Is eye massage useful for restoring vision? Varieties of techniques to improve eye health

Massage is a full-fledged medical procedure that requires the master to have certain skills in working with biologically active points and tissues of the body. If carried out carelessly, massage can even cause harm, and severely.

With facial massage, the question of the professionalism of the master is even more acute. Nerve endings and blood vessels are concentrated on the face, and if damaged, a person can lose his beauty forever.

For bags under the eyes, some cosmetologists offer manual techniques in combination with the use of devices - vacuum, microcurrents, etc.

If the problem is swelling caused by local lymphostasis and impaired blood supply to tissues, massage can slightly “accelerate” the circulation of biological fluids. But if we are talking about fatty or skin bags under the eyes, in this case the effectiveness of the massage decreases.

It is very important to understand the cause of the formation of bags under the eyes and only then choose a correction strategy.

How does under eye massage work?

The condition of the skin changes with age. Eye massage will help increase blood circulation in the vessels under the skin. Simple massage techniques under the eyes will help delay the appearance of wrinkles to a later period.

Basically, eye massage involves stroking the orbicularis oculi muscles, rubbing and light pressure on the eyeballs. Even applying cream to the skin around the eyes with your fingertips can be equated to an eye massage.

Only properly performed self-massage gives the skin elasticity and smoothes out wrinkles.


However, not everyone can do eye massage. It is contraindicated for:

  • Conjunctivitis and blepharitis
  • Elevated body temperature due to colds or inflammatory pathologies
  • Headaches
  • Internal bleeding
  • Dermatological pathologies
  • Benign and malignant tumors
  • Psychoneurological disorders
  • Tuberculosis
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Glaucoma
  • Hypertension and cardiovascular pathologies
  • Myopia

How to massage your eyes

  • Eye massage is performed with fingertips with the eyes closed and light pressure. You can massage your eyes with a small amount of olive or vegetable oil.
  • Stroking and rubbing the muscles around the eyes is done only with the pads of the fingers. Near the eyes, light blows should follow one after another alternately. Stroking is performed with the pads of the fourth, third and second fingers.
  • Pressure on the eyeballs should be done through the skin of closed eyelids using circular movements of the fingertips. This exercise relieves eye fatigue and swelling of the skin around the eyes.

Massage movements should be carried out carefully and not apply too much pressure, as strong pressure can cause dizziness and heartbeat disturbances. It is advisable to use eye massage together with eye exercises.

Why is Annette's method better?

You can, of course, do a direct eye massage and influence various points on the face, but this will be extremely difficult. It’s not a fact that you’re working on exactly the right point. At best, this will lead to no results, and at worst, vision will become even worse.

There are no such problems with the roller and other exercises for the back. They are almost impossible to do incorrectly; even a child can handle them. But a healthy back is the key to the health of the whole body.

Here are some of the useful exercises:

  1. With roller
  2. With foam roll
  3. Another foam roller exercise
  4. Relaxing the shoulders and neck with a ball
  5. Exercise for those who work a lot at the computer
  6. Another ball exercise
  7. Sagging in doors
  8. This exercise will help open your eyes and remove swelling

At the “Flourish” marathon you will be given all the necessary exercises to correct your posture, neck and chest. In addition, you will also learn about the best techniques for self-massage of the face against wrinkles and swelling. Read more about the marathon below.

Eye exercises

Photo: Yandex.Pictures

  • Close your eyes, use your fingertips to make circular movements around the eyes, starting from the temples to the nose below and from the nose to the temples above the eyebrows. Repeat 10 times.
  • During the exercise, you need to breathe evenly. You should also be in a comfortable position, preferably lying on a bed or sitting in a soft chair.
  • Massage your eyelids with the portion of your palm between the start of your thumb and the soft pad near your wrist. Move smoothly and gently. After the exercise, do not look immediately at bright light.
  • Close your eyes and cover them with your palms. Darkness promotes relaxation of the eyes and eyelids. The exercise should last 2–3 minutes.

