How to speed up the ripening of a pimple* and can it be done?

Accelerating the process of maturation of an inflamed pimple is not such a difficult task. To solve it, warming and anti-inflammatory medications are used to accelerate blood flow in the area of ​​the epidermis that has been affected by acne. As a result of this, all processes inside the pimple are accelerated and maturation occurs 2-3 times faster than it would be naturally. Accelerating the metabolism inside the inflamed acne is necessary so that the cycle of the formation of the pimple stem and its disintegration occurs as quickly as possible. In this case, there is no need to squeeze out acne or use strong antibacterial ointments to remove them. In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, you can also use traditional medicine in the form of warming compresses.

Types of problematic skin rashes

Acne is a single or multiple rash caused by inflammatory processes in the sebaceous glands of the skin.

The process of active appearance and maturation of acne is often observed in adolescents. Sometimes even one pimple on the face can make you feel a lot of discomfort. Puberty also entails some problems, but more often it is young people who wonder how to get rid of rashes. Due to the acceleration of the production of the androgen hormone, the formation of subcutaneous fat is stimulated. It does not leave the body completely and clogs the pores. As a result, acne appeared. They can be divided into the following types:

  • Comedones. There are open and closed. The first are blackheads that appear when external dirt and dust interact with sebum, turning it black. The second are small white pimples.
  • Internal pimples are inflamed red bumps. They grow slowly and can be painful.
  • Papules are comedones infected with bacteria. In appearance, these are red, inflamed acne, similar to subcutaneous balls or nodes. Due to the accumulation of pus, which has ruptured the lower layer of the epithelium, swelling appears. Deep papules are red or bluish in color and are painful to the touch.
  • Pustules. They are large infected acne with a purulent accumulation, the color ranges from white and yellow to bluish, depending on the infection and stage. Unauthorized squeezing of an immature pimple will lead to serious negative consequences.

Subcutaneous acne: causes and symptoms

The causes of subcutaneous rashes may be as follows29,50,41:

  • Endocrine disorders. The work of the sebaceous glands is influenced by androgens. When testosterone levels rise, they produce more sebum, which can lead to breakouts.
  • Heredity. It has been proven that if parents have suffered from acne, there is a high probability that the child will also show symptoms of the disease. In addition, there is genetically determined hyperandrogenism, which causes an increased level of sebum production and affects the processes of keratinization.
  • Skin injury. Any mechanical impact on the skin can lead to the formation of rashes. We are talking not only about squeezing out acne, but also about frequent and prolonged rubbing of clothing straps, the habit of resting your chin with your hand, etc.
  • Nutritional factors. The role of nutrition in the formation of rashes is still controversial. But there is still an opinion that for acne it is better to exclude milk, fatty meats, desserts, spicy and hot dishes. It is better to stick to a low glycemic index diet.
  • Use of cosmetics with comedogenic components. The comedogenicity of individual ingredients in a cosmetic product is highly individual. So, in one person it can provoke acne, but in another it may not cause any negative reaction.
  • Taking medications. Glucocorticoids, anabolic steroids, anti-epileptic drugs, even some vitamins can cause rashes.

Another factor influencing the formation of acne is hygiene. By itself, it does not cause acne, but it can help create favorable conditions for bacteria to multiply, increase sebum production, and clog pores. Moreover, this applies to both insufficiently frequent cleansing of the skin and frequent washing.

You need to understand that subcutaneous acne needs treatment. It must be pathogenetic, that is, affecting the links of pathogenesis. Clindovit® gel is active against propionibacteria, which cause acne, and also reduces the level of free fatty acids on the skin surface.6

To effectively combat acne, it is necessary to find out the causes that caused the disease and begin treatment on time.

