Relieves anti-wrinkle ointment. Instructions for use, recipes, reviews

Age-related deterioration in the appearance of the skin is an inevitable process that many women struggle with every day. Radevit ointment makes it possible to restore a healthy and toned appearance to your face without much effort. Despite the fact that the instructions recommend using the drug for the treatment of dermatological disorders, numerous consumer reviews indicate that its use allows you to quickly get rid of wrinkles.

Release forms and composition of the drug

Radevit comes in the form of a cream and ointment for application to the skin. The product in the form of an ointment has a delicate, uniform texture. It has no inclusions or foreign impurities. Its color varies from white to a slight yellowish tint.

Radevit anti-wrinkle ointment: recommendations from cosmetologists for use

The cream differs only in its less viscous consistency. Hydrogenated fat and petroleum jelly are not used for its production. The pharmacological action of the 2 forms is the same. At the same time, the cream begins to work faster. Due to its texture, it stains clothes much less.

Radevit, an anti-wrinkle ointment, reviews of which from cosmetologists help evaluate the results of use, is available in an aluminum tube and a cardboard box. No other packaging is provided by the manufacturer. This is important to consider when purchasing to avoid purchasing a fake.

The medicine is sold complete with detailed official instructions for use. There are several volumes of the product: 10, 20 and 35 g.

1 g of the drug includes:

  • 5 mg vitamin E. It is also called alpha-tocopherol acetate. Considered a natural antioxidant. Prevents the appearance of signs of early aging. Protects the skin from the negative effects of free radicals. Helps remove accumulated toxins from the skin. The substance accumulates in the layers of the epidermis. This helps to increase the hydrophobic properties of the skin. Moisture begins to evaporate less from the surface.
  • 50 mg vitamin D2 . Thanks to it, dry skin is reduced and inflammatory processes are relieved. There is also an increase in resistance to various negative environmental factors. The healing process of small cracks and scratches on the surface of the face is accelerated. In the composition of the drug Radevit-Active, the substance is replaced with colecalciferol, also known as vitamin D
  • 10 mg of retinol palmitate or vitamin A. Protects against the appearance of signs of photoaging of the facial skin, makes deep folds and wrinkles less noticeable. Able to retain moisture in epidermal cells. The component is included in many cosmetic products aimed at combating age-related manifestations.

The special texture of the drug is provided by auxiliary components. They are also used to extend the shelf life of the ointment.

Among them:

  • purified water;
  • glycerol;
  • ethanol;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • emulsion wax;
  • butylated hydroxyanisole;
  • butylated hydroxytoluene.

Glycerin and petroleum jelly help the process of skin restoration and moisturizing.

Radevit in face masks

The use of Radevit ointment in cosmetology implies a wide range of its applications. Thus, the drug is included in face masks, which can be prepared at home. Before applying any of them, the skin must be cleaned of dirt and cosmetics and steamed.

Nourishing mask


  • Radevit ointment - 2 cm,
  • fresh egg yolk - 1 piece,
  • natural fat sour cream - 1 tablespoon.

All components should be mixed thoroughly. Apply to facial skin, leave for 20-25 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Anti-aging mask

For preparation you will need:

  • Radevit - 3 cm,
  • chamomile decoction - 1 tablespoon per 50 ml of boiling water,
  • healing clay - 2 tablespoons.

After mixing the composition to the consistency of sour cream, spread it over the face and leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse.

Toning mask


  • Radevit - 2 cm,
  • egg yolk - 1 piece,
  • crushed sea salt - ½ level teaspoon.

Grind the yolk with salt, add ointment and bring to a homogeneous mass. Apply a thin layer to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. Keep for no more than 3-5 minutes, after rinsing, repeat the process until the prepared composition is finished.

Pharmacological properties

The drug has an anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect. Its use can eliminate itching of the skin. The ointment helps strengthen the protective function of the epidermis, normalizes the process of cell death, moisturizes and nourishes the tissues.

