11 homemade anti-flaking face masks for skin at home

What are the benefits of face masks for flaking, redness and dryness, how to prepare them correctly at home, and how to apply them? We will talk about this in more detail. If you experience peeling skin, this is a good reason to think about why it occurs and how to get rid of it. There can be many reasons causing this condition. An important role in this is played by the influence of unfavorable environmental factors. In winter, severe frost, wind, temperature changes have a negative effect, and in summer – hot sun. The dermis gradually loses moisture reserves, and its condition may worsen. That's why it's so important to take care of it daily.

Olive oil

The simplest mask consists of just one ingredient - extra virgin olive oil. It is necessary to heat it in a water bath to body temperature and apply it to the skin with massaging movements. You can do this with your fingertips or a cotton swab. Leave the oil on the skin for half an hour, then blot your face with a paper towel to remove any unabsorbed residue.

The main causes of peeling skin on the face

Peeling skin on the face is very unpleasant and rarely goes away on its own.
For the most part, this is a cosmetic problem, but sometimes it also indicates serious problems with the functioning of the organs.

The main causes of these symptoms are listed below.

Why does the skin on the face peel:

  • Hormonal disorder.
  • Poor quality cosmetics.
  • Incorrect care.
  • Influence of weather conditions.
  • Mechanical damage.
  • Problems with internal organs.
  • Allergic reactions.

It is necessary to correct external manifestations in a complex manner. To do this, you definitely need to adjust your diet and sleep patterns, as well as give up bad habits and treat chronic diseases.

In some cases, specialist advice will be necessary.

A dermatologist's opinion on local peeling of the facial skin

Find out from our article which cream for peeling skin on the face works effectively.

Instructions for using Aevit face cream are here.

Watch a video about doctors' opinions on skin pigmentation https://ilcosmetic.ru/uhod-za-litsom/krem/ot-pigmentnyh-pyaten.html

Egg-oat mask

In addition to eliminating flaking, this mask cleanses and nourishes the skin. The raw yolk should be lightly beaten with a spoonful of liquid bee honey and a spoonful of cosmetic or unrefined vegetable oil. Then add a spoonful of finely ground oatmeal. Leave for 5-10 minutes until the oatmeal swells, then apply the mixture to pre-moistened skin. Massage your face and leave the mixture on for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with water.

The benefits of homemade masks and the causes of peeling

The benefit of cosmetic products for the face is that they are able to eliminate the main causes of the problem, which are:

  • Exposure to unfavorable natural factors - scorching sun or severe frost. Using masks, facial skin is protected from negative environmental influences.
  • Insufficient hydration of the skin, causing the skin to peel. With the help of masks, high-quality nutrition of the skin is ensured, as well as saturation with moisture.
  • Reactions to cosmetic products. In this case, with the help of masks, it is not the cause that is eliminated, but the effect - peeling.
  • Diseases of a dermatological nature. In this case, it is necessary to carry out appropriate treatment. The use of masks is carried out to improve the condition of the skin.
  • Frequent washing with soap.

    Soap is developed on the basis of alkali, which removes the barrier protective layer from the skin. Using masks, the negative effects of alkali are neutralized.

In order to eliminate the possibility of peeling, along with the products, it is necessary to avoid all of the above negative effects. Masks are developed on the basis of universal components, with the help of which dead epidermal cells are removed.

Regular use of these cosmetic products ensures complete nutrition of the skin.

Thanks to homemade masks, you can ensure a healthy color and smooth surface of the epidermis.

Features of using masks

In order to ensure the highest possible effect of cosmetic products, it is necessary to use masks in accordance with certain rules.

The mask should only be applied to the face and neck. In this case, it is necessary to avoid letting the composition come into contact with the skin around the eyes. It is moisturized using light creams and gels, which are characterized by the presence of a moisturizing effect.

Applying a moisturizing face mask that can fully cope with peeling should be done only after preliminary cleansing and steaming of the skin.

For convenient application and distribution of the face mask, it is recommended to use a special sponge or brush. The application of an effective cosmetic product to the face should be carried out in accordance with the location of special massage lines.

When applying the mask, you need to move from the upper lip to the temples.

After applying the cosmetic product, the patient is advised to relax and lie quietly for the required amount of time. In this case, the woman’s eyes must be closed.