Causes of wrinkles at different ages

In addition to older ladies who know first-hand what wrinkles are, young twenty-year-old girls can also face the problem of loss of elasticity and impaired skin tone. At their age, negative changes in the body occur for a number of reasons. The following factors are considered the most common:

  • sleeping on your stomach;
  • violation of diet;
  • frequent squinting due to ophthalmological problems and delays in vision correction by selecting lenses or glasses.
  • genetic predisposition (early wrinkles plague owners of dry skin type, whose epidermis loses the ability to maintain the natural level of humidity set by nature)

If timely measures are not taken, the situation will only get worse. Over the years, the skin will lose its ability to regenerate and renew itself. The condition of the face will be deplorable - in the reflection in the mirror, the lady will be worried about bags under her eyes, jowls and other defects. Fortunately, there are effective massage techniques to prevent and eliminate them. We will talk about them further.

An effective eye massage complex

Photo: Yandex.Pictures

  1. Sit straight on a chair so that your spine, neck and head form one straight line. Inhale through your nose, and as you exhale, begin to massage your eyes with the edge of your palm. Move from and to the bridge of the nose, gently pressing on the eyeballs.
  2. Place your index fingers at a distance of two fingers from the nostrils on a vertical line, mentally passing through the pupils.
  3. Press on these points for a second, then pause for a second. At the moment when you apply pressure, you need to inhale, and when you release it, exhale.
  4. Bend your index fingers and place them near the bridge of your nose without pressing on your eyeballs. Then apply pressure and move your fingers near the inner edges of the upper arch of the orbit. Move your fingers from your nose to your temples. When pressing, inhale; when releasing, exhale.
  5. Move your bent index fingers along the inner surface of the arch of the orbit. Again you need to inhale while pressing, and exhale to relax.
  6. Place the pads of your fingers on your forehead so that your thumbs are at the inner point of the eye socket. Press from bottom to top. Inhale and exhale while pressing and relaxing, respectively.
  7. Using the pads of your index fingers, walk along the outer surface of the eyebrow, find a soft groove. Press it for one second, then release the action. Inhale while pressing, and exhale while releasing.
  8. Use your thumbs and forefingers to touch the inner corners of your eyes. Apply pressure for one second, then relax.
  9. You can press your thumb and index finger on the points between the inner corner of the eye and the bridge of the nose. Apply pressure to this point for one minute, repeat 3 times.
  10. Apply gentle pressure with your thumbs to areas located 1 cm from the outer corners of the eye. Repeat 2-3 times.

The sooner we start taking care of the skin around and under the eyes, the longer we can maintain a youthful look. Don't wait until you need drastic measures. All problems can be dealt with with proper daily care, special cosmetics, and also with eye massage every day.

Result and recovery period

Smas lifting has a short recovery period. If the skin turns red after the session, it will return to its normal color after 3 hours. Swelling is allowed, which usually lasts no longer than 2 days.

What not to do after an eyelid lift for 5 days:

  • wash your face with hot water, steam your skin, warm it up in every possible way;
  • visit the pool;
  • do facial piercings, chemical peeling;
  • sunbathe, including in a solarium;
  • load yourself with physical exercise.

The advantage of smas-lifting is that the effect is visible immediately after and has a cumulative property: within 90 days the result will only improve. The doctor, based on the indications and complexity of the problem, can prescribe from 1 to 3 visits with an average frequency of once every six months.

If you need a lift, but you are afraid to go under the surgeon’s knife, come for non-surgical blepharoplasty at the Biomed clinic. We carry out this procedure on the latest generation ULTRAFORMER III device.

All doctors of our center have undergone specialized training and have confirmation in the form of certificates. We will be glad to see you at the Biomed laser therapy centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg!

