Mustela cream for the prevention of stretch marks

What is Mustela cream?

Mustela is a cream for the prevention of stretch marks, produced by the French company of the same name. The latter mainly produces cosmetics for pregnant women: lotions, gels, creams and balms. That is why the described product is more suitable for women who are expecting a child.

Interestingly, the word “Mustela” is translated from Latin as “weasel.”

Mustela cream has a pleasant, barely noticeable floral scent. The product has a white color and dense texture. This means that the product is quite greasy. As a rule, the cream is produced in a tube, the volume of which is 150 or 250 ml.

Mustela cream is available in tubes


The main active ingredients of Mustela cream are:

  • Ethylhexyl cocoate and alkyl malate. Intensively softens the treated area.
  • Butylene glycol. Forms a protective film on the surface of the area lubricated with cream, and also maintains the water balance of the skin.
  • Beeswax. It is the basis of the cream.
  • Lauret-23. Helps other components of the cream penetrate the tissue better.
  • Galactoarabinan. This substance is extracted from larch. Galactoarabinan is a natural stimulator of collagen fiber production.
  • Glyceryl caprylate. The substance is extracted from coconut oil. Glyceryl caprylate retains liquid on the surface of the treated area and also protects the skin from aggressive factors of the world around us (wind, dust, etc.).
  • Xanthan gum. Helps moisturize dermal cells.
  • Cetyl palmitate. Cools the lubricated surface and effectively fights inflammation.
  • Agar-agar. Extracted from algae and is a natural thickener. Nourishes and moisturizes skin cells, and also reduces the sensitivity of areas lubricated with cream.
  • Zinc gluconate. Increases the turgor of the treated areas and also normalizes the hydrobalance of the skin surface.
  • Pentylene Glycol. Natural moisturizer.
  • Cold pressed sunflower oil. Intensively nourishes skin cells.
  • Lupeol. Activates the production of collagen fibers. The latter create a strong frame, due to which the skin becomes denser, and therefore less prone to the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Shea Butter. Promotes intensive softening of the treated surface. In addition, the oil nourishes the skin and restores its water-fat balance.
  • Avocado protein hydrolyzate. Rejuvenates, nourishes, moisturizes and soothes the treated area of ​​the body.
  • Japanese Sophora. Helps slow down skin aging and prevents early aging of its cells.
  • White lupine seed extract. Has a pronounced antioxidant effect when applied to the skin.
  • Tocopherol. Promotes rapid healing of damaged skin areas.

Effectiveness in the fight against stretch marks

Cosmetic products against white and pink stripes on the body are divided into two main groups: masking and warning. Mustela treats it like the second one. It should be understood that it is impossible to completely overcome stretch marks with creams, since the unpleasant formations are similar in nature to scars. However, Mustela, due to its preventive effect, prevents the appearance of new stripes on the body.

Cost and places of purchase

The price of Mustela cream is quite high - 1000 rubles for 150 ml of product. For 250 ml you will pay 1400–1500 rubles. Due to the considerable cost, it is necessary to understand that the product should be purchased exclusively in pharmacies or on the official website of the product manufacturer.

How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy


Stretch marks are skin changes that, in their shape and outline, resemble red scars of various shapes. Stretch marks are common

during pregnancy , and they usually appear in the second trimester on the abdomen , chest and thighs. Of course, most mothers want to avoid this,

That's why it's so important to keep your skin in good condition. Stretch marks appear as a result of changes in hormonal balance, and although sometimes

It is impossible to avoid stretch marks; their visibility can be affected. Correctly and regularly applied stretch mark cream in combination with physical

activity and proper nutrition can make stretch marks barely noticeable.

Why do stretch marks appear?

Pregnancy stretch marks are very similar to the stretch marks that appear when you gain weight as a result of excessive and unhealthy eating.

as well as after plastic surgery and hard training to increase muscle mass. The first stretch marks usually appear in the second trimester

pregnancy and are manifested by itchy skin. The next stage of stretch marks are red or white stripes with jagged edges. Stretch marks form on the abdomen ,

chest and hips. The development of stretch marks is primarily associated with a deterioration in the tensile strength of fibroblasts - cells that produce collagen and

elastin fibers in the skin. An expanding belly and rapidly growing breasts lead to cracking of the skin, forming scars. Of course, besides

hormonal factors, the formation of stretch marks during pregnancy is also influenced by genetic predisposition.

How to avoid stretch marks?