The use of masks against peeling should be carried out only in accordance with the indications. Cosmetic products are recommended for women with dry, aging and dehydrated skin.

This video will tell you why peeling occurs:

If a representative of the fairer sex lives in unfavorable climatic conditions, then she must necessarily use cosmetic products.

What will help reduce skin flaking along with using face masks? To avoid the appearance of this unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to wash your face with special cosmetic products.

It is also necessary to constantly use moisturizing creams. A person should be exposed to the sun and wind as little as possible. All these measures will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Types of masks for peeling

To date, a huge number of masks have already been developed that are recommended for use against peeling. The most effective masks include:

  • Zucchini. To prepare a cosmetic product, you need to take a young zucchini and chop it. For this purpose, use a blender or fine grater. The resulting paste is applied to the face for 15 minutes. The procedure must be done daily for a week, which will allow you to get rid of peeling in the shortest possible time.
  • Cucumber-sour cream.
    To prepare a cosmetic product, you need to take a medium-sized cucumber and grate it on a fine grater. One tablespoon of the resulting mixture must be mixed with sour cream and left on the face. In some cases, representatives of the fairer sex replace sour cream with milk. After washing off the mask, you need to moisturize your facial skin. For this purpose, cosmetologists recommend using baby cream.
  • Apple-honey. This tasty and nutritious mixture can easily overcome the problem of peeling. Prepare a mask based on one apple and a tablespoon of honey. The apple must first be peeled and cored. At the next stage, it is crushed in a blender. Next, you need to add honey to the pulp. The ingredients should be mixed as thoroughly as possible. Keep the product on for at least 20 minutes. After this time, you should wash your face with warm water.
  • Honey-butter. In order to make the remedy, you need to take one teaspoon of honey and add a tablespoon of essential oil to it. The mask is applied to the face with massage movements and held for at least 10 minutes. After using this mask, you need to remove any residue from it using a damp cotton swab.
  • Flaxseed remedy. Representatives of the fairer sex make this cosmetic product based on a decoction of flax seeds. In order to prepare it, you need to take a tablespoon of seeds and pour a glass of warm water. The cosmetic product is boiled until a thick paste forms. After cooling, the broth is filtered and applied to the skin of the face. It is necessary to hold the product for 20 minutes. After this, it is washed off with warm water.
  • Mustard remedy. This is an alternative version of a flax-based cosmetic product. The preparation of the product is quite simple. One tablespoon of vegetable oil is mixed with a teaspoon of dry mustard. All components are thoroughly mixed. If necessary, add water to the product until a certain consistency is obtained. The cosmetic product is applied to the facial skin for 5 minutes. After this, the product must be rinsed off with warm water.
  • Banana. This mask moisturizes the face quite well, which eliminates problems with peeling. To prepare it you need to take a ripe banana. Half the pulp is turned into pulp and mixed with three tablespoons of milk. This cosmetic product not only moisturizes and nourishes the skin, but also smoothes wrinkles and eliminates flaking.
  • Aloe based product.
    This is a universal way to moisturize and soften the skin. In order to make a cosmetic product, you need to take an aloe leaf and remove one tablespoon of pulp from it. Three tablespoons of water, a teaspoon of glycerin and a little oatmeal are also added here. After applying the mask to the skin of the face, it must be kept for at least 15 minutes. The product must be washed off with warm water without using soap.
  • Cottage cheese. To obtain high-quality hydration of the epidermis, it is recommended to use a cottage cheese mask. With its help, the face is toned and refreshed. Cottage cheese also has a beneficial effect on narrowing pores. The preparation of a cosmetic product is carried out on the basis of two tablespoons of milk and half a teaspoon of honey. Add a quail egg to the resulting mixture and stir thoroughly.

Peeling skin is a rather unpleasant problem. Especially for the fairer sex. To get rid of it you need to use masks.

Fight flaking with a banana mask

Face masks with fruits are a good choice to pamper problematic skin. You can use banana as an ingredient for a natural homemade mask. This hydrates the skin. You can mash a ripe avocado, banana and half a papaya and apply the mixture every day, 10 minutes before washing your face. This is an excellent mask for dry skin, allowing you to quickly eliminate problematic flaky areas. This mask is a good source of biotin, and the avocado in it helps prevent dry skin. Papaya will bring many benefits as this fruit is rich in vitamins A, E and C.

