How to choose a face cream for dry skin: tips and reviews from cosmetologists

Updated: 03/03/2021 11:26:39

Expert: Daria Alekseevna Litvinova

*Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

For owners of dry skin, it is important not only to choose a suitable face cream that can improve the condition of the dermis for a short time, but also to stabilize its condition in the long term, eliminating the causes of dryness. We will talk further about the causes of the condition, methods of treating it according to the recommendations of dermatologists, and also consider the best creams for dry skin.

Different tasks day and night

Cream is one of the main components of caring cosmetics. It can be daytime or nighttime. At different times of the day, our skin has different tasks. At night she rests and gains strength, and during the day she actively “works”. Therefore, different cosmetic “top-ups” are also needed.

What should a face cream be for dry skin? Moisturizing and nourishing. Before you start choosing a cream, you need to accurately determine your facial skin type. There are four types in total: dry, oily, normal and combination. The skin structure of all people is approximately the same. Only the speed and force of action of the sebaceous glands differs.


  1. For very dry epidermis, it is best to use more nourishing components - oils, moisturizers such as glycerin, which retain moisture inside.
  2. For irritation and dryness, it is necessary to use herbal ingredients such as chamomile, cucumber, nettle, and birch.
  3. Dry skin can appear from too much exposure to sunlight, so do not forget to use dexpanthenol and apply sunscreen.
  4. Since it is difficult to add these substances to homemade cream yourself, they must be used separately.
  5. Pharmacy products are safer than mass market creams, since they have virtually no fragrances and contain components that do not cause allergies.

Dry or not?

The most balanced skin type is normal. This variety is almost ideal. Normal skin is not shiny and does not break out. Wrinkles appear on it relatively late. On such skin there are no spider veins and pores are almost invisible. She reacts poorly to sudden changes in weather. This type of skin requires minimal care. The main thing is not to disturb its natural balance.

Dry skin also rarely causes problems for its owner, especially at a young age. The exception is winter. At this time of year, dry skin needs intense hydration and nutrition. Otherwise, wind and frost will make it unhealthy and faded. Therefore, you need to choose the right face cream for dry skin. As you age, more intensive care is required. The fact is that dry skin becomes wrinkled early. Therefore, she needs anti-aging programs.

Comparative table of the presented funds

In order to compare the presented products, we suggest taking a look at the table with their characteristics.

MeansManufacturer countrySkin typeActionUV protectionWeight (ml)Price, rub.)
Librederm based on chamomile extractRussiadry, normal, mixedsoothes, saturates with moistureNo75from 288 to 400
LIFTACTIV SUPREME VICHYFrancedryhydration, elasticitynot available50from 2150 to 2400
WILDROSE WELEDASwitzerlanddry, mixedmoisturizing, radiancemineral UV filters200from 855 to 1200
LOREAL PARIS "HYDRATION EXPERT"Francedry, combination, sensitivemoisturizes, removes flakingNo15; 50from 250 to 300
Shiseido "SkincareMulti-EnergizingCream"Japandry, mixed, normalmoisturizing, anti-ageingNo30from 2400 to 3030
AUREALUX CREAM RADIANCE MOISTURIZER DOLCE S GABBANAItalydry, mixed, normalprotects against aging, saturates with moisturemineral UV filter50from 2500 to 3000
Clarins Eclat du jourFrancenormal, combination, drymoisturizing, radianceNo30from 999 to 1299

Combined or not?

Oily skin causes problems for its owners already in adolescence. It is the excess sebaceous secretion that leads to the appearance of acne. This is a real grief for girls. In summer, oily skin instantly sweats and begins to shine. Excess moisture clogs the pores, which form unsightly black marks. But oily skin rarely dries out and flakes in winter. And wrinkles form on it relatively late.

Combination skin has characteristics of oily, dry and normal. Facial areas can produce sebaceous secretions with varying degrees of intensity. For example, the forehead, nose and chin sweat and become covered with blackheads, and the cheeks peel. And all this at the same time! Signs of different skin types may appear sequentially. For example, in summer the skin sweats intensely, shines and even becomes covered with acne, and in winter it peels and turns red from irritation.