Signs and speed of maturation

The cause and treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.
If the problem of rashes is regular, there are many of them, the acne is painful and inflamed, you should seek help from a professional. In the case when the acne is shallow, does not hurt, and the pimple is mature and small, you can squeeze it out at home. When a pimple is just ripening, it is worth having the procedure done by a cosmetologist. If this is not possible, then it needs to pass, processing is carried out until it is ripe. A ripe pimple has practically broken through the upper layer of the epithelium and sticks out with a white head. Redness and swelling disappear, there is no pain. On average, the ripening process lasts one to two weeks; an internal pimple takes longer to mature.

Home Remedies

Home remedies can also help speed up the maturation of acne, among which you can find the most affordable option for yourself.

Two simple recipes that can be used for immature acne:

  • With salt
    . It is effective for drawing out pus, but it is better to choose sea salt as it has a rich mineral composition. So, 1 tsp. The salts must be diluted with cold water to obtain a mass of homogeneous consistency. Apply it to the pimple with massage movements and remove after 5-7 minutes.
  • With aspirin
    . Grind the tablet to a powder in a mortar, dilute with water, apply to the pimple with massage movements and remove after drying.

Gentle products that, if desired, can be applied not only to the affected areas, but also to the entire face:

  • With oat flakes
    . Combine flakes in equal quantities with your favorite vegetable oil, mix and apply to the pimple. Remove after 30 minutes using a cotton pad soaked in clean warm water.
  • With badyaga
    . You need to buy badyagu in powder form at the pharmacy. Dilute it with clean water, apply an even layer to the face and remove after 10 minutes. After the procedure, it is advisable to treat the skin with a moisturizer.
  • With honey and yolk
    . In a bowl, combine 1 egg yolk with 0.5 tsp. honey, pour in 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Mix and apply to cleansed skin, wash after 20 minutes. This mask is especially effective in destroying harmful microorganisms.

To prepare it, mix the following components in a glass jar:

  • 1 tbsp. l. salicylic alcohol;
  • 1 tbsp. l. propolis tinctures;
  • Metronidazole or Trichopolum tablet, crushed in a mortar to a powder.

After combining the components, close the lid of the jar and shake it thoroughly. The resulting product is used to treat pimples at night, but it cannot be used on the entire face, otherwise the skin can dry out.

The following lotions can be applied to unripe pimples:

  • With aloe
    . An aloe leaf is cut off, applied to the pimple and secured with a band-aid. The longer you keep this lotion, the greater the effect you can achieve.
  • With potatoes
    . Peeled medium-sized potatoes are grated on a fine grater. Next, the cool paste is applied to gauze, applied to the affected area and strengthened with an adhesive plaster. Removes after 2-3 hours.
  • With chamomile infusion
    . Pour 1-2 tbsp of boiling water over a glass. l. chamomile, leave for several hours and strain. Moisten a handkerchief or gauze generously in the liquid and apply to the inflamed area for several hours.

What should I do to speed up the process?

When pimples have already appeared and are in no hurry to come out, you should force their formation and then get rid of them mechanically. Or wait until they leave the infected skin areas on their own. There are many methods to speed up the maturation of pimples: medical, cosmetic and folk. You need to choose the appropriate method that will be most effective.

Pharmacy drugs

  • Salicylic acid. It is used for spot treatment of inflamed areas. The procedure must be carried out carefully so as not to burn the skin.
  • Cream "Boro Plus". Before using the pharmaceutical product, you should read the instructions.
  • Zinc ointment. An antiseptic that should be applied to pimples that are ripening. Do this 2-3 times a day. It is also recommended to apply a compress to an unripe pimple at night while it matures.
  • "Dimexide". Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:3. After soaking a cotton swab in the solution, carefully cauterize the problem areas. This will help speed up the process if acne is just getting started.
  • Prednisol ointment. A hormonal medicine that resolves pus.
  • Synthomycin liniment. An antiseptic that will help the pimple ripen quickly. Apply regularly to the inflamed area.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Has a disinfecting effect. It should be applied exclusively point-by-point, using a cotton swab to protect the skin from chemical damage.
  • Vishnevsky ointment. It is highly effective for treating acne.
  • "Levomekol". A drug that has an antibacterial effect.