Why does the skin peel?

By identifying the factors that provoke peeling, you can find optimal ways to combat this phenomenon. The most common causes of damage to the upper layer of the epidermis are:

The lack of moisture must be replenished not only externally, but also from the inside.

  • low temperatures or their changes, so the skin can begin to peel both in winter and in the heat, and in the off-season;
  • violation of the rules of care for the dermis, insufficient hydration, improper cleansing or ignoring scrubbing and peeling procedures;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • allergic reactions to cosmetic products;
  • using soap too often when washing your face;
  • avitaminosis;
  • hormonal imbalances causing disruption of the sebaceous glands;
  • age-related changes.

Peeling is the death of cellular tissue of the surface layer of the epidermis. This is a natural process that occurs on a regular basis. Therefore, face masks are designed not only to get rid of the stratum corneum, but also to protect young cells of the newly formed epidermal tissue.

Oatmeal for peeling

Flaky skin can cause an unpleasant itching sensation. For her, oatmeal may be effective. It is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that soothe itchy, irritated skin. It moisturizes the skin. This amazing hydrating mask locks in moisture at the cellular level. You need to mix 3 tablespoons of honey, oatmeal, sour cream or yogurt and fennel seeds (the latter is optional). This natural face mask can replace the best astringent toner.


The main contraindication is a possible allergic reaction to any of the components.

Peeling with fruit acids is considered the safest

People with sensitive skin should be careful with apple peeling masks. Fruit acids can cause itching, irritation, redness and other unpleasant factors. Scrubs with medium and coarse particles are not recommended.

Sweet almond oil product

Almond oil can be used as a daily moisturizer. Applying almond oil to dry, scaly areas before bed every night is also known to be beneficial for soft, supple skin. It can remove unwanted dead cells from the face, neck.

Prepare a mask of almond oil, honey and lemon juice and use it as a facial moisturizer about once a week.

Egg yolk mask

Egg yolk masks work wonders for people with dry or flaky skin. Egg yolk contains vitamin A, which makes the skin smooth and soft. The combination of olive oil and egg yolk is one of the best treatments. Mix egg yolk with two to three small spoons of olive oil and use this mask to get rid of dry skin naturally.

Let's sum it up

If you experience symptoms of deterioration in the condition of the outer skin, including redness and itching, we recommend that you consult a doctor without delaying. Make an appointment with a dermatologist, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist (beauty salon specialists do not always have higher education, so we advise you to make an appointment at the clinic). The sooner a specialist determines the reasons for the change, the faster adequate treatment will be selected, relapse prevention will be provided, and the question of how to get rid of peeling on the skin will be answered.

Glycerin, cosmetic oil and ammonia

This mask for flaky skin is prepared by mixing glycerin and cosmetic oil (peach, almond, apricot, rosehip are suitable). You will need a teaspoon of glycerin, a tablespoon of oil. To the resulting mixture you need to add 1-2 tablespoons of water (preferably mineral water without gas) and 2 drops of ammonia. The mixture is applied in a thin layer and left for 30 minutes to an hour. It is not forbidden to leave such a mask on your face all night. Blot the remaining mixture with a napkin, then wash with slightly warm water.

How else to help your skin recover

An important point in the fight against peeling is the correction of diet and drinking regime. To improve the condition of your skin, you should:

  • give up alcohol;
  • eat more vegetables and fruits;
  • drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day.

Incorrect selection of care products and cosmetic procedures leads to dehydration. To prevent moisture loss, avoid soap for washing and mechanical cleaning. If you are prone to rosacea, give preference to enzyme peeling.

The problem of dry and flaky skin should be addressed comprehensively. In addition to cosmetic procedures, it is necessary to maintain a drinking regime and take multivitamin supplements. Replenishing the lack of moisture, vitamins and minerals leads to restoration of the functioning of sebocytes and hydrolipid balance.

Oatmeal mask with egg white and coconut oil

You will need a little coconut oil, one egg white, a small handful of oats. Girls with dry skin know that achieving a natural, healthy glow is difficult. However, this mask is the answer to their prayers. The mask deals a serious blow to dry, flaky skin.