Sometimes scarring cannot be completely avoided, but there are several proven options to reduce the risk of scarring.

significantly less. What can you do to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy ?

1. Skin care - in pharmacies and pharmacy kiosks you can purchase specialized creams for stretch marks intended for pregnant women

women, containing only natural ingredients, e.g. vegetable oil extracts, vitamin E, collagen and vegetable oils stimulate

production of collagen and elastin, which leads to increased skin elasticity. The preparations should be applied to the skin up to two to three times a day.

in a circular and fairly slow motion.

2. Skin massage – one of the most effective preventive procedures is to perform a light massage not only of those parts of the body

who are prone to the appearance of stretch marks, but also other parts of the body. For this procedure, it is recommended to use olive oil or butter

for the body with a natural composition, safe for pregnant women. Thanks to the oil, the massage procedure will not only have beneficial

impact on the body, but also calm all the nerves and allow you to relax as much as possible.

3. Healthy eating – of course, weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable, however, it is possible to gain weight in a conscious and healthy way,

providing your body with valuable nutrients. While pregnant, you should avoid the “I eat for two” rule, eat rationally,

portions as close to standard as possible. The stretch marks will of course be less with a maximum weight increase of 10 or 15 pounds.

If weight gain is gradual over 9 months, the skin is less likely to become scarred.

4. Physical activity – Just because a woman is pregnant does not mean she should stop exercising. Of course you can skip it

cardio, which will make your heart beat faster, but it is better to try to spend your free time as active as possible. Walks, visiting the pool

and yoga are great options.

What are the best remedies for stretch marks?

Do you have stretch marks on your skin? It's not too late to get rid of them or carefully reduce their visibility. It's worth investing in a good moisturizer

lotion, butter or natural coconut oil. Hydromassage in the shower or while taking a bath is also an interesting option. If a woman

struggling with stretch marks, her diet should be enriched with zinc, which will help improve skin condition.

Published in Pregnancy and pregnancy management Premium Clinic

Rules of application

When using Mustela cream, follow the basic rules described below:

  • Apply the product to the area of ​​stretch marks several times a day. It is advisable to do this in the morning immediately after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. When applying, try to use massage movements to further increase blood circulation.

    When applying Mustela cream, follow the massage lines

  • Apply the product to problem areas or those areas of the body that are most prone to stretch marks (stomach, chest and thighs).
  • Use the cream on a regular basis, if desired, take breaks several times a year for 1–2 weeks.

Anti-stretch mark cream Mustela 9 Months double action

When I found out that I was going to become a mother, I immediately purchased at the pharmacy all the necessary things for expectant mothers, vitamins, including a cream against stretch marks during pregnancy.

I chose Mustela cream, I liked the look, the nice packaging, the famous brand, the manufacturer’s promises... It promised to prevent the appearance of stretch marks and even reduce existing ones.

☀Small digression☀

When I read reviews and opinions on the Internet that no cream can save you from stretch marks, because... this is the location of the skin, its “reserve”, elasticity and genetics, to be honest, I didn’t believe it, and I thought that nothing would appear for me when using creams for stretch marks! Although, my mother and sister developed stretch marks during pregnancy...

As it turned out, I was wrong to not believe numerous arguments. Because I started getting stretch marks around the 8th month of pregnancy. I just got up one not wonderful morning, went to the mirror and saw red stripes in the lower abdomen!

Meanwhile, until this morning I regularly smeared myself with Mustella, morning and evening. Belly, thighs, butt.

That same day I ran to a good pharmacy and found another wonderful cream (there is a review), which prevented the further appearance of stretch marks and slightly reduced the existing ones. So, was it a mistake for me to trust Mustella, or is it still a matter of genetics? But the fact is that the cream did not prevent stretch marks. Although he promised.

I believe that pregnancy stretch mark cream helps the skin stretch better and become more elastic, thereby at least minimizing the appearance of stretch marks, if not preventing them.

This is the first cream in my life that creases when applied!

The product is not very thick, but it is poorly absorbed and rolls off, as I already wrote. If you are patient and rub it in small portions for a long time, it will not roll off. Softens the skin. Well, you already know about stretch marks... They have appeared.

The product itself has a volume of 150 ml, a hinged lid, a distinct, fresh smell. Hypoallergenic.

I also want to encourage girls who, like me, have stretch marks! Girls, they are becoming invisible! My thickest stretch marks slid down to the pubic area, the rest were thinner and became invisible! This happened about 8-9 months after giving birth! Now, after 11 months, they are almost unnoticeable.

