Contraindications for medium peeling, possible risks and side effects

Why does Quincke's edema occur?

Urticaria with angioedema appears after allergens enter the body, causing degranulation of mast cells. Physical factors (cold, heat, solar radiation, insect bites), as well as chemical compounds in small doses dissolved in ordinary water, can also provoke an allergic reaction to urticaria. Much more often, hives are triggered by food allergens and ingredients of popular medications.

Quincke's edema is essentially a complication of urticaria, when the pathological process covers not only the upper layers of the skin, but penetrates deeper and involves the mucous membranes, subcutaneous fatty tissue and muscles. Less commonly, Quincke's edema develops as an independent disease.

In more than 25% of patients with urticaria, the leading role in its development and angioedema is played by a hereditary factor; in another third, such phenomena are acquired during life.

With any clinical type of urticaria, the permeability of small blood vessels increases significantly. The surrounding tissues quickly swell, and under the influence of excess histamine, large blisters form on the surface of the skin. The allergic reaction gradually affects the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue - this is how angioedema begins.

The most popular peelings

To improve the condition of your skin and get rid of blemishes or scars on your face, you can undergo a course of professional peelings, which are carried out using various means.

Mechanical peeling will help remove age spots, scars or scars on the face. During mechanical cleaning, a special device is used that sprays abrasive particles onto the skin and removes a layer of dead cells. This method helps cleanse the skin, increase elasticity, smooth out fine wrinkles and eliminate scars.

Chemical peeling is carried out using lactic, malic, mandelic and other acids and allows you to get rid of minor skin imperfections. As a result of this procedure, the formation of collagen fibers and elastin is stimulated, the skin is moisturized and the complexion improves.

Enzyme peeling, which is performed using special substances, is considered the most gentle and safe. Enzymes break down the intercellular space of cells, so the cells are removed along with the enzymes, which gives such a mild effect. They also help stimulate blood circulation, increase tissue elasticity and strengthen local immunity.

The most effective among other professional peelings is laser peeling. The laser beam burns out the upper layer of the epidermis along with pigment spots or scar changes. Under the influence of a laser beam, the production of elastin and collagen is stimulated, skin cells are renewed and various cosmetic defects disappear. The rehabilitation period is quite long and requires strict adherence to all doctor’s instructions.

There are no side effects such as redness or peeling of the skin during mesopeeling. During this procedure, acid is used in the meso-cocktail, which helps remove shallow wrinkles, even out facial tone and improve the condition of the skin. This method is often used for acne.

What skin problems can acid peeling solve?

  • Acne
    – Acid peels are very popular for treating most forms of acne. Organic acids have strong antibacterial properties and also help regulate sebum production. A series of procedures in combination with other cosmetic methods gives excellent results.
  • Pigmentation
    – organic acids eliminate pigment spots and freckles, while being as effective as laser or photorejuvenation. Pigmentation caused by hormones does not respond to light or laser, but responds well to acid treatment. There are special formulations for application to the skin that give a rejuvenating and brightening effect.
  • Age-related changes
    – Acid peels are an excellent remedy for eliminating signs of aging. As the skin ages, its natural desquamation (exfoliation) process slows down, leaving dead cells, dirt and sebum on the surface. Plugs appear inside the pores. Organic acid helps speed up the process of cell renewal and has a moisturizing effect. An excellent result is achieved by medium peeling, which not only removes dead skin cells, but also stimulates rejuvenating processes. In the skin structures, the production of collagen, the main protein of the skin, as well as hyaluronic acid, elastin and other compounds that form its basis, is enhanced. As a result, small wrinkles disappear, and deeper ones are smoothed out.
  • Post
    -acne is acne marks that can be removed, depending on their depth, using medium or superficial peeling. The procedure is in no way inferior to laser resurfacing and other hardware methods.

Acid peeling before and after

Symptoms of allergic urticaria

  1. A skin rash that quickly appears after contact with an allergen consists of individual flat blisters of pale pink or red color.
  2. The size of the blisters ranges from a few millimeters to several centimeters, making them similar to a nettle burn or ordinary burns; their number is also variable - from a few to many small blisters.
  3. A distinctive feature of allergic urticaria is that the blisters have clear boundaries, and when you press on such a blister, it takes on the color of healthy skin and disappears, only to appear again after the pressure is removed.
  4. The rash is accompanied by characteristic severe itching.
  5. Sometimes the blisters merge with each other, forming plaques.
  6. Depending on the strength of the reaction, in addition to skin rashes, vomiting and nausea may occur, especially if the allergy affects the mucous membranes of the esophagus.

