Masks with mumiyo - an inexhaustible source of beauty for the face

Remedy for stretch marks with mumiyo and cellulite cream in one bottle

Body cream with mummy

Using mumiyo is very effective as a remedy for cellulite and stretch marks. This also applies to the use of mumiyo for stretch marks that occur during pregnancy and for stretch marks on the chest. Cream against stretch marks and cellulite with mumiyo is very easy to make. To do this, just mix a pea-sized ball of mumiyo with a teaspoon of water and a tube of baby cream or anti-cellulite cream. Rub once a day with massage movements into problem areas.

Wraps effectively help remove stretch marks using mumiyo. Mix a pea-sized piece of mumiyo with three tablespoons of water or body cream and stir until completely dissolved.

Then add half a teaspoon of mint, lemon, grapefruit or orange essential oil. Rub thoroughly into problem areas for a couple of minutes, then wrap these areas in cling film and “freeze” for 15-20 minutes in a lying or sitting position, try to relax as much as possible. It is recommended to perform this wrap every day or every other day, for a month or more.

This method is contraindicated for you if you have varicose veins, cancer, gynecological and cardiovascular diseases.

Then use just cream with mumiyo for stretch marks, do without wraps. If you are breastfeeding, do not use essential oils, but mix mumiyo with baby cream. If you are pregnant, postpone using recipes with mumiyo until a more appropriate time.

Mumiyo for facial wrinkles: 15 effective recipes for rejuvenation

One of the unique “creations” of nature is the mumiyo. This name is given to an organomineral complex that has an extremely complex composition. In nature, mumiyo is found in the form of plaque on rocks located high above sea level. This product is used in medicine and cosmetology. Let's figure out how to use mumiyo for wrinkles on the face.


It is especially useful to use mumiyo for the care of aging skin.

Mountain resin contains:

  • about three dozen useful macro- and microelements ;
  • six valuable amino acids ;
  • almost a complete set of vitamins ;
  • essential substances and other components beneficial to the skin.

How does it work?

With regular use of mountain resin in skin care, the following effects are noted:

  • the synthesis of elastic and collagen is stimulated, thereby improving the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • accelerates regeneration processes, which makes the skin smoother and silkier;
  • superficial wrinkles are smoothed out, small scars are resolved;
  • has a wound healing effect, treats inflammation, irritation;
  • helps normalize the functioning of the glands that produce sebum;
  • protects cells from negative external influences;
  • replenishes the deficiency of microelements and vitamins.

Important nuances of use

Raw mumiyo contains many impurities; only purified product can be used It is sold in pharmacies. Most often, you can purchase this product in tablets or powder. It is much less common to find mumiyo in the form of purified resin. Choose a product from well-known manufacturers, as there are also fakes on sale. If you choose a low-quality product, you can seriously harm your skin.


If tablets are used, they must first be thoroughly crushed to a powder state and then dissolved in water. It is best to prepare the compositions for one time; in extreme cases, you can prepare the composition for three days and store it in an opaque, tightly sealed container in the refrigerator.

Ready-made compounds must be applied after preliminary preparation. You need to thoroughly cleanse your skin, removing makeup and removing impurities. The duration of action of masks depends on the composition; as a rule, they need to be washed off after 15-30 minutes.

It is not recommended to use cosmetic compositions with mumiyo too often. Procedures with mountain resin are carried out three times a month, this is enough to prevent the appearance of signs of aging. If you need to solve a specific cosmetic problem, you can increase the frequency of procedures, performing them every five days. The course consists of 10 procedures, then you will need to take a break for two months.

Precautionary measures

Almost everyone can use mumiyo for a course of rejuvenation at home. The only contraindication is individual negative skin reactions. Therefore, a preliminary allergy test is mandatory.

Please note that you only need to buy mumiyo in pharmacies. Do not purchase this substance secondhand, as there is a high probability that you will be sold a counterfeit. And the skin’s reaction to contact with a product of unknown quality is unpredictable.


Methods of application

Shilajit can be used to prepare various homemade cosmetic compositions.