Take the test

Each girl can determine her skin type depending on the degree of shine and the presence of enlarged pores. If in doubt, take a short test. Cleanse your skin of impurities and makeup and give it a little rest. Blot different areas of your face with a napkin. If there are no wet marks left on it, your skin is dry. Spots have appeared on the forehead, nose, chin and cheeks - excess sebaceous secretion is produced. If your cheeks remain dry, then your skin is combination. Wet marks are visible only in two places, for example, in the forehead and nose - you have normal skin. This is the best option.

Dry skin often hurts after washing. And sometimes it turns red and peels. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right face cream for dry skin. The absence of a greasy layer looks good, but can be a problem. The fact is that sebaceous secretion has a protective function. It not only neutralizes the negative impact of the external environment, but also prevents the evaporation of moisture. Dry skin becomes dehydrated very quickly. And then wrinkles appear.

How to choose a cream for different skin types after 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 years

Most manufacturers indicate the age categories of consumers on the labels. Typically the step varies from 5 to 10 years.

There are several rules for the competent selection of skin care products at different ages:

  • up to 35 years of age, do not use preparations containing collagen and substances that stimulate its production by the skin;
  • from 35 to 50 years, it is necessary to use creams that retain a sufficient amount of fluid in the cells, saturate them with necessary nutrients, and also accelerate regeneration;
  • after 50, you should choose products with a high content of coenzyme Q10, retinol, hyaluronic acid, collagen and vegetable oils, which can slow down the drooping of the face and the formation of deep wrinkles.

Causes and consequences

Dry skin sometimes indicates a lack of vitamins in the body. This problem can be a consequence of tanning. Sometimes the skin is dried out by wind or frost. Problems also threaten those who love cleanliness. The skin becomes dry due to frequent washing. The fat layer is also destroyed by the use of scrubs. Contact with chlorinated water has a negative effect on the skin. But the main reason is heredity.

For women, using face cream for dry skin is a must. From a young age you need to start taking care of constant hydration and nutrition. You need to choose a cream specifically for dry skin. This is usually indicated on the tube. You need to buy a product for your age. Today, all well-known brands offer product lines for women after 25, 35, 45, 55 and 65 years. There is also a large selection of various cosmetics for young people. Moisturizer for dry skin should contain:

  • salicylic and hyaluronic acids;
  • elastin;
  • collagen;
  • retinol;
  • vitamin D

Additional products may include plant extracts, oils and beeswax. These substances make the skin smooth and silky.

Types of creams, according to what principle they are classified

Since dryness can be an acquired or congenital ability of the skin, creams must be selected in accordance with the problem.

  1. A rich and nourishing cream for irritated and dry facial skin: it has a fairly thick composition, protects against cold and wind, and is ideal for use in winter.
  2. Moisturizer with UV filter: has a light texture, helps protect the skin from severe sunburn. The degree of protection is determined by the SPF indicator
  3. For sensitive epidermis: the product does not contain irritating substances.
  4. For dry problem skin: in the presence of anti-inflammatory components (depanthenol), effectively removes acne at any age
  5. Rejuvenating, but oily cream for dry skin: temporarily stops the process of reducing epidermal turgor, smoothes wrinkles.
  6. Day cream: it forms a protective film against external factors.
  7. Night Cream: It promotes the production of collagen and elastin, which will prevent aging.

We take into account factors affecting the skin:

  1. Thin epidermis, inherited.
  2. Age-related changes after 30 years.
  3. Dehydrated surface due to heating, air conditioning, lack of water due to improper drinking regime.

If cells lack moisture, then you need to use moisturizers. If dry skin is inherited, you can use nutritional products. For example, such creams include Nivea.

The products are also divided into night and day products. The night cream is thicker, and the day cream has UV filters. For example, this includes Librederm for dry skin.

How to choose a cream with UV protection

Any skin protection product with UV filters is selected depending on the place where the person is located. If he has fair skin, then it is better to purchase a maximum cream SPF+ 50. For the rest, a cream with filters of 20 and 30 SPF will be enough. This is a universal indicator for sunscreen for every day.

