Removal of condylomas by cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen)

Genital warts, commonly known popularly as “genital warts,” are a manifestation of infection caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). In total, there are about 170 types of such viruses; types 6 and 11 are usually “to blame” for the occurrence of genital warts, less often - 16 and 18.

Infection most often occurs during direct contact, for example, sexual contact. The virus can lie dormant in the body for weeks or years. Once it is activated, wart-like growths appear on the skin. Most often they are found in intimate places, in the genital area and anus:

  • In women: on the labia majora and minora, clitoris, in the area of ​​the vaginal opening.
  • In men: on the head and neck of the penis, near the external opening of the urethra, on the scrotum.

However, genital warts do not always justify their second name “genital warts”: sometimes they are located on the lips and in the corners of the mouth, on the eyelids, and conjunctiva. Treatment of genital warts can be conservative or surgical. The doctor removes the growths and prescribes medications that help destroy the pathogen and boost immunity.

What consequences can condylomas lead to if they are not removed?

Condyloma is by no means a harmless neoplasm. The virus causes changes in cells that resemble those that occur in malignant tumors. Currently, the connection between human papillomavirus infection and cancer can be considered proven.

Genital warts often cause a host of other problems: they can become injured and bleed, ulcerate, and interfere with sexual intercourse and childbirth. In general, if growths in the form of warts are found in intimate places, it is better to immediately consult a doctor and have them removed.

Preventive measures

After cauterization of the growths, it is worth consolidating the positive result with the help of conservative therapy and lifestyle changes. It is necessary to give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol), watch your diet (it must be balanced), and play sports (run, go to the gym, play volleyball and basketball).

The patient should isolate himself from stressful situations as much as possible and not overexert himself. It is recommended to periodically visit a doctor and take immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs of local and general action twice a year.

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Advantages of radio wave surgery using the Surgitron device

Doctors at the ProfMedLab clinic remove genital warts using the modern Surgitron radio wave surgery device. The principle of the method is that the device generates high frequency radio waves. Coming into contact with tissues, they evaporate liquid from cells, that is, they actually destroy them. Radio wave surgery has some advantages:

  • Purposeful action. Only affected tissues are destroyed, while surrounding healthy tissues remain untouched. In this regard, radio wave surgery is a more gentle method compared to laser.
  • Good cosmetic effect. After removal of tumors using the Surgitron apparatus, barely noticeable scars remain.
  • Full control over the process. The surgeon can precisely control the area and depth of tissue removed.
  • Bloodless intervention. There is no bleeding during genital wart removal.
  • Fast recovery. The wound heals completely within a few days. There is virtually no pain or swelling.

Surgery to remove growths

The traditional method of removing warts is cryodestruction. The procedure is carried out using gas, which at a temperature of -196 degrees cools and becomes liquid. Next comes the temperature effect on the growths.

Liquid nitrogen is applied to the affected area of ​​the body, which helps to freeze the water in the space between the cells and inside the cells themselves. As a result of freezing of water in the intercellular space, the cell “dies”, thus tissue necrosis occurs. Cells that are subject to pathological changes die, then the process of regeneration of the epidermis begins under the destroyed tissue.

The manipulation takes place without any particular discomfort, and therefore most often does not require pain relief. The exception is people who have a very low sensitivity threshold. Such patients are given local anesthesia with lidocaine or novocaine. One of the advantages of the operation is the complete absence of bleeding, because the influence of the low temperature completely blocks the damaged vessels.

The nitrogen method of genital wart removal allows you to destroy single growths and their overgrown neoplasms measuring 10 millimeters up to 20 pieces in just one procedure. The disadvantage of the manipulation is that it is impossible to control the depth of exposure to nitrogen, so the wart may not be completely destroyed and at least 1 more procedure will be required.

