Safe cosmetics (without harmful ingredients)

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
The best moisturizing and nourishing creams with natural composition
1NATURA SIBERICA “Care and moisturizing”The best cream for oily skin
2ORGANIC KITCHEN Wake UpThe most affordable price
3WELEDA “Pomegranate”Lifting effect, excellent anti-aging cream
4Zeitun Premium Masdar Rich Hydrating CreamRescue for dehydrated skin
5LEVRANA "Aloe vera"Universal face cream
The best natural BB creams
1ZEITUN SPFThe best option for skin without pronounced imperfections
2SATIVA No. 66 SPF 15The most pronounced caring properties
3NEOBIO 7 in 1Universal cream for all skin tones
4SO'BIO ETICBB cream with lifting effect
5ORGANIC KITCHEN PhotoshopBest price
The best sunscreens for the face
1ECO SUNCARE Natural ProtectionWaterproof formula, protection and care
2BIOSOLIS SPF 30Best sunscreen for dry, sensitive skin
3KLEONA SPF 50The strongest sun protection properties
4WHAMISA Organic FlowersUnique composition based on flower enzymes
5BIOBEAUTY "Lady Royal"Wide range of care effects

More and more women prefer organic cosmetics based on natural ingredients without the addition of harmful substances and synthetic fragrances. Given the demand for such products, manufacturers are constantly expanding their range of products. Including face creams. Nowadays it is not difficult to find a truly natural product at an affordable price in any cosmetic store. As for creams, they come in a wide variety - for all skin types, moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging, sunscreen and even BB creams, which are excellent replacements for classic foundations. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rating, which includes exclusively natural organic creams.

What are they used for?

The widespread use of parabens in cosmetics is easily explained by their ability to extend shelf life.

Parabens prevent mold and germs from growing in cosmetics.

The use of sulfates in face cream may cause allergies.

Such components are allowed in minimal concentrations only in wash-off products . Sulfates are found in almost any foaming product. Their main purpose is foaming and washing away various types of contaminants. Often present in shampoos, shower and wash gels, washing powders, etc. (read about why parabens are needed in cosmetics and which products do not contain them, read here).

BB cream Kiehl's

This product is new to the cosmetic brand’s assortment, but has already gained popularity among customers. The silicone-free foundation is available in three shades that suit almost every skin color. The manufacturer states that the product is designed to care for any skin type and contains only natural ingredients. It spreads quickly and easily over the skin and adapts to its natural tone, laying down like a light, invisible veil.

The list of ingredients includes moisturizing agents, a complex of vitamins and minerals, antibacterial components and a high sun protection factor. The only disadvantages of Kiehl's silicone-free foundation are its specific smell, which can cause discomfort during use, and its rather high cost. But its effectiveness outshines its shortcomings, and girls buy it for daily use. The skin becomes moisturized, the tone is evened out, and its condition improves. With long-term use, it evens out facial wrinkles, prevents inflammation and does not clog pores.

Alternative substances

As an alternative, brands that produce organic cosmetics use herbal preservatives in face creams. These include:

  • ascorbic acid and vitamin E;
  • pine, birch and oak bark;
  • propolis;
  • seaweed;
  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • tea tree oil;
  • extract from bird cherry, birch leaves and grapefruit.

Such components can provide a shelf life of up to 2 years without the use of harmful components.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that when purchasing cosmetics, it is always important to look at the composition. Even the “paraben-free” sticker cannot provide a 100% guarantee of the absence of harmful substances.

How to minimize the negative impact?

To reduce the negative impact of chemical components of cosmetics, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Combine cosmetics that have a complex chemical composition with natural products.
  • Do not use several products at the same time that contain many artificial additives.
  • If undesirable body reactions occur, immediately stop using the product.
  • When using the substance for the first time, you should do an allergy test. To do this, the product is applied to a small area of ​​skin and the reaction is assessed after some time.
  • Wash off decorative cosmetics before going to bed.
  • Avoid purchasing products that contain parabens at the top of the list. In such a situation, there is a high probability of exceeding the norm.
  • Avoid using deodorants with parabens. The area of ​​application of such products contains many lymph nodes and is located near the mammary glands.

What are parabens?

Parabens are esters of para-hydroxybenzoic acid.

It is worth noting that in EU countries the presence of parabens in cosmetics is regulated by special instructions - no more than 0.4-0.8% in the product.

The generally accepted system for designating such substances is:

  1. Common parabens: ethylparaben E214, butyl and benzylparaben, propylparaben E216, methylparaben E218.
  2. Specific ones include: isopropylparaben, isobutylparaben, sodium salts, benzylparaben.

In addition, parabens are sometimes called synonyms:

  • ethyl-, methyl-, propyl-;
  • propagine and metagin;
  • hydroxybenzoate;
  • arahydroxybenzoate;
  • RNV;
  • from E214 to E219.

All parabens are produced synthetically.