Radevit also has other effects on the skin:

  • enhances fibroblast activity;
  • accelerates the recovery process in cells;
  • protects collagen from destruction under the influence of ultraviolet rays;
  • increases elasticity;
  • moisturizes the surface;
  • deeply nourishes;
  • makes the deep layers denser;
  • improves skin tone and texture;
  • enhances the production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid in the body.
  • promotes thinning of the surface layer.

Vitaminized ointment does not have a direct effect on folds and wrinkles. It only moisturizes and activates the natural regeneration process in cells. Due to this, the signs of aging become less noticeable.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Laboratory studies on the absorption of the active components of the drug into the human bloodstream have not been conducted. Presumably, the substances are absorbed only in the layers of the skin. There they exhibit a therapeutic effect and activate the cellular metabolic process.

The pharmacological effect of the drug lies in the work of the vitamin composition.

The concentration of active components in the ointment leads to:

  • improving the functional condition of the skin and increasing its elasticity;
  • strengthening the protective function of subcutaneous fatty tissue and skin;
  • normalizing the process of formation of the stratum corneum;
  • reducing severe itching.

Mechanism of action of the drug

Vitamin A has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, prevents excessive growth of epithelial tissue of the skin and mucous membranes, improves cell nutrition, accelerates the healing of damage, regulates desquamation and redox processes. Most of the vitamin comes from food and is deposited in adipose tissue. Due to the pronounced medicinal properties of retinoids, systemic and local medications are produced on their basis.

Videstim ointment contains retinol palmitate, which binds to tissue cells using special receptors and directly affects them. As a result of use, the surface of the integument is leveled, inflammation and irritation are reduced. The active substance quickly penetrates into the deep layers, part of it is absorbed through the capillaries into the general bloodstream. On the surface of the skin, the ointment forms a protective film that protects inflamed areas from the effects of external negative factors.

The effect of the drug lasts for about 8–12 hours: pain and redness are reduced, the affected tissues gradually exfoliate, the development of hyperkeratosis and scar formation are prevented. Efficiency increases throughout the course of therapy. Penetrating into the body, retinol acts similarly to other forms of vitamin A: it takes part in metabolic processes, is deposited and metabolized in the liver.

Indications for use

Radevit, an anti-wrinkle ointment, reviews of cosmetologists about which speak of a visible rejuvenation effect with regular use, are prescribed for a number of medical indications. They include pathological abnormalities of the skin, the course of the inflammatory process and the presence of damaged cells.

Situations when the use of the drug is necessary:

  • Ichthyosis. A hereditary disease, the main symptom of which is a violation of the formation of the stratum corneum. In case of pathology, the ointment is used as a component of complex treatment.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis. It is characterized by increased production of fat by the sebaceous glands.
  • Erosion and cracks on the surface of various natures.
  • Chemical and thermal burns ;
  • Damage caused by radiation.
  • Trophic ulcers of a non-infected nature. Their appearance is associated with insufficient tissue nutrition.
  • Allergic dermatitis during the period of weakening the inflammatory process and improving the appearance of the skin.

  • Psoriasis. It is a chronic disease. It occurs under the influence of constant stress, taking medications, endocrine pathologies and bad habits.
  • Eczema. A non-infectious disease that has a chronic form. Occurs under the influence of various factors that cause damage.
  • Atopic dermatitis. Long-term inflammation of the skin, which is recurrent in nature. Pathology develops under the influence of genetic abnormalities occurring in tissues.
  • Neurodermatitis. It manifests itself as a rash, skin lichenification and the formation of papules. The affected skin is very itchy. Radevit is effective against such itching.
  • Diffuse neurodermatitis. Associated with deviations in the innervation of the epidermis.

The drug is used for prophylactic purposes against the occurrence of various inflammatory processes and allergic manifestations on the skin. Radevit in the form of an ointment or cream is also suitable for preventing the onset of signs of aging.

Dermatologists and cosmetologists recommend Radevit to their patients to improve skin condition.

Regular use helps prolong the youth of the skin. The moisturizing and restorative properties of the product allow it to be used to solve cosmetic problems.