Preparing tonic

The simplest tonic is prepared from mineral or purified water. For 100 ml of water you need to take 5 mummy tablets (each tablet weighs 0.2 grams), crush and dissolve in water. Add five drops of neroli essential oil to the solution. Pour the finished tonic into a dark glass bottle and store in the refrigerator. Wipe the skin with tonic twice a day, shake the composition before use.

The same composition can be used to make cosmetic ice; for this you need to freeze the prepared tonic in molds

If your skin is prone to oily skin, you can prepare a tonic based on red wine. You just need to use a high-quality natural product. For 100 ml of wine you will need 5 tablets crushed into powder.

Preparing the cream

You can add mumiyo to your regular cream that you use daily. The enriched product is prepared as follows:

  • put 10 grams of your regular cream in a small clean jar;
  • Separately crush 4 tablets to a powder;
  • mix mumiyo powder with cream;
  • let the composition brew for at least 10 hours at room temperature;
  • then leave the jar in the refrigerator;
  • Similarly, you can prepare an enriched eye cream if you plan to use mumiyo for wrinkles around the eyes.

The enriched cream should be used as follows:

  • The composition should be applied to a well-cleansed face, preferably after a hot bath or shower, when the pores are open;
  • apply the composition in a thin layer;
  • perform patting movements, driving the composition into the skin;
  • After half an hour, you need to remove the remaining composition with a napkin.

You can prepare another version of homemade cream:

  • the base will be baby cream, we will need 50 grams;
  • dilute 3 grams of mumiyo powder (if tablets are used, then 15 pieces) with a small amount of chamomile decoction, you should get a creamy mass;
  • mix the mummy with the cream base, mix thoroughly;
  • add to the mixture the contents of three capsules of the vitamin preparation “Aevit” and three drops of rose essential oil , mix well. This composition is also suitable for the delicate skin around the eyes.

Apply the cream to a cleansed face in a thick layer, after an hour remove the residue with dry cotton pads. After this procedure, you should not wash your face for at least one hour. It’s even better to use this cream in the evening and wash your face only in the morning.

Mask options

An excellent anti-aging product is an anti-wrinkle mask with mumiyo. There are different recipes for cosmetic compositions; you will need to choose the most suitable one.

With yolk

This composition perfectly moisturizes, but it is an insufficient amount of moisture that leads to the formation of a network of small wrinkles on the surface of the skin. In addition, this mask effectively tones the skin and replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.


  • take the yolk of a fresh egg (ideally from a domestic chicken). If the skin reacts poorly to contact with the yolk of a chicken egg, you can replace it with three yolks from quail eggs;
  • Dilute 2 grams of powder (10 tablets) in a small amount of cold boiled water;
  • add 10 grams of thick sour cream and liquid honey;
  • mix everything, beat the mass, achieving homogeneity of the mass;
  • Apply the prepared mixture to prepared skin, rinse half an hour after application.

With cucumber

This version of the composition softens, moisturizes and whitens well. After a course of such masks, the skin will become fresher, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out.


  • take a small fresh cucumber, peel it;
  • grate the peeled vegetable on a fine grater;
  • crush 5 tablets (1 gram of powder), dilute it with cucumber juice, stir;
  • mix the grated cucumber mass with diluted resin and a teaspoon of sour cream;
  • Apply for a quarter of an hour, rinse with warm water, then rinse your face with cold water or wipe with ice.

With protein

This version of the composition not only smoothes out wrinkles, but also tightens skin that has begun to lose elasticity.

The composition is prepared as follows:

  • Crush 2 grams of mumiyo to a powder;
  • dilute the powder with cold brewed green tea to a liquid paste;
  • Separately, beat the egg whites into a fluffy foam with the addition of ten drops of lemon juice;
  • mix the whipped egg white with the mountain resin slurry, grind until smooth;
  • apply with a swab or brush in a few words. Apply each subsequent layer when the previous one has dried;
  • rinse off a quarter of an hour after applying the top layer.

With oatmeal

The basis of this anti-aging composition is oatmeal or oatmeal. You can prepare it yourself by grinding oatmeal in a coffee grinder. You need to try to grind it exactly to the state of flour, so the product will better “give up” its nutrients.


