What can be done if a vessel under the eye bursts and a bruise forms?

The skin around the eyes is sensitive and thin, so even with minor damage, subcutaneous hemorrhage may form , which appears as a small bruise. This phenomenon is observed not only after injury, but also after strong pressure on the skin.

However, if such symptoms occur frequently and are not related to mechanical damage, then the cause lies in systemic diseases and in the problem of the vessel itself.

How does the symptom appear?

For reference! A burst vessel represents a hemorrhage under the skin, therefore, small bruises will be visible on the skin under the eye.

If several nearby vessels burst at once, the bruise may take the form of a bruise .

There are no painful sensations , swelling or other symptoms either .

With a bruise resulting from a blow, there will of course be pain.

However, it is associated not so much with a burst vessel, but with soft tissue swelling.

If bruises under the eyes are associated with pathological processes in the liver , then the symptoms may be as follows:

  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • skin itching;
  • yellowness of the skin.

In diseases of the endocrine system , bruising under the eyes is accompanied by:

  • low pressure;
  • dry skin;
  • digestive disorders.

Note! If the hematoma is red in color, the vessel may have burst as a result of allergic reactions or problems in the genitourinary system. Couperosis is also possible.

If a yellow tint , the causes most likely lie in problems with the liver or blood.

The purple color of the bruise indicates oxygen starvation; pulmonary diseases or anemia are possible.

black bruise excess melanin can be assumed.

What is microsclerotherapy (removal) of telangiectasia (spider veins)?

Microsclerotherapy of telangiectasia (spider veins) is a modern cosmetic procedure aimed at removing small-diameter venous vessels by introducing substances (sclerosants) specially developed for this purpose into their lumen. The technique is based on the effect of a chemical burn of the inner wall of the asterisk with subsequent fibrosis of the vessel.

Microsclerotherapy procedure for telangiectasis

The microsclerotherapy procedure for telangiectasia is the “gold standard” for the removal of these vascular formations that arise from persistent dilatation of the smallest veins. This state of affairs is associated with a high aesthetic effect, safety and good tolerability of microsclerotherapy for telangiectasia.

Why can a blood vessel burst under the eye?

Keep in mind! Before you begin to take measures to treat a burst vessel, you need to find out why this phenomenon occurs.

Perhaps there is nothing wrong, and you just have too thin skin around your eyes , or maybe your body is giving you a signal about serious illnesses .

Here are the main reasons why a blood vessel under the eye may burst:

  • too sensitive skin and capillaries close to it. In this case, they are more susceptible to negative factors;
  • sudden temperature changes. When changing from heat to cold, the capillaries narrow and may not withstand the pressure of blood;
  • improper facial care;
  • too dry skin around the eyes;
  • exposure of delicate skin to direct rays of the sun;
  • cardiac and vascular pathologies;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • problems in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • bad habits;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • intoxication;
  • parasites;
  • prolonged stressful situations;
  • overweight;
  • the period of bearing a baby, childbirth and lactation.

Contraindications to photoremoval of blood vessels:

  • Increased sugar;
  • Epilepsy attacks;
  • Various skin diseases (itching);
  • Infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Taking medications that increase skin sensitivity;
  • Oncology;
  • New tan or visit to a solarium (less than 2 weeks);
  • Chemical peeling (less than 2 weeks).

You should also know that spider veins on the face, spider veins, and spider veins on the legs are an alarming signal that indicates that the vessels need treatment and strengthening!

After the photoremoval procedure, you need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and, if necessary, take a course of vascular-strengthening medications.

Why does a bruise form?

If a bruise is formed as a result of a blow or too much pressure on the skin, then the wall of the vessel simply ruptures as a result of mechanical stress.

It is worth noting! Blood flows into the subcutaneous space and forms a bruise. It will gradually dissolve, so the color of the bruise will change over time.

If a black eye is the result of a pathology in the body, then in a trailer the mechanism of formation of a bruise is the same, only the wall of the vessel bursts for other more dangerous reasons.

If you regularly have bruises under your eyes for no apparent reason, you must definitely find out what disorders in the body are causing them.

How to treat vascular network on the face?

To combat this aesthetic problem, you can use several methods at home, as well as special care products. They help reduce the spread of redness, prevent the appearance of mesh in new places, and also significantly reduce the degree of its manifestation.