Removing condylomas with liquid nitrogen

If a laser destroys condyloma by heating, then liquid nitrogen does this using low temperature. In the language of doctors, this is called cryosurgery. Compared to laser and radio wave surgery, it has a number of disadvantages:

  • Usually a bubble remains at the intervention site, then it is opened, after which it takes about 2 more weeks to heal.
  • It is more difficult to control the area of ​​influence. Cold damages healthy tissue 1–2 cm around the condyloma.
  • For 1–2 days after surgery, you experience quite severe pain.

Indications, contraindications

The main indication for the procedure is a high risk of malignancy. They are also removed, if the formations become inflamed and cause an aesthetic defect, then they are disposed of.

It is not recommended to remove them using liquid nitrogen in the following cases:

    allergic reaction to the substance used; diseases accompanied by seizures; pathologies of the cardiovascular system during exacerbation; infectious lesions; inflammation of the genitourinary organs; wounds, skin damage in the genital area; malignant neoplasms.

Removal using this technique is not carried out if the size of the formation is over 10 mm.

Preparation for the procedure

Before manipulation, you need to remove and shave the hair in the areas where condylomas are located. The genitals are toileted before the procedure. You are required to take tests prescribed by your doctor.

Is it possible to remove condylomas with celandine?

Celandine juice contains substances that can destroy tissues affected by the papilloma virus. In principle, this traditional method of treatment works, but it is low in effectiveness (it will take several days to remove the wart) and is useless for large, numerous condylomas. Modern medicine offers more effective treatment methods, one of them is radio wave surgery.

What happens after removal of condylomas using radio waves?

A small wound remains at the site of the intervention. As a rule, it heals completely within 5–7 days, and new pink skin appears in its place.

How to properly care for the wound after surgery?

After removing condyloma using radio wave surgery, potassium permanganate and other aggressive agents should not be used, and the wound should not be allowed to dry out and form a crust on it: the best cosmetic effect is achieved with moist healing.

What can and should be done:

  • In the first days, carefully monitor the condition of the wound.
  • Treat it with warm soapy water.
  • Take a bath and shower.
  • Drink enough fluids.
  • Consult a doctor immediately if pain begins to bother you, lumps appear, or skin color changes.

What not to do:

  • Tear off the crust if it still appears. This can cause a noticeable scar to form.
  • Apply cosmetics to the wound.
  • Visit swimming pools, baths and saunas until the wound has healed completely.
  • Keep the wound in the sun and visit solariums.
  • Press on the wound, injure it.

You will receive more detailed recommendations from your doctor at the clinic. Feel free to ask questions.

Is additional treatment necessary after genital wart removal?

Genital warts are a viral disease, so removing them alone is not enough. If the virus remains in the body, it can cause a relapse. The risks increase if you have a weakened immune system, have chronic diseases, or if you often change sexual partners. In order to cope with the pathogen, the doctor will prescribe antiviral drugs and agents that strengthen the immune system.

Is it possible to remove condylomas during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are contraindications to the use of radio wave surgery. It is better to get rid of genital warts at the planning stage. Other contraindications to the use of the Surgitron device: severe diseases of the heart, lungs and other organs, acute infections, the presence of a pacemaker, exacerbations of chronic diseases, epilepsy, cancer, infectious and inflammatory processes on the skin. If a woman is having her period, she will have to wait until it ends.

To find out if there are any contraindications in your case, visit a doctor at the ProfMedLab clinic.

How can one reliably diagnose human papillomavirus infection in genital warts?

Genital condyloma is easily recognized during an external examination by any dermatovenerologist. The doctor may order additional tests:

  • A Papanicolaou smear (PAP test) helps detect abnormal cells.
  • PCR detects the genetic material of the pathogen in smears and scrapings.
  • The Digene test helps detect high cancer risk viruses and assess the risk of a malignant tumor.

Removal of genital warts using radio waves using the Surgitron device is a quick, low-traumatic and painless procedure. You can take it at the ProfMedLab clinic. To make an appointment with a doctor, call: +7 (495) 120-08-07.

