About the advantages and disadvantages of removing condylomas using radio wave and laser methods

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Radio wave removal of condylomas is an advanced method of removing these formations from the skin and mucous membranes. The procedure involves applying a radiosurgical instrument to the affected surface and has proven to be effective and relatively safe. The specialists of the Family Doctor clinic were among the first in the region to successfully use radio wave surgery, so our extensive practice allows us to achieve high efficiency of such manipulations.

Prices for radio wave removal of papillomas

Removal of papillomas and milia on the eyelids and in the eye area For optimal preparation for the procedure, write to me 950 rub.
(1 PC)
Removal of 2 to 5
1950 RUR
Removal of 6 to 10
2550 rub.
Removal of 20
5100 rub.
Removal of 30
7650 rub.

Many people have papillomas on the skin of the face or body.
Some have less, some have more. Some people don’t pay attention to them at all, others dream of getting rid of them. If you are also looking for a way to solve this problem, read this text to the end. In this short article I will talk about a new effective way to remove papillomas

, which I use in my practice -
radio wave surgery
. However, a little clarification is needed first.


Radio wave surgery is a fairly new method of treating gynecological diseases in our country. Therefore, we advise you to contact only a clinic where proven professionals work. Before seeking help from a surgeon specializing in this treatment method, you should be examined by a gynecologist, who will decide whether surgery is necessary or whether the disease can be cured in other ways.

Treatment with radio waves in our center is carried out by high-class specialists who have undergone special training and thoroughly know the technique. Rich experience, extensive practice and the ability to act harmoniously and quickly in serious situations are what distinguish our doctors. They regularly undergo advanced training courses and have all the necessary skills in handling the most modern equipment.

What do papillomas really look like?

Very often, people who come to see me to remove papillomas call them other skin tumors. Fibropapillomas, keratopapillomas, pigmented nevi. That is why, before removal, you should definitely determine whether you really have papillomas.

Most often, this is a small, 1-3 mm skin formation on a thin stalk. There are three main differences between papilloma and other skin formations. First

- the leg is always thinner than the upper part.
, the consistency of papilloma is always softer than the surrounding skin.
, the size of the papilloma is usually small - no more than 5 mm. The photo below shows typical papillomas.

Initial examination

Before treatment with radio waves using a special gynecological speculum, a gynecologist

examines the vagina and cervix. This procedure is completely painless. During the examination, the specialist pays attention to the following manifestations:

  • change in color of the mucous membrane;
  • the presence of protruding formations (papillomas, polyps);
  • notes the shape, location and number of these formations.

Simultaneously with the visual examination, material is taken for biopsy and cytology, bacteriological culture for microflora, directions are given for polymerase chain reaction (PCR), blood tests to determine the presence or absence of tumor markers, HIV, hepatitis B and C. Sometimes an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) is required ) and colposcopy using a special optical device - a binocular equipped with an illuminator.

Advantages of radio wave removal of papillomas

I am often asked “What is the best method to remove? Where is the best cosmetic result?

. Lately I have refrained from comparing methods because... the same best method may give different results in the hands of different doctors. That is why I will not talk about the advantages of the abstract radio wave method, but about the advantages of my original method of radio wave removal of papillomas:

  • 100% safe removal.
    99% of papillomas do not require histological examination. If there is the slightest doubt, it is carried out.
  • Removal in 1 visit.
    One papilloma is removed within 1 second. You can remove up to 150 pieces at a time. Minimal damage to healthy tissue allows for the fastest possible healing. Re-inspection is not required or is optional.
  • There are no restrictions
    on sports and water procedures after removal. Suppuration in the area of ​​operation is basically impossible. The only thing that should be excluded is sunlight entering the operation site. This is necessary to prevent hyperpigmentation.

Removal of moles using a Fotek radio knife, features of removal of tumors of different nature

Radioknife is a device for non-contact removal of formations on the skin using directed exposure to radio waves. It is a tungsten filament electrode in the form of a loop, in which electric current and ionized argon are converted into radio waves. There is no direct contact of the radio knife and the skin, and the excision of a wart or mole occurs due to high-frequency radiation.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia, lasts no more than 20 minutes and allows the removal of both single and group formations. The surrounding tissues are almost not injured, but the affected tissue is removed along with the viral cells, sealing the cut site with temperature.

The Fotek device is a high-frequency surgical electrocoagulator. It has a light and sound system of signals indicating the removal of a mole from the patient's body. Allows you to work in a humid environment, so it is used in gynecology for cauterization of genital warts.

The bipolar electrode is located inside the radioknife, allowing for precise cutting. The mode without coagulation (electrical influence) allows you to remove tumors.

Working with a Fotek radioknife prevents infection, ensuring rapid healing and minimal blood loss.

