Heparin facial ointment for wrinkles: how to use, reviews

Heparin ointment is known for its positive effect on blood circulation. Despite its medicinal purpose, it is actively used to eliminate bags under the eyes and to get rid of wrinkles. Some people claim that the effect is noticeable literally after 4 days of use, while others are unhappy with the composition. Reviews of Heparin ointment for wrinkles under the eyes do not indicate exactly whether the drug helps solve the age-related problem. You should familiarize yourself with the composition and effect of the product on the skin.

Does Heparin Ointment Help with Wrinkles?

The opinions of women and specialists about the advisability of using heparin ointment for wrinkles in cosmetology are ambiguous. Reviews leaning towards using the product are based on the personal experience of women. There is no medical evidence of the effectiveness of the drug.

There is information that due to vasodilation and blood thinning, the cellular nutrition of the skin improves and the rate of regeneration increases. Fans of heparin ointment focus on the effect of peach oil and glycerin. The ingredients can cope with dry skin and provide vitamins. But their number in the total composition is too small, so it is impossible to say unambiguously whether heparin ointment is effective in the fight against wrinkles.

Are there any contraindications

When used correctly, there are practically no adverse reactions observed. Possible negative results of treatment include:

  • local reduction in skin sensitivity - with prolonged use;
  • rashes, nettle fever and obsessive itching - as a result of hypersensitivity;
  • persistent redness due to increased blood flow.

If adverse reactions occur, stop therapy and visit your local doctor. In case of serious deviations, he will prescribe an antihistamine. Contraindications for the use of ointment are:

  • blood diseases that provoke a decrease in the rate of blood clotting;
  • bleeding of any type, including internal;
  • the presence of fresh abrasions, scratches, cuts and ulcerations;
  • individual intolerance to the component composition of the drug.

Important: Without a preliminary allergy test, the use of ointment is strictly prohibited. Hypersensitivity can cause severe anaphylactic reactions. After each use, you need to observe changes in your well-being and appearance of your skin.

Composition of Heparin ointment

Depending on the manufacturer, the composition may vary slightly. Heparin ointment helps solve some problems regarding the condition of the dermis around the eyes. The main components are the following substances:

  • heparin reduces blood clotting, and this prevents thrombosis;
  • benzocaine is a good analgesic that relieves pain;
  • benzyl nicotinates are vasodilators that promote rapid absorption of components.

The following are used as excipients:

  • Vaseline, necessary to soften the skin, it will make the skin moisturized, preventing dryness and flaking;
  • glycerin moisturizes and smoothes the skin well;
  • stearic acid helps improve the properties of the epidermis, protects against ultraviolet radiation, wind and cold;
  • Peach oil consists of various vitamins, thanks to which it nourishes the skin and improves its appearance.

Important! The ointment contains substances that can cause allergic reactions.

Beneficial properties of Heparin ointment as a remedy for wrinkles

In the last few years, the ointment has begun to be used to get rid of imperfections in the skin around the eyes. Some women and cosmetologists emphasize the beneficial properties of the heparin composition:

  1. Smoothes wrinkles in women aged 25 to 35 years. To do this, they do prophylaxis - cream and heparin ointment are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture is applied to problem areas around the eyes several times a day at the same time. The course is 14 days.
  2. Prevents the formation of acne on the face. They indicate inflammatory processes that appear due to contamination of the epidermis. Apply the mixture to each rash several times a day. The drug can speed up metabolism.
  3. Relieves puffiness under the eyes. Bags indicate a large amount of fluid in the skin cells. If the cause is poor circulation, then Heparin will cope with the problem. The drug is applied with light patting movements before going to bed.
  4. Returns elasticity to the areas around the eyes. Thanks to the use of heparin ointment, blood moves faster in the tissues, oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the skin.
  5. Eliminates bruises. Any bruise is formed due to a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels; as a result, the tissues receive little blood. The area gradually acquires a bluish color. Apply a thin layer of heparin ointment to the bruise, then the hematoma will go away faster.

The benefits of heparin ointment and its positive effect on wrinkles are explained by the presence of some components - glycerin and peach oil. The meaning of the remedy is as follows:

  1. When applying the drug to the skin, the components are quickly absorbed into the deep layers of the epidermis. The penetration rate is achieved due to the presence of benzyl nicotinate.
  2. Glycerin protects the skin from drying out.
  3. Peach oil delivers vitamins to the skin and improves its appearance.
  4. The active substance heparin has a positive effect on blood circulation. It can thin the blood. This function ensures good nutrition of cells and accelerates cleaning from harmful components.

