Kefir cosmetics for acne: effectiveness, rules of use, recipes

Kefir is a cheap product that many generations of women have used for skin care. With the help of kefir face masks, you can whiten pigmentation, fight acne, refresh and rejuvenate the skin. Fermented milk-based compositions are beneficial for the epidermis of all types and ages, but are especially recommended in the presence of inflammatory problems.

Useful properties of kefir for the face

The benefits of kefir for facial skin are due to the content of bioactive substances. Includes:

  • retinol, which causes skin cells to regenerate more actively;
  • B-group vitamins that protect the epidermis from ultraviolet radiation and improve oxygen saturation of cells;
  • ascorbic acid, which increases the tone of the epidermis;
  • tocopherol, which cleanses skin tissue of toxins;
  • biotin, which prevents the occurrence of inflammatory skin diseases.

Kefir for the face is beneficial for any type of epidermis and copes with many dermatological problems. This is an absolutely safe product for the skin. It is used to:

  • moisturize the skin;
  • whiten pigment formations;
  • normalize the level of oily skin;
  • tighten, refresh and improve your face;
  • prevent early aging of skin tissue;
  • remove comedones, cleanse skin pores.

Indications and contraindications

Kefir masks are used for:

  • increased oily and dry skin;
  • sensitivity of the epidermis;
  • manifestation of age-related changes, formation of wrinkles;
  • peeling;
  • the appearance of inflammatory formations and acne.

Expert opinion

Anastasia Zaslavskaya

Dermatologist, cosmetologist

There are almost no contraindications. You should not use kefir on your face only if you have an individual intolerance. You also need to select additional ingredients from those that do not cause an allergic reaction.

Contraindications to the use of fermented milk product

As for contraindications, kefir masks have almost none. Kefir in its pure form does not cause allergies; if an allergic reaction occurs in the form of a rash, then most often this happens due to other components included in the mask. Therefore, it is better to first test the skin for a reaction: one by one, apply a little drink and other components to different areas of the skin and see if irritation occurs. If there is no reaction, then you can safely use the mask. It is recommended to be very careful with the ingredients, since allergies are most often caused by honey or lemon.

Rules for preparing masks

To prepare homemade facial remedies, it is better to take not fresh kefir, but one that has been in the refrigerator for 4-6 days.

In order not to worsen the condition of the skin, the composition should be applied to previously cleansed skin along massage lines, without involving the area around the eyelids. For cleansing, use the usual lotion. Then they wash with hot water to steam the skin and open the pores.

The kefir composition applied to the face should be at room temperature. It is convenient to spread it with a wooden cosmetic spatula.

The mask is left on the face for 20 minutes, then washed off with lukewarm water. You can use warm milk to wash off, so the epidermis will receive even more beneficial substances. After the procedure, use a nourishing cream.

You can use masks 2-3 times a week. You cannot apply kefir composition if there are open injuries on your face.

Using kefir masks

Kefir masks can be miraculous if you use them correctly and follow some rules. Kefir can be combined with many other beneficial ingredients to increase its effectiveness. The main thing is to exclude foods that can cause allergies. For example, honey is the most common and effective element of face masks, but it also tends to be a strong allergen.

Products for kefir masks and application rules

When choosing kefir for preparing a mask, pay attention to the dates of its production and storage. Give preference to kefir that can be stored for no more than a week, because it is most saturated with useful components.

If the shelf life of kefir is longer - more than 7 days, then most likely it contains special additives that extend the shelf life. They often reduce the value of kefir as a product for oral consumption and a base for masks.

Rules for selecting a mask recipe

You need to choose a mask based on the needs of your skin and the effect you want to achieve:

  1. for dry, choose full-fat kefir, because it needs to be saturated with moisture and nutrients;
  2. for oily skin, including those with shortcomings in the form of rashes, low-fat kefir for cleansing and mattifying, relieving inflammation and irritation.

Rules for applying masks

Before you start applying the mask, you need to wash your face. This will cleanse the skin, which means it will increase the effectiveness of the mask. You can use your usual foams and washing gels.

You can apply the mask with clean hands or a cosmetic spatula.

After a certain time has passed for the mask to take effect, wash it off with warm water or milk.
At the same time, do not try to erase it from your face; movements should be smooth and gentle. Kefir face mask: a safe natural remedy for acne

Washing with kefir

If you don’t have time to prepare masks, you can simply wash your face with a fermented milk product. And you can do this every day. A positive result is noticeable within a week: the pores will narrow, inflammatory formations will disappear, the skin will become healthier and acquire an even tone.