Treatment of eczema with Radevit


– a chronic skin disease, its occurrence is associated with allergies, that is, an unusual reaction of the skin to ordinary influences. The skin usually performs its function of protecting the body from external influences very well. For eczema to occur, special conditions are needed - a hereditary predisposition to the development of allergic reactions, a special state of the immune system, ready to respond to an irritant with excessive force, sensitization (encountering an allergen in the past) and/or long-term (2-3 weeks) exposure for the formation of the immune system. answer.

What can be allergens?

There are many allergens around us - scientists count more than 5000. They can enter the body in different ways - through the mouth (food, medicines), through the skin (various detergents, dyes, cleaning substances, cosmetics, wool, ointments, creams, deodorants), through respiratory tract (pollen, perfumes, aerosols), by injection, bites.

Why does the disease occur?

The skin usually performs its function of protecting the body from external influences very well. For eczema to occur, special conditions are needed - a hereditary predisposition to the development of allergic reactions, a special state of the immune system, ready to respond to an irritant with excessive force, sensitization (encountering an allergen in the past) and/or long-term (2-3 weeks) exposure for the formation of the immune system. answer. With the long-term existence of the disease, a reaction develops not only to the substance that originally caused it, but also to other substances similar and dissimilar to it.

What happens in the skin?

Bubbles appear in the surface layer of the skin, and inflammation occurs in the depths.

How does the disease progress and how does it end?

Multiple small blisters appear in a certain area of ​​the skin, often the site of allergen penetration. They are located against the background of reddened skin and are always accompanied by itching. When scratching, microorganisms penetrate the skin and crusts appear. After healing, the skin darkens and thickens, with bumps, dryness and flaking. Usually, the initial focus is joined by others, sometimes far from the original focus. If treatment is carried out correctly, itching and inflammation stop. Without treatment, the disease can continue indefinitely, either dying down or flaring up again. Inadequate treatment leads to a new exacerbation after a very short period of time (sometimes after a few days). Except in cases where the allergen is detected at the initial stage of the disease and excluded, there is hardly any hope for a cure. At the same time, it is always possible to improve the condition of the skin and achieve complete disappearance of rashes for a long time.

Is eczema contagious?

Eczema is not a contagious disease, but if infection occurs, and this is a common occurrence in the absence of treatment, then the patient is contagious.

What is the most effective treatment?

Treatment consists of diet, internal and external remedies. If even one component is missing, there is little hope for lasting improvement. During an exacerbation, the diet should be followed by all patients, regardless of whether any food product caused the exacerbation or not. This is due to the fact that some foods can increase itching. Chocolate and chocolate candies, coffee, honey, jam, nuts, citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapples and juices from them, mayonnaise and other seasonings, everything spicy, smoked, pickles, marinades are excluded, the amount of liquid is limited. The method of cooking also matters - it is better if it is boiled and steamed dishes. It must be said that some dermatologists are adherents of a much more strict diet, and sometimes even fasting. Indeed, 2-3 days of fasting are often healing. I believe that when prescribing modern medicines there is no need to follow an overly strict diet, and fasting can only be useful for those patients who have already had experience of fasting in the past and did not suffer from it morally. In addition, a significant proportion of patients have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which exclude the possibility of fasting without harm to health. So, the diet is prescribed for the entire period of treatment (usually 1-1.5 months). After this, the prohibited products are introduced gradually - once every 3-4 days, to monitor whether any of them causes a deterioration in the skin condition. Internal treatment is prescribed only by a dermatologist. Usually these are several drugs of different groups based on the health status of each patient. External treatment is used in all cases. As a rule, external agents, such as Radevit®, are applied to the skin 2 times a day. In the morning, it is better to use medications that are easily and quickly applied to the skin; after a few minutes they should be absorbed so that you can get dressed and not worry about the smell, dirty clothes during the working day, without experiencing discomfort from the feeling of fat on the body. But in the evening and at night you don’t have to think about it. Therefore, dermatologists resort to 2-3 medications, alternating them at different times of the day, taking into account employment, profession, work schedule and the nature of the patient.

How harmful are hormonal ointments?