But next time I won’t buy Mustella, a cream for stretch marks during pregnancy, and I can’t recommend it, because... He didn't keep his promises! I give it a two, only for the skin softening effect.

I recommend trying this cream, even if stretch marks have already appeared.

Contraindications and side effects

Mustela cream for the prevention of stretch marks has no contraindications. However, in some cases, an allergic reaction to the components of a cosmetic product may occur. Individual intolerance can be recognized by itching, small rashes and/or redness in the area treated with the cream. If you continually use a product that causes an allergy, your skin condition may worsen. To prevent this from happening, before using Mustela, do a test following the suggested points:

  1. Apply a small amount of product to the inside of your wrist.
  2. Observe the treated area throughout the day. If there are no signs of an allergic reaction, feel free to use the product in the area where stretch marks are expected to form. However, keep in mind that you should try to treat small areas first. If there is no discomfort during the first week of use, you can move on to larger areas of skin.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of Mustela cream

  • Feeling comfortable when gaining or losing weight. If you use Mustela cream during these periods, the likelihood of developing stretch marks is reduced.
  • Additional nutrition and hydration of the skin.
  • Effectively eliminates the itching sensation characteristic of fresh stretch marks.
  • Relieving irritation and redness at the site of cream treatment.
  • Strengthening the skin structure.
  • With regular use, the following processes in the skin improve: regeneration of damaged tissues,
  • timely renewal of healthy cells.
  • No contraindications.
  • Ease of use. There are absolutely no difficulties in the process of applying the product. In addition, the cream can be used for a long time.
  • High price. Mustela is one of the most expensive creams for the prevention of stretch marks.
  • Low efficiency with existing formations.
  • Fatty consistency due to the presence of shea and avocado butters in the composition. Not everyone likes this texture, since in certain cases it causes discomfort (marks on clothes, etc.).


From the very beginning of pregnancy, I started preventing stretch marks, since they need to be dealt with in advance, so to speak, to prepare the skin. From the fourth month, after reading reviews, going through a bunch of options, I bought Mustela cream. The texture is pleasant, it is consumed economically. Two large tubes were enough for my entire pregnancy, despite the fact that I applied it twice a day after a shower, and sometimes in the last months I got up at night and rubbed my stomach because it was so itchy. I smeared everything: thighs, stomach, chest. The main thing is to take it a little at a time, otherwise it kind of rolls off a little, but I wouldn’t call it a drawback. My skin is prone to stretch marks, because from a young age I had a couple of stretch marks on my thighs, when I gained a little weight at one time. But using this cream throughout my pregnancy, I didn’t get a single stretch mark. After giving birth, I still applied the remains at home, the skin quickly returned to normal


After reading numerous reviews and reviews, I settled on Mustela stretch mark prevention cream. I have been using it since the second month of pregnancy, mainly for the abdomen and chest area. Very pleasant smell and consistency of the cream. It is quickly absorbed and the skin after use is very soft and velvety. The quality of the skin has improved, it has become smoother and more nourished. A 150 ml package was enough for 7 months of daily use. After giving birth, not a single stretch mark appeared, I am glad that I chose this cream.


In the third month of pregnancy, I began to develop stretch marks on my breasts. I purchased Mustela double-action cream, as it fights existing stretch marks and prevents their appearance. The smell is pleasant and once it is absorbed the skin feels really well hydrated. I can’t say anything about stretch marks... on the chest they keep getting bigger and bigger... Mustela double action cream failed my expectations. I use it only occasionally...for prevention, but I fight stretch marks with other methods.


I used Mustela cream for 9 months during pregnancy, starting from three months, from the moment my belly began to grow. Throughout my entire pregnancy, I didn’t see a single stretch mark on my body! I used this cream and was happy, I thought it would help me and after childbirth my skin would be even. But when she gave birth and looked at her belly with tears(((it was terrible((all covered in blue stretch marks. Probably when the belly was big, the skin was stretched and you couldn’t see them, but after giving birth the skin returned to its size and they are noticeable become.

Olga Babushkina

Mustela is one of the most expensive anti-stretch mark creams. At the same time, the effectiveness of the product in the fight against existing formations leaves much to be desired. But as a preventative cream, Mustela works well. The main advantage of the product is the complete absence of contraindications. However, do not forget to check the product for individual intolerance to avoid itching, redness and other manifestations of an allergic reaction.