  • A simple but effective method is contrast washing. Alternating cold and hot water can further strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce the appearance of redness. This procedure is also good as a preventive measure.
  • At home, you can use special serums with an anti-rosacea effect, take vitamins with ascorutin, and also use algae face masks for vascular network.
  • An effective procedure is thermolifting, which can be done in any beauty salon. With its help, it is possible to activate the body’s production of its own collagen in tissues, which has a beneficial effect on strengthening the vascular network. The skin becomes denser, and visible manifestations of rosacea become invisible. You can also lighten lesions with vascular walls using mesotherapy injections.
  • For mild, unexpressed forms of manifestation, it is recommended to use special massages and anti-rosacea programs. The complex of such cosmetology programs includes anti-rosacea cryomasks, ampoules and firming massages of the face and body. The result of this procedure is the activation of blood movement and the effect on the lymph, which leads to the strengthening of blood vessels.

Preventive actions

Remember! To ensure that the vessels are strong and their walls do not lose their elasticity, it is necessary to adhere to the following preventive measures:

  • more time in the fresh air ;
  • review your diet ;
  • get a full night's rest ;
  • take proper care of your facial skin;
  • protect the skin around the eyes from the negative effects of sunlight;
  • reduce stress;
  • get rid of bad habits.

The preventative effect will be stronger if you add eye exercises, lotions, masks, etc. to the above.

Benefits of laser blood vessel removal

  • A non-invasive method that does not leave scars, spots or other pigmented formations on the face.
  • A completely painless method without harm to the body and the functioning of the circulatory system.
  • There are no side effects (swelling, skin irritation, etc.) after the procedure. There is no need to wear compression masks or other camouflage elements.
  • In one procedure, you can treat all problem areas and local lesions, completely hiding visible cosmetic skin defects.

The period of complete recovery after the laser procedure for removing the vascular network is 14 days. We recommend using laser treatment in spring, autumn or winter. In the summer, during the procedure, additional care will be required, as well as protection from ultraviolet radiation. For 2 weeks, when going outside, you must use sunscreen with a protection factor of 35 or higher, and also avoid tanning, physical activity, and taking a hot shower.


Laser removal of vascular tissue is suitable for all people without age restrictions. Before the procedure, an initial consultation with a dermatologist or a specialist at an aesthetic medicine clinic is necessary, since there are a number of contraindications (pregnancy and lactation, as well as the presence of chronic, oncological and autoimmune diseases).

If you would like to receive detailed advice from our clinic’s specialists or make an appointment for laser removal of vascular networks on the face, please contact us by phone.


The disease, which is mistakenly mistaken for rosacea, in children usually turns out to be a benign neoplasm, which is called hemangiomas. This disease does not pose any threat to health, but it is very unpleasant due to cosmetic defects. Before solving such a cosmetic problem in specialized salons, it is imperative to consult an oncologist.

How is the microsclerotherapy procedure performed in a modern phlebological center in Moscow?

In our phlebological center, we use some of the best thinnest needles with laser sharpening of 27-30 G. Using these tools, skin punctures are made that are practically not felt by patients. The procedure is performed by an experienced phlebologist, who has not only thousands of procedures under his belt, but also a significant number of master classes on this technology.

Master class performed by phlebologist Semenov A.Yu. on microsclerotherapy

Sessions are carried out with the patient in a horizontal position. After puncturing the skin, the tip of the needle enters the vessel, the specialist slowly and carefully injects the drug, making sure that the vein does not overstretch and rupture.

After the session, sterile bandages are applied and compression stockings are put on. The patient is recommended to take a half-hour walk.

What is telangiectasia (spider veins)

Telangiectasia (spider veins) is a persistent dilation of the smallest vessels of the skin: venules, arterioles and capillaries. The dilations of the smallest arteries rarely exceed a diameter of 0.2 mm and are predominantly red in color. These are red telangiectasia. To remove them, methods based on physical influence are used: radiofrequency and laser percutaneous exposure.

Types of spider veins

The clinical significance of telangiectasia is still discussed by leading European phlebologists. However, the contribution of telangiectasia to the development of symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency is rather exaggerated. The leading clinical significance of telangiectasia is a pronounced cosmetic defect. The so-called “blue” telangiectasias are dilated venules. It is these formations that are the leading reason for turning to an aesthetic phlebologist.

