Regetsin facial gel for wrinkles. How to use ointment, advice from cosmetologists, reviews

What kind of products do women use in their pursuit of beautiful and smooth skin? Sometimes the anti-aging properties of drugs are discovered completely by accident: a friend was treating acne and discovered that there were much fewer wrinkles on her face. This is the discovery of Regetsin anti-wrinkle gel - a product designed primarily to eliminate inflammation on the skin and post-acne. The women's club "Those over 30" invites you to take a closer look at this drug: study its composition and principle of action on the skin, and also evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of Regetsin according to reviews of cosmetologists.

Useful properties of the drug

Regetsin is useful for any skin type. In addition to treating skin diseases (seborrhea, dermatitis, acne and others), the gel is used to prevent inflammation of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

Hyaluronic acid, the main component of the gel, has regenerating properties:

  • accelerates blood flow to the facial skin;
  • evens out the terrain;
  • eliminates rashes and other inflammations.

The skin is 70% water, so it is very important to maintain water balance to maintain its elasticity. Until the age of 25, the body copes with this task without the help of special means.

The use of anti-aging cosmetics by young girls to prevent wrinkles can be not only pointless, but also harmful. Receiving the required components from the outside, the skin “rests” and does not produce a sufficient amount of the necessary active substances.

Hyaluronic acid has not only healing properties. It is able to maintain the required amount of moisture in the epidermis. This component is indispensable for the care of aging skin.

Thanks to interaction at the cellular level, hyaluronic acid attracts about 400 water molecules. They accumulate between the layers of the skin and give the face freshness and firmness. An additional result after using the gel will be radiant skin.

A lack of hyaluronic acid manifests itself in premature aging: the skin sags, the shape of the face changes, and bags appear under the eyes.

Regetsin for wrinkles (reviews can be read at the end of the article) is indispensable for aging skin.


  • improves blood circulation;
  • makes the skin elastic;
  • smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • smoothes deep skin folds;
  • eliminates pigmentation.

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Why was ointment used against wrinkles?

If Regetsin was developed to combat medical problems on the skin, then why do some women use the product to smooth out wrinkles? After all, the instructions for the drug do not say a word about its ability to eliminate this problem.

First you need to understand the mechanism of formation of wrinkled folds on the face. The skin retains its elasticity thanks to a framework of collagen fibers, which supports and stretches it from the inside (like the springs in a sleeping mattress). Over time, collagen “springs” lose their correct position, and the tension of the skin surface weakens, the skin begins to sag, i.e., folds form on it.

To restore the necessary direction of the protein fibers, the space between them must be filled. Hyaluronic acid helps maintain the correct position of the collagen and elastin fiber framework. In addition, “hyaluronic acid” is a strong skin moisturizer, since it is very hygroscopic; one molecule of it can hold more than five hundred molecules of water. Therefore, a sufficient amount of this substance in the skin prevents premature skin aging and the formation of wrinkles.

Once the collagen fibers are in the wrong position, the skin begins to sag

The main active ingredient in Regetsin gel is zinc hyaluronate. Among the auxiliary components is sodium hyaluronate. These substances are derivatives of hyaluronic acid, and they can often be found in cosmetic products against aging skin and wrinkles.

It should be noted that hyaluronic acid molecules are quite large, and it is not able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. As for zinc and sodium hyaluronates, during their production the hyaluronic acid molecule is significantly reduced, and the substances easily reach the subcutaneous layers.

Large molecules of hyaluronic acid are able to moisturize the skin, being only on its surface

If a cosmetic product contains sodium or zinc hyaluronate, we can safely say that hyaluronic acid has a low molecular structure, therefore, it will penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin.


Regetsin should be used after the first wrinkles appear. The gel is highly effective with regular use.

The main advantage of the drug is its low price (about 200 rubles). The gel can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription.

Regetsin for wrinkles (reviews and rules of use for the area around the eyes can be read further) is recommended by cosmetologists. As a result of proper use, you can get rid of expression lines and deep wrinkles.

The gel protects against ultraviolet rays, disinfects, and fights pigmentation directly, without whitening the skin. Regetsin has a safe composition; it is recommended by doctors for skin care after 25 years. The gel can be used together with other products, it is not addictive and has virtually no contraindications.

In addition to caring for aging skin, Regetsin eliminates inflammation on the face. Therefore, it is suitable for problem skin.

Application of the gel

The fact of minimal consumption of the gel - the bottle is enough for at least a month of daily use. However, do not forget about other care and various anti-aging procedures.

The best option is to apply the gel in courses, and while the skin is resting, visit a cosmetologist for a rejuvenating massage and the application of nourishing masks.

The biological activity of the drug's components is high, so the effect will be noticeable after several days of regular use. The texture of the gel is light, it is quickly absorbed and does not leave stains or an unpleasant sticky feeling. Many women use it immediately after their morning shower as a base for foundation.