If you are going on vacation at sea, it is better to take a product with the highest protection. The same goes for mountains and hot countries. Since after swimming the protection decreases, it is better to renew it again, and on the beach the cream acts with maximum protection for about 2 hours.

Regardless of skin type, the product applied to the skin should be reapplied every 2 hours to avoid burning. Travelers and those living in hot regions should not forget about the rules for staying in the sun.

Degrees of protection for different photo types

  1. Photo type 1, when the skin is almost white, with a lot of freckles. In the sun you need to use SPF 30-50 cream. At sea too, but with weak sun activity, protection of 20 is enough.
  2. Photo type 2, the degree of protection is the same as that of type 1, only for low activity, a cream with a 12 degree of protection is sufficient.
  3. Photo type 3, with average and strong solar activity, 20-30 SPF is enough, with low solar activity, 12 is enough. People tan well, the skin does not redden.
  4. Photo type 4 dark-skinned from birth. Even in strong sun, a cream with SPF 20-30 is enough for them, and on normal days 12-15 is enough.

Don't think that if your skin is dark, you don't need to worry about it. In any case, to save the dermis from drying out, care is needed.

Creams for dry and problematic

To choose the right cream for dry dermis, you must first understand the causes of this phenomenon. If there is redness, flaking of the skin, a feeling of tightness after washing, increased sensitivity, then the skin becomes dry. Most likely, this occurs due to dehydration or due to age-related changes. Solar activity or too aggressive care can also affect it: alcohol tonics, scrubs.

At the same time, the dermis is problematic, which means there are acne. In this case, you need a moisturizer with a light texture so as not to clog the pores. Most often, phyto-creams or serums are used. They are very light and will help moisturize the skin and relieve dryness. If exposed to the sun, use a cream with SPF of at least 30 daily.

Creams for dry and dehydrated skin

With dehydrated skin, all problems begin from the inside. Most likely, the person’s drinking regime is disrupted, or, again, the detergents used to remove makeup are too strong. We exclude alcohol tonics, lotions with acids and restore the lipid barrier. For example, Aqualia Thermal from VICHY will help.

Ingredients such as:

  • Aloe;
  • Glycerol;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Ceramides.

When choosing, you should pay attention to ensure that these components are included. Not necessarily all at once.

What can be used for rosacea

Rosacea can also be called rosacea in another way. Dilated vessels on the face do not at all decorate the dermis. The reason may be the sun or severe frost, wind.

What else can cause rosacea:

  • Taking medications that dilate blood vessels;
  • Stress;
  • Allergy;
  • Preparations containing alcohol, acetone for skin care;
  • High and low air humidity, sauna;
  • Physical exercise.

Cuperosis is a systemic vascular pathology, manifested in redness of areas of the facial skin and “patterns” of dilated capillaries appearing through it.

It is very difficult to remove this phenomenon, so you must use special creams. What remedies help against rosacea can be found here.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude alcohol lotions, scrubs, fragrances in creams, as well as menthol, mint and eucalyptus.

Care must be very careful. You can wash your face with warm water; too cold and hot baths are excluded. It is also necessary to properly moisturize the skin with a suitable cream. For example, L'Oreal Trio active ultra hydration. After this, apply sunscreen. This requires special products, and not the usual lotion from the market, so it is better to consult a cosmetologist. Sometimes a cosmetologist prescribes Metrogyl gel or Skinoren, but other remedies may be suggested.

Texture and safety

Consider the thickness of the cream. In winter, it is better to use products that are rich in nutrients. These creams are quite thick and greasy. In summer, choose products with a light texture. During the hot season, it is advisable to use cosmetics that protect against ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Is your skin not only flaky and red after washing, but also itchy? She needs special care. Cream for dry and sensitive skin should be delicate and hypoallergenic. In addition to the required components, such a product may contain thermal water and panthenol. These substances have an anti-inflammatory effect. Don't forget to test the product. Especially if you suffer from allergies.

