Apple masks for facial skin: a simple home remedy for beauty!

Apple masks are in demand in cosmetology. They allow you to solve a variety of skin problems, are easy to prepare, effective, and inexpensive. Green apples are best, but other varieties will work too. The mask is applied only to the face or also to the décolleté and neck. It is effective for increased greasiness, rashes, wrinkles, dull skin color. A contraindication to such beauty therapy is the presence of open wounds. You will find popular recipes for homemade masks for different skin types in the review below.

Benefits of apple for skin

Apple is a tasty and healthy fruit. For cosmetic purposes it is used for:

  • improving skin color;
  • nutrition;
  • toning;
  • cleansing pores;
  • hydration;
  • eliminating unsightly oily shine;
  • smoothing out small and deep wrinkles.

An apple mask will be useful all year round. In summer it nourishes, saturates it with vitamins, microelements, and moisturizes. In winter, apple care will be a real vitamin cocktail, the main remedy for vitamin deficiency.

You can not only make masks, but also rub apple slices, squeeze fresh juice and use it instead of tonic (pure or diluted with water).

A mask with an apple is a panacea for young skin. It will quickly improve her condition and make her look well-groomed.

Indications and contraindications for the use of apple masks


• Inflammations on the skin. Tannins have excellent antibacterial properties.

• Microcracks in the skin.

• Dry skin that needs hydration.

• Oily skin with large pores. The reduction of pores in oily skin occurs due to the astringent action of the components.

• dull, dehydrated skin that requires nutrition and saturation with vitamins.

• Fading skin.

• Pigment spots and freckles.


The high concentration of vitamin C in apples makes such masks contraindicated for women with sensitive and damaged skin.

Recipes for apple masks at home

We bring to your attention popular recipes for apple masks that you can make yourself at home.

For acne

This apple mask effectively helps against acne. Take a small fruit, wash it, peel it and grate it on a fine grater. Add a tablespoon of olive oil and apply to your face. Since the paste does not lie tightly, you will need to lie down during the procedure. This is a good recipe for all skin types; keep the mixture on for an average of 15 minutes, then wash and apply cream. Tolerability is good, but it will be unnecessary to carry out the procedure every other day - after all, apples contain a lot of acid. Black masks are also good for acne, which are best done before applying skincare. This way, the pores can be thoroughly cleaned and nutrients can be better absorbed.

For wrinkles

A homemade mask with baked apple helps against wrinkles. The composition tones, rejuvenates, increases elasticity. Ingredients – apple (one piece, needs to be baked), chicken yolk, teaspoon of heavy cream. Remove the skin from the fruit, mash the pulp, combine with other ingredients and mix until a homogeneous mass comes out. Apply the mask in a layer of 3-4 mm and leave for half an hour. A good vitamin recipe for mature skin. More anti-aging masks here.

For fatty

There are two effective recipes for apple masks for oily skin.

Recipe No. 1

The product restores the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, removes oily shine, and mattifies. To prepare it, take an apple boiled in milk, a protein and a spoonful of natural olive oil. Mash the apple with a fork to make a paste, combine with butter and whisked egg whites. Apply the mixture to the skin for half an hour, then wash. The recipe is good for toning and refreshing.

Recipe No. 2

This product will not only degrease, but also even out the shade. In addition to apple, it also contains cucumber. You need to grate the fruits, combine the pulp with egg whites, add a spoonful of crushed oatmeal flakes. A homogeneous mass should emerge; it is applied to the skin and left for 15 minutes. Masks with lemon and other citruses are also very good for oily skin. Additionally, it provides light peeling.

Repeat the procedure up to two times a week; the skin usually tolerates the mask well, without adverse reactions.

Moisturizing with carrots

Dry skin ages quickly because it lacks moisture. To prolong youth and beauty, use this recipe. To prepare the mask, take carrots and an apple, grate them, mix and apply the paste on your face. If desired, you can flavor the mask with yolk, a spoonful of sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, honey, olive oil. The recipe works perfectly, it has one minus - you can only lie down with the mush on your face, otherwise it will fall off in pieces. It is also worth trying the pumpkin masks collected at the link.


Dry skin ages quickly because it lacks moisture. To prolong youth and beauty, use this recipe. To prepare the mask, take carrots and an apple, grate them, mix and apply the paste on your face. If desired, you can flavor the mask with yolk, a spoonful of sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, honey, olive oil. The recipe works perfectly, it has one minus - you can only lie down with the mush on your face, otherwise it will fall off in pieces.