Main stages of peeling

Chemical exfoliation is carried out in several stages. Preparation includes removing makeup and surface contaminants, as well as treating with a special degreasing compound. Jessner's solution is then applied. The number of layers and duration of exposure are determined by the cosmetologist depending on the condition of the skin, the nature, severity of the problem and the expected result. At the end of the procedure, the product is washed off with a special liquid that neutralizes the active components.

For serious rashes and defects in the relief of the dermis, a course of several sessions (up to 8) is required. After peeling, a white coating resembling frost forms on the face. After the procedure, you cannot use foundation or wash your face for a week, so you will have to leave the clinic in this form. The duration of the session is no more than 30 minutes. The action of the solution causes a burning and tingling sensation. Many salons use a small fan or fan to reduce discomfort. The recovery period takes about a week. After peeling, one day, redness, swelling, skin tightness and intense peeling are observed.

What are the consequences of the disease?

The consequences of urticaria can be very diverse - pain in the abdomen, and when it enters the gastrointestinal tract, the irritant can cause unpleasant phenomena such as flatulence, bloating, and autumn fever with urticaria. In order to cure flatulence, mitigate the disease and eliminate the allergen from the body, you should consult a doctor immediately, since if measures are not taken, the result of negligence of parents and medical staff will be Quincke's edema.

Why is urticaria dangerous? It should be remembered that this is a skin allergic disease that can occur due to many reasons at the most unexpected moment. Can there be a fever with urticaria? Depending on the pathogen in the stomach, the disease is accompanied by different manifestations - flatulence, abdominal pain, heartburn, chills, hay fever. There is urticaria with fever.

As for children, they have a slightly different treatment, which is not limited to removing such phenomena as flatulence or swelling due to hives, it is also important to remove acne

Acne is the first thing you should pay attention to. They can be localized throughout the body or in certain areas of it.

Pimples are not only located on the body, but are also combined with itchy skin, as a result the child scratches the rash and transfers the allergen to other areas of the skin.

Is there a guaranteed treatment for this disease? There is, but all therapy comes down to identifying the causative allergen. Depending on the specifics, the specialist and parents should act. The causative agents of the disease are completely different. In view of this, in addition to the accompanying diet, the child is also prescribed antihistamine therapy.

Parents themselves can be carriers of the disease and a source of infection, so both adults and children should visit a doctor and have their treatment adjusted.

Video on the topic:

The main thing is not only timely assistance, but also prevention of the disease. To confirm the presence of pathology and determine the specificity of the allergen, methods such as tests are widely used, based on the results of which the doctor makes a final diagnosis. Most often, the disease manifests itself in a complex manner, so you should be careful and limit the child’s contact with people suffering from this pathology.

Nutrition and diet for allergic urticaria

Manifestations of the disease often occur when eating certain foods

Therefore, it is very important to determine which of them provoke a negative reaction and eliminate irritants from your diet. This requires a strict diet

A hypoallergenic diet will help control the situation and avoid the manifestations of hives. Talk to your doctor and have him provide you with a list of approved foods.

What can you eat if you have allergic urticaria?

The menu should contain low-allergenic products:

  • Lean meat (veal, chicken, turkey)
  • Low-fat fish
  • Oatmeal, rice, pearl barley porridge
  • Potato
  • Vegetable oil (sunflower and olive)
  • Fermented milk products (low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, yogurt)
  • Green apples, pears
  • Fresh cucumbers, squash, spinach, white cabbage, zucchini.

You need to exclude highly allergenic foods from your diet.

  • Berries (strawberries, raspberries, cherries, blueberries, sea buckthorn)
  • Fruits (citrus fruits, grapes, pineapple, persimmon, melon)
  • Vegetables (beets, eggplants, peppers, pumpkin)
  • Sorrel
  • Sweet carbonated drinks
  • Honey
  • Chocolate, sweets
  • Whole milk

Hives. Symptoms

The key signs of hives are a profuse red rash and accompanying itching.

The rash appears as bright inflammations of a round or oblong shape (in the form of straight lines). At first the skin turns red. Blisters then form.

The latter can unite in groups, forming large reddish areas. In rare cases, blisters transform into vesicular formations.

The rash can occur in any area of ​​the body. And with each attack they appear in different areas: on the shoulders, face, palms, etc.

In addition to rashes, the patient may suffer from:

  • headache;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • lethargy and weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • temperature increase (no more than 38 degrees).

