the formation of wen on the face under the eyes, you should properly care for your skin.



  • Maintain hygiene at all times. To cleanse the skin, it is better to use products without fragrances and other synthetic components.
  • Use only high-quality cosmetic products. If the patient has oily skin, you should avoid products that contain a large amount of oils. In this case, it is better to give preference to products with a gel structure that moisturize the skin well and prevent it from drying out.
  • Do peelings regularly. They allow you to thoroughly clean the surface of the skin in the eye area without damaging it. It is better to take peeling courses in specialized clinics and centers
  • Adjust your diet. If you are prone to acne and other formations on the skin, it is advisable to avoid or minimize the consumption of fatty foods, fried foods, flour products and sweets
  • Avoid intense tanning (outdoors and in solariums). At the same time, it is very important to regularly be in the fresh air. You can protect your skin with special products, glasses and hats with visors and brims.

Varieties: red, white and purulent pimples

This is interesting! Just by the appearance of pimples, you can determine what caused them to appear.

White pimples

White pimples are painless and are pores clogged with sebum . They are popularly called millet, the scientific name is milium.

The appearance of millet is a reaction to high cholesterol. Getting rid of milia is possible by normalizing the diet, cleansing the skin , selecting skincare products, and sometimes consulting a doctor is required.

Red pimples

Red pimples indicate inflammation occurring in skin cells . They are formed as a result of blockage of the sebaceous gland duct and the penetration of infection into the place where the secretion accumulates, microorganisms begin to develop there, the process is accompanied by pain and redness, sometimes suppuration . You should not squeeze or heat such pimples, as this can lead to increased symptoms and complications. Also, small red pimples under the eyes are the result of allergies to food or cosmetics. Their appearance is accompanied by lacrimation and itching .

Purulent acne

Purulent pimples under the eyes can be the result of the development of an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the eyes , such as chalazion or stye. They appear on the eyelids, but sometimes also affect the area under the eyes.

Purulent rashes under the eyes that are watery or vesicular in nature may be symptoms of demodicosis.

Symptoms of internal stye

Inflammation in this disease occurs in the thickness of the eyelid or on its inner surface. Manifestations of internal stye are pain and swelling of the inner eyelid, the patient feels discomfort and the presence of a foreign body in the eye. The purulent contents of barley are formed 2-3 days from the beginning of the inflammation process, it is localized closer to the conjunctiva and can become visible when the eyelid is everted. As a rule, by the 4th day, the internal stye opens spontaneously and empties into the conjunctival sac of the eye.

Acne as a symptom of the disease


It occurs as a result of inflammation of the hair follicle; it is also caused by infectious diseases , staphylococcus, and diabetes mellitus. This is a dense formation on or under the upper or lower eyelid of the eye, first red and then yellowish. Styes cause severe pain, swelling, and redness of the eyelid .

Photo 2: You cannot squeeze out the stye yourself, as the infection, spreading through the blood vessels and entering the brain, can cause meningitis or sepsis. Sometimes it goes away on its own, but if it occurs chronically, it requires consultation with an ophthalmologist. Source: flickr (Net-Bolezniam.Ru).


This is an inflammation of the sebaceous gland of the eyelid. In this case, a nodule appears under the skin, it grows slowly, reaching 5-7 mm in diameter, causing lacrimation and itching, pressure on the cornea of ​​the eye, which leads to astigmatism . It can develop from untreated barley. Chalazion is dangerous because it can degenerate into a cyst, which in special cases requires surgical removal. In this case , swelling, redness, swelling of the eyelid, increased temperature and severe pain in the orbit, radiating to the head, .


Caused by iron mite, it looks like reddish vesicular formations with liquid inside . The causative agent of the disease lives in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles and may not manifest itself in any way during normal times. Symptoms develop when the functioning of the digestive, endocrine, and nervous systems is disrupted ; manifestations may also be seasonal.


A yellowish dense formation under the eye or in the area of ​​the upper eyelid, flat , gradually increasing in size. Such formations can be numerous, and their cause is a violation of the liver, high cholesterol in the blood.

Note! Sometimes pimples under the eyes are a symptom of gallstone disease.

For what types of rashes can Azelik® be used?

If a pimple forms on your eyelid, you should consult a doctor. In order to prescribe the correct treatment, he must first understand the causes of the rash, as well as make a correct diagnosis.

Azelik® – 15% azelaic acid gel. It can be used for mild to moderate acne5. The drug has the following properties5:

  • helps reduce the level of free fatty acids on the skin;
  • helps normalize keratinization processes;
  • exhibits antimicrobial activity against propionibacteria and Staphylococcus epidermidis;
  • helps reduce inflammation by suppressing the metabolism of neutrophils, reducing their production of free radical forms of oxygen.

The base also contains an auxiliary component - the emollient squalane. It helps soften and moisturize the skin7.2. Azelik® should be used twice daily5. First you need to wash your face and wipe your skin dry. 2.5 cm of gel is enough to treat the entire face5.

Diagnosis and treatment

If acne appears under the eyes, you need to visit doctors : an ophthalmologist, a dermatologist and a surgeon to accurately diagnose the cause and select the appropriate treatment. During diagnosis , visual acuity, fundus, intraocular pressure, eye tissue are examined, and a biopsy is performed with histological examination.

