Cream for stretch marks for pregnant women. Why is it necessary and how to choose?

ATTENTION! Consult your physician before use.
  • Cream for stretch marks. Features of selection and application
      What substances should an anti-stretch mark cream contain?
  • How to use the cream
  • Where to apply
  • Is there any harm from using stretch mark cream?
  • Review of the most popular creams for stretch marks
  • Stretch marks that appear on the skin during pregnancy are quite common. They look like light or purple scars on the abdomen, forearms, chest, buttocks or thighs. Stretch marks do not cause any painful sensations, but they can seriously spoil the appearance of the skin, which is why many women are interested in methods of combating this cosmetic defect.

    Risk factors for stretch marks

    There are a number of reasons why a woman may be predisposed to developing stretch marks during pregnancy.

    • Hereditary factor. It is much more likely that a woman will have stretch marks if someone in her family has already had them during pregnancy. It must be borne in mind that the volume of the abdomen is not the key point here. Sometimes women, even with a small belly, can experience very noticeable marks on the skin. And vice versa, if a woman does not have a predisposition to stretch marks, they will not appear even with a huge belly.
    • Physiological features. Some women have more flaccid abdominal muscles than others, making them more prone to stretch marks. Skin properties can also be affected by metabolism. If it is violated, the likelihood of scarring on the skin during pregnancy greatly increases.
    • The risk increases with dry skin, as well as if a woman gains weight very rapidly.
    • Food quality. A balanced diet, in which a pregnant woman’s body receives the substances it needs, can reduce the likelihood of stretch marks or significantly reduce their number and size.
    • Woman's age and lifestyle. Young mothers' skin is usually more elastic, so they are less likely to suffer from these problems. The appearance of stretch marks is also influenced by a woman’s physical activity and her tendency to bad habits - for example, smoking significantly impairs the division of skin cells, as a result of which it becomes weaker and more susceptible to connective tissue ruptures.

    How to choose “the one”, your remedy that will really help?

    1. Consider the condition of your skin, age, and allergies to specific components.
    2. Study the composition of the cream - the presence of useful components (their order in the list of ingredients; the closer to the beginning of the list, the greater the percentage of the component in the composition), the presence of harmful components, the presence of components responsible for the strength of collagen fibers.
    3. Study the reviews of expectant mothers on the selected cream.
    4. Find a sample of the product - do an allergy test.
    5. Evaluate the smell of the cream. It may be too intense, and you may need to use it every day throughout your pregnancy.
    6. Read the instructions! If you are pregnant, look for a cream that is used specifically during pregnancy, and not after childbirth, otherwise you simply will not be able to evaluate its effectiveness.

    And, of course, consult your doctor!

    Here are the most effective remedies for stretch marks, according to future and established mothers:

    Prevention of stretch marks

    Some measures will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy or reduce their number. You need to start taking care of this issue from the first weeks of bearing a child.

    • Weight control. During the entire period of bearing a baby, it is not advisable for a woman to gain more than 10–12 kg, since too rapid weight gain often leads to the rapid formation of stretch marks.
    • Use of special bandages. During advanced pregnancy, when the belly is already very large, it is recommended to use bandages, corsets, and support bras.
    • Massage. Properly performed, regular skin massage increases blood circulation, helping to improve the health of skin cells and reducing the likelihood of scarring. Hydromassage has an excellent effect.
    • Application of moisturizing creams. With regular use of such creams, you can not only prevent stretch marks, but also solve the problem of dry skin, which is often the cause of their occurrence.
    • Cold and hot shower. It powerfully increases blood circulation in the body and can have an excellent effect on the condition of the skin.

    Proper nutrition

    One of the most important conditions for preventing stretch marks is proper nutrition throughout pregnancy. By following certain rules and introducing certain foods into your diet, you can significantly reduce the risk of these unwanted skin defects.

    • Proteins play a huge role in this matter. Thanks to them, the body actively produces elastin and collagen, the purpose of which is to help the skin stretch without tearing the connective tissue. It is better for a pregnant woman to get proteins from nuts and legumes. For example, walnuts are very rich in plant proteins and can provide the body with the necessary supply of protein.
    • Eat more fruits and vegetables. Be sure to include foods containing a lot of fiber in your diet.
    • Reduce to a minimum or completely avoid fatty, floury and heavy foods. The amount of salt consumed should also be reduced.
    • Liquids should be drunk from 2 liters per day unless otherwise instructed by the gynecologist. Mineral water without gas, all kinds of fruit drinks and compotes, as well as green tea are good options. It is better to avoid highly carbonated drinks during this period. In addition, it is not recommended to drink a lot of liquid before bed to avoid the formation of edema.
    • It is necessary to ensure that the body receives the entire complex of microelements and vitamins that are vital for a pregnant woman. Vitamin E is especially important, since only thanks to it are harmful toxins removed from the body, the accumulation of which weakens tissues and deteriorates the condition of the skin.