The egg white tightens and brightens the skin, while the coconut oil sinks into the deeper layers of the skin for maximum moisture. Oats act as an excellent exfoliant and are a natural humectant that helps the skin retain moisture. This mask is a little tricky to apply, so it's worth standing over a sink. However, the slight mess after applying the product is totally worth the end result. Not only is the mask super hydrating, it works wonders for your pores. After washing off the mask, you can see how the skin has become clean and soft.

External and internal manifestations of dry skin

External signs : fine-plate peeling, most often occurs in areas with thinner skin - the area around the mouth, nasolabial fold and eyelids. Redness and a feeling of tightness may appear. In advanced cases, itching and the addition of a secondary infection - pustules.

What's inside the skin?

Peeling and dry skin is a violation of the moisture-retaining function of the stratum corneum, which is provided by:

  1. Sebum . Peeling often bothers people with anatomically dry skin types.
  2. Lipid substance of the epidermis
  3. Natural moisturizing factor components (amino acids, urea, lactic acid)
  4. Keratin is a protein that fills keratinocytes. It is insoluble, but swells in water, binding its molecules

Violations of these structures lead to the formation of dryness, tightness of the skin, and later to peeling.

Butter, honey and fruit

Pureeed banana pulp is most often used as a fruit filler in this mask, but during the season it can be replaced with apricot, persimmon or soft ripe pear puree. The butter must first be removed from the refrigerator so that it becomes soft. But not liquid, i.e. no need to melt it! You need to mix a tablespoon of natural unsalted butter (82% fat) with the same amount of fruit puree and a teaspoon of liquid honey. The mask is applied in a fairly thick layer with massaging movements, after which it is left on the skin for a quarter of an hour or a little longer. The remains of the mixture are washed off with warm, but not hot water.

Avocado, aloe vera and olive oil

You will need half an avocado, chopped. A small spoonful of olive oil, aloe vera. For this mask, it is important to thoroughly chop the avocado. Large pieces of avocado are difficult to work with as they won't stick to your face. This is one of the effective moisturizing masks. Avocado is filled with antioxidants and vitamins that guarantee deep hydration to the skin. The oil is both a moisturizer and an anti-aging agent, while aloe vera, like whitening cosmetic agents, fights bacteria. Using all the ingredients together, there is no doubt that the problem of flaking will be solved.

Honey and cosmetic oil

To prepare, you will need honey (if it has crystallized, you need to slightly heat it in a water bath) and cosmetic vegetable oil (almond, peach, apricot, wheat germ). You can also use extra virgin olive oil. It is necessary to mix honey with oil in a ratio of 1:3. Apply the mixture to flaky areas of the face with massaging movements and leave for 10-12 minutes. Remove the remaining mixture with a damp cotton swab or napkin.

Balanced nutrition as a means of combating

A calculated diet is one of the important conditions for maintaining beautiful and healthy skin. It should be enriched with fish dishes that contain omega-3 fatty acids, as well as vegetable oils.

Avocado contains beneficial components; it helps retain moisture in the epidermis. The condition is improved by substances found in greens and green vegetables. The nutritional components contained in eggs have a beneficial effect: amino acids, vitamins, folic acid.

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Banana, soda and honey

You will need a ripe banana, half a fruit, a small spoon of honey and a large spoon of baking soda.
This mask is great for those who want to hydrate and exfoliate their skin at the same time. Baking soda provides a gentle cleanse while honey is a natural moisturizer. This means that honey draws out moisture and delivers it to the skin for deep hydration. Banana complements this luxurious mask to provide a host of vitamins that nourish the skin. First of all, this mask smells amazing. Its texture allows you to apply the product evenly to the skin without any problems. For additional exfoliation, rub the mask in with gentle movements. This will help the baking soda rid your skin of any dead cells.

What folk remedies can be used

At home, the main principle is to do no harm, choose the softest and most gentle compositions.

For example, at home you should not use abrasive peels, but rolls that do not injure you in any way. They collect dead epidermal cells due to the content of cellulose and starch, which do not scratch or leave microcracks.

When it comes to creams, it is better to take those intended for home care. When going outside, be sure to apply sunscreen.

If we talk about masks based on fermented milk products or oils, cosmetologists recommend trying them first on the skin of your hands. All homemade cosmetics can cause an allergic reaction, which will only worsen the consequences.

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