You always have to resort to drugs from this group during an exacerbation. Excellent anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect immediately makes the patient’s life easier. However, even the strongest corticosteroid ointments (they are usually called hormonal) are not able to cope with inflammation for a long time if used as an independent treatment. The recommended duration of treatment with corticosteroids is no more than 2 weeks; this is usually enough to relieve the severity of the exacerbation. When the acute period has passed, treatment is continued with ointments that do not contain hormones. There are many such ointments; they are weaker than hormonal ointments, but are suitable for long-term use. Of these, it is more convenient to use emulsion-based ointments in the morning (imported emulsion-based ointments are called creams, and domestic ones can be called ointments), they are easily absorbed into the skin and usually do not smell, they contain vitamins (vitamin A contained in Radevit® ointment is especially useful for the skin ), fatty acids, methyluracil. In the evening, you can use fat-based ointments with a dissolving effect, containing sulfur, ichthyol, naphthalan, and tar. These ointments usually have an odor and are difficult to remove from the skin.

How to care for skin with eczema?

For eczema in the acute stage, it is better not to wet the affected skin. This is the basic rule for all patients. If your hands are affected, all housework should be done with gloves. Thick colored rubber gloves with a cotton coating inside (sold in hardware stores) are best suited for this; they are selected according to the size of the hand, like any other gloves, and in everyday life you need to have several pairs of them. As your gloved hands become wet, you should change them or stop doing housework. Contact with vegetables, fruits, cleaning agents, furniture care products, solvents and car cosmetics is especially harmful to hands. It is extremely undesirable to contaminate the skin with substances that are difficult to wash off. During an exacerbation, it is better to replace hand washing by cleaning them with wet wipes. If you need to use detergents, it is better to prefer odorless soap or gel, with the addition of cream or oils. In addition, so-called syndets (“soap without soap”) are now on sale - special detergents that cleanse the skin without the use of soap. The shower procedure should be short, the water should be warm (not hot!), detergents should be washed off quickly and easily, the skin, after drying with a towel (necessarily soft!) is still a little damp, immediately lubricated with cream or ointment. With eczema, the skin where there were previously rashes is usually dry, and irritation or new foci of inflammation easily occur on such skin. Due to this, she needs additional care. Creams for the body, hands, feet should always be at hand. Many cosmetic companies that produce medicinal cosmetics (sold in pharmacies) are developing special low-allergenic products for the care of dry and easily irritated skin, such as Radevit® ointment. Cosmetic creams always have a complex composition, and some of their components for eczema can cause irritation or even provoke a new exacerbation. In such cases, instead of cosmetic cream, you can use medications made on an emulsion basis, which contain vitamin A. During the treatment of eczema, it is not recommended to change cosmetics, perfumes, or washing powder, so as not to expose the skin to an unnecessary risk of developing an allergic reaction.

Can women use decorative cosmetics during treatment?

If your facial skin is affected, I think there is nothing wrong with wearing makeup. A woman’s usual appearance does not attract attention and creates inner comfort for her. Modern cosmetics (mascara, foundation, powder, eye shadow) are of high enough quality so as not to complicate the recovery period. But when you return home from work, you need to immediately remove your makeup. This is done using makeup remover milk and then an alcohol-free toner. After this, it is better to apply the remedy prescribed by the doctor. Never remove makeup with water!

Consolidation of treatment results

For any chronic skin disease, after the main course of treatment, care must be taken to ensure that the disease does not return. These are measures to improve immunity, reduce sensitivity to certain allergens, and treat common (non-skin) diseases that could contribute to the development of the disease. The best way to simultaneously solve all these problems is spa treatment. Take a vacation and go to a resort. And it doesn’t have to be a seaside resort in the summer; it’s better to time the trip to coincide with the end of treatment with a dermatologist. In recent years, it has been established that the best results for allergic diseases are obtained at local resorts, where the body is not subjected to the test of changing climatic zones. And the duration of stay there may be shorter, given that during the period of adaptation to the new climate, medical procedures are not carried out. If resort treatment is not possible, a dispensary or health center is a good choice, where you can carry out the same examination and the same procedures as at the resort. And vitamins applied in ointments and creams directly to the skin will help normalize local (in the skin) immunity.

prof. IN AND. Albanova


In some situations, the use of ointment is unacceptable. The drug can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases and the acquisition of new ones. The list of contraindications is small.