Homeopathic remedies

The advantage of homeopathy in the treatment of diseases associated with acne is that it not only eliminates the symptom, but also deals a blow to the cause that caused its appearance, increases immunity and activates the body's defenses to eliminate the problem. Homeopathic remedies are harmless, do not cause addiction or side effects .

Composite products produced by pharmaceutical companies are popular along with classical drugs. And if the latter are usually prescribed by homeopathic doctors, then complex preparations can be bought in regular pharmacies .

  • Traumeel S
For the treatment of acne.
  • Euphorbium compositum
To enhance immunity and treat various types of inflammation.
  • Psorinohel N
It has an anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect, and stimulates the immune system.
  • Potassium carbonicum (Kali karbonicum),
  • Kalium chloratum.
  • Sulfur
For red blistering and nodular formations, in cases where conventional antimicrobial treatment is ineffective.
  • Belladonna
With excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Silicea
In severe forms of the disease with a tendency to form scars.

Allergic eye diseases in children


Due to their anatomical location, eyes are considered the most vulnerable organs to the environment - sunlight, wind and dust. And the organs of vision are open to exposure to a wide variety of allergens that may be present in air masses.

It is worth noting that allergic reactions are three times more common in males than in females. are especially predisposed to developing eye allergies than children living in villages and towns.

Popular allergens and heredity

A factor such as heredity also plays a big role. If the father or mother has an allergy , then the probability of the child developing the same disease is more than 25%, and if both parents, then already 50%.

The list of the most popular allergens includes:

  • mold;
  • dust;
  • pollen;
  • dander and animal hair;
  • household chemicals;
  • down and feathers;
  • cosmetics and medicines;
  • perfumery.

Eye allergies can also be caused by medications. eye , contact lenses, solutions for their care, and moisturizers to relieve eye may not be suitable .

Causes and types of eye allergies

Allergic eye can also occur from products that contain certain conservative substances and chemical additives.

There are a huge number of varieties of allergic eye , depending on the nature of the manifestation and the location of the lesion.

Allergy symptoms are:

  1. redness of the eyes ;
  2. lacrimation;
  3. swelling of the upper and lower eyelids;
  4. the appearance of allergic conjunctivitis ;
  5. seasonal occurrence of conjunctivitis.

There are several types of conjunctivitis:

  1. hay fever is a predominantly seasonal disease that is caused by pollen during the period of active flowering. The disease is accompanied by frequent sneezing, attacks of suffocation and persistent runny nose ;
  2. Allergic conjunctivitis can manifest itself both in an acute form and in a protracted form that develops into a chronic one. It can appear due to the consumption of a number of products and from chemical elements contained in household products. Allergic reactions most often occur from 1 year to 7 years. A characteristic sign of this disease are periods of exacerbation in the spring, during the flowering process.

Vernal keratoconjunctivitis lasts for several years and may continue until puberty or stop earlier. Exacerbations alternate with states of remission.

Recommendations for parents for seasonal allergies in children

If your child begins to actively show symptoms of eye allergies, you should:

  1. try to reduce external exposure. That is, if you are allergic to drops or other medicine, you need to stop using them;
  2. provide air conditioning;
  3. It is better to keep the windows in the house or car closed to prevent air containing allergens , if there is a reaction to pollen or flowering;
  4. When returning from the street, always make sure that the child washes himself, rinses his hands and puts on other clothes in order to cut off contact with allergens .

If the allergy is year-round and does not depend on natural factors, but, for example, is provoked by household chemicals or the presence of animals in the house, you should:

  1. exclude all contact with animals to which you are allergic ;
  2. replace household chemicals with hypoallergenic ones to eliminate symptoms;
  3. Ventilate the child’s room more often so that the concentrated smell of powders and conditioners disappears more quickly;
  4. It is important for parents to warn their child not to touch or scratch his eyes .

Itching can be relieved with a cold compress.

treat eye diseases on your own . a doctor for help and strictly follow the doctor's .

Published in Allergology Premium Clinic

Advantages of contacting MEDSI:

  • Highly qualified doctors
    . Our ophthalmologists have the necessary knowledge and skills to diagnose various skin tumors in the eye area and remove them
  • Comprehensive high-tech diagnostics
    . Our Ophthalmology Center conducts modern hardware examinations
  • Application for diagnostics of the latest equipment
    . Expert-level installations can significantly increase the speed of examinations and their accuracy
  • Modern methods
    . Thanks to them, removal of wen under the eyes is carried out quickly and painlessly for the patient, without complications and with a short rehabilitation period
  • Comfort of visiting the Ophthalmology Center
    . We made sure there were no queues. You won't have to wait long for an appointment

To find out the cost of removing wen or to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist, just call +7 (495) 7-800-500. Our specialist will answer all questions. Recording is also possible through the SmartMed application.

Which doctor should I contact if nothing helps?

If you cannot cope with acne on your own, you need to contact a medical facility. To begin with, it is better to visit a dermatologist or dermatovenerologist. The specialist will prescribe a variety of examinations that will help to accurately determine the cause of the rash, and will also tell you how to treat it.

If nothing helps, in the future the patient is recommended to visit an endocrinologist, therapist, or oncologist.

In particularly severe cases, you may need the help of a surgeon to remove the rash (like a boil).

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