Cosmetical tools

  • Tea tree maso and other folk remedies will help you ripen faster.
    Washing gels, tonics, lotions based on salicylic acid. Regular use of these cosmetic products will dry out pimples.

  • Tea tree oil. This is a natural antiseptic that can be used to treat unripe pimples.
  • Masks. Mixtures of white clay and oils are used: rosemary, eucalyptus, wheat germ.
  • Birch tar. Promotes rapid resorption if the pimple is maturing.

Folk recipes

Grandmothers knew how to make acne disappear. There are some recipes:

  • Sea salt for drying skin. Combine with a drop of water and spread over the pimple that is popping up.
  • Masks made from grated raw potatoes.
  • Lotions with aloe pulp. Effective against immature pimples.
  • Rubbing the face with parsley juice and frozen chamomile infusion.
  • A mask of onions, lightly burnt in a frying pan.
  • Honey based ointments. Mix one egg yolk with a tablespoon of olive oil. Add one or two tbsp. l. honey Apply the prepared mixture to the inflamed pimple.

To prevent reappearance when a huge pimple has matured and burst, you need to get rid of the pus and apply it to the wound. Mature rashes disappear quickly.

Types of pharmaceutical drugs

To treat skin from acne, pharmacists are inventing more and more new and high-quality products; we will talk about the most famous ones below:

The easiest way to speed up ripening is with the help of numerous products that are freely sold in any pharmacy.

  • salicylic acid, aimed at cauterizing acne;
  • salicylic-zinc ointment, which has a drying and disinfecting effect;
  • prednisolone ointment has the ability to resolve acne;
  • tetracycline and erythromycin ointments;
  • "Dimexide", which relieves inflammation;
  • cream-ointment “Boro Plus”, consisting of herbal extracts and mixtures;
  • “Aspirin” (tablets) for preparing aspirin masks.

If, when using these remedies (and they can be used in combination with each other), the pimple does not mature, then, most likely, the cause of its occurrence lies inside the body, namely in the state of the digestive and gastrointestinal tract organs. It is worth remembering that an abscess can mature without any treatment; the main thing is to understand what influenced its formation.

An important factor in the treatment of this delicate problem is the patient’s lack of awareness of what is not recommended to be used to effectively eliminate them.

Preventive methods

What to do with acne that is just growing and how to remove it is to give it time to mature and properly care for it, because premature removal contributes to the spread of infection. At the stage when it is maturing, it is better to go to a cosmetologist to quickly remove the pimple and understand how to help your face stay clean. Preventing a problem is easier than fixing it. It is important to follow the following principles on what to do to make acne disappear forever:

  • Cleansing. Regular washing will not only invigorate or remove makeup, but also keep your skin clean.
  • Proper nutrition. This point is one of the most important in life. What we eat affects our body.
  • Correct selection of decorative and skincare cosmetics. When choosing and purchasing, you should always pay attention to whether the product is suitable for your skin type, composition and expiration date.
  • Sport.

An immature pimple causes discomfort, but there is no need to try to squeeze it out. After adolescence, skin problems disappear, although sometimes even more careful care is required. The main thing is to understand that the problem is solvable, and then you will be able to cope with it more quickly. Modern pharmacology and cosmetology products, as well as traditional medicine, will help you cope with the task.

Why shouldn't you squeeze pimples*?

It is necessary that the contents of the inflammatory pimple* come out naturally. It is not recommended to attempt to eliminate the rash by squeezing it. This is fraught with the following complications:

  • introduction of secondary infection;
  • spread of inflammation;
  • skin injury;
  • worsening rashes.

To accelerate the maturation of acne, folk remedies and medications are used. The main mistake is that patients often rely on advice from the Internet, rather than on the prescriptions of their doctor.

How and what to do to make a pimple ripen faster?