The best creams for dry skin in the mid-price segment

AVENE Tolerance Extreme

Rating: 4.9

The best cream, according to our experts, is AVENE Tolerance Extreme, popular in Russia. In addition, the product of the French brand was included in the rating of the American online magazine as one of the most effective for dry skin care, according to leading world-famous dermatologists. The active moisturizing component is glycerin, which is light and does not clog pores, unlike vegetable oils. Thermal water also serves as a moisturizer, and is absorbed by cells much better than regular water - it has an optimized structure. The cream is perfect for sensitive skin due to the absence of fragrances, and titanium oxide promotes light whitening and evens out the tone of the dermis.

Women who use AVENE Tolerance Extreme cream note its pleasant consistency, ease of application and ability to truly moisturize.


  • Light texture;
  • Moisturizing with a cumulative effect;
  • Low consumption;
  • Does not leave a greasy shine;
  • There are no allergens in the composition.


  • Not defined.

What to avoid

In addition to a special cream for dry skin, you will need: gel, lotion, serum or cleansing milk. They must not contain alcohol. Night cream can be quite greasy no matter the time of year. In summer it is better to use a light daytime remedy.

Girls with dry skin should avoid:

  • tanning;
  • swimming pool;
  • frost and wind;
  • alcohol-containing cosmetics;
  • rough scrubs.

Beauty salons offer useful procedures. Those with very dry and moody skin can be advised to use warm compresses, collagen masks and gentle peeling. It is better to use foundations with a caring effect.

Useful tips for use

Purchasing an expensive product is not the only step towards achieving the desired success. The technique of applying the product and the organization of care play an important role. The following expert recommendations will help with this:

  • Expired cosmetics or new products with damaged packaging cannot be used. This will have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin and can cause an allergic reaction, itching or redness;
  • Apply cosmetic products after cleansing with milk or gel. Under no circumstances do this in a bathhouse or sauna;
  • Lightly pat the product over the skin, so you don’t stretch the tissue;
  • Follow the directions and rules for applying the cream to your face;
  • Carry out the procedure regularly, morning and evening.

Dry epidermis provokes earlier aging and the rapid appearance of a network of wrinkles, so it is important to notice the problem in a timely manner and provide appropriate care. Remember, weakened, dehydrated tissues do not tolerate low-quality cosmetics; give preference to proven and completely natural products.

Cosmetic companies have created entire complexes against dry skin, which will prove to be faithful assistants in the fight against the problem. Be beautiful!

No need to skimp on beauty

The best cream for dry skin includes active ingredients and tonic ingredients. It should be thick and dense, but at the same time absorb well. Those with combination skin can also use this cream. But it should only be applied to dry areas. The more useful substances a product contains, the more expensive it is. But if your skin is too dry, you need to use a cream that contains a lot of plant extracts, as well as fatty acids and essential oils. It’s good if the product contains additional beneficial substances. Give preference to products with reflective particles or pearl proteins.

Several recipes for making homemade creams

Complex composition:

  • 1 tsp melt lanolin;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Wax, heat everything in a water bath;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Unrefined olive oil;
  • In another bowl, mix 2 grams of borax. with tsp glycerin, add 60 ml. H2O and 2. Tbsp. jasmine oil

Mix both mixtures after heating, cool, and beat. An excellent cream for dry skin that works 24 hours a day.


3 tbsp. Mix cucumber juice with egg yolk. In a water bath, prepare a teaspoon of bee juice and glycerin, add 2 tsp. olive oil. Mix, cool, beat.

Making cream at home is not too difficult, the main thing is to combine the ingredients correctly and not violate the recipe. Lanolin and glycerin are sold in pharmacies, as are oils for facial skin rejuvenation. Try also making a mask with glycerin from the article.


For ½ cup of boiling water, take tbsp. spoon of chamomile, leave for an hour, then add to 2 table. spoons of chamomile infusion, half a teaspoon of vegetable glycerin.

Mix separately tbsp. butter, 1 tsp castor oil, and add 3 drops of geranium, patchouli or orange oil.

After this, mix chamomile with oils and beat. Store in the refrigerator and use within 5 days.


  • 1 tbsp. l. Peach juice;
  • 1. Ch. Spoon of melted wax;
  • Borax on the tip of the knife;
  • 2. tsp. H2O.

Mix everything.