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mustela for stretch marks reviews

Review of creams against stretch marks

Since the market is overflowing with similar products, without at least some general knowledge, it will be very difficult to understand the choice of this or that product. Therefore, we offer you a brief overview of the products presented on the domestic market.

Mama comfort cream

Mama comfort is an anti-stretch mark cream designed for dry and sensitive skin. Good deep penetration is ensured by the emulsion composition of the product. Active components enter the blood and stimulate microcirculation in blood vessels, nourish the skin and “switch on” intracellular metabolic processes that affect natural hydration. In general, if you regularly use Mama Comfort stretch mark cream, the elasticity of your skin will really improve, thanks to the content of olive oil, chamomile extract, horse chestnut and tea tree in the product. Mama comfort stretch mark cream is best used twice a day: morning and evening. Apply to the areas of the buttocks, thighs and abdomen, rub in with light massage movements until completely absorbed.

Avent cream

Avent stretch mark cream has a rich, but not greasy formula that helps cope with the effects of weight fluctuations. The product moisturizes, tones, strengthens and helps get rid of itching. Avent stretch mark cream contains algae and sea lettuce extract, which helps improve skin elasticity. Thanks to sweet almond oil, the skin is soothed and moisturized. Papaya oil helps remove excess fluid. Avent stretch mark prevention cream will nourish and soften the skin with shea butter.

Avent cream for stretch marks, which we found extremely positive reviews, in combination with regular massage, will minimize the risk of stretch marks and help relieve tension from the body. Avent cream for stretch marks, reviews of which quite eloquently describe its benefits, can also be used during lactation, the only exception is that the product is not applied to the nipple area.

Mustela cream

Mustela cream for stretch marks has a double effect: it helps reduce existing stretch marks and prevents the appearance of new ones. It is used in areas subject to changes of this nature: thighs, buttocks, chest and abdomen. Mustela stretch mark cream contains AHA humectants, elasto-regulators and emollient oils.

Mustella stretch mark cream also contains a restorative vasoprotective complex, which includes Sophora japonica extract, trace elements and silicon. These components have a stimulating effect on the skin. Creamy texture suitable for massage. Mustela cream for stretch marks, which we read reviews about on the Internet, leaves no marks on clothes at all. At least that's what most women say.

Mustela stretch mark cream, reviews of which speak in its favor, and if we also take into account that this product has undergone clinical testing under the supervision of gynecologists, it can safely be called an excellent preventative against stretch marks. The product is hypoallergenic. This effective cream against stretch marks can also be used during breastfeeding, while strictly observing the hygiene regime of the whole body and breasts in particular before feeding.

You can use post-pregnancy stretch mark cream during the first month after giving birth. If you are trying to reduce stretch marks that have already formed, then start using the cream as they appear, use for 3 months.

Vichy cream

Vichy stretch mark cream is not suitable for everyone. Some women claim that stretch marks still appear in the chest area, and this cream can hardly be called economical. But again, we remember the individuality of each woman. Vichy stretch mark cream contains nourishing and moisturizing ingredients that help improve the elasticity of your skin. The synthesis of collagen fibers is stimulated by hydroxyproline, and these fibers are known to be responsible for skin elasticity. Vichy anti-stretch mark cream is made from thermal water.

Vichy cream for stretch marks leaves good reviews: moderately oily, does not leave stains. The product is hypoallergenic and dermatologically tested. Vichy is a universal cream for stretch marks, since it can be used both as a preventative and as a corrective. Vichy anti-stretch mark cream reduces the risk of stretch marks in general, and those stretch marks that already exist become significantly less noticeable under the influence of the cream. Vichi cream for stretch marks helps restore the structure of the skin, returning it to its former elasticity.

Vichy cream for stretch marks, reviews of which remain as a fairly high-quality product, begin to be used from the 4th month of pregnancy (prevention), the period of the correction course will be 2-3.5 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin.

Cream Sanosan

Sanosan stretch mark cream is produced in Germany. This is a good product that will support the skin during pregnancy and in the first trimester after childbirth. Sanosan stretch mark cream contains wheat protein and olive oil, which increase firmness and elasticity and resist the appearance of stretch marks and scars. In addition, during the period of rapid teenage growth, this product can be used as a skin care cream. Sanosan cream for stretch marks, which even athletes leave reviews of, is perfect for those who are rapidly losing weight, for example, after giving up intense training.