In order for the pimple to mature, it is necessary to perform simple therapeutic actions as quickly as possible and follow the instructions for the medications used. These manipulations are carried out at home, or on an outpatient basis through periodic visits to a medical facility for treatment of acne by a dermatologist and parallel observation of the dynamics of the development of the clinical picture. Let us consider in more detail all the methods of accelerated treatment of acne and methods of stimulating the process of its maturation.

What to spread?

For external treatment of the inflamed area of ​​skin, medicinal ointments and gels are used. The following external-spectrum medications are considered the most effective:

  • Tetracycline ointment;
  • Chlorhexidine solution;
  • Salicylic-zinc paste or ointment made on the same basis;
  • Erythromycin ointment;
  • Akriderm (available in the form of gel and ointment).

All these medications accelerate blood circulation at the site of acne and simultaneously have an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and warming effect. As a result, the ripening process is accelerated several times, and the pathogenic microflora located inside the pimple is suppressed by the antiseptic components included in the ointments. After completing the final stage of maturation, the acne simply dries up, and its surface part turns into a dry crust, which is easily separated from the general epidermis.

Thanks to this, a person gets rid of an inflammatory neoplasm on the body and does not worry that acne will leave unpleasant traces in the form of scars, since their occurrence is impossible due to rapid maturation and the absence of an extensive purulent-inflammatory process.

How to cauterize it to make it go away?

Cauterization of acne is another method of combating this kind of inflammatory formations on the skin. Of course, it is not able to ensure accelerated maturation of acne, but is aimed exclusively at getting rid of the dermatological problem in the shortest possible time. To do this, you need to use the following types of medicines:

  1. Tincture of calendula flowers. Using this pharmaceutical medicine, wiping problem areas of the skin and local cauterization of acne are performed. The inflamed tumors calm down, squat and begin to gradually dry out. The medicine is very affordable in financial terms and perfectly cauterizes both internal and external acne. Also, tincture of calendula flowers is good at cleansing epidermal tissues of sebum. You can buy it in retail pharmacy chains, or you can make it yourself by picking the tops of calendula flowers in the summer and throwing them into alcohol or vodka to infuse.
  2. Salicylic alcohol. It is part of most antiseptic medications, as it contains a small percentage of salicylic acid. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is necessary to wipe the skin with salicylic alcohol 2 times a day. Evening and morning times are best. The drug dries out the skin greatly, so people with a dry skin type are recommended to periodically use moisturizing creams in order to prevent excessive drying of the epithelium. Also, a solution of salicylic alcohol is not only effective against inflamed acne, but also helps remove blackheads located in the enlarged pores of the skin surface.
  3. Levomycetin alcohol. This is the most effective remedy for cauterizing inflamed acne. In addition to the ethyl and chloramphenicol base, it also contains an antibacterial component. Therefore, the drug quickly eliminates foci of skin inflammation and acts as a preventive measure for the recurrence of acne. Use no more than once a day. Levomycetin alcohol is applied to a sterile cotton swab and used to wipe the skin surface. The treatment period is 5-7 days. Longer use of the drug is not recommended to prevent the skin from becoming accustomed to the antibacterial component.
  4. Iodine. Some experts question the effectiveness of burning acne with iodine, but this remedy has proven its benefits in practical use. A cotton swab is soaked in a bottle of medicine, and then iodine is applied pointwise to each pimple individually. The medication is used once a day. It is advisable to use it at night so that during sleep all the substance is absorbed into the skin and no yellow spots remain on it. The only thing you need to remember is the aggressive property of iodine. Excessive application of it to inflamed and completely healthy skin can result in a chemical burn.
  5. Boric alcohol. Acts as an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent. Unlike most alcohol-containing solutions, boric alcohol has a more gentle effect on the skin surface, does not dry it out, and does not lead to itching and peeling of the epithelium.
  6. Zerkalin, Zinerit, Baziron. All these drugs belong to the group of potent antibiotics, which are made in the form of ointments. After application to the skin surface, antibacterial substances penetrate into the dense layers of the skin, as well as into the inside of the pimple itself, where they destroy infectious microorganisms that provoke the formation of acne. You should not get carried away with medications in this category, so that there is no destruction of the local immunity of the skin and dependence on regular antiseptic treatment.