Components of the product and cost

The product contains several components:

  • Heparin sodium – the main component that penetrates the capillaries through the skin. Its action is as follows: reduces blood viscosity; prevents the production of fibrin, which affects the formation of blood clots; relieves inflammation, pain, swelling; resolves hematomas;

  • Benzyl nicotinate is a drug that dilates blood vessels, as a result of which Heparin is absorbed more quickly. Reduces the amount of solid particles in the blood, prevents the formation of new clots;
  • Benzocaine is an anesthetic that dulls the feeling of pain from bruises and inflammation.

The oils included in the structure of the product have a softening effect:

  • Petrolatum;
  • Glycerol;
  • Peach oil.

The following elements are also important:

  • Nipazole;
  • Stearin;
  • Nipagin;
  • distilled water.

The remedy is needed for the treatment of surgical diseases:

  • all kinds of sports injuries (sprains, joint impacts, hematomas);
  • relieves swelling of the legs, muscle cramps;
  • under the influence of the ointment, scars, bruises, hematomas, hardening after injections, and burns disappear.

The remedy turns out to be effective for mastitis and hemorrhoids, if the disease is not advanced. Heparin is used in cosmetology.

Russian ointment manufacturer - . It is available for free sale in online stores and regular pharmacy stores. The cost range in Russian pharmacies is from 30 to 111 rubles. The average price is 58 rubles.

How to use Heparin ointment for wrinkles

There are several ways to use it for the skin around the eyes. Rejuvenating procedures are designed for 7-10 days. Then be sure to take a break for 1 month. Heparin ointment is applied around the eyes on wrinkles twice a day - morning and evening. Before use, a sensitivity test is carried out - a little ointment is distributed over the wrist and left for 15 minutes. Then they check for any discomfort or burning sensation.

Recipe for sensitive skin around the eyes:

  1. Combine 2 tsp. anti-aging cream with a pea of ​​heparin ointment.
  2. Rub into the epidermis under the eyes using patting movements.
  3. Blot with a paper towel to get rid of excess.

The mixture is used 3 times a day for 7 days. As a result, the number of wrinkles decreases.

The standard procedure for applying heparin ointment looks like this:

  1. The face is cleansed of cosmetics and dirt using lotion or tonic.
  2. The product is distributed over the skin. You cannot apply a lot of heparin ointment, otherwise a greasy film will appear on the face and the skin will stop breathing.
  3. Around the eyes, heparin should be applied carefully, with light movements.

Other ways to use heparin ointment for wrinkles:

  1. The drug is applied pointwise in a thin layer. Massage the skin so that the composition is absorbed faster.
  2. Heparin ointment is applied to the entire face. The main rule is to distribute along massage lines. First from the chin to the temples, then across the forehead and from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones.

Important! Heparin ointment is convenient and economical to use; no more than 1 g is spent on wrinkles in one procedure.

The product can be used as masks and peeling. To do this, combine the heparin preparation and the scrub in a 1:2 ratio. Apply to the epidermis with massage movements and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week for a month.

A cottage cheese mask involves mixing the drug and fresh cottage cheese 1:1. Then the mixture is ground until smooth. Apply evenly to the skin under the eyes and leave for 15 minutes.

Precautionary measures

Cosmetologists and specialists recommend refraining from using heparin ointment for the tissues around the eyes if the following situations arise:

  1. Burning, itching and irritation in the area around the eyes. In this case, you need to quickly rinse your eyes.
  2. Because the skin under the eyes is delicate and thin, it requires delicate handling. A woman should monitor possible reactions. If redness and swelling appear, this indicates intolerance to the components of the heparin ointment.

Important! If undesirable reactions occur, you should immediately wipe off the heparin ointment and rinse your eyes with warm water.

If you use heparin ointment and Troxevasin at the same time, bad consequences may occur. The ingredients of the two drugs enhance each other's effects on the body.

General recommendations

Cosmetologists give several tips regarding the use of the product:

  1. Before first use, you should test for an allergic reaction. A small amount of the product should be applied to the skin on the hand. During the day it is necessary to observe the reaction on the treated surface. If rashes, itching and other signs of allergy appear, the product should not be used.
  2. You definitely need to take a break. With constant use, over time the skin will stop responding to the active substances.
  3. Do not use expired ointment or a product whose packaging has been damaged.
  4. Do not apply other skincare products on top of this ointment. At best, there will be no result, and at worst, complications will arise.
  5. The ointment should not be applied to mucous membranes.
  6. The drug should not be used simultaneously with antiallergic drugs, tetracycline and NSAIDs.