Cosmetologists use the gel with professional or manual therapy. To speed up the effect, many people treat problem areas with lifting procedures before using it.

Composition and release form

Regetsin is available in the form of a gel, the tube volume is 15 mg. Thanks to its gel texture, the product is used very economically, is easily applied and absorbed by the skin.

The composition of the gel is laconic, it does not contain anything superfluous:

  • hyaluronic acid is the main active ingredient: it retains moisture and has regenerating properties;
  • distilled water;
  • zinc chloride is an anti-inflammatory component;
  • potassium sorbate is a natural preservative that helps the gel to be stored for longer than 3 days;

  • carbanol is a component that makes Regetsin a gel that is easy to apply and quickly absorbed.

How does regetsin work?

This product is often purchased by people on their own to use against acne and acne after reading reviews on the Internet. Less commonly prescribed by doctors. The main effect of the drug is its drying effect of the main components, due to the presence of alkali - sodium hydroxide and zinc chloride salt. Both of these components are excellent at drawing water out of tissues. It is for this reason that Regetsin gel should be applied pointwise.

Medical rules of use

The instructions for use indicate that Regetsin is recommended to be used twice a day for 5-7 weeks. For preventive purposes, the gel is applied a maximum of twice a week.

In accordance with the rules of use, the product should be applied to cleansed, dry skin and distributed over the entire face with gentle massaging movements. The maximum duration of the course of using the gel is 3 months.

After laser skin correction, Regetsin is applied to the lesions daily for a week until complete healing. For acute dermatitis, use the gel 2-3 times a day for 4 weeks. For mild acne, the gel is applied according to the instructions; for moderate and severe acne, hormonal therapy and antibiotics are added to the treatment.

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Application in cosmetology against wrinkles

Significant results from the use of the gel can be obtained by using the drug in a course. The duration of each course is 30 days. After which it is important to give the skin a rest for 1-2 months. This will help the body not get used to the active components of the gel and get the maximum benefit from using the drug.

To achieve the desired effect and not get the opposite in the form of inflammation, allergies or dermatitis, it is important to use the product correctly.

  1. First of all, you should cleanse your face of cosmetics, dust, and sebum.
  2. To enhance the effect, you can steam your face. To do this, pour hot water or a decoction of herbs into a bowl and lean over the steam, covered with a towel. After 5 minutes, the skin will be ready for further action.
  3. Use a soft towel to blot your face.
  4. Rub the gel into dry facial skin using circular movements and thoroughly treat problem areas.

It is important not to overdo it or stretch the skin when applying the gel. In places where there are many wrinkles, the product must be rubbed in especially carefully. The gel is recommended to be used before bedtime. It is well absorbed into the skin and does not need to be washed off after application.

To get rid of wrinkles, you can undergo a course of medical procedures in a cosmetologist’s office: chemical peeling, mesotherapy and others. As a result, the skin is damaged, sometimes even the deep layers are affected.

Cosmetologists advise using Regetsin before and after procedures. Its use will help the epidermis recover faster. In addition, the gel moisturizes all layers of the skin and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of Regetsin, consumers note the following:

  • wide range of applications;
  • rare occurrence of side effects;
  • affordable price (128 rubles for 1 tube of 15 g);
  • fast absorption, which ensures the absence of shine on the skin;
  • compatibility with other drugs;
  • lack of photosensitizing effect, i.e. after applying Regetsin to the skin there is no risk of photoallergic and phototoxic inflammation of the skin under the influence of direct sunlight;
  • no smell.

Among the disadvantages of Regetsin are:

  • insufficient information about the effect of the gel on the health of a pregnant woman and her unborn child;
  • presence of contraindications for use.

How to use under eye makeup

Regetsin effectively fights expression lines, so it is often applied to the area around the eyes. Many women use Regetsin as a makeup base.

The gel is applied to cleansed skin; you can first use a moisturizer. Regetsin should be especially carefully applied to the eyelids and area around the eyes with gentle patting movements, without stretching the skin. Regetsin for wrinkles is suitable for women with any skin color, as it does not have a coloring pigment.

After application, you need to let the product completely absorb for 1-2 minutes, then apply the shadows. Cosmetics, according to reviews, do not crease after applying Regetsin, shadows fall brighter and smoother than on dry, untreated skin. In addition, the gel has a beneficial effect on the skin throughout the day.

The drug can be used as a general base for makeup. It is distributed over the face in a thin layer using a sponge. Or the gel is applied pointwise to the face with fingers, then gently distributed over the skin with massaging movements. If not all of the product is absorbed, you need to blot it with a paper napkin. After applying Regetsin, it is recommended to powder the skin or use foundation.

When using the drug in the morning as a base for makeup, you can apply it before bed only during the first week of use. After which the product is applied only once a day.