Other methods

Alternative methods for accelerating the process of acne maturation, regardless of their location, are traditional medicine recipes. They are based on the use of completely natural ingredients that were created by nature itself. They look like this:

  1. Chamomile baths. To prepare them, you need to take 30 grams of dry chamomile, add 2 liters of cold water and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. After this, the broth is poured into a bowl, where as it cools it becomes ready for use. Once the home remedy reaches room temperature, soak a clean waffle towel in it and apply it to the acne-affected areas of the skin. As soon as the towel has cooled, it must be soaked again in warm water and the procedure must be repeated until the broth has cooled completely. This is a kind of warm compress, the therapeutic effect of which is achieved not only due to the warmth of the healing decoction, but also due to the anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile.
  2. Dry heat. To speed up the process of acne maturation, she also uses this simple folk method of alternative medicine. It consists of pouring the required amount of table salt into an ordinary cotton scarf, after which the scarf is tied with a cord. The salt in it is heated in a dry frying pan, and then a warm handkerchief is placed against the pimples being treated. Warming with warm salt is performed daily, and one procedure lasts at least 15-20 minutes.
  3. Aloe pulp. Preparing this medicine will not take too much time, it is easy to use and absolutely accessible to most citizens. You will need to pick one leaf of the medicinal Aloe flower, wash it thoroughly under running water, and then pass it through a meat grinder. The resulting pulp is placed in a thick gauze bandage, which must be sterile, and then it is applied to the pimples in the form of a compress.

You should use lotions made from aloe pulp at home, when you have enough time to devote to the health of your skin. A person should stay with such a compress for at least 2 hours every day. The approximate treatment period is 5 days. During this time, Aloe juice will relieve inflammation, and its active components will draw out all the purulent liquid that has accumulated under the skin. After this, the pimple dries up and no trace remains of its presence.

What to do with a ripe pimple?

To remove a mature pimple, you can go to a beauty salon or carry out the squeezing procedure yourself. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Wash your hands and face using soap.
  • Treat fingers and inflamed skin with any antiseptic or alcohol.
  • If the pimple is small and dry, lightly press on it from the side. This will be enough for the purulent formation to come out.
  • If the pimple has viscous contents, after pressing on the side it may come out partially. As a result, there is a high probability of re-inflammation, which will provoke a new pimple. To avoid this, you need to take a needle, disinfect it, pierce a hole and squeeze out the pus through it.
  • Treat the squeezed pimple with an antiseptic until the wound goes away. Lotions made from a decoction of chamomile and celandine, made at night, will have an excellent effect.

How to recognize a ripe pimple?

As soon as the pimple matures, there is no need to use the above remedies. To determine whether this moment has come, you need to focus on two parameters:

  • Is there a white head
    ? If it is visible, this is evidence that the pus and sebum that have clogged the lumen have become closer to the surface layer of the skin and are ready to come out.
  • Is there inflammation and redness around the pimple
    ? If there are no such indications, then the formation is ripe.


To keep your skin always clean and healthy, you must adhere to certain rules:

If you follow all the recommendations in combination, your face will always be clean, and the problem of acne will not be relevant.

In general, I’ll chime in with my grandmother’s method. But it helps me, it definitely won’t get worse. I took a regular egg yolk, shook it a little and applied it to the inflamed area, and left it like a mask (a film forms there), dried, applied a new portion again, and so on, I don’t know why egg yolk works this way, but it pulls out acne, It certainly won’t relieve inflammation, but it will help the pimple mature much faster. And then decide what to delete)

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