The causes of urticaria on the face can be very diverse:

  1. An allergic reaction to a food product. Most often, people are allergic to oranges and lemons, strawberries, honey and honey-based products, chocolate, etc.
  2. Allergy to a cosmetic product or medication. If the product contains many chemical components, herbal extracts, honey, thin facial skin may break out in hives.
  3. Allergy to insect bites: mosquito, bee, wasp, hornet. An allergic reaction is provoked by saliva, which the insect injects into the victim’s body when it bites.
  4. The reaction of the skin to exposure to cold or sun. Similar responses of the body to low or high air temperatures are typical for people with low immunity. The rash is accompanied by increased body temperature, fever, and headache.
  5. It is extremely rare that urticaria on the skin of the face is a sign of dysfunction of one or more internal organs of a person. Often, this clinical picture is observed in cases of problems with the endocrine system, hormonal imbalances, and disorders of the nervous system.

We suggest you read What to do if a teenager drinks: causes and prevention Urticaria differs from other diseases in its characteristic symptoms:

  • the skin of the face becomes covered with blisters of various sizes with clearly defined edges;
  • severe headache, insomnia, nervousness, irritability, general malaise, and a feeling of weakness appear;
  • the human body temperature rises;
  • the skin of the face is very itchy.

Sometimes the rash appears the day after the trigger, sometimes a week passes before an allergic reaction occurs. The most unpleasant thing is the severe itching caused by red spots on the skin. In the mild phase, if there is no constant factor, the urticaria goes away.

During an exacerbation, the skin becomes dry, covered with a crust, which begins to bleed from constant scratching. Droplets of ichor are visible on its surface. The itching worsens at night. The patient's temperature rises, he cannot sleep normally, he feels hot and uncomfortable. The constant itching is exhausting and there is no escape from it. The acute period lasts several weeks.

Urticaria (urticaria) in an advanced stage is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • A person wakes up in the morning and sees swelling on the face and body.
  • During the day, the skin becomes covered with tubercles and blisters, which turn red in the evening.
  • During the night, the blisters swell so much that they completely merge, forming a crust.
  • The body is very itchy, the patient cannot sleep normally, often wakes up and scratches the rash.

In severe cases, a person’s lips swell as if they were injected with silicone. Symptoms of a sore throat appear: the neck swells, it hurts to swallow, the voice deepens. If the mucous membranes of the digestive organs swell, diarrhea, bloating, and vomiting occur.

  • Small pimples;
  • blisters;
  • Weakness;
  • Severe swelling;
  • Quincke's edema on the face;
  • Headache.

Quincke's edema is very dangerous. He appears quite quickly and unexpectedly. It develops very rapidly, which is why in literally 10-15 minutes a person becomes unrecognizable. Another danger is that the swelling can change its location to internal organs such as the tongue, palate, throat, larynx. Increasing in size, they prevent air from entering the lungs and lead to asphyxia.

Retinol (yellow) peeling

Retinol peeling is a mid-superficial type of cleansing procedure. The main component is retienic acid. The composition of peeling preparations may differ in the combination of components and acid concentration. Retinoids are a group of drugs that are multiple forms of vitamin A. Unlike other types of peeling, retinoid peeling does not cause immediate damage to skin tissue. Retinoids, by acting on cellular receptors, stimulate the independent exfoliation of horny scales. The drugs affect not only the epidermis, but also the dermis, activating cell regeneration and collagen production.

Retinol has a rejuvenating effect, reduces the appearance of wrinkles, nourishes the skin and increases its elasticity. Has a brightening effect on the skin and fights pigmentation. The mixture can be on the skin from 15 minutes to 12 hours.

As a result of the procedure, the stratum corneum becomes thin, but the overall thickness of the epidermis increases due to intensive cell division. This peeling smoothes out even deep wrinkles and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, has an anti-inflammatory effect and strengthens local immunity.

The procedure is contraindicated for patients with renal failure and an allergic reaction to vitamin A. Contraindications for any peeling include the following conditions:

  • presence of severe somatic diseases;
  • infectious processes;
  • active manifestations of viral infections (herpes, molluscum contagiosum, warts);
  • previous dermatitis, such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis;
  • disorder of skin scarring, keloids, atrophic skin;
  • violation of the integrity of the integument;
  • acne pustular phase;
  • hormonal contraception;
  • pregnancy;
  • taking retinoids: using Isotretinoin preparations within the last 6 months; Roaccutane – 2 months before the procedure; less than 1 week after their external use;
  • photosensitizers (tetracycline ABs, etc.);
  • the use of external products containing resorcinol (Resorcinolum), zinc oxide (Zinci oxydum), 5-fluorouracil (Fluorouracil), salicylic acid preparations, prospidium chloride (Prospidium chloride);
  • taking immunosuppressants;
  • mental disorders.

Retinoic peeling is recommended for patients with severe skin problems:

  • pronounced signs of aging (photoaging, biological aging);
  • pigmentation;
  • post-acne.