It's better to wash your face in the evening. If your skin is oily, you can leave the product residue off your face even overnight. And if the epidermis is dry, you must remove the kefir film with a damp cloth.

For dry and sensitive skin

Kefir masks not only perfectly moisturize, but also tighten the oval of the face and saturate the skin tissue with essential nutrients.

With honey and olive oil

In a bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of honey and a similar amount of olive oil. Heat a little in a steam bath. Add a large spoonful of chopped parsley and 3 spoons of fermented milk drink.

With carrot juice

Grind a medium-sized carrot on a grater with small holes. Squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Combine carrot juice with kefir in a ratio of 1:3. Add olive oil and honey a teaspoon at a time. Stir well.

With starch

Beat the egg white. Add dairy product and starch one tablespoon at a time. Stir thoroughly. Apply loosely to the face.

Benefits for cleansing the body

Kefir is a light and low-calorie bioproduct that is quickly absorbed by the body. It is not for nothing that it is included in weight loss diets and therapeutic diets. The probiotics contained in the drink block the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines that cause dysbiosis. By populating the microflora with important microorganisms, kefir helps improve immunity.

The drink is also important for appearance. Since the skin is an organ of elimination, accumulated toxins and harmful substances come out through the pores. Slagging leads to acne.

By consuming a healthy dairy product, the body begins to independently establish cleansing processes, and rashes disappear. The importance of kefir for acne has been proven over years of use; the reviews about the natural cosmetic product are the best.

For oily skin

Kefir masks for oily faces eliminate unsightly shine and help fight inflammation and acne.

With carrots and protein

Beat raw egg white until foamy, pour in 3 large spoons of kefir, one teaspoon of freshly squeezed carrot juice, a teaspoon of lemon juice, add one tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese. Stir well.

With yeast

A tablespoon of yeast is diluted with a fermented milk drink. The kefir mask should have a paste-like consistency.

With oatmeal

Take 2 large spoons of flour obtained from crushed oatmeal. Pour half a glass of sour drink. Leave for 5 minutes to swell. The resulting kefir mask should lie on the face in a dense layer.

With bread

A mask made of kefir and bread crumb perfectly eliminates greasy shine and cleanses the skin.

A thick piece of rye bread is poured with the drink and left to swell. When the crumb separates, drain off the excess liquid. Add a teaspoon of honey to the bread mass, stir thoroughly and knead until smooth.

With sour kefir

Masks made from sour kefir are recommended for oily faces. No additional ingredients required. Moisten a cotton swab with the clean product and lubricate the skin.

Acne masks

Masks for problem faces made with kefir effectively get rid of acne, gently cleanse, and prevent the appearance of new inflammatory formations.

With yeast and peroxide

Mix 3 tablespoons of the drink and 10 g of yeast, pour in no more than 2 small spoons of peroxide.

The kefir mask should remain on the face until it dries, and it is better to wash it off with a decoction of chamomile.

With clay

To remove acne, use a mask with kefir and white clay. Take a tablespoon of kaolin, pour in such an amount of fermented milk product that a paste-like mass comes out. It is kept on the face until it dries.

With yolk and vodka

A kefir mask is great for removing comedones and extinguishing inflammation. Mix the yolk of one egg, a tablespoon of kefir, a teaspoon of vodka and lemon juice.

With aspirin

This kefir mask is ideal for the sebaceous epidermis; it actually replaces peeling, so it is used a maximum of 4 times a month.

Grind two tablets to a powder, pour in 2 large spoons of kefir and one teaspoon of mineral water.

Features of the medicinal composition

The value of the product does not end with the presence of bifidobacteria, because kefir also contains other substances necessary for excellent health and facial beauty.

Vitamin A is needed for visual acuity, healthy hair and nails, and inhibits skin aging. Calcium and vitamin D strengthen the skeletal system. B vitamins are especially important for the epidermis, have an anti-inflammatory effect and promote cell regeneration. B6 is included in the composition of medicinal products against acne and acne. Vitamin C is responsible for skin elasticity, H gives it smoothness.

A cocktail of beneficial micro and microelements together has the following effects on the skin:

  • Antiseptic. Kefir helps remove redness, acne and pimples caused by pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Whitening. Masks made from the drink help get rid of age spots and even out the complexion.
  • Moisturizing. Cosmetic procedures with kefir are suitable for dry skin that is prone to flaking. Thanks to them, the cells are filled with moisture, discomfort and a feeling of tightness go away.
  • Rejuvenating. Time has already proven that a kefir mask smoothes out shallow wrinkles and has a tonic effect.
  • Protective. After kefir cosmetics, the epidermis is saturated with beneficial bacteria, as a result - the ability to resist the harmful effects of the environment.
  • Nutritious. The fermented milk product provides the skin with beauty vitamins A, B and other elements.