Types of rosacea

Subcutaneous visible networks can be formed by vessels of various functional purposes, and can be arterial, venous and mixed. In the first case, red vessels often appear on the face. Blue-colored venous networks mainly occur on the trunk and lower extremities. When both types of blood formations are expanded at the same time (in this case they speak of a mixed type), they are distinguished by a bluish color, closer to a violet hue. Such spots are located on open areas, especially on the face, mainly on the cheeks.

Rehabilitation period - how to care for your skin

No special skin care is required during the recovery period. In the first week, the skin may be drier than usual, but this is within normal limits. Within 14 days after deletion you cannot:

Go to the bathhouse, steam your face;

Do strength exercises;

Sunbathe, including in the solarium.

All of the above can dilate blood vessels, which reduces the effectiveness of laser treatment

If you come across a review that the laser did not remove the spider vein, consider several factors:

  • Not all vessels “go away” after one session;
  • The technology of the procedure may have been violated;
  • The patient may not have followed the doctors' advice.

We guarantee our patients comfortable rehabilitation and controlled results, subject to the recommendations of our specialists.

Stages of the procedure

  1. The doctor sets the laser radiation power and adjusts the cooling system.
  2. This is followed by a test flash to determine how strongly the skin reacts to the laser. If everything is in order, the doctor begins the session. It lasts from several minutes to an hour, depending on the area being treated. Thus, removal of blood vessels on the nose with a laser lasts about 15 minutes. In one visit to the clinic, you can remove spider veins not only on the face. If you are concerned about the aesthetics of your body, in particular the skin of your legs, tell your doctor about it.
  3. Under the influence of a laser beam, the vessel is soldered, and the star soon disappears.
  4. After the session, the doctor applies a soothing and anti-inflammatory ointment. Redness and swelling usually subside after 20 minutes. A return visit to the clinic is planned no earlier than two weeks after the procedure.

Provoking factors

In addition to predisposition, the main causes of dilated blood vessels, especially on the face in children, are the following factors:

  • Exposure of children's exposed skin to high temperatures.
  • The influence of atmospheric influences and ultraviolet radiation on a child’s skin.

In adults, this symptom is a consequence of drinking alcohol. Against this background, the vessels expand sharply, remaining so until the effect of ethyl alcohol wears off completely. In the event that alcohol is consumed daily, the blood vessels become constantly dilated over time, which leads first to constant skin redness, and then to a clear manifestation of venous and arterial networks of a mixed type. It is for this reason that, against the background of chronic alcoholism, people’s faces acquire a bluish tint.

Frequent exposure to high temperatures occurs among representatives of a number of professions (whether workshop workers or grain growers). In children, the reason for exposure to high temperatures is the desire to regularly take a hot bath or shower. Traces of ultraviolet radiation and atmospheric influences can be seen in children who spend a lot of time in the sun, sunbathe and do not hide their face under a hat.

Another reason may be dermatitis and allergies, which negatively affect the condition of the skin. At the same time, the skin becomes thinner, the tone of the dermis decreases, and reactions of superficial vascular formation are provoked. In the presence of a hereditary predisposition, all this inevitably leads to rosacea, especially on the cheeks.

Questions from patients about the procedure of microsclerotherapy (removal) of spider veins

How much does modern microsclerotherapy for spider veins cost in Moscow?

A session of modern microsclerotherapy for spider veins in our Moscow city center costs 8 thousand rubles. You can find out more detailed information about the cost of treatment by phone or on our website page:.

Where is the best place to do microsclerotherapy for spider veins in Moscow?

Microsclerotherapy of spider veins in Moscow is best performed in a good city phlebology center, where they work according to modern European standards.

Is microsclerotherapy for telangiectasia and reticular veins performed simultaneously in Moscow?

Simultaneous microsclerotherapy sessions for telangiectasia and reticular veins are performed in the best Moscow clinics. This is a good procedure for quickly eliminating unsightly venous vessels.

Where can I read reviews about microsclerotherapy for spider veins and reticular veins?

Reviews from patients about microsclerotherapy for spider veins and reticular veins at the city phlebological center can be read on our website page: .

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