Recommendations after the yellow peeling procedure.

  • Wash with clean cool water 8-12 hours after the procedure.
  • For 5-7 days, exclude regular home care products (creams, serums, scrubs).
  • Use moisturizing regenerating cream several times a day.
  • Be sure to use sunscreen before going outside.

For a sustainable effect, 3-6 procedures will be required. The break between them should be two weeks.

What to do if your lips swell due to allergies?

Swelling of the lips, tongue, and entire face is an alarming symptom that cannot be ignored. Most often, this reaction is caused by an allergy.

It is important to be able to recognize a potential allergen in time and interrupt its effect. Why do lips swell due to allergies, and what is the reason - more about this

Allergic reactions

Facial swelling is a manifestation of a local allergic reaction. This may be caused by:

  1. Insect bite.
  2. Food allergens.
  3. Plant pollen.
  4. Household chemicals.
  5. Decorative cosmetics.

As a rule, this causes a sore throat, sneezing, watery eyes, and photophobia. Allergies may be accompanied by nasal congestion, dry cough and other symptoms.

First of all, you should determine the source of irritation. If swelling begins to appear after a bee sting, you should carefully examine the wound and remove the sting.

Next, a cold compress is applied to the site of swelling. You need to keep it for at least 5 minutes. If necessary, after half an hour the manipulation can be repeated. At the same time, be sure to take any antiallergic drug that is at hand - Loratadine, Suprastin, Alerzin. For moderate allergic reactions, one tablet is enough for the swelling to go away in 20-40 minutes.

Quincke's edema

Swelling of the lips is the first symptom of Quincke's edema. It is also called giant urticaria and is an acute allergic reaction.

The peculiarity of this phenomenon is the rapid increase in symptoms. If your lips are sharply swollen, have doubled in size or more, and there are other signs of giant urticaria, you should call an ambulance.

Signs of this disorder include:

  • swelling of the lips, tongue, larynx;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • small rash around the swollen area;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dyspnea;
  • tachycardia;
  • general malaise.

Any allergen can cause giant urticaria. The most common causes are pollen, animal dander, chemicals, and medications. Giant urticaria occurs from insect bites. According to statistics, children encounter this immunopathological process more often than adults (8% of cases versus 2%).

There are also hereditary forms of angioedema associated with congenital pathologies of the thyroid gland, liver or immune system.

First aid

If a person’s eyes and lips are suddenly swollen, he should:

  1. Apply a cold compress to the affected area.
  2. Take a tablet of any antihistamine.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids.
  4. Call an ambulance.

Before the medical team arrives, you are allowed to drink a soda solution (1 g of soda per 1 liter of water). This reduces the rate of spread of the pathological process to the respiratory system.

Drug treatment includes the administration of corticosteroids, diuretics, and immunomodulatory therapy. The treatment regimen is determined by the doctor. In some cases, emergency hospitalization is necessary.

Cosmetic procedures

There are two popular cosmetic procedures that are not nearly as safe as they seem - tattooing and lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid. Both methods involve the introduction of chemical compounds that can cause allergies.

If a woman's lips are swollen after tattooing, the cause may be poor-quality pigment used during the procedure. Signs of intolerance:

  • severe swelling;
  • severe itching;
  • general malaise;
  • temperature increase;
  • symptoms of intoxication.

These symptoms may include sneezing, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis

It is important here to be able to distinguish between a normal skin reaction after tattooing and an allergy.

Since the procedure itself is painful and leads to many microtraumas, a few hours after applying permanent makeup, the lips swell in each case.

The swelling is mild and causes moderate discomfort, mainly during eating and talking. However, there are no other symptoms of intolerance.

To relieve symptoms, take an antihistamine and apply a cold compress. If swelling increases, you should consult a doctor. Since it is not possible to urgently interrupt contact with the irritant, the doctor may prescribe antihistamine ointments, creams with corticosteroids, immunosuppressants in tablets or injections.

To avoid the development of dangerous complications after cosmetic procedures, the possibility of allergies should be excluded before the procedure.

For this purpose, a small amount of the drug is injected under the skin, which will be used to increase the volume of the lips, or a pigment used for tattooing. Next, you should observe the skin reaction throughout the day.

Jessner peeling in the center

Bionika beauty and health center cosmetologists perform a peeling procedure using safe preparations and carefully monitor the skin's reaction during the session. The condition of the dermis, the nature of the existing problems and their severity must be assessed in advance. A professional approach allows you to restore beauty, health and youthful appearance to the skin when signs of aging, acne, oily seborrhea, age spots, post-acne and other indications appear. After chemical exfoliation, the specialist gives detailed recommendations for home care, which will allow you to achieve the most pronounced results and avoid unpleasant consequences.