Sanosan cream for stretch marks, reviews of which say that this is an environmentally friendly product, is safe for pregnant and lactating women. The product has received the highest quality mark OKO-TEST. If you are wondering which cream for stretch marks to choose, then we recommend considering this “candidate”. It can be used from the third month of pregnancy, applying the cream to problem areas twice a day.

Whether creams help against stretch marks depends on the characteristics of the skin. But this cream has been clinically tested and does not contain dyes or mineral oils. It is good to alternate the use of the product with daily massage.

Cream Lierac

Lierak cream for stretch marks is used as a corrective agent that helps fight skin defects. Such situations can be caused by hormonal fluctuations associated with pregnancy and lactation, taking contraceptives, and even adolescence. Lierac stretch mark cream helps reduce the number and size of skin fat cells, reduces fat deposits, improves skin color and evens out its texture. Thanks to this product, skin tone increases, its elasticity increases, and the depth and width of stretch marks decreases.

Anti-stretch mark cream Lierac is also used in the fight against cellulite. It should be applied twice a day with massage movements. Problem areas of the buttocks, thighs and abdomen should be worked out more carefully. The course duration is 28 days. If the cream for stretch marks Lierak reviews, which is left by women who have tried this product on themselves, is used in the fight against stretch marks, then it should be smeared with it for at least 3 months.

Pregnacare cream

Pregnacare stretch mark cream contains evening primrose oil, which restores the amount of ceramides in the skin and stimulates lipid metabolism. To soothe the skin from itching, calendula extract is used, it will relieve various irritations, and aloe extract will have a regenerating and antibacterial effect.

Pregnacare cream for stretch marks leaves extremely positive reviews of itself, since its composition takes into account all factors affecting the condition of the skin.

Dexpanthenol and zinc are responsible for skin restoration, allantoin softens the stratum corneum, helping to get rid of old cells, vitamins E and C act as antioxidants, activate skin respiration, and help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and cell membranes. The anti-stretch mark cream reviews as a good moisturizer that does not cause discomfort during use.

Chicco cream

Chicco stretch mark cream can be called the safest for the future baby. The elasticity of the skin increases and the degree of hydration increases. The effect of the cream is only superficial, which prevents harm to the expectant mother and her child. Chico cream for stretch marks contains rice bran and wheat oils, as well as vitamins PP and E.

Chicco stretch mark cream leaves positive reviews: it has a rather pleasant consistency, is easily applied to the skin, and is absorbed quickly. Passed various clinical tests. You need to apply it twice a day with massage movements.

Baby Teva cream

Baby Teva stretch mark cream is produced in Israel, by a company specializing in the production of products for expectant and young mothers. The product meets all stringent quality requirements; it is completely safe for mother and her baby. Cosmetics of this brand have many recommendations and certificates.

Clarins cream

Clarins anti-stretch mark cream has a triple effect: preventive action, combating existing stretch marks and skin care. The product nourishes the skin, properly moisturizes it, thereby increasing the skin's resistance to stretching, and stops the synthesis of enzymes (metalloprotein), which are responsible for the degradation of collagen and elastane fibers. Clarins stretch mark cream leaves good reviews; women claim that this product reduces the red tint of stretch marks.

Clarence stretch mark cream restores skin softness and hydrolipid balance. Use from the beginning of pregnancy, monitor regular use. Apply the product using circular massage movements to the area of ​​the buttocks, abdomen and thighs. Can be used twice a day.

Cream Guam

Guam stretch mark cream contains 10% glycolic acid, which has a lifting effect on stretch marks. In addition, the composition contains natural oils and vitamin C. The acid content in the cream promotes faster renewal of the epidermis, which makes stretch marks almost invisible. Thalasso cream for stretch marks contains lipid and hydroregulating complexes.

Weleda cream

Weleda stretch mark cream can be used in the second trimester of pregnancy. Use the cream morning and evening daily. The product contains oils, vitamins and arnica oil extract. Weleda stretch mark cream has a pleasant orange scent mixed with rose scent. Can be used from the first weeks of pregnancy and continue to be used for three months after birth.

Cream Biotherm

Biotherm stretch mark cream has a pink color and a non-greasy gel-like texture. It is recommended to start using it from the third month of pregnancy, when the fetus begins to grow rapidly, as a result of which the skin begins to stretch. Apply to the areas of the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and also do not forget that the skin of the chest also requires care. Biotherm stretch mark cream should also be used after pregnancy for 2-3 months. Since during this period the skin intensively contracts and there is a risk of postpartum stretch marks.