Stages of cryodestruction of condylomas on the genital organs in men

Removal of formations using liquid nitrogen is carried out by a urologist or surgeon in an operating room.

The stages of the operation are as follows:

    The man is laid on the couch. Depending on the pain sensitivity of the patient, local anesthesia is used or dispensed with without it.
  1. They are cauterized with nitrogen using a special probe. It is applied to the formation for no more than 30 seconds.
  2. The specialist evaluates how deep the area should be frozen. This determines the duration of the procedure.

  3. The doctor monitors the effects of freezing. At this time there is a pause. It determines the degree of freezing.
  4. When the cauterization site turns white, it is considered that the “cauterization” has been completed successfully. If the effect is insufficient, the procedure is repeated.

A bubble forms on the skin. Then it bursts, forming a scab. The skin defect heals within a week.

Recommendations after the manipulation

After the procedure, it is forbidden to open the bottle. It is necessary to carry out regular treatment with antiseptics, as prescribed by the doctor. Then apply a bandage. You can take painkillers. Intimate relationships are prohibited until the wound is completely healed.

The procedure for removing growths

At the Alzoriya medical clinic, when prescribing treatment, doctors take into account all the nuances: the number, size and location of condylomas, characteristics of the body, etc. Regardless of the chosen method of removing growths, the procedure is carried out quickly and painlessly, thanks to high-quality local anesthetics. You can find out the price of treatment during a consultation with a doctor. The cost is based on the chosen treatment tactics, location and number of growths.

Self-regression of condylomas

The sexually active population can become infected with HPV during their lifetime; according to statistics, 80% of people are susceptible to this. The majority self-heal from HPV without clinical manifestations and without treatment. This occurs due to the activation of the local and general immunity of the infected person. In approximately 10% of patients, the virus has clinical manifestations, these include anogenital condylomas and patients with precancer and cervical cancer.

As practice shows, condylomas in pregnant women regress on their own after childbirth, especially in the vagina.

Expected result: will there be scars and how many sessions are needed?

After cryodestruction, the growth dies and is gradually replaced by healthy skin. At first, the removal site resembles a burn, and then becomes covered with a crust. If you don’t peel off the scab and let it fall off on its own, there will be no scar left.

Deep tumors are not removed at once, so as not to damage healthy tissue around it by too intense freezing. In this case, 2-3 sessions are prescribed with an interval of 3-4 weeks.

How long does it take for skin to heal after cryodestruction?

After cryodestruction, the treatment area turns red and swells within 2-3 hours - this means the blood supply is restored. A blister appears at the site of formation, which gradually dries out and becomes covered with a crust. The scab then peels off as new, healthy skin forms underneath. This process takes 3-4 weeks. The shade and structure of young skin will differ from the rest of the skin for some time. After 4-5 months this difference will no longer be noticeable.

Reducing the likelihood of recurrence of genital warts

Elimination of factors that reduce immunity:

  • hypothermia,
  • chronic fatigue,
  • severe stress,
  • alcohol abuse,
  • smoking,
  • avitaminosis.

Using condoms. If condylomas (papillomas) appear, seek medical help immediately.

Make an appointment with a gynecologist by phone

Services and prices

Appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist, therapeutic and diagnostic, primary, outpatient

2,000 rub.

Removal of genital warts with medication, without taking into account the type of medication

990 rub.

Removal of genital warts with medication, without taking into account the type of drug

1,050 rub.

Removal of condylomas located on the skin in the region using a radio wave scalpel. crotch 2

RUB 1,320

Removal of condylomas located on the skin in the region using a radio wave scalpel. crotch 3

1,600 rub.

Removal of condylomas located on the skin in the region using a radio wave scalpel. perineum more than 3

RUB 1,870

Removal of condylomas located on the skin in the region using a radio wave scalpel. perineum 1st

1,050 rub.