Read more about where parabens come from, what they are and where this substance is found here.

You will find more information about parabens in this video:


  • Olga, 35 years old: “When I am asked to recommend a cream, I recommend my favorite one. I have been using Nivea moisturizing cream since childhood. Previously I was just playing around, but now I can’t live without him. I am satisfied with the effect, there are no allergic reactions. I apply to clean skin of the face, neck and hands during my morning routine. I think this is the best cream for the money!”
  • Kira, 34 years old: “ I tried a lot of creams. Nivea, Garnier, Chinese medicines with jojoba oil. But she chose the domestic “Clean Line”. I really like the long lasting effect at such a low price. Of course, there are foreign analogues that keep the skin moist 24 hours a day. But they cost several times more. Therefore, three packages of “Clean Line” are better than one small bottle of overseas cream.”
  • Varvara, 41 years old: “ I agree with “Test Purchase” in everything regarding moisturizing creams. At one time I tested all six. Today I use Clinique, since it contains a minimum of all kinds of additional components such as heavy silicone and preservatives. If you do not wash it off with soap and water, it protects the skin for about 5-6 hours. Just enough for me to go to work!”
  • Inna, 25 years old: “ They say there is no ideal face cream. But I'm ready to argue with this statement thanks to Olay essentials moisturizing and nourishing cream. It is always in my purse, even when visiting and at work. Its original smell is sometimes even mistaken for perfume. But, of course, the main thing is the powerful effect of maintaining moisture and acid-base balance. I recommend it to everyone who has not yet made their choice.”

Cetaphil Oil Absorbing Moisturizer SPF 30

Cream from the Polish brand Cetaphil PRO is often recommended by dermatologists, as in addition to moisturizing oily skin, it offers broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection. For oily skin, this is very important, since ultraviolet light can stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands and increase post-acne hyperpigmentation. To produce the cream, a special “micro-pearl technology” is used, which absorbs oil and reduces shine.

Price: approx. 500 UAH

Possible health hazards

Scientists are confident that parabens resemble estrogens in their effects . This means that their use may be hazardous to human health, especially when estrogen is contraindicated (for example, during pregnancy). Propyl-, butyl-, isobutyl-, and also methylparaben have a pronounced estrogen-like effect.

Often, when taking care of their skin, women try to sunbathe less, because ultraviolet radiation is the enemy of youth. According to research, applying methylparaben to the skin can have a negative effect and also increase the effect of UV rays.

It turns out that such a preservative not only accelerates the aging process, but is also harmful to health , causing allergies and inflammation. But at minimal concentrations, parabens should not cause harm. The permissible content is 0.4-0.8%, but scientists say that 0.19% is enough.

Sodium lauryl sulfate is considered a true skin irritant. Scientists have proven this. This substance can only be added to rinse-off products.

1% concentration of the component in the composition does not cause changes on the skin. And such components should not be in the composition of the face cream, otherwise irritation and allergic reactions are guaranteed.

We talked about the dangers and benefits of parabens in cosmetics in a separate article.

You will learn how sulfates and parabens are dangerous for our body here:

BB cream SO'BiO

A mattifying, silicone- and oil-free foundation designed for oily skin that is prone to breakouts and blemishes. Girls note that it perfectly evens out the shade, hides acne and pigmentation, prevents the appearance of oily sheen and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The consistency of the cream is quite thick, but it is easily distributed in any way, does not clog pores and does not roll into wrinkles.

The composition contains no harmful components, it is enriched with moisturizing components, herbal and plant extracts, and the base is chamomile water. The product has been tested by international cosmetologists and dermatologists and is absolutely safe for the skin, as confirmed by the certificate emblem on the packaging. After application, the cream hides enlarged pores, evens out the shade and is completely invisible on the face. The foundation can disguise redness and dark circles under the eyes. The skin is pleasant to the touch, moisturized and has an attractive appearance. With constant use, it improves its condition and restores the natural protective functions of cells. SO'BiO silicone-free foundation prevents the appearance of oily shine, inflammation and does not clog pores. It does not emphasize flaking, hides pigmentation and does not require setting with powder. Girls note that it lasts throughout the day even in the hot summer.

Moisturizing lotion Effaclar MAT Mattifying Moisturizer from La Roche-Posay

If moisturizing products still scare you because you can't even bear the thought of a shiny T-zone, you need this oil-free lotion. It is created in such a way that it not only resists oily shine, but also tightens pores. The moisturizing lotion is thin and light enough that you can layer other products on top of it.

Price: approx. 400 UAH

Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel-Cream

If you have very oily skin and need a lightweight formula, or just want to switch up your thick winter cream for summer, try this water-based gel. When everything else feels like it's slipping off your face, this hyaluronic acid cream will absorb and hydrate your skin without feeling greasy or sticky.

Price: approx. 700 UAH

7 skin oils that will help with rosacea

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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