Useful tips for eliminating swelling

To eliminate swelling, try following some recommendations:

  • Special gymnastics for the facial muscles promotes better blood flow and fluid outflow from the intercellular space;
  • Before the procedure, wash your face with cold water - it increases blood circulation. Thanks to this, the face becomes fresh, the skin tightens, and fine wrinkles become less noticeable;
  • You can apply ice cubes from a frozen decoction of chamomile, nettle, calendula or green tea to the skin of the eyelids. This will give the skin additional beneficial substances;
  • Use moisturizer. It acts in the shallow layers of the dermis, and therefore does not increase swelling;
  • Use products containing hyaluronic acid with caution. It has the property of binding liquid molecules, which can cause swelling to increase;
  • Use an orthopedic pillow. During sleep, the neck muscles will be in the correct position.


Beauty salons offer different massage techniques: manual and machine. Each technique is effective and is used in a specific case.

Manual massage is effective at the very beginning of age-related changes and is suitable for younger and tighter skin. You can perform a classic manual lymphatic drainage facial massage yourself at home.

The obvious advantage of manual technology lies precisely in the individual approach. For example, it is impossible to set the device for a certain area of ​​the face to a more gentle or, conversely, enhanced mode. With manual techniques, it is always possible to treat all areas differently, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin.

Manual massage is divided into several types. According to various sources, the technique of manual lymphatic drainage massage appeared thanks to the Japanese cosmetologist Yukuko Tanaka, and according to other sources, its progenitor is the Spanish chiropractor Enrique Garcia.

Let's look at the most popular manual massage techniques.

  • Japanese. Another name for the technique is “zogan”. During the procedure, the effect is exerted not only on the upper, but also on the deep layers of the skin. The massage is carried out with the fingertips and the entire palm.
  • Hemolymphatic drainage or Spanish. It is a technique aimed at cleansing the deep layers of the skin. To work on the lower part of the face and chin, movements and pressure with great force are used. But the main emphasis of the technique is to achieve a feeling of pleasure and delight during a massage session.

  • Javanese. A luxurious procedure that was previously only available to members of the royal family. Movements are made with the thumbs and palms. Literally every millimeter of the face is worked out. After the procedure, microcirculation improves and vascular function improves.
  • Thai. The procedure takes about 20 minutes, during which time you seem to be transported to a new world of calm and pleasure. To renew the facial contour, you will need at least two sessions, and after completing the full course, the visible effect will be more lasting.

Hardware massage is most suitable in cases where serious assistance is needed. And the hardware massage procedure gives a more lasting effect.

There are several varieties of this procedure.

Galvanization is one of the most popular salon treatments. The procedure involves an electromechanical effect on the skin. During the massage, all facial muscles are worked out, blood circulation is stimulated and the lymph is cleansed of excess fluid, waste and toxins.

Galvanization has several advantages:

  1. there are no painful sensations;
  2. Additionally, inflammatory processes of the skin are treated, rashes and acne are prevented;
  3. promotes rapid restoration of skin cells after injuries, which is why galvanization is sometimes prescribed by a surgeon after plastic surgery.

  • Pressotherapy - during the procedure, a special mask with separate segments is put on the face, which applies pressure to problem areas of the face. Together with them, the remaining areas are also being worked on. The procedure helps restore elasticity and firmness to the skin over several procedures. And besides, it helps to increase the protective properties of the dermis.
  • Vacuum - carried out using a special device that looks like a small tube. All areas of the face are worked through massage lines. Some manufacturers offer portable vacuum pore cleaning devices that also function as lymphatic drainage massage at home. Therefore, vacuum massage can be performed independently in front of a mirror. But at the same time, you need to be extremely careful, since in the wrong hands a vacuum massager can cause microtraumas and bruises.
  • Iontophoresis - during the procedure, the deep layers of the skin are exposed to a low voltage current and active elements responsible for slowing down aging are introduced. During the massage, natural collagen production is activated, swelling is reduced and a healthy complexion is restored. And during the procedure there is no painful or unpleasant sensation, only a slight vibration is felt.

Until recently, hardware cosmetology was available only in beauty salons, but today almost anyone can purchase a professional massager for personal use. However, devices for domestic and professional use in the salon may differ. For example, in a professional salon series, the device may have several modifications of the device, which differ in technical data, number of additional attachments, service life and price.

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