It is prohibited to use the product when:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • hypervitaminosis A, E, D;
  • in parallel, taking products containing vitamin A;
  • acute form of inflammatory skin pathologies;
  • pregnancy;
  • overdose of vitamins, which led to poisoning;
  • breastfeeding.

Instructions for use, dosage of the drug

The ointment has a wide range of action. Before starting use, it is important to decide what result is expected from the course of therapy. This feature is very important, because the approach to drawing up a treatment program depends on it.

You shouldn’t expect Radevit to get rid of deep wrinkles that have already appeared on your face. The drug is much more effective when carrying out preventive measures. The use of ointment according to a scheme developed individually by a cosmetologist helps to avoid the appearance of wrinkles on the face.

For face

Signs of skin aging appear against the background of a deficiency of vitamins in the body and the negative influence of the environment. The rich composition of Radevit saturates the skin with essential substances, preventing aging. The skin must first be cleaned of dust, sebaceous secretions and other contaminants.

After cleansing, the effect of Radevit will be maximum. It is recommended to use a moisturizing gel for washing. Wounds and cracks are carefully treated with an antiseptic composition. Then wipe the surface with tonic, lotion and move on to cream. It is recommended to steam the surface to make it easier for the components to penetrate the layers of the epidermis.

To preserve youthful skin, the ointment is applied to the face once a day. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening.

Radevit is distributed in a thin layer, lightly massaging. This will help the beneficial substances quickly absorb into the layers and penetrate as deeply as possible. For therapeutic purposes, apply the product to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day. The method of use remains the same as for prophylactic use.

It is important to consider that the product does not contain an SPF filter, so in the summer the risk of pigmentation increases. The ointment also works well against acne and pimples. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

For maximum effect, it is recommended to use moisturizing masks in parallel with the cream. They are applied at a time when the drug has already been completely absorbed into the skin. After a month's course of use, the skin is noticeably moisturized and its metabolic process improves. By retaining moisture in the intercellular space, wrinkles will become less noticeable.

Radevit activates regenerative processes in the skin, which leads to skin renewal. For acne, the drug is used 2 times a day for 3-5 days. Already on the 2nd day of use, redness and itching disappear.

Around eyes

It will not be possible to remove expression lines or age-related wrinkles in the eye area using Radevit. The cream contains retinol. This substance causes severe irritation on the delicate skin of the eyelids. In addition, the use of the product in this area can result in swelling, redness of the skin and tearing.

What is included in the pharmaceutical product

The peculiarity of the ointment is that it contains only vitamins, among which are vitamins A, D and E. There are no ingredients in it that could dry out the skin.

Vitamin A - restores the skin, eliminates peeling, keratinization and redness. It is a powerful antioxidant that can prevent early symptoms of aging.

Vitamins of group D - can reduce dryness of the skin and reduce inflammation. D2 and D3 actively prolong the youth and beauty of the skin.

Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that has a healing effect on the dermis and removes toxic substances from it. If there is not enough vitamin, then wrinkles, age spots form and early flabbiness of the surface appears.

Emulsion wax is an auxiliary component of the composition, which actively softens the dermis and protects against increased moisture loss when interacting with ultraviolet rays. Wax also has the property of being non-greasy after application and does not clog pores.

Glycerin is a component often included in the composition of many creams, masks and products for the care of the dermis on the face. It is able to extract moisture from the air and retain it. As part of Radevit, glycerin is present in large quantities, which is why many women have noticed its positive effect - the surface becomes softer and looks fresher after just one use.

The drug contains only beneficial ingredients for the face, which help girls stay beautiful, young and look fresh. It does not contain stabilizers, alcohols or petroleum jelly.

Side effects

If the rules for using the drug are not followed, unpleasant symptoms may occur.

Radevit, an anti-wrinkle ointment, reviews of cosmetologists about which help to assess the likelihood of complications occurring after taking it, causes adverse reactions in the body:

  • Hypervitaminosis. Occurs with prolonged treatment of large areas of skin and parallel intake of vitamins included in the ointment.
  • Allergic manifestations. Occurs with repeated use of the ointment. In some cases, a negative reaction from the body may occur immediately. A side effect occurs in the form of urticaria. The drug does not cause angioedema and anaphylactic shock. Symptoms disappear after taking antihistamine drops or tablets.