This mask rejuvenates well, nourishes the skin, and gives it radiance. The recipe also helps a lot with irritations, accelerates regeneration, heals micro-wounds, soothes, and fights rashes. You need half an apple without skin, grated as finely as possible, a spoonful of honey, a raw yolk, a teaspoon of flax oil. Mix the apple with the yolk and honey to form a homogeneous mass, add the butter and mix. Apply to clean facial skin for 20 minutes, wash. Avocado masks are also quite nutritious and suitable for all skin types.


Apple and oats tone the epidermis well, tighten the oval, and restore elasticity. You need to mix them in equal proportions, apply to your face, and leave for 25 minutes. Rinse with cold water, then use toner and apply cream.

Grated apple with milk also tones well and removes unsightly shine. Take a boiled or stewed apple, medium-fat milk, and combine until a homogeneous paste is formed. The fruit must be boiled without the skin, and the mixture must be washed off with strictly cool water. It is also worth trying the masks with ginger collected in the article.

Deep cleansing: with pulp and vinegar

Deep cleansing is the key to healthy and beautiful skin, active cellular metabolism, and enhanced regeneration. To prepare the mask, use the pulp of the grated fruit without skin, a spoonful of starch and sour cream. First, the apple is combined with sour cream, then starch is added, everything is mixed, and applied to the face. Keep it on for half an hour and wash. The skin will become beautiful, fresh, well-groomed, the pores will open and breathe.

The second mask is based on apple cider vinegar, honey and oatmeal. Designed to cleanse oily skin. Take crushed rolled oats (or other oatmeal, ground in a blender) - 2 tbsp. , liquid honey – 1 tsp. and the same amount of vinegar. Mix all this and apply to the face, leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Afterwards we apply moisturizer.


Peel, grate, and combine a medium-sized apple with a couple of tablespoons of kefir and one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. Add flour to the mixture, mix thoroughly again and apply to your face. Keeping the mask on for 10 minutes is enough, you need to wash with cold water. You will see that your skin has become lighter and tighter after the first session. There are a lot of recipes for whitening masks, so it will not be difficult to choose the right one.

Make a course of at least 10 masks up to two times a week to consolidate the effect.

To tighten pores

Take an apple, an egg white, a couple of tablespoons of starch, and half a teaspoon of glycerin. First, grate the fruit, then combine its pulp with protein, add glycerin and starch. Apply everything to the skin for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. The condition of the skin improves almost instantly. After the procedure, you can wipe your face with milk or herbal infusion.

For flabby

To prepare a mask for sagging skin, you will need potatoes. Take one tuber, boil, remove the peel, mash into a puree - you can add water or milk, low-fat kefir, at your discretion. Add one yolk, add the grated pulp of one apple without seeds and other entrails into the mixture. Apply to face and leave for 20 minutes, then wash. To enhance the effect, you can cover the mask with gauze or cling film. The mass should not be hot. It is also worth trying to improve skin tone with the help of algae masks collected in this material.

For elasticity of the skin of the face and neck

Take one apple, peel it, grate it on a fine grater or grind it in a blender. Combine with half a glass of milk, preferably homemade. You can also boil slices of peeled fruit in milk, and then mash them using the same “broth”. The mask perfectly cares for the skin, improves its elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, evens out the overall tone and texture. It will come in handy at any age. More mask recipes here.

Composition and beneficial properties

Apples are unique fruits, since their pulp rarely contains salts of heavy metals, nitrates and other industrial toxins.

Juicy apple pulp is especially rich in:

  • vitamin C;
  • macroelements - iron, potassium, boron.

Ascorbic acid and iron strengthen capillaries and promote active blood circulation. Potassium relieves swelling, normalizing water balance. Thanks to boron, the face becomes radiant, young, fresh.

Apples also contain:

  • pectin, which relieves inflammation;
  • phytosterols that stimulate the synthesis of natural collagen;
  • glucose and fructose, which moisturize the top layer of skin;
  • tannins, tightening pores;
  • malic acid, which delicately cleanses the face of dead cells, exhibiting a peeling effect.

Green apple varieties are hypoallergenic . They contain less glucose and more pectin with tannin.

These varieties are used to cleanse the epidermis, get rid of acne, comedones, normalize sebum secretion, and whiten.

Red varieties are used to moisturize, smooth out wrinkles, and tighten the oval of the face . The juicy sweet pulp quickly removes puffiness, reduces bags under the eyes, making the skin velvety, soft and elastic.


