Methyluracil ointment for the face - a medicine as a cosmetic!

Methyluracil ointment for the face is used quite often. This product has a wide spectrum of action, and therefore can be actively used in many areas of cosmetology. The drug is suitable for adults and children. This is due to the minimum number of contraindications. The substance causes virtually no side effects, and this is also a significant advantage.

Composition of the ointment

Methyluracil ointment is a non-hormonal substance that contains 10% of the active ingredient - dioxomethyl-tetrahydropyrimidine. The product is suitable for external use. 1 g of the substance contains 100 mg of methyluracil. Additional components include ointment base and water. The components of the base are aqueous lanolin, as well as medical petroleum jelly. The medicine is produced in the form of an ointment, which is packaged in aluminum tubes. Each of them contains 25 g of the substance. There is 1 tube in a cardboard package. In addition, it contains instructions for using the substance.

Pharmacology in the fight against wrinkles

But there are long-proven methods that provide a chance to almost completely get rid of these age-related manifestations or significantly reduce their intensity. Modern pharmaceuticals have in their arsenal many products that effectively cope with the first signs of aging. One of them is methyluracil ointment. For wrinkles, this drug, developed to stimulate cellular regeneration processes, is not recommended by any therapist, but cosmetologists use it quite intensively. With regular use of methyluracil, the result will immediately affect a noticeably younger face.

Mechanism of action of the drug

The action of the drug is aimed at improving tissue trophism and activating the process of epithelial regeneration. The active substance is methyluracil, which improves the process of leukocyte synthesis. The substance promotes the healing of affected skin areas.

In addition, the substance has anabolic properties. This allows you to activate the development of muscle tissue, which is especially important for athletes. The drug is also characterized by anti-catabolic properties. The substance successfully restores metabolic processes in the body.

The active substance of the ointment stimulates regenerative processes in cells. This helps heal wounds. In addition, the substance activates the development of tissues and epidermis. When applying the drug to a wound, it will be possible to protect the damaged area from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

The medicine has immunostimulating properties, helps relieve inflammation and suppresses the activity of enzyme elements. The product helps to normalize nuclein metabolism in the mucous membranes. Thanks to this, the substance helps eliminate pathologies of the digestive organs.

The active component of methyluracil does not harm healthy areas of the skin. The drug has no effect on them. The biochemical characteristics of the substance are such that it does not enter the systemic bloodstream and does not spread to the internal organs. The substance has an exclusively local effect. By stimulating the production of biologically active elements, it is possible to accelerate the healing process, stimulate the synthesis of protein substances and the development of muscle tissue.

Retinoic ointment for wrinkles

The main active ingredient of Retinoic ointment is called isotretinoin.

. This is one of the forms of vitamin A, which is characterized by high biological activity.

Retinoic ointment irritates the epidermis, and thereby accelerates metabolism in skin cells . As a result, the regeneration of new cells is stimulated, the skin is renewed. The composition of the ointment allows you to remove a fine network of wrinkles and does not help with noticeable senile skin wrinkles.

What is important to consider about the action of the ointment?

  • Retinoids have a drying effect , so they create problems for dry facial skin.
  • Sometimes a burning sensation is felt when applying the ointment . In this case, the composition must be washed off and not used in the future. He's not right for you.
  • Retinoids significantly irritate skin receptors and cause redness. Therefore, Retinoic ointment should not be applied to the thin, delicate skin around the eyes .
  • Retinoic ointment more often than other formulations causes an allergic reaction in the form of a rash.

Features of use: the ointment is applied in the evening. Use during the day may cause spots to appear, since vitamin A does not tolerate sunlight.

Advantages of the drug

Methyluracil ointment is actively used in cosmetology. The product has become widespread because it has many advantages.

These include the following:

  1. High efficiency and the ability to get quick results. Literally after several procedures for treating the dermis, significant improvements can be seen.
  2. Minimal side effects. All components of the ointment undergo detailed dermatological control. They are tested repeatedly.
  3. Low price and availability. The ointment can be purchased at any pharmacy. Moreover, you do not need a prescription to purchase the drug.

Indications for use

The drug promotes epithelization and has immunomodulatory properties. It successfully copes with inflammation and has an anabolic effect. The substance also effectively heals wounds, provides protection from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, and triggers regeneration processes in epithelial structures.