  • crush 5 tablets or measure one gram of mummy powder;
  • mix mountain resin powder with a tablespoon of oatmeal;
  • dilute the mixture with cold infusion of green tea to a semi-liquid pulp;
  • let the mixture brew and thicken;
  • Apply a thick layer for a quarter of an hour.

With red wine

This composition is well suited for aging skin with enlarged pores. For preparation you will need red grape wine.

Dilute 2 grams of mumiyo powder in 20 ml of wine, stir, add five milliliters of peach oil, stir vigorously until an emulsion is obtained. Soak cotton pads in the resulting liquid and apply them to your face for a quarter of an hour. The area around the eyes and lips should remain free.

After a course of such masks, the skin will become fresher and younger, and the pores will become less noticeable. In addition, your complexion will noticeably improve.

Oil-honey mask

This nourishing composition is ideal for dehydrated, aging skin. The oil effectively moisturizes and softens, honey and mumiyo saturate the skin cells with biologically active substances.

To prepare a cosmetic composition, you can use different types of oils. Almond, olive, flaxseed, and sesame are especially recommended.

Preparation procedure:

  • slightly warm the honey (10 grams) by placing a cup of honey in a bowl of hot water;
  • Mix the honey that has become soft with an equal volume of butter, stir until the mass becomes homogeneous;
  • dilute 2 grams of mumiyo powder (10 tablets) with water or milk;
  • mix the mountain resin pulp with the oil-honey mixture;
  • Apply with a swab and wash off after twenty minutes.

With kelp

This is a powerful anti-aging composition. It actively saturates cells with minerals, stimulates the production of natural collagen, and smoothes the skin. To prepare it, in addition to mumiyo, you will need powdered kelp. You can buy kelp in tablets or dry seaweed and grind the product yourself.


  • mix a tablespoon of kelp powder with 1 gram of mumiyo powder, dilute the mixture with water to the consistency of a thick paste;
  • separately mix 10 grams of honey with 5 ml of sesame oil;
  • combine both mixtures, grind until smooth;
  • apply for twenty minutes.

With clay

This composition perfectly stretches the skin and also effectively cleanses, promoting the removal of toxins. This option is ideal for combination skin.


  • crush five mummy tablets or measure out one gram of powder;
  • mix mountain resin powder with a dessert spoon of yellow clay and the same amount of blue clay;
  • dilute the mixture with cold water to a semi-liquid paste;
  • add five drops of rose essential oil and grind;
  • apply for twenty minutes;
  • the composition hardens into a crust, to make it easier to wash off, first you need to soak the composition by applying a sponge soaked in water to your face.

With gelatin

This version of the mask effectively tightens and saturates the skin with collagen, vitamins and minerals.

Preparation procedure:

  • Dilute 10 grams of gelatin powder with 60 ml of water, let the crystals swell;
  • dissolve the gelatin when heated, avoiding the solution boiling;
  • Separately crush 20 gelatin tablets, dilute the powder with a small amount of water to obtain a semi-liquid paste;
  • mix a warm solution of gelatin with a slurry of mountain resin and a teaspoon of unrefined vegetable oil;
  • apply the composition with a brush or swab, make sure that the composition does not fall on the eyebrows and does not reach the hairline on the forehead;
  • After forty minutes, remove the mask, which hardens into a film.

With rice flour and tocopherol

To prepare this composition, you will need to grind the rice in a coffee grinder until it becomes flour. A tablespoon of rice powder must be mixed with 1 gram of mumiyo powder. Dilute the mixture with cold water to a creamy consistency. Add the contents of one ampoule of a solution of tocopherol in oil.

This composition is suitable for aging skin. It evens out the relief, stimulates metabolic processes, prevents the formation of wrinkles and smoothes out existing wrinkles.

Oil mask

This composition is recommended for mature skin; it moisturizes well, smoothes wrinkles, and activates self-rejuvenation processes. The base is exotic shea butter; you will need 10 ml of it.

The oil is placed in a porcelain bowl and heated in a water bath. Mix mumiyo powder (1 gram) into the oil. Cool the mixture and add five drops of sandalwood essential oil. Apply with a brush to the entire face, not excluding the skin of the eyelids. You need to wash off the composition after half an hour.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Official cosmetology recognizes the effectiveness of mumiyo, because this product is often used for the manufacture of factory-made cosmetics. Mumiyo can also be used to prepare homemade cosmetic compositions. But only if you are sure that the product is of high quality.