Home-made creams are quite effective, but are not shelf-stable, so if preparing them does not bother you, then you can use homemade products instead of spending money on store-bought ones. You can also choose anti-peeling masks in this material.

Medicines containing lipids

Cream for very dry skin not only nourishes, but also ensures natural moisture retention. It usually includes hydrolipids. Selenium has a good effect. It also soothes the skin and relieves redness. There are emergency remedies that can quickly restore the appearance of the skin. However, it is not recommended to use them often.

If you are very worried about dry skin, and a regular cream does not help, visit a cosmetologist. He will advise you to purchase a special remedy. You can buy lipid cream at the pharmacy. They form a special film that prevents natural moisture from evaporating and at the same time allows the skin to breathe. This product protects against the harmful effects of frost, wind, sun and pollution. The waterproof film lasts all day. She is invisible and imperceptible.

TOP best

Anyone who has already tested creams for dry skin has probably compiled a top list of the best ones. These are excellent tools that have proven themselves among many.

It is best to purchase products at a pharmacy, since this is where they sell cosmetics that are tested in laboratories and their effect is clinically proven.

Avene Moisturizing Sunscreen Hydrance Optimale UV Rich SPF 20

The cream contains thermal water, which not only soothes the skin, but also relieves irritation. The upper layers of the epidermis are moisturized. In addition, the cream protects the dermis from photoaging and has sun filters 20. Ceramides and fatty acids help prevent moisture loss. Tocopherol, which is included in the composition, moisturizes and protects against antioxidants.

Suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Apply in the morning after cleansing the skin.

Librederm for dry skin with hyaluronic acid

This cream has a high content of hyaluronic acid, which is a natural skin moisturizer. It also stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin, which helps rejuvenate the dermis. Contains camelina oil, which contains vitamin F and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Helps skin cellular metabolism.

The cream also contains pomegranate concentrate, which moisturizes, rejuvenates and stimulates collagen formation. The face becomes fresh and acquires a beautiful color. A convenient dispenser on the bottle allows you to apply the product sparingly. What other Librederm creams are available can be found at the link.

Librederm for dry skin with hyaluronic acid can be used both in the morning and at night, as it has a very light texture and does not clog pores.


This product is used to protect the skin from external influences and tissue regeneration. Panthenol can be applied in the form of an ointment, spray, cream or lotion. It is well absorbed into the surface without leaving a greasy film.

The composition includes dexpanthenol, which moisturizes and retains moisture inside the dermis, liquid paraffin or lanolin.

In addition, the cream contains:

  • Provitamin B5 helps collagen formation;
  • Vitamin E – accelerates the development of epithelium;
  • Various oils that relieve tightness and flaking of the skin.

The product is applied 1 to 3 times a day, depending on the indications. After a while, you can wipe your face with tonic if your skin feels oily. The course of use should not exceed 7 days, otherwise the dermis will get used to it.

The cream has contraindications: age under 18 years, renal failure, herpes, allergies to components, low-grade fever. How to use Bepanthen Derma cream for very dry skin is described here.

L'Oreal "Trio active ultra hydration"

The jar of cream states that this product moisturizes, protects and gives radiance. Contains panthenol, glycerin and other components that help retain moisture inside. Based on reviews, it is clear that the product is very light and perfectly moisturizes normal and combination skin. But for dry skin, more intense products are needed. Contains SPF filters, can be used day or night, as the texture is delicate and absorbs quickly . It doesn’t add shine, so you shouldn’t expect it from this cream.

It is more suitable for summer, as it does not run or crease on the skin, but does not mattify either.

Price 300 rubles.

Bioderma Atoderm

The cream is designed to moisturize and protect dry skin of the face and body. Can be used after PUVA therapy. If you want to get a more pronounced moisturizing effect, then the cream should be applied to damp facial skin.

The cream helps retain moisture in the epidermis, serves as protection against free radicals, and strengthens the dermis. Among the advantages, it can be noted that the cream does not clog pores and does not contain fragrances. Disadvantages: dense texture, should not be used during the day as the skin is shiny. The prices are quite high.