Tyan Oksana Aleksandrovna Head of department, obstetrician-gynecologist Doctor of the highest category Work experience: 25 years

Maksimova Tamara Anatolyevna Obstetrician-gynecologist Work experience: 6 years

Zabolotnova Olga Valentinovna Obstetrician-gynecologist Doctor of the first category Work experience: 25 years

Moiseeva Alla Vitalievna Obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor First category doctor Work experience: 36 years

Volkova Polina Dmitrievna Obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor Doctor of the highest category Work experience: 34 years

Postnikova Nadezhda Anatolyevna Obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor Work experience: 34 years

Shchelokova Elena Nikolaevna Obstetrician-gynecologist Doctor of the highest category Work experience: 37 years

Sources of infection

Condylomas develop under the influence of the human papillomavirus. Infection with genital warts occurs through contact, usually through sexual contact. Moreover, as a result, at least 90% of sexual partners become infected from each other. Infection of newborns occurs during childbirth when passing through the birth canal of a sick mother, which can cause laryngeal papillomatosis in the child.

In various countries, genital warts are registered in 3 to 28% of patients. It should be noted that in many people the disease occurs latently. This means that the virus is in the active stage only periodically, when rashes appear, and the rest of the time the infection remains in a latent state. There is no doubt that the maximum contagiousness (possibility of infection) occurs precisely during periods of clinical manifestations of the disease.

Recovery period

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To ensure that there are no complications after the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to wet the wounds during the day. After a crust forms on the wounds, do not wet it or rip it off; the scab falls off naturally - its mechanical removal can provoke infection with further complications.

The skin is regularly treated with antiseptics; in addition, the doctor prescribes antibiotic and immunomodulatory therapy.

All medications must be prescribed by a doctor, and the patient strictly adheres to these recommendations and prescriptions.

Additional recommendations: avoid depilation of the treated area, avoid saunas, intimate relations (if condylomas were removed from the genitals), avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays and hypothermia. It is important to follow all recommendations for at least one month, after which you need to see a doctor for control.

If the patient notices redness, inflammation, pain, itching, tingling, purulent formations, bleeding or other signs, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

Cervical condylomas

Cervical condyloma is one of the types of HPV manifestations. Infection with this disease also occurs during sexual intercourse with an infected partner. In the absence of exophytic (visible) condylomas on the penis, the sexual partner may not be aware of the carriage of this virus.

Cervical condyloma is not always a consequence of HPV types 6 or 11. The cervix is ​​also affected by other types of viruses, which also have an oncogenic risk.

A special feature of condyloma on the neck is its shape. Condyloma can be flat and not visible when examined in a mirror, or it can be protruding (typical). Flat condyloma of the cervix is ​​detected during colposcopy. This painless technique involves examining the vulva, vagina and cervix under a microscope, stained with special solutions. Areas affected by flat condyloma are highlighted after staining with solutions.

To finally confirm the diagnosis, in addition to a cytological examination (Pap test), a PCR test for HPV and a biopsy or removal of the altered area with histological confirmation are performed.

It should be noted that any formation on the cervix, even a typical genital wart, after removal must undergo histological examination. If the gynecologist has no doubts about the diagnosis of cervical condyloma, then when using treatment methods after which it is not possible to conduct histology, it is necessary to take a biopsy before treatment.

Consequences of the formation of growths

Even if condylomas do not show disturbing symptoms, the lack of treatment can lead to serious consequences:

  • Friction with underwear can provoke inflammatory processes and damage the integrity of the growth, which can subsequently lead to infection.
  • If you have condylomas that are visible to the naked eye, moral discomfort may arise and even inferiority complexes may develop.
  • If condylomas are localized inside the vagina, this can lead to unpleasant and even painful sensations during sexual intercourse.

Do not under any circumstances try to get rid of condyloma at home. Remember that these tumors can develop into malignant tumors.

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