Elancyl Galenic cream

Stretch mark cream Elansil Galenik is used to prevent stretch marks and to reduce the severity of existing stretch marks. Thanks to the product, the unpleasant, pronounced color of stretched skin loses its saturation. But Galenik stretch mark cream cannot be used during pregnancy, only after. If you use it during lactation, then strictly monitor breast hygiene so that the remaining cream does not enter the baby’s body along with mother’s milk.

Elansil stretch mark cream is recommended to be used for three months. It is applied like all similar products - with massage movements, completely rubbing into the skin. Galenic stretch mark cream contains freshwater blue algae extract and vitamin C. We will not say that Elancyl stretch mark cream is the best, but the product is worth purchasing.

Yves Rocher cream

Yves Rocher cream for stretch marks is a product of average quality, since women who have used it say that the result is there, but not too impressive. Again, everything is individual. Try it and see for yourself.

Cream Oriflame

Oriflame cream for stretch marks restores the structure at the dermis level, the skin becomes smoother after regular use. Oriflame anti-stretch mark cream helps reduce the depth and length of stretch marks. This remedy can also be used during pregnancy.

Avon cream

Avon stretch mark cream has an unobtrusive scent and pleasant texture. But it is not suitable for everyone! Avon stretch mark cream reviews itself as a product that causes a rash. Women say that skin irritations disappear only with the help of other additional remedies; in some cases, such “troubles” last more than a week. And it’s hard to say that Avon stretch mark cream fights stretch marks.

Mothercare cream

Mothercare stretch mark cream is a good product with jojoba and shea butters. Moisturizes, nourishes, prevents stretch marks. It is used similarly to other means: from 10-12 weeks and throughout pregnancy.

Attirance cream

Attirance stretch mark cream is a natural cosmetics product containing shea butter. Women claim that the cream is affordable, but at the same time the quality is not inferior to more expensive products.

Rejene cream

Rejene stretch mark cream will help you cope with even old stretch marks. After using this cream, the skin becomes more elastic, moisturized, and its tone increases. Suitable for any skin type. The product contains Restruxel peptide, regestril and water, which penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin and restore it in the abdominal area, making the skin smooth and eliminating stretch marks.

Venus cream

Venus cream for stretch marks has a lifting effect, promotes skin renewal, and fights traces of sagging skin. The skin returns to its natural tone. To get a significant effect, you need to use it for at least several months.

Cream Green Mama

Green Mama cream for stretch marks contains seaweed (spirulina and kelp), has a drainage effect, and helps strengthen muscle fibers. In addition, the composition contains 100% natural essential oils. Like all cosmetics from this company, the product is of good quality.

Cream Roc

Rock stretch mark cream is not recommended for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers. After the lactation period, the cream is used for at least 8 weeks, after which the result will be noticeable - stretch marks will decrease by about half. Roc stretch mark cream does not leave stains on clothes.

Thalgo cream

Thalgo stretch mark cream has a greasy texture and a pungent odor. Women claim that thalgo cream against stretch marks helps very well, the main thing is to start using it at the right time. In terms of price, of course, the product is not cheap. But as they say, beauty requires sacrifice... In addition, this cream with collagen for stretch marks also contains wheat grain oils and tamanu, as well as elastane.

Cream Eveline

Eveline cream for stretch marks represents a whole line of products. The cream for restoring breast shape shows very good results. Stretch marks go away, the skin returns to tone. Many women are very satisfied; they say that the result appears after 1.5 months of use. Eveline stretch mark cream is worth a try.

Cream Evinal

Evinal stretch mark cream belongs to an affordable price category, has a pleasant, non-sticky consistency, and is economical. Not a bad result for reasonable money.

Cream Collistar

Collistar stretch mark cream can be used both during a diet and during pregnancy. The composition contains amino acids that resist the destruction of elastin. Skin color becomes significantly better, tissue density becomes higher. Good product, no bad reviews found.

This, of course, is not the entire list of products that are on the market, but among them you will undoubtedly find something suitable for yourself. Test, smell, and don't miss the moment. Any efforts you make will be rewarded. Any cream or gel that you choose will moisturize and nourish the skin, and even if you do get stretch marks, believe me, there will be significantly fewer of them than if you did nothing and left everything to chance. Take care of your body and it will undoubtedly delight you with its beauty!

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