  1. Masks with apple are suitable for all skin types, they moisturize, nourish, and saturate with vitamins. They will be a real salvation for the skin in the off-season, winter and summer.
  2. The apple can be used baked or raw; to prepare the mask, it is grated or mashed with a fork. The end result should be a paste.
  3. Select excipients based on the type; be sure to ensure that there are no allergic reactions. An apple works well on its own, but honey, oils, white or yolk make the composition even more valuable and nutritious. Egg masks are considered one of the most nutritious.
  4. Homemade apple masks can be used in a comprehensive anti-aging care program; they are great for young skin.
  5. Sour cream or milk as part of the mass is suitable for dry, fading skin; it will nourish it, restore elasticity, smooth out wrinkles, and tighten the oval. The main thing is to use high-quality products and do not make a reserve of the product, as it quickly deteriorates.

What fruits are suitable

Only high-quality apples are suitable for masks. They must be fresh, without damage, rot on the surface or inside.

You can make cosmetics from any type of fruit. But experts recommend focusing on your skin type.

For oily epidermis, the most useful masks are made from sour fruits; the ideal base mixture for dry skin is a sweet apple.


Papaya is rightly called the “angel of fruits” due to its versatile properties.

o Healthy and nutritious fruit, it is a rich source of vitamin A and vitamin C. It contains a special enzyme called “papain”, which removes dead cells and heals damaged skin. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which reduces the formation of free radicals responsible for aging. In addition, papaya pulp helps increase collagen production, which helps keep the skin firm and soft.

Papaya's healing enzymes can also be used to treat sunburn or various skin irritations.

Ripe papaya contains beta-hydroxy acids, which act as a mild scrub. The fruit also removes dirt and oil that can lead to acne and enlarge the pores on the face. Also used to even out skin tone, reducing dark spots. Produces facial rejuvenation due to the high content of vitamins A and C.

For acne

Apples, as noted above, contain fruit acids (AHAs), which are known for their cleansing and exfoliating effect, which is so beneficial for problematic skin. In addition, these fruits have tanning properties, which have a healing, anti-inflammatory effect. The vitamin A they contain mattifies the skin quite well, regulating the production of sebum.

Mattifying for drying out acne

  • 2-3 teaspoons of peeled sour apples mashed into puree,
  • 1-2 teaspoons of white and/or green clay (any other cosmetic clay is also possible),
  • 1-2 teaspoons corn flour (can be replaced with oatmeal),
  • apple cider vinegar diluted halfway with cold boiled water or herbal decoctions/infusions (green tea).

Mix apples with clay and flour and dilute everything with diluted apple cider vinegar to a thick, but not dry, slurry.

Apply the prepared apple mask to the entire face or only to problem areas for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water, wipe your face or problem areas with diluted apple cider vinegar. Be sure to moisturize your skin and don't forget about UV protection.

Skin cleansing roller

  • 2-3 teaspoons of the same applesauce,
  • 1-2 teaspoons of natural (without foreign additives) yogurt (can be replaced with whey, low-fat sour cream, fresh kefir),
  • soy flour (can be replaced with any other flour except white wheat, but soy is preferable).

Mix the apple with the fermented milk product of your choice and dilute everything with soy flour until a thick, creamy mass is obtained.

Apply a medium (3-5 mm) layer onto facial skin that requires deep cleansing, wait until the mask dries and roll the mask along the massage lines. Afterwards, the skin will require mandatory restoration with cream, gel or the following masks.


Moisturizing masks.

They help cope with skin dehydration and maintain water balance in the epidermis. They are necessary not only for dry skin, but also for all other types. Moisturizing helps keep your skin youthful for a long time. Recipes for such masks are here: moisturizing face masks.

Nourishing masks.

Saturate the skin with vital vitamins and minerals. They must be selected according to your skin type. They are also necessary for the skin around the eyes, because... help strengthen the subcutaneous layer and prevent wrinkles. Recipes here: nourishing face masks.

Cleansing masks.

Promotes deep cleansing of the face. Get rid of blackheads, comedones, toxins and other impurities, narrow pores. Promotes skin renewal. Recipes in this article: cleansing face masks.

Revitalizing masks.

Restore the protective functions of the skin, weakened by stress and negative environmental factors. Normalize metabolic processes in the epidermis and help maintain youthful skin. The recipes for these masks are here: restorative face masks.

Rejuvenating masks.

Helps smooth out age and expression wrinkles, including around the eyes. Makes the skin more elastic. Homemade recipes here: anti-aging face masks.

Pigment-stretching masks.

Based on the name, these masks are designed to tighten enlarged pores. These masks are especially necessary for oily and problem skin, because... enlarged pores contribute to rapid contamination, which leads to inflammation. Recipes here: stretching face masks.

Whitening masks.

Helps smooth out the color of freckles, pigment spots and other skin defects. Recipes can be found here: whitening face masks.

These are the main types of masks that you need to add to your regular skin care routine. Depending on various skin problems, there are also therapeutic, decongestant, wound-healing, soothing and other types of masks.

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