What is the product used for?

The drug Regetsin can be purchased in pharmacies, since it is a medication used to treat the skin. The gel has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and restorative properties. Its direct purpose is as follows:

  • prevention and treatment of seborrheic dermatitis, demadecosis, comedonal and papulopustular acne;
  • fight against acne spots (post-acne);
  • regeneration of the skin after laser exposure (removal of moles, warts and other benign tumors, hair removal, etc.);
  • healing of wounds.

The main active ingredient of Regetsin is zinc hyaluronate. It is this component that determines all of the listed properties of the drug. Acting at the molecular level, zinc hyaluronate restores the extracellular matrix of the epidermis, and this increases the skin's ability to resist external irritants and maintain its elasticity. In addition, zinc takes an active part in the destruction of pathogens that cause inflammatory processes on the skin.

Regetsin also contains auxiliary substances that enhance the effect of zinc hyaluronate.

Regetsin is a pharmaceutical drug whose main purpose is to combat acne.

What results can you expect?

Using the drug according to the instructions, in a course, not forgetting to apply it daily, you can achieve significant results.

Application of Regetsin for aging skin:

For problem skin with acne and dermatitis:

  • after a week of use, the gel relieves inflammation;
  • after 2 weeks, skin tone and relief are evened out;
  • in 4-5 weeks the skin will become clear without scars and acne scars;
  • Eliminates acne marks within a week.

In other cases:

  • heals wounds, cracks and other skin damage;
  • disinfects.

It should be remembered that in individual cases, the use of Regetsin may be ineffective.

Possible side effects

Regetsin for wrinkles (reviews of intolerance to the drug are rare), like any other cosmetic drug, can cause adverse reactions:

  • skin itching;
  • inflammation and redness;

  • dermatitis;
  • allergic reaction;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • feeling of tight skin.

Before use, you should test for an allergic reaction - rub a little gel into the skin on your wrist. If after 10 minutes there is no burning sensation or redness, Regetsin can be used.

Cost of the product in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

Drug nameA countryPharmacy namePrice
Regetsin gelRussia"E Pharmacy"197 rub.
Regetsin gelRussiaPharmacy chain "Floria"252 rub.
Regetsin gelRussia"Zhivika"199 rub.
Regetsin gelRussia"Aloe"187 rub.
Regetsin gelRussia"Pharmacy for the Thrifty"189 rub.
Regetsin gelRussia"Vita-Express"196 rub.
Regetsin gelRussia"Be healthy"185 rub.

Analogues of the drug

Regetsin was developed by Russian scientists as an analogue of the drug Curiosin, invented by the Hungarians. Unlike Kuriozin, Regetsin is designed for use by Russians. The composition of the gel was developed to meet the needs of residents of Russia with a harsh climate and unfavorable ecology. In addition, the Hungarian drug costs 2 times more than the domestic one.

Other analogues of Regetsin:

  1. Metrogyl gel.
  2. Tetracycline ointment.

  3. Aknestop.
  4. Salicylic acid.
  5. Zenerite.

The drugs differ in cost, effectiveness and duration of use.

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Reviews of doctors, cosmetologists, women on forums about the drug

Cosmetologists agreed that every woman should try Regetsin gel for facial skin care. Most cosmetologists themselves use this drug. Many of them consider Regetsin the best anti-wrinkle cosmetic product today.

This natural product with a good composition does not contain harmful or unnecessary components that are unnecessary for the skin. Due to its low price and low consumption, the gel is available for long-term use.

Cosmetologists say that too frequent use of the gel can worsen the condition of the skin, cause allergies, inflammation and severe itching. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend following the instructions and not expecting noticeable changes in the first days. Self-care should be smart.

Most women write on forums that they decided to try the drug because of the low price and good reviews. Almost everyone is happy with the result, but some experienced unpleasant sensations in the first days of use (itching, redness) and stopped using Regetsin. Some, on the contrary, did not notice any results after a course of using the gel.

Women write that a remarkable effect can be achieved when using Regetsin with other anti-aging procedures from a cosmetologist and at home.

By completing a course of using Regetsin for wrinkles, you can achieve a noticeable anti-aging effect.

According to numerous reviews from doctors and women who use this gel, Regetsin’s effectiveness will replace expensive procedures with a cosmetologist if used correctly and regularly.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Experts' opinion

Different cosmetologists have different views on the use of Regetsin as an anti-wrinkle cosmetic. Some are convinced that there is nothing to worry about, since the components of the ointment smooth out wrinkles and promote rejuvenation of the skin.

Other experts refer to the fact that Regetsin is a medical drug, and it contains components that can cause side effects. In addition, in their opinion, using the gel can be addictive.

Therefore, before using Regetsin as an anti-wrinkle product, you need to consult with a cosmetologist you can trust.

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