Possible side effects

Heparin ointment can cause a number of side effects:

  • when distributing heparin ointment on the face, there is a possibility of acne, which is explained by blockage of pores and the inability to remove subcutaneous fat;
  • too frequent use of eye product leads to weakening of the walls of blood vessels, they will become more fragile and brittle;
  • when using heparin ointment in hot or cold weather, subcutaneous hemorrhage is likely;
  • the likelihood of dry skin and flaking.

In addition, a woman may experience complications in the form of the following symptoms and diseases:

  • bleeding caused by excessive application of the drug;
  • dermatitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema.

Drawing conclusions

Common sense is the best advisor in any area, especially when it comes to your own appearance. Let the heels of each of us, who go for a miracle beauty product where it is not supposed to be sold, get stuck in his arguments.

Let's not waste time looking for our own panacea, but spend it usefully - in the fresh air and with a suitable face cream at a cost that we can really afford - sunscreen, moisturizer, anti-aging.

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Contraindications to the use of Heparin ointment for the face against wrinkles

If there are abrasions or scratches on the face, it is prohibited to apply the drug. It may increase bleeding. The product lowers immunity, so infections will spread in the body. If there are small lesions on the skin around the eyes, then heparin ointment is contraindicated.

If a woman has poor blood clotting or suffers from bleeding, this may be a direct contraindication to the use of anti-wrinkle medicine.

Since heparin ointment is allergenic, it should be tested before applying to the skin.

What to do if your face is red

Occasionally, during treatment with heparin ointment, a negative reaction from the body may occur, expressed in the form of redness and severe burning. In this case, use of the drug should be stopped immediately, washed off with a soft sponge and laundry soap (it best cleanses the skin of ointment residues), and then rinsed thoroughly with plenty of cool water. Products containing alcohol are not used to neutralize the effect of the ointment!

If after 4-6 hours the discomfort and redness have not decreased, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Reviews from cosmetologists about Heparin ointment for wrinkles

Many professionals do not recommend using a wrinkle filler. This is explained by the fact that the medicine is prescribed by a doctor and strictly for medicinal purposes. Cosmetologists dissuade their acquaintances, citing the following arguments:

  1. Almost all heparin ointments contain a comedogenic product. It is oily and dense, clogs pores and provokes the appearance of blackheads.
  2. The aggressive effect of the product on the integument and blood vessels can form rosacea.
  3. The components cannot fully prevent wrinkles. To do this, you should contact the salons.

Other experienced cosmetologists personally advise their clients to rejuvenate the dermis at home using heparin ointment. They claim that it can smooth out minor defects. But experts make a reservation - the drug is contraindicated in cases of low blood viscosity.

Also, if a woman has visible rosacea, dermatitis and inflammation, then cosmetologists also warn against use.

What analogues are there?

Among the substitutes for heparin ointment, there are several types of drugs that have similar therapeutic characteristics. They are presented:

  • Hepatrobin - has an effective antithrombic and anti-inflammatory spectrum of action, produced in the form of a gel or ointment. The content of the active ingredient is several times higher; dexpanthenol is included in the composition, which increases the rate of absorption and dilates blood vessels. The main side effects and contraindications are fully consistent with similar information on heparin ointment. The disadvantages of the product include its high cost.
  • Heparin 1000 - the medicine is used to combat swelling, hematomas, varicose veins, and thrombosis. Its price is higher, and the contraindications correspond to the main drug.
  • Lyoton - there is only one active component in the gel: heparin with increased concentration. The cost is three times higher, the medicine successfully fights hemorrhoids, hematomas, and dilation of superficial veins.
  • Relief - the ointment relieves bruises around the eyes, reduces the level of swelling, and stabilizes blood circulation. Chronic use may cause increased dry skin. The negative qualities of the medication include a pronounced fishy odor that persists for a long time.

If a woman has been using heparin ointment for several years, then the final results of such efforts cannot be predicted. The active ingredients will help get rid of a fine network of wrinkles, but their large accumulation in the thickness of the skin can cause serious complications.

Medicinal ointments, creams and gels are developed for the treatment of specific diseases, and not for use as a substitute for cosmetics. Before using the next “miracle remedy,” you need to consult with cosmetologists, conduct an allergy test, study the rules of use, contraindications and side effects.

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