Shilajit will be especially useful for women aged 40+. Regular use of masks with this product will help rejuvenate the skin by stimulating renewal processes.

Beauty and health to you!

Using mumiyo for hair

The benefits of mumiyo for curls are an indisputable fact. Shilajit gets rid of dandruff, fights hair loss, accelerates hair growth, eliminates split ends, and saturates hair with essential substances. Using mumiyo regularly to grow and strengthen your hair, you will quickly feel the changes.

Shilajit against hair loss

Shilajit is very easy to use for hair loss and simply for strengthening. Thanks to its unique composition, mumiyo can save you from baldness.

To do this, apply mumiyo to your hair as often as possible and in different forms. Add it to masks, shampoos, or simply dilute it with water and apply it to clean hair with a spray bottle.

You can use this simple method: dissolve a small piece in water to a thick dark color and rub into the roots of your hair twenty minutes before washing your hair. Then simply wash your hair as usual.

For active hair growth, a piece of mumiyo is mixed with cranberry juice (of course without sugar) and applied to the hair roots an hour before washing your hair.


Depending on the mining area, the composition of mumiyo differs; the surface formation on the mountain slope contains many active elements. “Tears of the Mountains” remain a mystery to scientists around the world; the main components have only been partially studied.

Mumiyo composition:

  • amino acids;
  • metal oxides;
  • vitamins;
  • essential oils;
  • bee venom;
  • resinous substances.

The inorganic component of the mountain product is several times higher than the organic content.

A unique combination of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, protein structures, minerals - magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium in different concentrations, makes mumiyo a unique product for use in cosmetology and dermatology.


Beneficial properties for the skin:

  • activates blood flow;
  • accelerates the transport of nutrients and oxygen to cells;
  • removes toxins and oxidants;
  • whitens pigmentation;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • neutralizes bacteria;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stimulates the synthesis of elastin fibers;
  • has a rejuvenating effect.

The biologically active product can be used at any age, starting from adolescence, for various aesthetic purposes.

The principle of action is to normalize basic processes - vascular blood flow, skin renewal, protection from external irritants - ultraviolet radiation, dry air, temperature changes.


There are no restrictions on the use of mumiyo. Those with sensitive epidermis can safely use a natural product.

The only contraindication is during pregnancy; during this period you need to be careful with all products used, even for cosmetic purposes.

DIY shampoo with mumiyo

There is nothing easier than making mumiyo shampoo yourself. To your regular shampoo, add a couple of match-head sized pieces of mumiyo and shake well. Gradually the mummy will dissolve into a cavity and an excellent hair remedy is ready. Cosmetologists recommend applying this shampoo to the hair roots for five minutes, massaging the scalp, and only then rinse.

Mask with mumiyo for hair

In principle, you can use mummy by adding it to any mask. For example, this: squeeze juice from several aloe leaves, add mumiyo the size of a match head and 1 egg yolk. Mix everything well with a whisk. Apply for one hour, wrapping your head with film and a towel.

Mumiyo and its properties

Mumiyo is a complex organomineral product of natural origin, the composition of which is very variable. Contains more than 60 different chemical compounds and at least 50 vital trace elements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.). This is a unique combination of vitamins, microelements, amino acids, lipids and tannins, which are in optimal states and proportions in terms of their bioavailability, moreover, created by nature itself.

Particles of plant, mineral and animal origin are enclosed in a resin-like substance, in the formation of which rocks, soil, plants, animals, and microorganisms take part. Mumiyo can have different shapes and consistencies, and the color can vary from brown to black with pale gray spots. This substance has a specific odor. Deposits of mumiyo are found all over the world, including in Russia, but they are rare, and the reserves of the substance in them are limited. “Tears of the mountains” are used in alternative medicine, including Ayurvedic practice, and are widely used in cosmetology.

Purified mumiyo is found in pharmacies in the form of dietary supplements for oral administration, as well as in the form of creams and gels for topical use. It is used as a means of correcting the metabolism of microelements in various diseases, has an immunomodulatory, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and general strengthening effect. It has been proven that mumiyo promotes faster restoration of bone tissue in case of injury, enhances regeneration processes, increases the body's defenses, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous, respiratory, and digestive systems.