NIVEA daily moisturizer for dry skin

Nivea moisturizing cream is suitable for dry facial skin, eliminates flaking and tightness. It is a little heavy for combination, normal or oily skin. It is absorbed quickly, the dermis is moisturized, can be applied under makeup, and does not crease. More suitable for winter use, like all creams from NIVEA. It has a light aroma, protects from the sun, and costs between 200-250 rubles. Nourishes and moisturizes, but is not suitable for everyone.

Cream “Cerat” from Uriage

This product is intended for very dry skin prone to atopy. Among the advantages, it can be noted that the product maintains the balance of the microflora of the dermis, strengthens and restores the skin barrier, accelerates healing, and relieves inflammation. A hypoallergenic product without fragrances, it is expensive, at least 1,750 rubles or more. It is recommended to apply 1-2 times a day.

Among the advantages, it can be noted: it is perfectly absorbed, quickly relieves dryness and irritation, it contains thermal water and Shea butter. Economical product. The only downside is the price.

The cream costs 2350 rubles.

Clinique Almost Powder Makeup SPF hypoallergenic cream powder

Used to disguise redness. The excellent perspiration and moisture-resistant formula helps keep your makeup looking flawless all day long. Since the formula does not contain fat, the cosmetics of this plan do not cause acne. Suitable for any skin type. The powder can replace foundation, and at the same time perfectly protects the skin from the sun, since it has SPF 15. On the face, the product does not oxidize and does not shine, since the product contains talc.

Does not emphasize skin flaking, the tone is matte and even. Powder helps you do without foundation. Apply dry with a brush or wet with a sponge. In the second case, the coverage is much more noticeable, but in any case blends well with the skin tone. The product does not collect in wrinkles and remains matte for at least 5 hours. There is one minus - the cost is at least 2900 rubles.

Day care cream “Neovadiol GF” Vichy

Perhaps the best of the proposed line of products, which has a very reasonable price and excellent quality. Recommended for women during menopause, but it is also used by other age groups. Helps restore elasticity to the dermis and eliminate wrinkles, slows down aging. Polysaccharides increase elasticity, and a growth stimulator helps build collagen fibers. Thermal water relieves inflammation and tightness. Calming, strengthening and restorative effect. Absorbs quickly upon application. It is recommended to use 1-2 times a day.

The skin becomes soft, well-groomed, and changes literally before our eyes. The cost is around 2500 rubles, which makes the purchase affordable.

What cosmetologists recommend

Usually a product with lipids is a day cream for the face. Dry skin needs constant nourishment. But it is better to use strong products only on the recommendation of a cosmetologist. Sometimes creams contain an antiseptic that relieves inflammation and prevents infection from penetrating through microscopic skin lesions.

Cosmetologists often advise using products intended for children. This is emergency help. Baby creams intensively moisturize the skin. In addition, they contain agents that instantly soothe discomfort and relieve inflammation. Children's creams often contain panthenol. Such products are hypoallergenic and absolutely safe. They are quickly absorbed.

How to choose the right cream for dry skin? Reviews from cosmetologists indicate that it is advisable to give preference to products from well-known brands that have proven themselves in the cosmetics market. Here are some more pro tips.

  1. Before using the product, be sure to test for an allergic reaction.
  2. Choose creams with a high content of nutrients and plant extracts.
  3. Give preference to products with additional protective and aesthetic functions.

It’s good if the cream contains thermal water. Be healthy and beautiful!

Cream compositions

What may be included in creams:

  • Vitamins A, C, E, B complex vitamins;
  • Moisturizers: avocado oil, jojoba, olive;
  • Protection against radicals and UV rays: macadamia, grape seeds. Brown algae, passion fruit extract;
  • Cynergy TK is a source of collagen. And honey, an excellent skin moisturizer;
  • Potassium, which also maintains hydration.

These ingredients are beneficial and essential for maintaining moisture. Now let's look at those that should not be found in cream.

You should not take it if:

  • Formaldehyde and propylene glycol;
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate and hydroquinone;
  • Parabens and aluminum acetate
  • Butane, talc, fluoride;
  • Glycerin, petroleum jelly and other substances that worsen the condition of the epidermis.

These components dry out the skin even more and interfere with the hydration and breathing of the dermis.

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