General recommendations

In many ways, care after peeling will depend on what kind of cleaning was carried out - superficial, medium or deep. It is also necessary to take into account the individual reaction: some consequences of the procedure may be quite expected, while others may become serious complications.

But there are some universal tips that should be followed regardless of these factors. Usually they are given for consultation by cosmetologists.

In the first 12 hours you cannot...

  1. ... wash;
  2. ...touch your face with anything;
  3. ...apply anything to the skin;
  4. …to go out.

In the first 2-3 days...

  1. can only use light, airy foams and gels: the cream is allowed only on the 3rd day after the procedure (it will be great if it contains lanolin);
  2.’s better not to go outside to reduce the aggressive effects of such unfavorable factors as sun, wind, snow, frost, etc.

Within 2 weeks

  1. During the consultation, the cosmetologist should give a list of facial care products after peeling in accordance with the characteristics of your skin type. They usually have protective, moisturizing, tonic and anti-inflammatory properties and contain antioxidants.
  2. You cannot use decorative cosmetics that directly apply to the skin: foundations, powders, highlighters, concealers, etc. Lipstick and mascara do not need to be excluded from makeup.
  3. Don't touch your face with your hands.
  4. If crusts have formed after peeling, they should never be torn off. Regeneration processes take place underneath them, which you can disrupt. They will dry out and fall off on their own over time.
  5. Do not use scrubs.
  6. During this period, you cannot change brands and series of cosmetics.
  7. Use sunscreen when going outside (at any time of the year): a hat, creams with an SPF filter, dark glasses. You can't sunbathe.
  8. Visiting saunas, baths, swimming pools, and solariums is prohibited. Swimming in the sea and public waters is strictly contraindicated.
  9. Some sources provide advice on using homemade masks. Even if they have an anti-inflammatory effect, there is still a very high risk of infection, so there is no need to tempt fate.

The rehabilitation period is about 2 weeks, so the basic rules will work during this particular time. Although the period may be reduced if the cleaning was superficial and everything went without complications. But since the procedure still involves traumatizing the epidermis, the consequences can rarely be avoided. This is exactly the case when “beauty requires sacrifice.”

The problem of complications after peelings (chemical, mechanical, laser) is quite multifactorial. Complications can be caused by both endogenous causes (chronic diseases of blood vessels, heart, kidneys, liver, diabetes mellitus, etc.) and exogenous (incorrect choice of depth of exposure, incorrect preparation for the procedure, etc.)

Therefore, the main rule of a specialist to minimize risks is to carefully collect anamnesis and follow the procedure protocol, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. The task of any peeling (chemical, laser, mechanical) is to remove the surface layers of the skin to stimulate its regeneration processes, smooth out the relief, increase the level of moisture, etc.

And the complications after all types of peelings are essentially the same.


These complications are often called side effects, since their development after peeling is considered as a natural reaction of the body to skin trauma.


Erythema is a marked redness caused by dilation of superficial blood vessels at the site of inflammation. Depending on the depth and aggressiveness of the effect, it can last from several hours (for example, after superficial peelings with α-hydroxy acids - no more than 3 hours) to several days (after medium peels, microdermabrasion it can last up to 5 days). Physiologically, erythema plays a protective role: due to increased microcirculation in the injured area, the process of removing toxins and tissue regeneration occurs faster.

An increase in the duration of erythema compared to expected may be considered a complication called persistent erythema.

Peeling skin

If after superficial peelings (almond, milk) peeling is practically not noticeable, and after superficial-medium peeling small-plate peeling can be observed (especially on the forehead and in the T-zone), then medium, and especially mid-deep, peelings are accompanied by large-plate desquamation and formation fibrin film. The patient must be warned about this and given recommendations on proper skin care.

To reduce the severity of peeling and correct the course of the rehabilitation period, moisturizing preparations, “Panthenol” cream or spray, “Bepanten” cream are prescribed.

Pastosity and swelling of the skin

Pastosity and swelling of the skin are the result of an inflammatory reaction in response to its damage. Swelling occurs due to increased permeability of small vessels and the release of a certain amount of liquid blood (plasma) into the tissue. It may appear 1–3 days after exposure and persist for up to several days (up to 5–7). More often it occurs after manipulations with the use of retinoids, laser and mechanical peels.


Immediate allergic reactions

Allergic reactions occur after chemical peels as the body’s response to contact with a particular acid. Erythema, itching, and increasing swelling up to Quincke's edema appear.

If the doctor has even minimal doubts about the patient’s allergy status, it makes sense to conduct an allergy test in the area behind the ear.