    A balanced diet helps control body weight. If you eat right, weight will be gained evenly, which will prevent sudden stress on the skin.

    These preventive measures are effective, but often only special creams designed to prevent scars can help maintain normal skin.

    What are the dangers of retinol during pregnancy?

    1. Teratogenic effect on the internal organs of the fetus - kidneys, liver, heart. A child may be born with pathology in the development of these organs.
    2. Negative effect on the central nervous system and brain of the fetus.
    3. Causes pathologies in the development of the child’s limbs.
    4. Excess vitamin A leads to improper development of the genital organs of the unborn child.
    5. Chronic overdose of vitamin A causes vitamin D deficiency.

    But it is also worth understanding that fears of overdosing on vitamin A should not lead to the other extreme - completely excluding it from a pregnant woman’s diet. The lack of this vitamin entails even more serious consequences for the mother and unborn child.

    There is only one way out - take vitamin A only with food, focusing on freshly prepared and raw vegetables and fruits. Any vitamin intake should be agreed with your doctor. During pregnancy, it is better not to use cosmetics containing pure retinol - look for carotenoids on the labels of cosmetics for pregnant women, but not retinol. Trust only certified products, buying them in specialized stores or pharmacies.

    It is worth remembering that the daily requirement of vitamin A for a pregnant woman is 2500-3200 IU. It is this norm that must be relied upon when choosing a menu and vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

    Creams for stretch marks

    Choosing the right cream needs to be done with great care. The task of all creams of this type is to increase the skin’s ability to stretch, as well as provide it with nutrition, soften and moisturize. But not all creams can have a really good effect, and some can even be harmful to a pregnant woman, so you need to choose the right cream with great care. First, you need to very carefully read the instructions included with any cream. It should clearly indicate that this cream is approved for use by women who are pregnant.

    If this is not in the instructions, you can safely refuse such a remedy, since it can only harm the mother and child.

    The cream should have a pleasant or neutral odor. After all, you will have to use it several times a day every day, and few people will like to constantly feel an unpleasant, irritating smell. An overly strong smell can sometimes even cause attacks of nausea and toxicosis in a pregnant woman. The hypoallergenic nature of the cream is perhaps its most important quality. If possible, it is better to buy a sample or ask a friend for some cream to test it on your skin and determine if there is an allergic reaction - burning, itching or other unpleasant sensations.

    What substances should an anti-stretch mark cream contain?

    The greatest effect will have creams that contain emollients and components that improve blood circulation in the skin. Creams containing the following substances will have a particularly beneficial effect:

    • Vitamins E, A, C and PP. They help improve cell functioning and restore damaged tissue.
    • Elastane and collagen are especially important for maintaining the properties of the skin that prevent tissue destruction.
    • Retinoids. Pregnant women often suffer from excessive dry skin and poor elasticity. Retinoids, which are analogues of vitamin A, accelerate cell regeneration, providing invaluable assistance with these problems.
    • It is very important that the cream contains high-quality skin moisturizers.
    • Vegetable oils will perfectly complement the composition of the cream. Due to their natural origin, they will have an excellent effect on the skin, moisturize it, help restore metabolic processes, and also eliminate inflammatory processes. Vegetable oils that have proven themselves to be excellent: sea buckthorn oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil, grape seed oil, almond oil.

    The presence of some herbs in the cream will serve as a contraindication for its use during pregnancy.

    The cream should not contain chamomile, ginger, parsley and wormwood, which can adversely affect the health of the mother and child.

    How to use the cream

    You should start using such creams from the beginning of pregnancy, at the slightest sign of abdominal growth. It is very important to use it regularly, otherwise it will not give any significant effect. Components that moisturize and saturate the skin with nutrients should be supplied to the skin every day. It is advisable to apply the cream at least twice a day, preferably after water procedures.

    Where to apply

    The cream is applied with massage movements to those areas where stretch marks most often form - on the stomach, buttocks, chest, thighs. Different creams are usually used for different areas. For example, a cream for the abdomen may not be suitable for the chest, so you need to carefully study the instructions for each type of such cream.

    Is there any harm from using stretch mark cream?