  • Swelling and itching. Most often occurs when using the drug over manifestations of inflammatory skin diseases. Radevit promotes the accumulation of moisture in the lesion, which aggravates the course of the disease.
  • Impact on the child during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The consequences of use have not been fully studied. At the same time, the likelihood of pregnancy complications and congenital defects in the newborn remains. When breastfeeding, a child may have an allergic reaction to the components included in the composition.

The use of ointment can lead to skin irritation, hyperemic reactions and soreness of the skin.

Side effects and contraindications

During treatment with Videstim ointment, in some cases, increased irritation, itching and redness of the skin may occur. Typically, such symptoms appear in the first few days, then gradually disappear. This feature is explained by the property of retinol to activate metabolic processes in tissues.

  • It is necessary to stop using the drug if you have an allergic reaction: increasing burning sensation, swelling, rash at the application sites.
  • It is not recommended to use Videstim for open bleeding lesions, malignant neoplasms, or infectious inflammatory processes.
  • Pregnant women are allowed to use the ointment according to individual indications, if the benefits of the product outweigh the likely risk to the health of the child.

The use of the drug can be dangerous in case of hypervitaminosis A. This is a fairly rare condition, but it can cause intoxication, so it is important to exclude it.

special instructions

To achieve maximum results when applying ointment, it is important to follow a number of rules.

Among the special instructions for the use of Radevit:

  • The simultaneous use of ointment and other drugs containing vitamins D, E, A and retinoids is prohibited. This will protect the body from the development of hypervitaminosis.
  • The use of hormonal therapy reduces the effectiveness of Radevit application.
  • If side effects occur, you can neutralize the effect of the cream using glucocorticosteroids or salicylates.
  • To prevent the occurrence of hypervitaminosis, it is recommended to apply the cream to small areas of the skin.
  • In case of severe exfoliation of the stratum corneum, the instructions for use recommend applying special dressings over the ointment. They protect the damaged area of ​​the skin from oxygen penetration.
  • Cracks, wounds and other damage must be pre-treated with an antiseptic.

Radevit is suitable for long-term use. The maximum duration of treatment can be 3 months.

For whom is the cream intended and for whom is it prohibited?

The main effect of using “Radevit” is the relief of inflammation, starting the process of natural restoration inside epithelial cells. It eliminates itching, treats peeling, quickly heals pimples, and at the same time nourishes the skin from the inside, making it moisturized. At the same time, the tone and texture of the skin improves, it becomes soft and velvety. If a woman uses it, regular use noticeably evens out the texture and smoothes out small and large wrinkles.

Is it possible to use Radevit in the summer? Cosmetologists do not prohibit applying it from time to time: this way collagen will not be destroyed under the influence of sunlight, and the skin will remain elastic. But after using ointments and creams, pigment spots may appear, so it is better not to apply Radevit before leaving the house.

The cream is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • dermatitis (including allergic);
  • erosions;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis;
  • with cracks on the surface of the epithelium;
  • for the treatment of wounds (excluding open ones).

Dermatologists also advise using it after hormonal therapy with ointments with corticosteroids: the use of this product softens the “hormonal shock”, promoting the speedy restoration of the integument.

Like any other medical product, Radevit ointments and creams have their contraindications. The medicine is prohibited for anyone who has an individual intolerance to individual components (see composition above), or who has increased sensitivity of the epithelium. The cream should not be used by people with hypervitaminosis of retinol, tocopherol, or vitamin D. It is also not recommended for anyone who takes retinoids.

Pregnancy is considered a relative contraindication: if necessary, the doctor allows its use, but the situation is always discussed individually, taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman.

Doctors talk about using the Radevit cream:

But in general, Radevit is safe, side effects are recorded in the rarest cases. The cream is hypoallergenic and easily tolerated by people of different ages.


Radevit, an anti-wrinkle ointment, reviews of which from cosmetologists are in most cases good, has a unique structure. There are no drugs that are the same. Analogues are only similar in their effect.