Formulations with retinol, ascorbic and kojic acids have the greatest allergenic potential. At the other pole is glycolic acid, which extremely rarely causes the complication under discussion.

Herpes after peeling.

Herpetic rashes

This complication may be the result of an incorrectly collected medical history, when the doctor does not take into account the frequency of exacerbations (if 2-3 times a year, this should alert the specialist). It is necessary to prescribe antiherpetic medications 3-4 days before the procedure and for the same time after peeling, or choose another technique that can solve the problem with which the patient came.

Herpetic eruptions can lead to the formation of atrophic scars, so preventing their development is an extremely important task.

Excess crust

Too thick a crust can form after medium-deep peels or dermabrasion. I note that to prevent its occurrence, the course of the recovery period should be assessed in time. Therefore, the patient must definitely come to see the doctor a week after the procedure.

If peeling is not yet observed, and the crust is very pronounced, then it may be necessary to prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures (for example, microcurrent therapy to enhance lymphatic drainage processes under the formed crust), reparative drugs (“Solcoseryl” gel, “Panthenol” cream or spray, “ Bepanten" cream for softening and moisturizing the crust).

Ointment products are not used because they create a film, a greenhouse effect, as a result of which the crust may come off prematurely.

The use of these drugs reduces the risk of cracking of the crust and resulting skin scars.

Skin sensitivity

Skin sensitivity may increase during a prolonged rehabilitation period. This may be caused by an incorrectly selected peeling composition, incorrectly selected laser intensity, or insufficient time between procedures when the skin has not yet had time to fully rehabilitate.

An increase in sensitivity should be a signal for the doctor to stop the course until the skin is completely restored.

Hypersensitivity of the skin is expressed in an excessive reaction to temperature, pain, mechanical influences or sunlight. This complication resolves on its own after 1–2 weeks, but

can persist for up to 1 year even with timely prescribed therapy.

Persistent erythema on the face after peeling.


Persistent or persistent erythema

Persistent erythema more often occurs in patients with closely located vessels: in the presence of rosacea and telangiectasia, a tendency to hyperemia.

This complication can also appear on normal skin due to incorrectly selected peeling composition, exposure factor, or non-compliance with the procedure protocol. Foci of redness periodically appear and disappear. Their formation can be provoked by a variety of reasons: a change in cosmetic product, a change in air temperature. The presence of persistent erythema is an absolute contraindication for continuing the course of any peeling for a long time.

To correct persistent erythema, angioprotectors are prescribed (at least a month, depending on the result of use), cold lotions with chamomile, celandine, chlorhexidine digluconate (no longer than 2 weeks, so as not to dry out the skin), cosmeceuticals (at least a month, depending on the result of use) , the action of which is aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

In addition, a correction of the diet is required, which involves excluding spicy and pickled foods and alcohol from the diet.

If the doctor has any doubts, light peels with low concentrations of acids and close to neutral pH should be prescribed to assess the condition of the capillary bed.

The use of fractional lasers is the method of choice in the presence of an expanded capillary network and telangiectasia.


It is necessary to distinguish between false hyperpigmentation and true post-inflammatory. The first is a normal reaction of the body to aggressive influences and represents areas of “dried” grayish skin that peels off over time.

The second occurs as a result of an inadequate cellular response of melanocytes to the damaging effects of peeling. The most susceptible to these complications are patients with a tendency to develop pigment spots, with a history of endocrine or reproductive system problems, with skin phototypes IV–V, Mongoloid and Negroid races, as well as fair-skinned patients with various types of dyschromia. The risk increases with midline chemical peels and laser resurfacing.

To reduce the risk factor for the formation of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, careful selection of patients and correct pre-peeling preparation are necessary. Thus, when preparing the skin for chemical peels, tyrosinase inhibitor drugs are used: retinoic, kojic, azelaic acid, arbutin, ascorbic acid, etc. It is also advisable to perform the first professional procedure using a light superficial peel, which will prepare the skin for the effects of stronger compounds.

If we are talking about laser resurfacing, then the first procedures show the test (minimum) power of exposure using the method of selective photothermolysis.

During the post-peeling period, the doctor must prescribe adequate anti-inflammatory therapy, including tyrosinase inhibitors.

If hyperpigmentation does occur, you should first make sure whether it is post-inflammatory in nature or caused by sun exposure and ignoring sunscreens.

“Solar” pigmentation may gradually disappear if the patient begins to regularly use drugs with a high level of photoprotection. Therefore, it makes sense to wait two weeks before starting more serious manipulations.