Therefore, the main indications for the use of methyluracil ointment include the following:

  • wounds;
  • dermatitis;
  • burns;
  • diaper rash;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • boils;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • acne associated with subcutaneous mite infection;
  • thrush;
  • stomatitis;
  • bedsores;
  • abscesses.

Quite often, methyluracil ointment is used in cosmetology. It can be prescribed by a cosmetologist or dermatologist. This budget product is highly effective.

For acne treatment

First of all, this unique product successfully copes with all kinds of rashes on the face.

The drug eliminates the following problems:

  • inflamed acne, including subcutaneous formations;
  • rash associated with subcutaneous mite infection;
  • rashes associated with hormonal imbalance;
  • acne caused by staphylococcal infection.

The substance helps increase the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs. To cope with acne, it is enough to apply the composition to cleansed skin twice a day. The duration of therapy is selected by the doctor depending on the existing problems.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, it is worth using methyluracil ointment with miramistin. This product has a powerful disinfectant effect and has a noticeable antibacterial effect. The product can be applied in combination with antibiotics and chemicals.

After acne has healed, methyluracil can also be used. With the help of this product you will be able to cope with scars and cicatricial defects that remain on the skin. The substance eliminates even old scars.

It is worth considering that the product may cause intolerance reactions. If, after applying the substance, a feeling of itching, hyperemia, or burning appears on the skin, you will have to stop using it.

To fight wrinkles

Methyluracil ointment is often used to eliminate wrinkles. The ability of the substance to cope with age-related skin changes was discovered completely by accident. But today the drug is actively used in cosmetology for the purpose of rejuvenation.

The effectiveness of using the substance to combat wrinkles is due to the following properties:

  • the drug has immunomodulatory characteristics;
  • affects the epithelium at the cellular level;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • helps restore the structure of the dermis.


Margarita (cosmetologist), Kazan
Hyaluronic ointment can greatly dry out the skin. Therefore, when using it, do not overdo it.

Natalya (cosmetologist), Voronezh Solcoseryl ointment is a wound healing agent. You can use it as a mask after cosmetic facial cleansing, to heal acne and relieve redness. For wrinkles – suitable as early prevention, from age 30.

Yulia, Zheleznovodsk Hydrocortisone ointment – ​​hormonal. Don't think it's harmless! At first you will be happy, and after two months you will be sad. At first, the skin seems so pleasant and velvety. And then you don’t know what to do with it. Nothing helps anymore, and even hydrocortisone ointment itself does not help.

Olga Alekseevna, Naro-Fominsk Retinoic ointment is a bomb. After the ointment, you can, of course, sprinkle it on. But after that it goes away, this is a common reaction to vitamin A. But the effect is noticeable immediately. Even the skin color becomes different, not to mention the wrinkles. The effect is amazing. I have been using retinoids consistently once a week for 5 years. I'm 52.

Rules for applying ointment

The effectiveness of methyluracil ointment directly depends on the correct use of it. The substance must be prescribed by a doctor. If you use the product yourself, you may encounter unwanted side effects.

In addition to the main component, the medicine contains petroleum jelly and lanolin. Therefore, the substance has a rather dense texture. However, the ointment is absorbed well and does not leave behind a greasy sheen. Therefore, the manipulation does not cause discomfort.

The substance should be applied to the face in a fairly thin layer. It is important to do this as evenly as possible. It is worth considering that first the skin should be cleansed and treated with a tonic. To achieve maximum effect, the composition is used twice a day. This is recommended to be done in the morning and before bed. After morning use, you can apply cosmetics, since methyluracil ointment can be used as a makeup base.

For wrinkles

Methyluracil ointment after 40 is used to combat wrinkles. However, cosmetologists prescribe the drug quite rarely. This product helps to slightly reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that are just beginning to appear. Therefore, the drug is prescribed at the initial stage of development of the disorder. The substance will not be able to cope with deep folds and pronounced drooping of the oval of the face. To achieve tangible results, the drug is applied in a thin layer to problem areas. This is done before bedtime. Before the procedure, the dermis should be thoroughly cleaned and dried.