For wrinkles

In order for the fermented milk mask to act as a lifting agent, ingredients are added to it that give a tightening and refreshing effect.

With berries

A paste is prepared from strawberries, raspberries and currants. Add flaxseed oil and soft cottage cheese to 2 tablespoons of berry mass. Pour in kefir to make a creamy mass.

With banana

Cut off a quarter of the ripe banana pulp and grind it into a paste. Add 2 large spoons of the drink.

With gelatin

Pour a teaspoon of gelatin powder into a bowl. Pour 50 ml of cold water and leave for half an hour to swell. Place in a steam bath and heat until the mixture reaches a uniform consistency. Kefir is added to the cooled mass to create a creamy composition.


For 3 tablespoons of fermented milk drink, take half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. For better cleansing and vitaminization, you can add a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of oatmeal. The composition is kept on the face for no longer than 10 minutes.

From blackheads

Kefir helps not only remove comedones, but also make the skin tone even and beautiful.

With soda

In one bowl combine a teaspoon of soda and two oatmeal, and in the other – 2 tablespoons of kefir and a dessert lemon juice. Mix the ingredients and stir thoroughly until smooth.

With rice flour

Combine 2 tablespoons of flour and half a teaspoon of soda. Pour in the milk drink to form a paste-like mass. The mask is applied to problem areas of the face.

Rules for applying kefir cosmetics

For probiotic-based care products, there are principles of use on which the result of the procedure depends. Simple but important tips for applying masks:

  • the prepared mixture is applied with a spatula or cotton pad;
  • the mask is washed off not only with water, but also with milk, green tea or a decoction of medicinal herbs;
  • after washing, remove excess moisture with a disposable paper towel;
  • If you have a food allergy, you should avoid adding honey, lemon and strawberries to your masks;
  • For those with delicate skin, it is preferable to avoid masks with baking soda, peroxide and other active ingredients.

Kefir for acne is an effective remedy in the fight against rashes. Expensive creams can be compared to a natural product that is affordable for everyone, but you shouldn’t spend extra money. Thanks to beneficial bifidobacteria, the fermented milk drink cleanses the body from the inside, eliminates blackheads and inflammation, making the skin smooth and radiant. Applying a homemade kefir mask will take a couple of minutes, and the result will meet all expectations.

Masks for whitening age spots

Kefir in combination with whitening ingredients effectively removes pigmentation and brightens the face.

With cucumber juice

Half a medium cucumber is grated using a fine-hole grater. Pour in 2 large spoons of the drink.

This whitening mask is ideal for oily skin. If your face is dry, then you can apply it in a targeted manner, only on pigmented areas.

With green tea at night

A nighttime composition that includes 50 ml of kefir, a tablespoon of crushed green tea, dessert oatmeal, and a teaspoon of olive oil helps to effectively whiten your face. The product is left on the face overnight.

The benefits of kefir in cosmetology

The benefits of this product extend to many branches of medicine. Kefir diets are used as an excellent way to lose weight and cleanse the body of toxins. He made a huge contribution to home cosmetology.

The variety of applications in cosmetic procedures is amazing in its quantity. This product is one of the main components of numerous cosmetics:

  1. Nourishing hair treatments;
  2. Masks to fight acne;
  3. Nourishing baths for nails;
  4. Anti-aging facial treatments for the face;
  5. Anti-acne masks;
  6. Cosmetics that accelerate hair growth.

Listing all the procedures can take a lot of time; the contribution of kefir to cosmetology is very great.


Users rave about masks based on fermented milk products. They note their low cost, availability, and the possibility of using them on skin of all ages and types.

  • Alina, 36 years old: “I treat my face with kefir before going to bed, take it off after 15 minutes. The result is excellent. I usually take pure kefir, but I can make a mask with black bread. This mask, by the way, helped me get rid of large painful acne.”
  • Ksenia, 24 years old: “I don’t like kefir as a drink, but it’s ideal for skin care. My face is dry and flaky, so I buy a rich drink. I keep it for half an hour. The face becomes tender and soft. You can clearly see that the skin is saturated with useful substances.”
  • Anna, 33 years old: “I make masks from what I find in the refrigerator. My face is oily, so I usually take egg whites, oatmeal, and kefir. Sometimes I even just wipe my face with kefir, it becomes soft and tender.”

Kefir is one of the most used food ingredients for making homemade masks; it has a positive effect on the condition of all types of epidermis. Kefir compositions intensively nourish and moisturize, have a whitening and anti-inflammatory effect, and remove comedones and acne.


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