In addition, the positive effect of mumiyo on hair has long been noticed. Currently, shampoos, balms and masks with mumiyo extract are commercially produced.

Use of mumiyo in folk medicine

In addition to internal use, mumiyo is used externally for the following purposes:

  • instillation,
  • lubrication,
  • preparation of balms and ointments,
  • receiving tinctures and lotions.

The ointment based on the product should be used before bedtime. Softened wax may stick to your hands and spread unevenly over the skin area. To avoid this, you need to lubricate your hands with vegetable oil.

The substance is very useful for external use in cases of various insect bites. It effectively relieves swelling. Good results are obtained in cases of poisoning. The product removes toxic substances, cleansing the body.

To make a lotion from mumiyo, you should dilute it with water. Proportions: 0.2-0.5 g of substance per 10 g of water. The napkin is moistened with the resulting solution and applied to the site of the fracture, sprain or bruise. Such procedures provide 90% healing.

What is mumiyo

There is still no clear and comprehensive opinion about what mumiyo is and how influxes of dark, pungent-smelling resin are formed in high-mountain caves and rock cracks. There are only versions: for example, that this amazing substance is just the petrified excrement of birds, bats and small rodents.

Mumiyo is found high in the mountains and only on their southern slopes

However, much more romantic versions and magical legends about the origin of mumiyo have reached us from foggy antiquity. It was called tears of the mountains, mountain balm, mountain oil, mountain wax... Kings and alchemists valued it more than gold, and all the great healers of the past attributed to it not only unique healing, but also magical properties.

One way or another, the fashion that arises from time to time for this strange natural product is due to its truly exclusive composition and “bouquet” of medicinal qualities, which have been little studied to this day. However, mumiyo is recognized by official medicine and is widely used by folk medicine. The use of mountain balm in home cosmetology also gives excellent results - in particular, for healing the skin and smoothing out fine wrinkles.

Mumiyo is a resinous substance that ranges in color from yellow-brown to black.

Composition and benefits for the face

The undoubted usefulness of mumiyo for both internal and external use is due to its unique, unusually rich organic and mineral composition, which includes:

  • amino acids;
  • valuable micro- and macroelements;
  • metal oxides;
  • vitamins;
  • gum;
  • essential oils;
  • vegetable resins;
  • humic bases.

But the mountain balm does not have any exact formula: the composition of each portion of mumiyo is exclusive; it directly depends on the characteristics of the deposit and many other factors.

Each portion of mumiyo is unique in its composition

Mumiyo is especially useful for sagging, aging skin. The range of its effects is wide and beneficial:

  • stimulates collagen production;
  • accelerates metabolic processes, renews and regenerates;
  • relieves inflammation by suppressing the activity of pathogenic bacteria;
  • evens out skin texture and improves facial contours, has a lifting effect;
  • removes toxic substances, promoting tissue rejuvenation;
  • tightens pores well, eliminating excess greasiness.

Mumiyo will help tighten pores and reduce sebum secretion

How to choose and apply

Homemade cosmetics based on mumiyo have truly magical anti-aging properties, but success can only be guaranteed by following a few simple rules:

  1. You should purchase mountain resin only from those sellers whom you trust, otherwise there is a high risk of getting a fake or low-quality product - the most reliable way to buy it is in pharmacies, where mumiyo is offered in various forms.
  2. Natural mountain resin has a specific, unlike anything else smell, and quickly begins to melt in your hands; in a piece of natural, unrefined mumiyo, up to 30 percent of foreign inclusions may be present.
  3. High-quality natural mumiyo goes well with many products - both natural additives and ready-made cream bases are suitable for masks.
  4. Regular use of homemade cosmetics with mumiyo will tighten and rejuvenate the skin - but this will not happen instantly: the first result will become noticeable after a month of constant care, and a full course of renewal should consist of at least eight procedures.
  5. Masks with mountain wax have an extremely active effect, for this reason they should not be used too often; The optimal regimen is once every ten days.
  6. Ready-made cosmetics, even if stored in the refrigerator, must be used within twelve days, otherwise the product will deteriorate.
  7. It is most convenient to apply masks with mumiyo to the skin with a soft, wide brush, so the product is applied to the face in an even, thin layer.
  8. It is better to do masks with mountain wax in the evenings, after thoroughly cleansing and slightly steaming the skin.