Benefits not related to removal technique

  • Honest prices.
    No hidden fees or intrusive services. Either consultation or removal is paid, strictly according to the price list. You can always check the price with me on VKontakte by sending a photo with a ruler in the background.
  • Free information support before and after surgery.
    If you have any doubts before your visit, you can easily and free of charge by mail or VKontakte. After the operation, you will have my personal phone number, by which you can ask me at any time about what is bothering you.
  • Fast and convenient.
    Removal is carried out within a few minutes, in one visit.
  • Online appointment booking and removal without calls or waiting
  • No preliminary tests, dressings, or suture removal required
  • Histology results by email
  • More than 200 good reviews about my work
    . You can read them on these sites: docplanner.ru (more than 40 reviews), napopravku.ru (24 reviews), vk.com (more than 150 reviews)
  • Monitoring your immunity

    The appearance of warts, papillomas and condylomas on the skin indicates activation of the human papillomavirus in the body. Exactly activation, since according to statistics, 7 out of 10 people are carriers of HPV to one degree or another. Until a certain time you don’t realize it. However, as soon as for some reason your immunity decreases, an unpleasant surprise awaits you in the form of a growth on the skin or mucous membrane.

    One of the most common manifestations of infection is genital warts. They are most often located on the genitals, although in women this is not limited to the labia; neoplasms are often found in the vagina and cervix. It can also occur near the perineum or anus, on the armpits and face, sometimes even in the mouth. This type is characterized by a chronic course and frequent relapses. Condyloma looks like a shoot on a stalk, usually flesh-colored. However, they can grow to form massive colonies that resemble cauliflower in appearance.


    • Monitoring your immunity
    • Radio wave method as the most gentle method for removing condylomas
    • Postoperative wound care
    • Contraindications to the use of radio waves

    Papillomas and condylomas may not cause discomfort, destruction is not carried out, and a person can live with single growths all his life. However, you should not consider them so harmless. If possible, doctors still recommend getting rid of them, since they constitute a risk group and under unfavorable circumstances can degenerate into a malignant formation.

    In addition, condylomas should be removed if they cause significant inconvenience to the patient, have grown into internal organs or are located in the larynx, there is a risk of infection due to damage to the tumor, if a doctor diagnoses condylomatosis and a large area of ​​skin or mucous membrane is affected. Also, when planning pregnancy, it is recommended to get rid of growths if they are located in the intimate area. Indications are also given to patients who have a highly oncogenic virus detected in their blood.

    Photos before and after radio wave removal of papillomas

    Papillomas on the neck

    Papillomas in the armpit

    Papillomas on the neck

    Removal of papillomas (and moles) on the eyelids is carried out with a protective eye shield

    Postoperative wound care

    Since the use of radio waves is a low-traumatic procedure, wound healing occurs without any problems or complications. Here are some recommendations that doctors usually give to patients:

    • carefully clean the surface with warm soapy water;
    • do not use cosmetics;
    • do not rub the damaged area;
    • use and regularly change the bandage with the prescribed ointment for 2-4 days;
    • avoid the sun and solarium;
    • do not visit baths and saunas.

    These, in fact, are all the tricks, after which the wound should heal with a thin crust, which should soon fall off on its own. At first, the renewed skin will have a pinkish color, but gradually it will not stand out, and nothing will remind you of the presence of condyloma in this place.

    In addition, since the appearance of the appendage occurs due to the presence of a virus in the body, the doctor may additionally prescribe medication to prevent the recurrence of tumors. The most commonly prescribed drugs are those that enhance immunity and antivirals.

    Contraindications to the use of radio waves

    It is worth noting that there are a number of contraindications to the use of this procedure or to its postponement. For example, radio wave removal of condylomas should not be performed on pregnant and nursing mothers. People with any type of diabetes will also not be able to use this technique, since exposure to radio waves is undesirable for them.

    Pulmonary, renal, liver and heart failure, epilepsy and glaucoma of the eye, chronic hepatitis and the presence of an infectious disease of the skin, as well as oncology fall under the list of diseases for which the use of radiosurgery is contraindicated.

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    I underwent treatment with Maria Alexandrovna Guseva with a calm soul, I completely trusted her and, as it turned out, it was not in vain. An excellent doctor who takes his work seriously! The health problem was quickly resolved. I remember the treatment with a smile!

    March 28, 2022

    For many years I suffered from constant inflammation in the vagina. During the consultation, the doctor prescribed one suppository or another - it seemed to help, but after a month or two everything changed. I'm very tired of this. I turned to Tatyana Sergeevna for help. At the appointment, she looked at all my examinations, tests (she brought everything with her), and conducted an examination - special thanks for the careful examination. She explained everything correctly that my problem was the cervix ruptured after childbirth. She prescribed further examination, then treatment, and a month later she performed an operation - she repaired all the tears in the neck. And now six months have passed - the discharge has not returned! I'm happy. I no longer hoped that this would be possible. Thanks a lot!

    October 26, 2022


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