If the doctor is dealing with pigmentation of traumatic origin, then the methods of choice may be whitening mesotherapy procedures or IPL technologies.


Atrophic scars most often occur as a complication after chemical peels and dermabrasion, hypertrophic scars - after laser resurfacing.

There are two main reasons: the first is incomplete history taking (perhaps the doctor did not take into account the patient’s tendency to form scars), the second is non-compliance with the procedure protocol (incorrect choice of acid exposure duration, laser power, depth of exposure - affecting the papillary dermis layer).

The tendency to form scars is, in fact, a contraindication for serious effects. In such cases, it makes sense to offer the patient a course of superficial peels. And although the duration of such therapy will be much longer, tissue fibrosis will be avoided.

If scars do form, then their treatment tactics are usual: hypertrophic scars can be corrected using cryotherapy, fractional photothermolysis, and hormone injections; atrophic - by introducing hyaluronic acid, collagen, using a dermaroller.

Decreased skin turgor

The inflammatory process that occurs after medium and medium-deep peels can lead to degenerative changes in the dermis, manifested by a sharp decrease in turgor. The development of this complication is explained by the incorrect choice of impact force and incorrect assessment of the regenerative capabilities of the patient’s skin. To avoid this complication, peelings can be combined with biorevitalization, which is carried out in the intervals between peeling procedures. This will speed up the rehabilitation process, increase skin turgor, elasticity and moisture.

Demarcation line

The cause of this complication is considered to be a doctor’s error when performing chemical peels. It manifests itself as a clear line separating the area of ​​skin on which the peeling composition was applied from the intact area. More often it appears in the parotid region, along the hairline, along the edge of the lower jaw.

To avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon, you should reduce the exposure time of peeling in areas adjacent to skin that has not been treated with a chemical composition. In other words, the acid here should be neutralized a little earlier than on the rest of the face.

In some cases, the demarcation line disappears on its own within 1.5–2 months. You can speed up this process with a course of superficial whitening peels and whitening preparations for home care.

Some complications are associated with insufficiently careful selection of patients for peeling procedures. Others are the result of incorrectly carried out pre-peel and post-peel measures. Complications can also arise through the fault of the patients themselves - if they do not follow the recommendations of a specialist or conceal from the doctor certain diseases that are an absolute or relative contraindication to invasive procedures.

Polina Uspenskaya, Ph.D., dermatologist, cosmetologist, head. Department of Cosmetology, Federal State Budgetary Institution Polyclinic No. 1, Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Dietary recommendations

In the complex treatment of the disease, a hypoallergenic diet is prescribed.

The following should be excluded from the menu:

  • foods that cause histamine liberation: cheese, chocolate, citrus fruits, nuts, strawberries;
  • products that promote the formation of histamine-like substances: sauerkraut;
  • foods that irritate the gastrointestinal tract: fried, fatty, spicy, smoked, salted;
  • alcohol, carbonated drinks;
  • If possible, stop taking medications.

A healthy diet and nutrition will help avoid relapses of the disease.

  1. Periodically you need to arrange fasting days and drink enough liquid. Alkaline water is a natural antihistamine;
  2. To prevent relapse of the disease, you need to monitor the condition of the liver and avoid stagnation of bile in the ducts and gallbladder. To do this, you need to take choleretic medications (if there are no stones in the gall bladder);
  3. in childhood, the cause of urticaria can be dysbacteriosis, so if your child develops a skin rash, a coprogram is necessary.

TOP 10 recommended post-peeling products


A popular pharmaceutical remedy that helps cope with redness and a feeling of tightness. It accelerates skin regeneration and improves the protective layer of the skin. Contains almond oil and beeswax.

The cream has a soft texture and does not clog pores, allowing the skin to breathe. Absorbs quickly and leaves no greasy residue. Its use is recommended after chemical or mechanical peeling. It needs to be applied twice a day for 4-7 days.


Suitable for all skin types and applied after a chemical peeling procedure. It can be applied to skin suffering from seborrhea. The composition contains a dialysate substance, which is obtained from the blood of calves.

The cream relieves pain, actively nourishes, moisturizes and normalizes metabolic processes. Helps the skin produce collagen. Suitable for women over 35 years of age. It should be used situationally if rashes and peeling appear after peeling.


This is a budget version of Bepanten and has almost the same composition. Suitable for skin care after deep peeling. Depending on the assistance needed, the product is chosen in the form of a cream, ointment or spray. It moisturizes, softens and heals the skin. Increases its protective functions.

Before application, the face is treated with an antiseptic. Since Depanthenol forms a protective film on the skin, it is recommended to apply it in the morning.