Among analogues:

  • Linin. The components of the composition are similar to Radevit. Suitable for treating wounds and various surface damage. Accelerates the restoration of tissue integrity and relieves severe itching. The cost for 30 g of the drug starts from 60 rubles.
  • Linetol. Metabolic ointment, the action of which is aimed at normalizing the metabolic processes that occur in the layers of the dermis. Available in solution form. For one 100 ml bottle you will have to pay approximately 138 rubles.
  • Colocyl. The product has an antiseptic and restorative effect. Sold in the form of a sponge, the cost of which varies from 90 to 150 rubles. Apply to damaged skin.
  • Carl. The drug has a wound healing and reparative effect. The sponge is soaked in ointment. Suitable for people who suffer from frequent allergies. It does not cause negative reactions in the body. It is used for radiation diseases of the mucous membranes and skin.

Each drug has its own composition, contraindications and side effects. Therefore, it is not recommended to change the drug yourself to a similar medicine. Before doing this, you should consult with your doctor. He will advise which ointment is best as a replacement.

Price in pharmacies in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

The cost of a medicine depends on many parameters. It can be influenced by the pharmacy chain and its location, the pharmaceutical company and the country of manufacture. Radevit is considered an affordable drug, its price is relatively low. You can purchase the ointment both in city pharmacies and through the online store.

The approximate cost in different cities is presented in the table.

CityPrice for 35 g, rub.
Moscowfrom 336
Saint Petersburgfrom 329
Ekaterinburgfrom 313
Ryazanfrom 329
Vladivostokfrom 345

What cosmetologists say about the effectiveness of Radevit ointment

Cosmetologists leave positive reviews about the drug. They note that Radevit in the form of an anti-wrinkle ointment is highly effective.

Its composition is natural. It contains useful substances and is free of aromatic fragrances and dyes. The drug gives good results not only in the fight against wrinkles, but also in flaking and dry skin.

Experts urge you to come for a consultation before using the ointment. Despite the fact that Radevit is one of the effective cosmetic products, its use can be harmful. Still, this is not a simple care cream, but a medicinal ointment. Its purpose requires an individual approach.

Cosmetologists say that you should take its use during menopause and menopause seriously. If the sweat glands are too active, you will have to abandon the product altogether. Compared to anti-aging cosmetics, the consistency of the cream is not as thick and greasy.

Despite this, the product moisturizes and nourishes the skin well. Radevit should be used with caution. It can clog pores. Patients sometimes complain of a feeling of discomfort and a constant feeling of a creamy texture on the skin. Radevit has a wide spectrum of action.

Reviews from cosmetologists say that the ointment can be used to prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face, moisturize hands and lips. It is also used for complex treatment of dermatological diseases. To get maximum results from application, it is important to follow specific instructions and become familiar with contraindications and side effects.


Radevit is used in cosmetology as a nourishing and moisturizing agent for the face; it is especially popular among women over 30 years old. The effectiveness of the ointment is ensured by its fortified composition. Each component of the drug has its own effect on the epidermis, which in combination with other substances gives a visible result in the fight against wrinkles:

  1. Vitamin A – has an anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and moisturizing effect on the skin. Promotes increased blood circulation, accelerates cellular renewal processes. Increases skin resistance to external influences, evens out facial tone and eliminates pigmentation.
  2. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that fights skin aging and has a lifting effect. Tocopherol regulates water balance, eliminates dryness and prevents photoaging. The presence of this component helps smooth the complexion, improve blood circulation in tissues and even prevents the development of cancer.
  3. Vitamin D2 - tones the skin, helps strengthen its immunity, fights inflammatory processes, heals damage and accelerates the regeneration of epidermal cells, stimulating the production of collagen.
  4. Glycerin is a well-known moisturizing component. With its help, the main active substances are actively absorbed into the inner layers of the epidermis. Glycerin serves as a conductor when applying the cream to the surface of the skin and nourishes flaky areas.
  5. Ethyl alcohol is a strong antiseptic and helps remove the fat layer from the surface of the skin. The drying effect helps to cope with problems such as pimples and acne.
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