    !We recommend consulting your doctor.

    When choosing a cream for stretch marks, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics that a pregnant woman’s body has. If a certain cream works well for a friend, it may not have any effect on you, or even cause a negative reaction on the skin. Therefore, it is strictly recommended to consult a doctor before starting to use any cream. A specialist will help you choose the safest and most effective option.


    An effective product from a Belarusian company.


    • hyaluronic acid;
    • lactic acid;
    • lanolin;
    • vitamins A, E;
    • almond oil;
    • coconut oil;
    • Shea Butter.

    Has a pleasant smell. The product is rubbed into problem areas with light movements. But there is a minus - the possibility of allergies due to vitamin A intolerance.

    Which stretch mark cream is best?

    Mama comfort

    A well-proven product that can be used by women with hypersensitive skin. The cream is perfectly absorbed and ensures normal blood circulation. The cream contains a number of oils and extracts that promote skin elasticity.

    Average price – 450 rubles.


    This cream reduces itching of the skin, strengthens it and tones it. The extracts it contains improve the skin's stretching abilities, while the oils moisturize and soothe the skin.

    Average price – 680 rubles.


    This cream not only prevents the appearance of stretch marks, but also significantly reduces those that have already formed on the skin. It contains elasto-regulators, moisturizers and a number of softening oils.

    Average price – 1500 rub.


    Vichy cream is based on thermal water, which moisturizes the skin and makes it elastic. Thanks to collagen fibers, it helps cells regenerate. Can be used in any month of pregnancy.

    Average price – 600 rubles.


    A wonderful cream that prevents stretch marks. Contains unique wheat protein as well as olive oil. These components make the skin firm and promote elasticity, which helps prevent the formation of stretch marks. This cream is a completely natural product that does not contain dyes or chemical additives, which makes it completely safe for mother and child.

    Average price – 450 rubles.


    One of the safest creams for stretch marks. Contains only natural ingredients - vitamins E, PP, as well as wheat and rice bran oil. The components of the cream do not penetrate into the body, so it has no effect on the baby.

    Average price – 600 rubles.


    This product softens and saturates the skin with nutrients, preventing it from overstretching. A special feature of the cream is its ability to restore the body’s normal production of elastin and collagen. Allows you to reduce the size and number of existing stretch marks.

    Average price – 2200 rub.


    This cream-gel is recommended for use from the 3rd month of pregnancy, as well as after childbirth for about 3 months. Prevents stretch marks thanks to the content of soybean and karite oils. Not the most effective remedy, although it contains a lot of nutrients.

    Average price – 1500 rub.


    Contains moisturizing and nourishing oils that help prevent scarring. It has proven to be a very effective remedy in the fight against stretch marks.

    Average price – 600 rubles.

    Green Mama

    Thanks to the content of seaweed, it strengthens muscle fibers and removes excess moisture from the skin. Contains absolutely natural essential oils that soften the skin and help cope with its excessive dryness.

    Average price – 170 rubles.

    "Mom's comfort"

    The most popular remedy for this problem. It is harmless, so it can be used by expectant mothers.

    The cream contains:

    • horse chestnut extract;
    • tocopheryl acetate;
    • castor oil;
    • vitamin A.

    The product smells pleasant, has a light texture, is quickly absorbed and does not leave marks on clothes. Another plus is the low price. The only downside is the possibility of allergies.

    Hendel`s Garden pomegranate emulsion

    • Price: about 1200 rub.
    • Used: during pregnancy, when losing weight, after childbirth.
    • Long lasting effect!

    • Properties: acceleration of tissue recovery; stimulation of skin self-rejuvenation; restoration of moisture levels and elasticity of the skin; anti-inflammatory, smoothing and whitening properties; protection against the appearance of stretch marks and reduction in their intensity.
    • Ingredients: pomegranate extract, shea butter, walnut oil, green coffee extract, panthenol, jojoba oil, rapeseed oil.

    Emulsion Bepantol, Bayer

    • Price: about 1300 rub.
    • Form: cream and emulsion (emulsion is more effective!).
    • Used from 1 month of pregnancy and after childbirth.
    • Properties: deep skin nutrition; intensive hydration with prolonged stretching of the skin; smoothing and restoration of elasticity; prevention of stretch marks formation.
    • Free from dyes, parabens and preservatives.
    • Ingredients: centella asiatica (stimulation of collagen production), glycerin, provitamin B5, lipids, olive oil, dexpanthenol (note - in cells it is transformed into pantothenic acid), vitamins C and E.
    ( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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