The ointment contains chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula and yarrow. It has an analgesic effect and fights inflammation. In the shortest possible time relieves itching, reduces redness and eliminates tightness.

Suitable after using any type of peeling, it helps in a short time.

6. MedicControlPeel, Vegefarma cream

A cream developed specifically for post-peeling care. Contains chamomile, sunflower and rapeseed oil. In a short time it eliminates inflammation, moisturizes and has a bactericidal effect on the skin.

Within 3-4 days it will help get rid of tightness and severe redness.

Kanebo Sensai Silk Soothing Cream

Cream with a light and delicate texture. Has intense hydration and softening effect. Easily and quickly absorbed without leaving any traces on the skin. Contains minerals and plant extracts.

Provides comprehensive care during the post-peeling period. Quickly copes with wounds and itching. Suitable for ages up to 30 years. It is recommended to apply it both morning and evening.

Sisley, Confort Extreme

The product is suitable for those with sensitive, thin and dry skin. Absorbs quickly, does not leave an oily sheen, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The composition contains many useful natural ingredients: extracts of linden, plum, mallow, etc.

It can relieve tightness and itching almost immediately after application. Deeply moisturizes the skin and nourishes it. It is declared as a daytime product, but is also suitable for night use.

Holy Land, Probiotic Balancing

Nourishing cream from a leading Israeli brand. Smoothes the skin and softens it. Has an antibacterial effect and relieves inflammation. The composition includes milk protein, lanolin, pectin, lactose, proin.

It has a fairly thick consistency, making it suitable for evening care.

Uriage Tolederm Hydra-Soothing Moisturizing Soothing Face Cream

Moisturizing cream specially designed for very sensitive skin. Relieves tightness, tingling and pinching. Soothes and moisturizes, reduces sensitivity. The composition includes algae and URIAGE thermal water.

Apply morning and evening on the face and neck. Absorbs quickly and easily without forming a filmy feeling. Allows the skin to breathe and does not clog pores. Has economical consumption.

1. Professional collagen expert face cream Medical Collagene 3D Post Peel, 30 ml

A Russian product that is in no way inferior to foreign analogues. Designed specifically for use after the peeling procedure. Eliminates pain, heals and forms a protective layer on the skin.

Most suitable after a chemical peel procedure. Apply a thin layer to the face, neck and décolleté. Recommended for use once a day in a course of 8 applications. You can apply it either every day or every other day.

Has SPF 7. It contains lecithin, avocado oil, panthenol and collagen.

Expected consequences of chemical facial peeling

During the procedure, the acids used act on the layers of the epidermis, causing the removal of keratinized particles that prevent the appearance of new cells. Therefore, after almost every chemical peel, the following points will be observed.

  • Redness, or erythema , of skin that has experienced a planned burn during peeling. It can last from several hours to several days, depending on the concentration of the solution used and the depth of its effect on the epidermis. If no side effects are noted, the erythema will soon go away on its own.
  • Mild burning and tingling of the skin , disappearing after a few hours, increased sensitivity to external irritants. This temporary phenomenon is a consequence of acid entering the layers of the epidermis and the process of its gradual neutralization.
  • Severe tightness and dryness of the skin , accompanied by active peeling. Peeling begins after a few days and can last up to 10-14 days, depending on the type of peeling performed. The main thing here is not to interfere with the natural process and not to remove the exfoliating layer of skin mechanically. You can help your skin with moisturizing gels and creams, or Panthenol spray, which is applied to the face several times a day. They can be used one day after superficial peeling and 2-3 days after medium peeling.
  • Edema . After a chemical peel, they are caused by fluid coming from the inner layers of the epidermis accumulating in the upper tissues of the skin. But if swelling persists for a long time, you should contact a specialist who will prescribe appropriate treatment and help minimize the consequences of the procedure.
  • Hyperpigmentation in treated areas . During the normal course of the process, it disappears as the old layer of skin peels off and a new one appears in its place. It is enough to use the care products listed above.
  • Pustular acne . After chemical peeling, this happens often and is usually a consequence of violating the cosmetologist’s recommendations. The situation can be corrected by using light gels and lotions that promote skin regeneration. If acne does not go away on its own, you need to contact a specialist: he will remove it by mechanically cleaning the face.

These are completely natural phenomena, indicating that the process of renewal of the epidermis has begun, the result of which can be seen when the skin returns to normal. So, after superficial peeling, the skin will become smooth and even, get rid of fine wrinkles and acne, and improve complexion. A greater effect can be achieved with medium peeling, which allows you to get rid of deep wrinkles, scars, acne, pigmentation, and sagging skin. The most effective, but also the most dangerous, is deep peeling, after which the skin will look noticeably younger and refreshed.

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