For acne

The medicine has a slight antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it can be used for the treatment of acne only as part of complex therapy. The drug stimulates the restoration of the dermis and activates healing processes. It helps to cope with wounds that appear after opening or squeezing out purulent rashes.

To eliminate the problem, the ointment should be applied 2 times a day, following these recommendations:

  • first you need to thoroughly cleanse the dermis;
  • treat damaged areas of the epithelium with an antiseptic solution;
  • dry the epithelium with a soft towel or napkin;
  • treat the skin affected by the rash with a thin layer of ointment;
  • after 30 minutes, remove excess drug;
  • You don't have to wash your face before going to bed.

From scars

The drug successfully copes with cicatricial skin lesions. The use of methyluracil is especially effective for the appearance of post-acne or the formation of age spots on the face. The drug can be used to treat fresh and old scars. To do this, it is recommended to apply the substance to the affected areas of the face in a thin layer. This should be done twice a day. It is important to keep your skin dry and clean.

In what form is methyluracil ointment available?

The medicine can be purchased in different forms. The release form depends on the duration of the course, purpose and dosage.

The drug with methyluracil is of the following types:

  1. Candles. The pack contains 10 suppositories with a dose of 500 mg. Used rectally or vaginally. Dosage for adults – 1 suppository 3-4 times a day, up to 14 years – 1 suppository once a day, up to 8 years – half the dose per day. The course lasts from 7 days to a month and depends on the speed of recovery.
  2. Ointments. Available in an aluminum tube with a volume of 25 g. Used for rapid healing of injuries, stitches and burns. The dose varies from 5 to 10 g, depending on the size of the lesion. Before application, the wound is treated with 70% alcohol or another antiseptic. After applying the ointment, apply a bandage of sterile bandage or gauze on top. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day until the wound heals.
  3. Pills. The package can contain 50 or 100 pieces. The course of treatment lasts from 30 to 40 days. Dosage 500 mg. Should be taken during or after meals. People over 14 years old are recommended to take 1 piece, 4-6 times a day. From 8 to 14 years of age – half and whole tablet, 3 times a day. For children under 8 years of age, a dosage of 250 mg is suitable, morning, afternoon and evening.

The price of methyluracil ointment in Moscow and St. Petersburg, depending on the manufacturer, is presented in the table:

ManufacturerCost in Moscow, rub.Cost in St. Petersburg, rub.
Tula factory3026

Precautionary measures

Methyluracil ointment contains quite powerful ingredients. Therefore, extreme caution must be observed when treating with the drug. The permissible duration of therapy is 15 days. If there are a large number of wrinkles or other advanced problems of the dermis, you can take a break for a week, and then undergo another course of treatment.

Before using the ointment, it is important to carefully study the instructions. In this case, it is recommended to pay special attention to the list of contraindications. Those with sensitive dermis will have to avoid using the drug. Also, you should not use the product if you are prone to allergic reactions.


If any symptoms of an allergy to the components of the drug appear, you will have to stop using it. The composition should not be used to treat young children. The drug can provoke unwanted immune reactions. They manifest themselves in the form of increased sensitivity, which is accompanied by skin rashes, swelling, and hyperemia. It is strictly forbidden to apply the ointment to infants. The drug can be used no earlier than 3 years.

Also, restrictions on the use of the composition include the following:

  • excessive granulation in the damaged area;
  • acute or chronic leukemia - it is especially dangerous to use the drug in the myeloid form of the disease;
  • malignant tumor formations in the bone marrow;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • rashes of unknown etiology in the application area.

Analogues of the drug

The need to choose alternative substances arises quite rarely. Methyluracil ointment is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects. In addition, the substance has an affordable cost. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to select analogues. There are no drugs that exactly replicate the composition of the ointment. Analogues are generics of a drug. They have a similar mechanism of action, but contain other active ingredients.

Substitutes for methyluracil include the following:

  • alanthan;
  • bepanthen;
  • aekol;
  • acerbine;
  • panthenol;
  • mephenate;
  • titriol;
  • Libyan.

Methyluracil ointment has a number of useful properties, which is why the substance is actively used in cosmetology. The product copes with small wrinkles, eliminates skin rashes and even smoothes out scars. To achieve tangible results, you need to learn how to use the composition correctly. Therefore, before applying the substance, you need to carefully study the instructions.

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