Real mountain wax melts in your hands and dissolves well in water

Tips for using Shilajit

  • Mumiyo should be purchased at a pharmacy: it is sold in tablets so as not to purchase a fake
  • If you decide to purchase mumiyo in the form of resin, then you need to do this from well-known manufacturers
  • Before use, the mummy is dissolved in water. The tablets are crushed and filled with a small amount of water. Resin is taken ½ g per 10 ml of water
  • Face masks based on mountain resin are recommended to be used once a week.

What can you say now about mumiyo?

Mumiyo is the most valuable substance that nature has given us. If you use it skillfully, you can keep your body normal, look young and feel good spirits for many years. The main thing in using “mountain resin” is caution and moderation. You should remember about contraindications and possible allergic reactions.

As you can see, preparing face masks with mumiyo is very simple, and the benefits of using them are really great. And you can be convinced of this after a course of such masks, when you see your young and radiant face in the mirror.

There are a lot of cosmetic and medicinal recipes with mumiyo. And if you like to prepare creams or masks for yourself from natural ingredients, then add 1 g of mumiyo dissolved in 1 teaspoon of water. You will get your own unique cosmetic product. And it will clearly bring benefits and beauty to your body in particular and the body in general. Be healthy and beautiful by nature!

How to make basic care products

Face tonic

Mix 1/2 cup of water (you can use mineral water) with 5 crushed mummy tablets. Add 5 tbsp of neroli oil to the water. Pour the resulting tonic into a glass bottle and store in the refrigerator. Apply morning and evening. Stir before use.

Cosmetic ice

To prepare it, use the same composition as for tonic. Pour into molds and freeze. Effectively moisturizes, tones and restores elasticity.

Base cream

Dissolve 15 mummy tablets (about 15 g) in a small amount of chamomile decoction. Add 50 g of baby cream to it and mix. Add Aevit, 3 capsules and 1 drop of rose oil. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous creamy mass is obtained. Store the finished cream in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

Cream enrichment

Grind 4 mummy tablets into powder. Place 10 grams of your cream in a glass container. Add mummy powder to the cream and stir. Then leave the enriched cream at room temperature for several hours. After aging, put it in the refrigerator.

Origin of mumiyo

Mumiyo is a healing mountain wax that has many beneficial properties. But it also has contraindications.

Mumiyo is found in the mountains of our country, Iran, Arabia, India, Indonesia, Australia, Burma, Mongolia, mumiyo should also be found in South America.

In our country, in addition to the regions of Central Asia, Kazakhstan and Siberia, where the predicted resources of mumiyo are estimated at more than two hundred tons, mumiyo and mumiyo-like substances were found in the Caucasus (about 5 tons), in the Far East (Kuenga and Shilka river basins), in Yakutia (middle reaches of the Lena River, Aldan River, Sugun, Ongulah basins), in Chukotka (in the Kolyma basin).

In Altai, mumiyo resources amount to 250 tons. And across the country, some researchers estimate mumiyo resources at 500 - 2000 tons of raw materials. Mumiyo has about 30 local names. The vertical geography of mumiyo is limited to mountainous zones, but not above the snow line (in Central Asia, for example, it reaches 5,000 m). It is clear that the climate in such areas is dry, with a lack of oxygen, with increased ultraviolet radiation, with strong winds, and sharp fluctuations in daily temperatures.

Mumiyo is a healing mountain wax, which is a mixture of plant and animal components. It has been familiar to folk medicine for several centuries, famous as a remedy for thousands of diseases. The most valuable types are considered to be Altai and Oriental. To get the maximum effect from this natural medicine, you need to study mumiyo - the beneficial properties and contraindications of the substance.

According to experts, mumiyo is the result of high-quality processing of biomass in a mountain climate. It includes:

  • animal waste products,
  • plant remains,
  • fragments of bee venom.
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